I REFUSE To Let My Brother And SIL See My Daughter After THROWING AWAY Her Medicine r/AITA Stories

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Mark Narrations

Mark Narrations

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@Russman67 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: I hope the move goes well and can be done silently. Brother and SIL are trying to take OP's kid after she worked to get her back. Reclaiming sobriety is tough. Not the asshole.
@t.matthies3049 2 жыл бұрын
I know. I mean, I can understand having some concerns about someone relapsing, and keeping an eye out for that, but throwing away a child's medicine? They didn't even replace it with another appropriate medication or consult a physician. If they were really concerned, they could call a pharmacy, explain they're concerned about giving medicine from the open bottles to the child, and than the pharmacist would likely be able to advise them from there on the appropriate next steps. It's terrifying that brother and SIL were willing to endanger a child to get what they wanted. It sounds like she's an amazing mother (even with dealing with addiction). I hope she stays healthy and keeps being awesome.
@paulagoeringer9466 Жыл бұрын
@@t.matthies3049 yes, they're deliberately sabotaging her. I hope she doesn't leave any clues where she moves to, otherwise they definitely will try to cause problems. I would also make sure to let any new friends, school, babysitters, etc. Know not to trust them if they do show up. Have photos of them. They may resort to kidnapping and/or trying to slander op to make a case against her. Don't post any photos or anything on social media and warn others to not either for safetys sake.
@AlfiyaOzhanova Жыл бұрын
If I was worried about giving medicine to a child from open bottles, I would bring her to a doctor's appointment and buy new prescribed medicines. They endangered that child's life by throwing away her medicines.
@shadowkissed2370 Жыл бұрын
@@t.matthies3049 they were probably trying to make it look like op was incapable of keeping track of her child's medication, or op was taking the medication (because of her addictions) and not giving it to the child. Either way, they are not caring about t he child, they are caring about getting back at op from taking the child back from them.
@dionysus_adores Жыл бұрын
They are terrible people, how can someone do that to their own family. Op got her life back together and is taking care of her kid. Sil and brother should be proud of that,not trying to tear her down.
@janicewilcox8590 2 жыл бұрын
It's really weird that they threw away the baby's medicine.
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
They're coming up with any reason to sabotage her so the kid returns to their custody. Likewise, if she would've shown up without the meds, they would have called the cops.
@mkuti-childress3625 2 жыл бұрын
I’ll bet they are planning to tell the social worker, “The liquid medicine looked and smelled weird, so we had to throw it all away,” and “Her clothes were so dirty and small that we had to take her shopping immediately for something clean that fits.” I’ll bet they were planning to use the opportunity to get CPS involved again.
@janicewilcox8590 2 жыл бұрын
Y'all that's what I was thinking too. They just trying to find a way to get the baby back.
@CrimsonAngelWinges 2 жыл бұрын
@@mkuti-childress3625 OP says in the comments that she tells her scoical worker about all of the sh*t there pulling so there is a paper trail of the BS.
@Sherwoody Жыл бұрын
I was trying to figure out their motives. Are they actually concerned about Emma, or are they childless and see this as a way to gain a child. They obviously bonded with her, but this seems way to creepy on their end trying to sabotage OP from custody of her child.
@Theaissu 2 жыл бұрын
Etiquette 101: do not announce pregnancy or engagement at someone else’s celebration without a go-ahead.
@tamsel814 2 жыл бұрын
Based on previous stories let's add coming out of the closet to that list.
@WardenSpectreCommander Жыл бұрын
The YTA and ESH has me scratching my head. The fiancée was dead wrong.
@lynsthoughts3576 Жыл бұрын
Apparently these people NEVER read "Miss Manners or Dear Abby or Dear Ann Landers or Hints from Heloise" etc etc etc... People today have NO MANNERS!!!
@nixxyhasthoughts Жыл бұрын
Yes the fiancé was an idiot. That level of response it…dramatic. There’s more to the dynamic. To send the fiancé home alone is an asshole move.
@FancySpicyTuna Жыл бұрын
@@nixxyhasthoughtsact like an asshole, get treated like an asshole
@Pipkiablo Жыл бұрын
Stomach flu can be downright dangerous for someone that young. They can literally go from somewhat okay to death's door in just a day if it's not taken seriously. The fact they threw out her medicines at all is horrifying.
@abbie_joan Жыл бұрын
yep, it's deadly for old people too!! like there was a variant of the flu going around in the 2010's/early 2k that was so bad that schools were sending notices to parents and guardian to keep their kids home if they showed even mild flu symptoms, i caught the flu variant and was pretty much on bedrest the whole time and was very close to my mom taking me the hospital because i was so dehydrated
@IzzyPR2010 Жыл бұрын
OP should have reported them to CPS, especially considering all the times they called CPS on OP.
@Orinatl Жыл бұрын
@@abbie_joanof yeah, it was something that started with a ‘W’ I think. I remember how back that was
@browhattheactualfu-2659 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Really? What kind of person sabotage their siblings recovery to take their child from them? Nta and I hope OP and Emma move away fast
@songohan3321 2 жыл бұрын
Had to listen to this story twice just to make sure I wasn't hearing things.
@MsUnamusedNerd 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with that one comment that said they’re trying to sabotage OP’s parenting. They will probably use this scenario and call CPS saying that OP abandoned a sick Emma with them and didn’t leave her any clothes or medicine. They will probably say instead of taking a test she went off on a bender. Considering all the crap they pulled to get Emma back, it’s not unlikely they would do something like that. I’m glad to hear she’s moving across the country with her daughter to get away from those psychos.
@pippo17173 2 жыл бұрын
@@MsUnamusedNerd the first line made it clear their angry that Emma is taken from them for right reasons. Ya obvious sabatage from the start.
@browhattheactualfu-2659 2 жыл бұрын
@pnorbert2222 Op stated she's recovering and the fact that her child hasn't been taken away proves she's genuinely getting better. Alcoholics sucks but don't shame the ones that are trying to get better
@pippo17173 2 жыл бұрын
@pnorbert2222 the family aint free from sin dude. Like in what world is it reasonable to take away a kids medication? You'll be laugh at court if you think this is for the greater good.
