Pros And Cons Of Quitting Vaping *Ex Vaper*

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Addiction Mindset

Addiction Mindset

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In this Addiction Mindset video Dr. Frank the founder of AddictionMindset Recovery Coaching explains the pros and cons of quitting vaping. If you want to learn how to quit vaping or break free of nicotine addiction you are in the right place. Did you know that nicotine withdrawal can actually be a good thing pending on how you view the nicotine withdrawal symptoms? If you want to quit elf bar vapes or quit Juul you need to weigh the pros and the cons of quitting nicotine. Nicotine addiction is no joke especially with the amount of people currently addicted to vaping, juuling, hyde vapes and elf bars. Even if you are using nicotine replacement therapy to quit vaping, or if you are quitting vaping cold turkey you are in the right place. If you are ready to break free of nicotine addiction and stop vaping while comfortably overcoming the nicotine withdrawal symptoms be sure to check out the Addiction Mindset links below.
Free Workbook to quit vaping (immediate download):
Book a 1:1 Addiction Recovery Call With Dr. Frank
The Easy Way To Quit Vaping Book: Allen Carr
Journal To Help Quit Vaping:
Clear Lungs Nicotine Detox Supplement:
#quitvaping #nicotine #addictionmindset

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@AddictionMindset Жыл бұрын
Free Workbook PDF On Quitting Vaping: Book A 1:1 Addiction Recovery Coaching Call:
@PrisonJunky Жыл бұрын
Can you make a video on on PAWS and returning of sexual drive for men? I've struggled for months and am barely functional after 6 months. What's the cause and is it connected to PAWS? Please help and let me know if you have any insight on this.
@bennewman4675 Жыл бұрын
If a ex smoker got a smoking related illness after smoking for 25 years. It doesn't mean the damage was dun after smoking for 15 years. The damage could have been dun after smoking for 19 years
@ienjoyapples Жыл бұрын
Hit 3 weeks today. You helped me a lot. Man it was tough, but I'm past the worst of it. Anyone watching this, you can do this. You have willpower and you can get through it.
@tannerhewell9382 Жыл бұрын
I hit 3 weeks yesterday! It was very tough! My worst day was on the exact day of week 3. I came across his videos and I am hooked. The anxiety is tough but I agree I believe I am past the worst as well! Congrats on your achievement.
@franklinfocus Жыл бұрын
Day 100 for me sober Dr Frank!!!! No weed literally AT ALL!!!! Thankyou so much for your inspiration and help! By the way, AWESOME hair cut brother! Really handsome look man 🙏🔥👑 Keep up the amazing work! You’re changing the world 🌎🔥🙏👑
@Zb_Calisthenic Жыл бұрын
Atta way my man! That's a great accomplishment.
@franklinfocus Жыл бұрын
@@Zb_Calisthenic Thankyou!! I’ll see you at 365!
@MATTMRN Жыл бұрын
About a year and a half off nicotine now. Best decision I ever made. Some people might disagree with this tip but tell people you are quitting, this gave me accountability. I didn’t want to fail after telling everyone I was quitting. Not for everyone I’m sure but it helped me
@422crown Жыл бұрын
Thank you dr you helped me a lot with my weed and cigarette addiction, I am free weed since almost 3 months and cigarette free since 7 months , to everyone that is struggling with stopping know that I went through it too and it does go away, but remember even after your withdrawals there will be dark days
@ronskeez916 Жыл бұрын
I'm almost a week vape free! This channel has helped me so much. I thank you for all your help and support 🙏
@richyd4762 10 ай бұрын
How's it going?
@ronskeez916 10 ай бұрын
@richyd4762 it's going great! My life has changed so much for the better since I quit vaping, drinking and smoking weed. You can do it!
@SwazerSwazers Жыл бұрын
Dr Frank you are a life saver. I am now in, 5 months cold turkey quit to the day. Thanks Dr Frank. You helped me massively to develop the resilient mindset required to quit nicotine & smoking. It has been a living hell in many ways but getting easier. I am so happy I have come this far. My next target is 6 months. Then after that push it out for a whole year. I am very grateful for experts like yourself who create top-class content, that helps so much. If I learned anything from combatting my 35-year drug addiction it's this. Willpower alone, will not work. You have to retrain your brain. You have to cultivate a new mindset & you have to feed that mindset content every day. It was the only way I have managed to stay off nicotine & smoking for 153 days. Included in my weaponry against addiction is regular exercise & lots of gum chewing.
