@@whg1234 first, soft tissue definitely has slower growth rate than muscles, so what ? As long as you train correctly, there will be no abrasion. second, if you have pain you definitely trained wrongly, so what are you talking about
@whg1234 Жыл бұрын
@@jabigchad1749 Most people who think they are training correctly, when they start to feel pain, they are quite worn out. These people are especially athletes, and then you reply to me:”so what?” In fact, those of you who study sports science think that what you are discussing is physics or mechanics, but you have never thought about it. From a physiological point of view, the situations you discuss are all quite crude and use the wrong physics model.
心脏比喻发动机是没问题的。很多表面看着应该能举重很多的人实际上举不了几斤,因为心脏先天就不给力。肌肉是只有在心脏给力的情况下才能达到超负荷才能拉伤修复变得更壮。所以对一般人来说,最主要决定能不能超负荷健身的的因素是心脏。 我七十五公斤,二头肌单臂哑铃连到每手28KG,之后手臂肌肉虽然还能再增长,但是感觉心脏压力已经够大了,就再没往上加重量。尤其我手臂都是塞在胸肌日或者背肌日的最后捎带上练的。非常偶尔能看见一两个人二头肌用30KG以上的哑铃。健身房里百分之95的人都一辈子练不到单臂哑铃25KG以上 x 12次重复。虽然很多人可能看着五大三粗的。主要瓶颈就是心脏。就算如果有两三年根本不去健身房,但是给我一个半月重新回到健身房,按照每星期每肌肉组轮两次的频率,不专注二头肌,给我一个半月差我也能回到二头肌提24KG。 另外那个mountain看样子没少打药。连额头都血崩了。这要不是碰伤的话而是一使劲就崩血的话,那是明显打药的症状之一。