@dimitritucker1077 Жыл бұрын
First story: I'm a recovering alcoholic, and I'm so proud of the OP of the first story. Getting into recovery is so hard, painful, and messy.
@didyasaysomethin2me 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: That sounds an awful lot like medical neglect to me, and possibly even child endangerment since the regimen that they refused to follow was ordered by a doctor. OP should get this documented ASAP. This time it's OP's turn to call CPS, and for very good reason. Edit: It was such a relief to hear this sentiment echoed in the post, and from a CPS worker no less. This was undeniably a case of those hasbeens putting posturing and grandstanding over the well-being of OP's daughter. That's not only inappropriate but dangerous as well.
@acousticb1 Жыл бұрын
some remedies for illnesses make your nausea so having the ani nausea med gone is torture
@Mewse1203 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA they weren't "the neighbors" avocados. They were OPs that OP let the neighbor have. OP is allowed to give her avocados to whoever she wants whenever she wants. The fact that the neigbor was taking free avocados and selling them to someone else when OP wanted them given away for free is REALLY shady. OP was OK with them being used in a catering capacity, but she in no way agreed to let the neighbor be a supplier. It's also not OPs fault that the restaurant cut out the middle Karen and went straight to the free source. Also, OP: the avocados aren't free. You guys did a lot of work to get that tree growing and maintained it for years. Plus someone had to pick them and clean up.
@rabeaw6646 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like op should charge for fruits if they go to catering or stuff like that. Op said she wants to help the community and that is a very wonderful thing to do (especially nowadays) but as soon as someone makes money of of it its not for the community anymore.
@thecoolgrandma7208 Жыл бұрын
😂😂😂 OP should have told the neighbor to just walk away before she thinks too hard about what the neighbor just said. Maybe OP will sue for all the money she earned selling OPs avocados. 😉
@IzzyPR2010 Жыл бұрын
Answer to neighbor should have been "how about I take you to court to get back the profits you made off the avocados?" The fact that she had the gall to say everyone knows you and your mom are witches should have earned a permanent ban from every getting any more avocados. If she wants to take you to court, let her, that should be fun and could backfire on her sorry behind.
@IzzyPR2010 Жыл бұрын
@@rabeaw6646 Not only is it no longer the for community anymore but OP is seen as a sucker for allowing it to continue. OP was allowing someone who see her and her mother as witches make a profit off her property without her seeing a cent. That's not helping the community, that's being a sucker.
@dlc563 9 ай бұрын
But we are all forgetting that the restaurant wasn’t any better. They didn’t pay OP either
@calliewalsh7058 2 жыл бұрын
The avocado story reminded me of a man in my husband's home town who grows all kinds of fruits, veg, and plants for something to do and has a stand set up on the "needs and honour" system to pay the posted prices and the money goes to the local youth after school program. *Needs and Honour is his term for need what you take and give what you can
@niro017 2 жыл бұрын
That's the way it should bel, I remember as a kid, going fishing with my grandfather, coming across bait a stand on the side of the road, was on the honor system, you took the bait, and put your money in the jar.
@fangchick93 2 жыл бұрын
@untiedshoelaces2588 2 жыл бұрын
I love this!
@hannahchristine5240 2 жыл бұрын
Love that! I dream of doing something like that one day. What a wonderful person.
@jaymevosburgh3660 Жыл бұрын
There are things like this in my city. It's great to help anyone that actually is in need and it helps get rid ov clutter at home.
@Chantal_P-v4x 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 - Absolutely NTA. I would cut people off for that or slightly less too. And I could be wrong or paranoid, but I would be a bit worried as well in this case about being 'set up.' as in the brother calling it into CPS after he disposed of the meds and clothing to report OP for showing up with no medicine or spare clothes for a sick child in the first place. If they've called before they can do it again.
@flamelily2086 2 жыл бұрын
NTA OP's brother and sil were out of line throwing away the daughter's, medicines and clothes. I think OP needs to go no contact with them for a while. They are undermining OP's authority with her daughter and threw out medication prescribed by her doctor. They consider Emma to be their child and OP needs to get away from them.
@jennstewart3003 2 жыл бұрын
Story 4: NTA. You can be the only living descendant of your family and STILL not be the asshole for refusing to work Christmas. Period.
@Marie-rr4zb Жыл бұрын
Before I had kids I was pretty much the only staff member at the company I worked for who was child free. I always worked over Christmas and never took my holidays during the school holidays. The only time I was ever inflexible about was Halloween. I never worked the couple of days before and after it. A group of friends and I would always go away for Halloween. The number of times I got yelled at by parents because they wanted that night off to take their kids out (we worked 10pm-6am) is unbelievable. Some parents are so self centred.
@thecoolgrandma7208 Жыл бұрын
I use to work for a company that was Union. Vacations were scheduled by seniority, so those with seniority always scheduled the holidays so those at the bottom never got Holidays. Just the way it was till you moved up in seniority. But some people would go around it by claiming death in the family, sick and used FMLA for a week. One girl had like 6 sets of grandparents that passed her first 10 years 😂😂😂 till they finally demanded proof.
@Mewse1203 2 жыл бұрын
Story 5: NTA OP just expressed himself and she was absolutely out of line. This girl was a giant asshole. It was HER choice to use the drive thru. When you buse the drive thru, you know that you could be waiting for awhile. If you don't want to use gas, don't go in the drive thru. By the way, all the time she spent bitching out the dude and waiting for manager and all the other nonsense just wasted more of her own gas as well as many other people. She did more to everyone else than the store did.
@niro017 2 жыл бұрын
Your girlfriend just showed you who she really is, BELIEVE HER!!! Yeah, I've gotten peeved at the slowness of drive thru's at times, but the person behind the window has no control over that.