@soviet6463 Жыл бұрын
Hay man keep up what you're doing you're helping a lot of people get over their addicton thank you.
@miomiomio56 Жыл бұрын
I'm almost a little over a month sober. Your videos helped a lot and many facts you reiterate cannot be said enough because everyone needs constant reminder for getting out of addiction. I've used edibles on and off from age 21 to almost 25 around 3 years, and I recently decided that it was ruining my life and I was choosing to ignore it. Everything said related to anxiety and such is very true, in the back of your head you are aware that you are doing something detrimental to yourself. Weed has destroyed my wallet, my health, my education, and my friendships. And I'm pretty much doing damage control at this point, and I'm so happy that I am now! Everyone out there who is going through the same things, hang in there and you got this 🌟
@carbsncaffeine9254 5 ай бұрын
Man, you do such a great job at presenting the point. Keep up this fantastic work. it's going to help a lot of people, myself included.
@yaroshevich1989 Жыл бұрын
You are doing GOOD, REAL staff here.
@paulbenish8982 Жыл бұрын
You’re the best doc Frank. For Too many reasons to type
@MylesTech Жыл бұрын
7 months for me!
@AddictionMindset Жыл бұрын
@CityWalks3216 Жыл бұрын
Well done happy for you 👏
@rodzwrld Жыл бұрын
1 week no weed thanks man, I know this video doesn't have anything to do with weed but your words are so encouraging.
@chrisalva9474 Жыл бұрын
“Lion amongst sheep” “Separate yourself from being a consumer” That’s all its really about, when it comes to smoking, anything to separate you from your hard earned dollar
Today at 10:24pm i am making the choice to finally quit i have tried before and failed after 3 weeks. But i truthfully am tired of waking up every morning feeling like crap constantly feeling like i have a cold or flu and just want to be free and not dependent anymore because its really exhausting at this point Thank you for your videos you help me quit weed about 2 years ago and i have also back slid but i am making my way back now to become clean and free again.
@savvaskitrou4327 Жыл бұрын
Please keep us know
@checharles5224 Жыл бұрын
Look up easy way to quit smoking by Allen carr. I quit yesterday. I’m a non smoker now. No withdrawal.
@CityWalks3216 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your video much appreciated
@miamilady2278 11 ай бұрын
That saving money is the best thing about quitting! I quit 3 weeks ago today! 🎉😊
@Zb_Calisthenic Жыл бұрын
I'm 3 weeks clean of the green beotch. Feeling great. Thank you Dr. Frank and all the fellas here giving great anecdotes. It has helped immensely. But After smoking cigs from 16-28 and vape for the last 3, I think I'm ready to tackle my real issue. Nicotine. I'm not ready to quit just yet, but I'm beginning to think of all the benefits it could lay at my feet.
@maxtrixielove Жыл бұрын
i love this guy
@mattkrenz 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much.
@fdfg546ghhjs3 Жыл бұрын
Is that a new camera? Looking crisp!
@kingkooopa1436 Жыл бұрын
I'm 29 now and it started with dipping tobacco at 15 followed by snus then vaping then nicotine pouches and now back to both vaping and nicotine pouches and these videos are really starting to make sense with me. I have my last pouch in now then I'm going cold turkey. I got into a terrible cycle the last few years of over using all day then feeling awful at night and either using weed or nyquil to make my headaches go away. I've had tones of doctors visits in my early 20s for bad heart burn and acid indigestion and nicotine was causing all of this but I would just keep using. Also the nicotine making my anxiety so much worse. Hoping I stick with it this time because I'm done feeling like this
@sumper_man 5 ай бұрын
The withdrawal only lasted me three days. What made me stay off is I just imagined it being a very nasty chemical that turned my insides into a dirty sludge. Now I can look at a vape without being triggered😂💪🏾
@kevineggleston9930 8 ай бұрын
Letting go of the future fears is the whole reason I quit! I could feel my lungs just tired and painful along with weird pains in my kidneys it was terrifying and “scared me straight”
@GeraltJones 10 ай бұрын
I'm quitting soon, have tried a few times and failed. One thing I will mention is that on the days that I didn't vape my joint pain which I put down to lifting heavy weights in the gym went away. I used to wake up in the morning and feel stiff walking down the stairs, I think it was actually due to dehydration from vaping. On my last attempt on the 2nd day vape free I woke up feeling alert and had zero joint stiffness. It's slightly horrifying what I've been putting my body through for no tangible benefit.