@JUMALATION1 2 жыл бұрын
I am super non-confrontational, so if my significant other started to HONK in a goddamn drive-in queue I would probably just stepped out of the car to not be see in the same vehicle out of shame. Treat people in the food service industry kindly, customers chewing out employees over things they can't control makes no-one's day better... yeesh Karen
@songohan3321 2 жыл бұрын
I am once again reminded that reading the room is a lost art.
@dracawyn 2 жыл бұрын
Story 5: the most painful part of this story is that, after being angry about how long the wait was, she then proceeded to hold up the line for *even longer* for the people behind them so she could do her Karen rant. From a freaking taco bell. Like, lady. This isn't exactly a 5 star restaurant and the minimum wage teenager at the window has no control over how much staff is there.
@CK2000-Alt-Account 2 жыл бұрын
story 2: ah yes, Reddit's hypocrisy is at its best here. OP didn't expect his fiancé to announce their pregnancy out of thin air, and I'm pretty sure he didn't want to announce this at a time like this, and I 100% agree with the comments here (not Reddit's, this comment section's votes) that say OP didn't mean to say it in a mean way, but for her own safety. I can't imagine how embarrassed OP was when his fiancé announced their pregnancy at a celebration of his father's successful surgery. OP is 100% NTA here.
@thedestroyasystem 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking. What happened to the “it’s always an AH move to announce your news at someone else’s celebration?” It holds up here just as much as anywhere. Fiancé had no right to share this news without OP’s permission, let alone at someone else’s celebration, regardless of intention. Sister had every right to call her a bitch, being as this was an already emotional moment she tried to steal the spotlight during. OP was likely mortified and infuriated, asking the problem party to remove herself was a good move to allow everyone to cool down and let her know this behavior is totally dickish. NTA, and good on OP for standing up for his family.
@shubham221992 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, it's hypocritical. Reddit usually sides against the person announcing their thing in someone else's celebration, so I have no idea where this double standard is even coming from. OP's father survived a life threatening surgery ffs, the family members were probably fearing for his life, but now that that was over they wanted to celebrate, everyone is happy, the emotions are high and in comes the fiance trying to make it about her. I'd be fucking mad too.
@wessexdruid5290 2 жыл бұрын
It seems like no one has been in the position of close family having had significant heart problems. It's not a celebration it's the end (hopefully) of terror and fear. Doing what she did meant she clearly didn't understand the upset people were recovering from - indeed was belittling that. She WTA, definitely.
@judyjohnson9610 2 жыл бұрын
Rule #1 As it's generally baby or engagement announcements we are thinking of, both of you have to be in agreement to make the announcement. Rule#2 Make sure you aren't stealing someone else's thunder.
@zerobolt9506 2 жыл бұрын
@sarahc7136 2 жыл бұрын
The story of the gf acting entitled at the drive through is ridiculous… everywhere is understaffed right now and she CHOSE to wait. If she didn’t like it.. leave… but honking the horn and berating the kid just trying to do his job is unacceptable.
@AndyyWithAY 2 жыл бұрын
The girl friend is a total AH. I'm embarrassed for OP to be associated with someone this ridiculous. We are in a global pandemic and for a large amount of people in the US the extra unemployment benefits were the most they've ever earned. So yes there are shortages in industries such as fast food where the pay is low, the hours are bad, and the customers suck.
@FunnyDasha7 2 жыл бұрын
Story 5: I would have gotten out of the car, paid for the food myself, and walked home. The girlfriend sounds completely unhinged 😂
@CensorshipVictim 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: OP is awesome for letting the community have fresh fruits, veggies, and herbs from their garden. 💕💞
@MagusNeon 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA. Though, if you still intend to give the Avocados away to the restaraunt lady, I would attach a rule. That any dish with them in it receives a markdown as the avocados in the dish were obtained at no cost.
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
Hey you yes you remember to take care of yourself gosh darn it, you are always valid, and I love you and care about you so please take care of yourself 💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗
@MarkNarrations 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks as always Broken, hope you're doing well today 😁❤
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
@@MarkNarrations you too m8 🤗🤗💜💜
@FlamesofJagger 2 жыл бұрын
Take care as always Broken. Stay positive. Much love 💘 ❤️ 💗 💕 💛 💙 💘
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
@@FlamesofJagger 🤗🤗💜💜
@veronicajacobson6594 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much I've needed this its been a hard 3 months
@hjux-so3ls 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2 I read that one and reddit just gave me a massive headache because it felt double standards. Also I'm gonna use Mark's favorite saying "Read the room." Yes the sister's reaction was extreme but emotions are high and everyone including the sister looked at OP fiance as this is about mom and dad, not you. Also I bet OP himself was just as shocked by the announcement because there was probably no discussion about her being pregnant. Also look at it this way if he went with the fiance his family would have seen him as an asshole where he's more worried about his fiance's feelings rather than his dad who survived a heart attack and might have another one soon. He's also close to his dad. Also him telling her to leave wasn't mean it was more of "You need to leave for your own safety rather than I don't want you here." It was more like lets talk about the announcement and wait for my dad to be clear to announce the pregnancy
@christophergibbs2616 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree, and there's a good bit of insight with the concept of "I think you need to leave for your own safety" rather than "I don't want you here."
@hjux-so3ls 2 жыл бұрын
@@christophergibbs2616 that's what it felt like and also the sister was about to fight and everyone might have even started shouting at her which is not needed
@thedestroyasystem 2 жыл бұрын
For sure. Comments were way out of line on this one. (And the last line on the last one- “don’t be surprised if she never comes back” or whatever- sent my eyes rolling aaaaall the way into the back of my head.)