@ShotByGriff Жыл бұрын
I’m on day 25 right now. The last 10 days have been pretty easy! But yesterday and today… were different. I don’t really have a want to go get a vape at all. I’m just experiencing a lot of sadness for no reason. I’m in graduate school so I’ve been studying all weekend and haven’t even left my room since Friday. I’m extremely bummed and I’d just like to know if you have any advice. Maybe I need to get out and breathe some fresh air.
@AlexanderEmashev Жыл бұрын
I'm no expert. But I'm the one who works the whole day from home in front of my computer. And a year ago I noticed that if I stay inside for a couple of days I suddenly start to feel gloomy and kinda depressed. I've added a short walk to my everyday routine and it helped me. Daylight even in the cloudy weather is much more intense than indoor lighting. And it feels like my brain just needs to see the light to understand that everything's fine and no need to worry. This is somehow connected to circadian rhythm or something. Also movement by itself brings me a feeling of joy and clears my head. It is not as noticeable as the effect of nicotine so it is not that easy to take in account but it works for me. May be it is worth considering.
@njslaps8186 Жыл бұрын
off topic but im over 2 weeks of quitting marijuana and i ended up getting a very sore throat and swollen glands and doctors can’t tell me why. is this normal to get ill?
@DekuSt0ner Жыл бұрын
thank you
@HunterD_guitar Жыл бұрын
I know all of these things but I just recently went through really hard cannabis withdrawal and am clean off everything but nicotine and idk if I can go through another week of hell😭 but I really do wanna stop
@deanbedetti5375 Жыл бұрын
You can do it.... Remember those withdrawals are letting you know it is definitely not a good thing. You can do it. Dr.Frank can help..
@bennewman4675 Жыл бұрын
As well as cancer can it take people time. Before they even know they have other smoking related illnesses like COPD?
@bennewman4675 Жыл бұрын
Could that be why some people get addicted to vaping or smoking soon. Because there mum was smoking or taking nicotine when pregnant?
@trent1615 Жыл бұрын
Quite vaping almost six months ago best decision.
@kylesisk3110 Жыл бұрын
I haven’t smoked weed in 10 years it as waaay easier to quit weed then NIC. I been trying to quit NIC for years I’m really trying to do it now
@vicentesolanomolina7655 7 ай бұрын
Just 1 month and I can only think of vaping!
@Alex.Rodriguez42 Жыл бұрын
Social pressure sucks
@chrisalva9474 Жыл бұрын
Sure nicotine may enhance cognitive performance temporarily, but at what cost. The risks don’t outweigh the benefits in this case. Whenever I think of people bringing up this fact, I can’t help but think about Christopher Hitchens. He was a brilliant political commentator, I may not agree with everything he said, but he also smoked tobacco profusely, (believing that it would enhance his ideas, when debating or writing books) only to eventually develop cancer. So sad, had he quit eventually, who knows if he would still be here today.
@bennewman4675 Жыл бұрын
When they find out that its not true. That a ex smokers risk of cancer will be the same as if they had never smoked but it drops by 50 b cent in the first 15 years of quitting. It all so might not be true that ex smokers can live as long as if they had never smoked. Because even if they live to be 90 or whatever. They could have lived even older then that age if they had never smoked
@Blackmamba12345 11 ай бұрын
I think nicotine can be good for helping you take a relax aka it really helps you re focus.
@10colej Жыл бұрын
U didnt list any cons even though the title says pros and cons but okay😂
@Zb_Calisthenic Жыл бұрын
Cons of quitting nicotine addiction: there are none.
@ambermchenry9270 5 ай бұрын
I think your great!!! I think Dr Huberman is douchey. In addition tonykur videos are there any women that talk on the subject or do you have videos about addiction and womens issues?
@AbigailianAvenger Ай бұрын
I am interested in this too
@etharoonie 3 ай бұрын
Theres zero cons of quitting nicotine period. Glad to be out of the slavery nicotine puts you into
@nonlos399 11 ай бұрын
About to be two days free of the vape. Stuff is really tough to kick haha
@sydneyhayes-lu1dw 6 ай бұрын
I’m on my first .:)
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