@hjux-so3ls 2 жыл бұрын
@@thedestroyasystem same
@zerobolt9506 2 жыл бұрын
@Tammohawk1 2 жыл бұрын
1. NTA I can't believe that they accused OP of doping her kid when she was never accused of it before! Otherwise she would be in jail for it if she had of ever done that. Those people are abusive. I've unfortunately been in OP's brothers shoes, but when it was time for the kids to go back to their parent, I was so happy for everyone involved. It was rough for those kids. Thrilled that OP is clean and sober w/her daughter back. 2. NTA She's GIVING away avocado's! She's sitting on a gold mine in most places of the country. And I live in Calif. where produce is cheap. 3. NTA My husband worked at a hospital for 28 yrs and often had to work Christmas. Know what? We had Christmas around his schedule. When our kids became adults, sometimes he would voluntarily switch shifts with someone who had kids. Sucks for them, that's part of the job. Both of my sons now work at the same hospital, they are both working Christmas this year so we are doing Christmas Eve. 4. NTA Girlfriend is a Karen! Run OP and run fast!
@quintonb.norris4204 2 жыл бұрын
Story One: Okay, the OP is NTA, and I wish congratulations for her sobriety. It's too bad that her brother and sister-in-law doesn't see it that way, because they're really sabotaging OP's relationship with her child, Emma. Throwing away her medicines, getting rid of her clothes, calling CPS on her mother because of the former alcoholism... Don't think it will be a surprise to see the two trying to speak very badly of OP when Emma gets older in order to manipulate them and take her away from this mother. Going no contact or something akin to it would work once they move, and I agree with telling a social worker about this, since they're calling CPS on her constantly with the idea of destroying whatever bond she has with her child. Story Two: ESH. Well, except the parents. The girlfriend can't read the room, the sister shouldn't have escalated that event with talking down to his girlfriend, and the OP is silly for not talking to his girlfriend about this earlier and for telling her to leave. And with how much excitement there was, like a commenter said, I hope the father isn't harmed from all that excitement. This, like you said, is an odd one to comment on, but without much info, this was the best I could do. Story Three: The avocado tree is on their property anyway, so the OP is NTA. And the neighbor being an avocado supplier makes no sense, but is entitled to them. That makes NO sense whatsoever. She was profiting off the avocados of her for her entitlement, and maybe it would a good idea to tell the restaurant staff about her fleecing them, with his avocados, and unwarrantedly berating them about selling "her" avocados. Story Four: NTA. Seriously. Those coworkers who do have kids shouldn't have said anything. Besides, like a commenter said, if they did swap schedules with someone else anyway, that would bring trouble to both OP and the person they swapped with. The people who were annoyed shouldn't believe that people without children don't have anything to do for Christmas. Story Five: NTA. I see WAY too many red flags. Give her a piece of your mind, and tell her that she's a Karen for being entitled and impatient because of this. She really needs to get her head out of the sand and into reality if she's going to survive in this world. Like Mark said, people like that don't deserve service. Say goodbye to that so-called sweetheart and block her and her mother on everything--phone, email, social media, etcetera.
@vergorance 2 жыл бұрын
him telling the fiancé to leave was for her own safety, the sister rightfully called out the fiancé trying to make the situation about herself. not to mention, how can you talk about announcing your pregnancy when your fiancés pregnancy when you’re worried about your dads health.
@taz598 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 NTA and OP needs to contact CPS and report them......they put her child at risk if they were that concerned they could have taken the child to a walk in clinic and gotten new meds but they didn't they let a sick child go without proper medication and that is child abuse.
@kimberlycarrigan8824 Жыл бұрын
Story 1- they hurt a sick child. Eff them. Cut them out completely for that girl's safety.
@ethanfranks2047 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2-NTA blows my mind that people think OP is a ahole because he didn't become a attention seeker,he didn't blow up at anyone and at most maybe he should have left but it is completely understandable to want to be with your mother and sister when your father just had surgery because he almost died. Plus why would the finance say anything about the child to her family in law without telling OP the person who is actually related to them? Should OP not be the person who gets to plan out and be excited about how and when he tells his family about the child?
@DiscoTimelordASD 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA - Has anyone experienced the trauma of a father having heart surgery?! It doesn't just magically go away after the surgery! Realising the mortality of someone you love and how close you came to losing them is a massive psychological shock you have to process. My Dad had by pass surgery at 65 (after surviving multiple heart attacks throughout his life) and I was still TERRIFIED of losing him. Just because the family had a party didn't mean they had instantly "gotten over it". The girlfriend was incredibly selfish to disregard the amount of trauma experienced by this family because she was pregnant. Is it an exciting time in her life? Yes. Is a gathering after a traumatic family event the right time to bring it up expecting to be showered with praise? HELL NO! PICK A BETTER TIME FOR PETES SAKE! The level of selfishness she displayed absolutely disgusts me. And I'll calm down. Much love everyone❤✌
@musicallydisneyamvs6731 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1.) Who needs enemies with Family members like these. NTA. Move far & move fast.
@flamin.hot.cheeto 2 жыл бұрын
Second story: I agree with you Mark, it’s a definitely a ESH situation. This story made me cringe HARD!
@alyzu4755 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a parent. That doesn't give me the right to demand people without kids take on my work. Period. OP with the Karen GF is NOT the AH! Wow! She is an awful person! OP needs to give her the boot.
@badkitty4922 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA. That neighbor certainly is, though! DAYUMMM, the AUDACITY!
@somerandoonyt9553 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: so, it's not ok to announce a pregnancy at a wedding, funeral, or someone else's birthday/milestone event...because it steals the spotlight, but it's ok to steal someone who just survived cancer's spotlight? I'd really love an explanation of how this is different in the eyes of redditors. In fact, I'd say it may be a bigger deal than the examples I stated.
@raayvenwolfgirl5539 2 жыл бұрын
Last story: If the gf gets petty about the breakup, let people know "turns out she is a Karen" and bet, all your friends, as well as most the school will not date her.
@pippo17173 2 жыл бұрын
I mean she is being raise by one and I hear no dad around so I'm guess he fled as far as he could lol.
@eliashuapilla Жыл бұрын
I was thinking, "oh look! There's a blossoming Karen."😂😂
@darkshadow5581 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2 NTA. So OP's father nearly dies, gets a successful surgery and wife decides to make his survival about her?
@reallyisay 2 жыл бұрын
She may have misread the room But the the name calling and told to leave alone was Uncalled for.. seriously who reacts that way to hearing about a baby..
@darkshadow5581 2 жыл бұрын
@@reallyisay I mean, that level of "not reading the room" is terribly un-empathetic, I'll walk you through it how I see it. This was a single day of releasing stress after a life threatening situation, and a celebration of the Father's life. Her announcing it then says she thinks the singular or at most few days of extra celebration over her pregnancy is more important than the almost death of Father, and the family's collective worry about his situation. If someone had that little respect for my family, then I'd break up with them personally at the moment, so I don't feel bad her stupid games got her stupid prizes.
@rachelwitherspoon4394 Жыл бұрын
​@@darkshadow5581 I see a woman who can't read the room, thought the news would be a welcome happy moment for them as well, then was screamed at, called names, and the man who's child she is carrying throws her out and abandons the woman carrying his child. They were ALL inappropriate. They could have taken her to the side and told her it wasn't the time, spoken to her when they got home and explained why THEY considered it inappropriate to bring up this happy news at that moment. It wasn't a birthday party, baby shower, wedding, or anything like that. My parents would be THRILLED to hear news like that, ESPECIALLY in a situation like the father's, and AT THAT TIME. So SOME people consider the timing inappropriate, but not many, many families. I'd DEFINITELY leave the man who did that to me, he could a just told her why they disapproved, but nah....screaming obscenities, humiliation, and abandonment, that the right path? Don't think so.
@lillytheskeleton Жыл бұрын
@@reallyisay from how it sounded, she didn't even tell op she was pregnant and decided to announce it then.
@adrianmcbride1666 4 ай бұрын
​@rachelwitherspoon4394 the rule is still the same stupid. Do not make your own announcement at someone else's event, if you do then you must have checked with all other relevant parties before hand. She made a major breach of social ettiquete and is now whining that she has to face the consequences.
@jennywhite2462 2 жыл бұрын
My Aunt is a nurse she is also child free. People used to pull this crap on her all the time. You don't need off xmas you don't have kids and I do. She told them to stick it. Just because a person doesn't have kids doesn't mean they don't celebrate holidays.
@jadedflames2809 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: am I the the only one who thinks NTA? The celebration is about the father's recovery and checking up on mom. Not just a casual get together or a family reunion. It had a focus. The fiance announcing her pregnancy took that focus away from the dad.
@uma4158 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like a YTA to me? How is it NTA?
@jadedflames2809 2 жыл бұрын
@@uma4158 I kinda explained it already. If a celebration already has one focus, don't try to take the spotlight. The celebration was for the recovery. I can get that the way OP handled it was extreme, but I don't blame OP too much for this. They didn't seem to know that the fiance was planning to announce it at the get together.
@darkshadow5581 2 жыл бұрын
It's story 2 your talking about
@jadedflames2809 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkshadow5581 thanks for correcting me!
@darkshadow5581 2 жыл бұрын
@@minasenegal7565 it seems in this comment section at least most people agree it was in bad taste of OP's gf to bring that up out of the blue, but the question as what does OP do that makes him not the AH? if he follows his GF out, that sends the sign to his family he supports the outburst, if he keeps her there the fights gonna get worse, and it again makes him support her actions.
@SparDanger 2 жыл бұрын
Story 5: THANK YOU MARK! I'm a fast food worker too and we DO try our best to get everyone fed in a timely manner! It's not our fault that we get short staffed sometimes! Appreciate you standing up for us! ♥
@phoenixsky6124 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 NTA. They are not worried about your daughter’s well being they are too focused on doubting everything you say. You are taking the right steps.
@AndyyWithAY 2 жыл бұрын
Lol WTF is story 1?? Tylenol and Motrin is the recommendation of doctors for fever. They didn't like her clothes, so they gave them away and bought new clothes. OP is NTA and brother and SIL did a lot of weird and wrong things, but I do think they love Emma and want the best for her. I understand it taking a while to trust OP again. They've raised Emma for years and don't want anyone to hurt her, even OP. They were absolutely wrong in this case, but I don't think they're bad people.
@causegryffindor2450 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah. And Pedialyte is an electrolyte replenisher. It's not even prescribed except for dosages relating to children. Honestly OP needs to make a paper trail so she will be able to report against them because it's clear about what their intentions are and that's grounds to no longer being qualified guardians to Emma. Their actions are proving to be irrational and potentially detrimental to the relationship of mother and child.
@jadaluvr1 2 жыл бұрын
They might be trying to set OP up, taking away the clothes and getting new ones so they can say that they are the ones buying kid's clothes, setting up so they can claim medical neglect by OP by throwing away the meds, etc. Idk it seems really fishy and that these actions may seem weird on the outside but might actually be calculated on brother and SILs part
@KCohere33 2 жыл бұрын
@@jadaluvr1 I agree. They don’t sound altruistic in this case. They sound like they are trying to take the child.
@causegryffindor2450 2 жыл бұрын
All the more to start a paper trail and make sure that the are disqualified from being potential guardians to Emma. What they are doing is calculating. OP is right to no longer leave them alone with the child, but it's time to use social services to her advantage to keep them in line until she moves away from them. No doubt they could be stalking the child too and can potentially find out about the move.
@Roedygr 2 жыл бұрын
The complaint was not BIL bought new clothes, but that they took her shopping when she was ill,
@AngelaVEdwards 2 жыл бұрын
*That whole "people with children should get Chrismas off" thing happened to me at work too. One of my coworkers actually announced: "People who have kids should have Christmas off and people who don't have kids should have to work it." I was very offended because Christmas is a **_religious holiday_** for me and is a pretty big deal. So their kids surpass my right to practice my religion? I don't think so.*
@AngelEmfrbl 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah but ... kids see Christmas differently to adults.its magical to them. I see the point.
@thePhoenixQueen 2 жыл бұрын
@@AngelEmfrbl Just because someone doesn't have kids doesn't mean they still don't have families to spend time with.
@hodgeelmwood8677 Жыл бұрын
@@AngelEmfrbl So what? Why should a co-worker's kids' Christmas negatively impact someone else? Especially if the person has elderly or sick relatives who may not be around next year. But even if it's just them, a single person without kids, why aren't they just as entitled to a holiday off?
@cheekyftoro8962 Жыл бұрын
​@@AngelEmfrblI don't celebrate Christmas so I choose to work. I do think it's rather selfish of people who don't celebrate to take Christmas off forcing others to work but having children means nothing.
@ineedhoez Жыл бұрын
Story 2... you would have thought she announced it in the recovery room!
@scribeofrebirth1431 Жыл бұрын
Speaking as a former fast food employee, that story in the Taco Bell drive through makes my blood boil. We had lots of nights when we were busy as heck and short staffed. We did the best we could and we’re always running around like headless chickens! Orders were never late on purpose or because we were lazy. We just realistically couldn’t keep up. I dearly hope the op broke up with her after that incident.
@charleshuguley9323 Жыл бұрын
Story 5. GF was upset about waiting in line but was perfectly happy to make everyone behind her wait while she complained.
@ShatoraDragondore 2 жыл бұрын
Stroy 4: OP is NTA and has just as much right to see her family as her co-workers have to see theirs. Likely more so with her ageing family and the limited Holidays they have left then some one with young (I assume healthy) family with many more a head. Also All of them OP and Co-workers picked a field of employment that can't stop because it's a Holiday. They knew They all might miss a few when They agreed to work in Healthcare. My grandfather is in a nursing home right now and sucks to suck. But 24/7 care dose not stop because a holiday is going on.
@cathybrookeburt2616 6 ай бұрын
Story 5 ~ OP just saw exactly who his GF is & he needs to RUN!
@SuperBatSpider 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1:NTA. They are negligent if not abusive. They should be banned from going near children.
@maddy8328 2 жыл бұрын
Story 5, "I'm unhappy with the wait I put myself in, I'm not gonna pay for my food"
@mage6475 Жыл бұрын
In the first story, they should never be given custody of Emma again, even if something were to happen to OP. It's clear they think they know better and that they're willing to medically neglect Emma over their own opinions on what's "best for her"
@Tyanna01 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: I wonder what the neighbour said to the restaurant owner to piss them off enough to cut her out. I'm sure paying her to deliver the avocados was saving them time (which is money for a small business). I'm guessing she raised the price too much and was probably a dick about it. Sounds like the neighbour and restaurant owner got into a bit of a fight, if they said they'll pay OP for the avocados themselves.
@bernedettekuteyi3843 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: go no contact with your family run run Opie. Please do not tell your daughter about your move otherwise she will tell them accidentally
@MadameDanteInferno Жыл бұрын
Story 1. Sounded like they were trying to trigger a relapse to get the kid back.
@TheHellsHobbit 2 жыл бұрын
#1 NTA, I would get a lawyer and call on them.
@SaphireSalvatore940 2 жыл бұрын
Sorting my scaley/furry pets whilst listening tonight trying not to get nommed by a very excited baby Gecko 😂 Story One: NTA those people are freakin nuts who are they to tell OP what she's SUPPOSED to give her child?! I absolutely don't get people like this they absolutely should never be allowed unsupervised visitation.
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
Awwww babies
@lavenderhoney3208 Жыл бұрын
On the avocado, my family has a garden, my girls compete against each other.... In a fun way, of who can grow the best veggies. They had a neighbor do the same thing but she got mad when my sister canned all of the raspberries and made raspberry wine. I got so annoyed at the audacity I told the local food bank that they could have everything and even gave my favorite volunteer a key to the gate. She was pissed but the beautiful food bank volunteer would bring us compost and connected us with the master gardeners in our area❤❤❤❤
@heatherdickau5335 2 жыл бұрын
The Christmas work story- Never start something you don't want to do forever. OP would be working every Christmas.
@CouncilEstateRach Жыл бұрын
Wow, yr right to not let any of them see yr child. They dont want whats best for the child.
@PiscesMoon2You Жыл бұрын
I would have tried to get a restraining order since they threw her prescription away along with everything else. Report to CPS for sure.
@A_Borden_History Жыл бұрын
Story 3 : “you really are the witches everyone thinks you are!” The absolute balls on this neighbor, I would have said I’d cast a spell on her if she didn’t get off my property
@fcold9402 2 жыл бұрын
1. NTA. They do not get to decide what medications your kid needs. It seems appropriate not to allow them unsupervised visits.
@Russman67 2 жыл бұрын
Story 5: Now I know OP wants to keep his GF but he could have moved her along a lot faster and made the kid's day if he responded "Ok Karen". How you treat people in service says a lot about the person. She and her mother sound insufferable. Not the asshole.
@fangchick93 2 жыл бұрын
Lol, yesterday I let one of the servers at my local dairy Queen know that the diet Pepsi spout was spitting because I knew that if someone without manners got sprayed someone would get yelled at. Since I've been on the other side of the counter (subway), I would want to spare anyone in customer service that. I personally didn't mind, because napkins can clean it up, but if ops ex gf was there, there would be hell to pay. Also it's good for businesses to know if there's a problem (as long as you do it politely) so they can fix it.
@tegantalks9612 2 жыл бұрын
Story 4- so I work at a hotel so we need someone on the desk 24/7. I submitted a request for Christmas off at the beginning of October to ensure I got it because it’s my son’s first Christmas. My other co-workers are cool with me taking Christmas and Christmas Eve because they want New Years to party and I couldn’t care less about that.
@TsukiKageTora 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA. I really don’t get it, any celebration doesn’t need to be overrun by an unexpected pregnancy announcement. People who do that need to be removed from the situation. She took OP’s chance to say they were expecting on terms agreed by both. He wasn’t happy that the chance was now overshadowing the celebration for dad’s recovery of something that could have killed him. She should leave alone. Doesn’t make the sister right to snap the way she did. She didn’t need to call her a bitch.
@darkshadow5581 2 жыл бұрын
I mean if my dad nearly died and a family member cared so little that they announced a pregnancy during a "congrats on not dieing" party, I'd be probably saying alot worse XD.
@thedestroyasystem 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkshadow5581 that’s what I’m thinking. Was it an asshole move? Yeah. But judging by the high emotional tension in the room, I don’t blame her at all.
@dizzy3177 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2 is so weird. I don’t get why she would announce the pregnancy when they’re at a dinner celebrating the fact that (to put it bluntly) their dad didn’t die. In other words a successful surgery. Ya know? Like they’re there to eat and check up on both the dad and mom to see how they’re doing then BAM. Guess what? I’m pregnant! Wot? From the sister’s reaction, she was clearly offended and honestly I would be shook if I was eating with them. I would be sitting there thinking like, “Did this bish really just say that? That’s so random and out of the blue. Is she joking?” How do you even squeeze that into a conversation like this? Imagine talking about the actual surgery, talking about how worried you are for them and thankful they are ok. Like is the fiancé okay? I get not being able to wait or contain your excitement but girl now is not the time. I also don’t get OP’s reaction. Like when he asked her to leave? Leave? What do you mean? Shouldn’t you be excusing yourselves and taking her aside to tell her that was wrong and out of line. It would definitely be awkward to go sit back down but that’s what she gets.
@fcold9402 2 жыл бұрын
5. NTA. Do not apologize, the only one being embarrassing is the girlfriend. She should be ashamed of herself.
@AZUREPHOENIX777 2 жыл бұрын
Story 5: Holy shit, OP's gf is a Karen!
@Nikkimommyof4 Жыл бұрын
As a parent of four kids, when they were growing up I made it a point to never treat others in my workplace as if it was their responsibility to give me first pick of holiday time off just because I have kids. This is just ridiculous. In fact, more often than not, I've worked the days leading up to the holidays and my childless counterparts are the ones that took those days off. I even worked out at one job where she would take the days leading up to Christmas off. The office would be closed for the holiday, and then I would take the days after Christmas off. This worked out great for the two of us and we never had any complaints.
@FriedaMMartin 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3 NTA I used to have a leather earring business and was provided free leather scraps for years from a furniture company. When they no longer were able to provide me my supply due to Covid, I didn’t throw a fit, I changed my business. And I still do it to this day while working my day job.
@ZomBeeQueeen Жыл бұрын
Tylenol and Motrin (or other NSAIDs) is the golden duo like what are they talking about? They’re not in the same class of meds
@badkitty4922 2 жыл бұрын
Story 4: NTA. I've had B.S. like this pulled on me in the past. Especially one place in particular where my manager scheduled me for Mother's Day (I was usually off Sunday), because as she put it: "You don't have kids or a mom so, it shouldn't bother you." The last straw was over Christmas when she tried to pull the same sh*t, scheduling me on the 24th, 25th, 26th AND 31st and 1st of January; when I said I'd be willing to work a couple of those days but not ALL especially the 31st and 1st, she said that since I really didn't have family (kids or parents) and that I was older than the college kids (I was 26), I should give the New Year's to them because I didn't have anyone to spend these holidays with. Bit*ch, WHAT?! I asked for time and a half since it WAS major holidays. When she wouldn't ask the owners to pay me more, and continued being a mean, snarky bit*h about it, I quit. I had a great Christmas and New Year's with the man who became my husband, and his awesome family.
@p.fantuci Жыл бұрын
For last story, never stay in a relationship with someone who treats servers like shit. Specially for stupid stuff. It may not seem that big of a deal but it does show that they misstreat those they judge "below" them and you never know when (yes, when. Not if) youll be the one they see that way. Not to mention the number of public scenes you'll have to endure during your relationship every time a waiter takes too long, the starbucks clerk accidentally misspells their name, etc.
@smokingsoilder 2 жыл бұрын
Currently preparing myself to work overnight for EMS. Needed the syrup for my waffling tonight lol
@nohomo4774 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: i feel like a lot of people have a little bit of narcissism these days. If I were a parent who just went through life-saving surgery and I heard my son was going to have a child at my celebratory meal I'd be the happiest woman alive 😥 like I'd actually be so relieved to hear that I'm not going to miss being a grandmother... A life-saving surgery celebration is different from a baby shower or wedding
@rachelwitherspoon4394 Жыл бұрын
Right? I feel like she (impulsively) thought the news would be a welcome celebratory moment, that would make them very happy. She read the room wrong, but yeah...my hubby let's his sister scream at me while I'm carrying his baby, then throwing me out to leave in shame, alone except for his child I'm carrying, that's not gonna work. They could have taken her aside to tell her it wasn't the time, but no..... humiliation and abandonment was their choice. Run, girl, run.
@hunterjames8653 Жыл бұрын
Are you kidding me if they both planned it you would have a point but this reads like she couldn’t stand not being the center of attention she unilaterally decided to announce it and left OP out of that announcement
@kerribottriell-baxter7345 2 жыл бұрын
The sooner the distance is put between OP with her daughter from Brother and SIL the better. Good grief!
@georgegarvey7338 Жыл бұрын
She should've called the cops on them.
@emeraldsword4528 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: I'm going to say NTA. Fiancé and sister are though. Fiancé chose one of the most inappropriate times for that announcement and actually could have put her FFIL's life in danger all over again with the excitement and sister should not have escalated things like that, something else that could have put his life in danger all over again from stress. OP was in the right for telling his wife to leave as it very likely could have escalated to the point of them needing to call an ambulance for OP's father so soon after he was released from the hospital the first time if he hadn't.
@zerofire9479 Жыл бұрын
Story 4: Mark said it perfectly. No means Dr no baby.
@cpaul9269 5 ай бұрын
S1 - How long was this test?! Took her shopping?! Tossed her prescription medicine b/c they thought you would put something in it?! NTA - and don't let them near your kid again! Holy crap!
@dm9078 2 жыл бұрын
NTA! But Bro and SiL have learned a valuable lesson. No good deed goes unpunished.
@vulpixle9659 2 жыл бұрын
Holy moly NTA on story 1 those 2 sound nuts OP should definitely go no contact with brother and SIL it sounds like they might try and kidnap Emma also I’ve had stomach flu when I was 18 and it was hell I couldn’t keep anything down and I was pretty living off of chicken noodle soup and water for like a week nausea control medicine was a life saver for me I can only imagine how bad it is for 4 year old and those two morons threw away Emma’s medicine that is probably the only thing that makes it possible to keep anything down plus pedialyte is very helpful for dehydration which you will feel pretty dehydrated after throwing up a lot
@tophesshtzgiggles609 9 күн бұрын
Story4 should monetize that christmas day shift. Whomever buys the best gift for OP(losing bids do not get them back).
@stacysimpson9434 2 жыл бұрын
The avocado- I'm confused "you say witch like it's a bad thing "
@waltdoherty540 Жыл бұрын
Seeing the Kid. Rather than cutting them off completely, allow them to have *supervised* visiting. Very supervised.
@lianabaddley8217 Жыл бұрын
Like the Susan Powell's case. Where the dad pushed the CPS worker at the door grabbed his kids locked the door then blew up the house. ? They were supposedly very supervised. Which is why the State of Washington lost the case. That whole case is just so sad.
@standinthegsp6858 Жыл бұрын
Story 5. This is why I’ve said for years that it should be a federal law that it should be mandatory that everyone do six months in retail or waiting tables. It wouldn’t stop all of this behavior but it would stop a lot of it! Op needs to break up with her & just tell people, “I’ve seen how she & her mom treat waitstaff. How someone treats waitstaff is an excellent barometer of how they’ll treat their spouse & children. It shows the type of person they really are.”
@RebelHawk420 Жыл бұрын
Avocado Story: back when I was a kid I knew of a little old woman who had 30 tangerine tree's. She was to old to pick them herself an she caught me one day helping myself one hot summer day. She told me that I could have all I wanted if I would pick her a basket full every couple of weeks an bring them to her. She was such a sweet woman an knew how to grow the perfect fruit. I went back to her property one day after I moved away an met her grandson. We spoke about her an what she ment to me when I was a kid. He carried on her legacy of growing the sweetest tangerines. He still to this day let's the neighborhood kids come an pick the fruit to help them during the hot summer days. Now since I moved 14hrs away I miss those days of when I was younger.
@greymalkin9228 Жыл бұрын
Last story: One of my mother's best pieces of advice to me was when out on a date, observe how the guy treats the waitstaff. If he's a rude, abusive bully to people who just have to smile and take it, drop him like a hot rock. Also, good for the guy at the window for standing his ground and I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear about his side of the story popping up over on r/EntitledPeople.
@EvilTwin559 2 жыл бұрын
I walked out on a date after they screamed at a server and called them a moron. I've worked fast food and just can't stand by while anyone is abused.
@kristinwiebold2433 Жыл бұрын
OP NTA. It is your turn to have Christmas off. You have every right to spend Christmas with your family and relatives.
@laumay7364 2 жыл бұрын
Avocado story: No good deed goes unpunished.
@MiakaKirino Жыл бұрын
The xmas one--turn it right back around on them. "What about MY parents getting to spend Christmas with their kids?" Plus, you want every xmas you can get with Grammy & Grampy, you'll remember those. And those memories can help carry you through working the xmas shifts next year.
@telinhajp 2 жыл бұрын
Hello, Mark! I should be sleeping because it's 3AM here. But since I cannot sleep, at least I have a great video to watch. Thank you! ❤️
@MarkNarrations 2 жыл бұрын
Damn sorry to hear about the lack of sleep, hope you get some sleep soon mate!
@ettinakitten5047 5 ай бұрын
Story 4: OP's coworkers strike me as hypocritical - they want to spend Christmas with their kids, but don't think OP's parents might want the same? Spending time with your kids on Christmas doesn't stop feeling special just because your kids are full-grown.
@condorboss3339 2 жыл бұрын
Story 4: I worked in an (unionized) office where vacation allotment was strictly by seniority. Everyone in my office had more time in service than I did, so I always got last choice for holidays. The office was closed on Christmas and Boxing Day, but I could never get any extra vacation time to make my Christmas travel more leisurely. It is good that OP's employer has a fairer arrangement. OP should hold on to her turn at the Christmas break.
@ReyK_47 2 жыл бұрын
Just had surgery today, it's nice to have something to listen to while I rest 😁 thank you Mark!
@9999plato 2 жыл бұрын
The way the GF acted merely added to the wait time for everybody behind her and his GF could care less about everybody else.
@lilyaceofspades 2 жыл бұрын
I had such a British reaction to the fact that avocados are over a pound I was like that’s outrageous 😂
@Rjeda30 Жыл бұрын
I get that OP has some issues in her past and thank her brother and SIL for caring about and for her daughter. But hurting the baby while she is sick is beyond messed up and cruel. NTA they are savages and trying to probably sabotage you. They claim to love her but they’re willing to hurt her to get your kid back. Move. You need and deserve a fresh start. You need to report them to CPS since they want to report harm to your daughter. That’s sick. Time to get out of dodge. Congratulations on your two years!🎉 Second: you need to rethink this engagement. But weirdly all of you went bananas. Everyone should have known better here. ESH!
@HH-lo7jw 2 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of a story from my work. Ok so we sometimes have people quit in three days at my work. My job isn't for everyone, I'm a shopper at a store. So big, big cart, time limits, etc. Well a woman's husband asked me how my day was going. I said it was going well because no one had come up to me and told me they hated me. I've had two people just come right up to me and tell me they hate me. Many others come up to me and my coworkers saying our job is for lazy people and useless. The lady got so upset. I thought she was going to yell at me about my comment. NO! She starts telling me about how no one should be telling me they hate me. How I actually showed up for work and I'm one of the people who is trying! How others are heartless and should never treat staff like that. This lady was in at least her sixties I almost cried once I got to the back and told my coworkers. Who were just as amazed as I was and another said he just got told he was hated recently too. We agreed we need more customers like her.
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