Recreating Ancient Rome with AI
Robot Rome
3 жыл бұрын
The History of Rome in 26 Memes
Aurelian - Make Rome Great Again
Aurelian - Drop it
4 жыл бұрын
Loud Fan
12 жыл бұрын
@Zxcv392-x5c 19 сағат бұрын
Please talk about religion in the Roman Empire
@prussiaboi707 Күн бұрын
The empire lasted so long after Aurelian it was undead
@Nonamearisto 4 күн бұрын
They got it backwards. Trump would have been on Justinian's side, what with the successful wars, the massive building projects, and both leaders of the Western World suffering a massive plague outbreak during their respective administrations.
@OCTAMAN 4 күн бұрын
I’m not crying you are
@Nonamearisto 5 күн бұрын
Let's see: - Constantine likely killed Crispus because Fausta lied about being raped by him, and when he realized she had lied to get him out of the way in favor of her three sons by Constantine, he had her put to death as well. That, or they were conspiring against him. Either way, he didn't just snap and kill them; he thought he was killing his wife's rapist and then he killed the liar who tricked him into killing his son. Or they were actually conspiring against him. Either way, his actions were understandable. - Diocletian was the one who did the serfdom and too much bureaucracy thing, not Constantine. - Constantine won some victories against barbarians by himself early on. He never lost a battle, and he wasn't the one who instigated those civil wars. He ended them, though. Rome still had plenty of manpower when he died. It was only after his death that things began to unravel in the west. - City-state values aren't of much help when building an empire. At best, they're good for atomized little city-states (obviously) or a confederation of states at best.
@Neowofetch 6 күн бұрын
10:40 4/29 The Germans will never forget when a plane crashed into the only bridge that was not destroyed yet
@casssmith 6 күн бұрын
rank the provinces of medieval rome please
@justinj3340 7 күн бұрын
@1100100il 7 күн бұрын
Aurelian thug life
@TheDigitalStoic 8 күн бұрын
Some clarifications wrt Marcus Aurelius' life: his wife never cheated on him. The only source saying he did is the Historia Augusta. It would have also been nice to mention he had to deal with the antonine plague, killing up to 10% of the entire population, and that he spend the majority of his reign on the frontlines fighting Germanic tribes, where he probably many times longed to go back to Rome.
@UralicFreak 9 күн бұрын
13:14 Slovakian flag. It was basically the same as the Russian flag during WW2.
@Shthophyckq 10 күн бұрын
The Roman ability to achieve victory despite higher casualties is 100% Russia
@Shthophyckq 11 күн бұрын
1:20 True Sigma
@marcor3843 11 күн бұрын
Wonderful and well-thought out video, but... why did the AI depicted Aurelian as a terminator?
@CatotheE 13 күн бұрын
Rome rarely recruited Italians for the army, because they were seen as too weak for military service? That doesn't sound right. What book did you read it in?
@MartinRichardi 13 күн бұрын
this video is unique, so sad is SOOO underrated, amazing work
@DTD110865 15 күн бұрын
Somebody had a series of bad Nazi Propaganda movies about the Irish people's fight against British Occupation. Those movies are smarter than this.
@Shenalan888 15 күн бұрын
Rome pov: uh, I'm okay😰💦 26:33
@Shenalan888 15 күн бұрын
@аккыздар 20 күн бұрын
Вы ещё утомлённые солнцем 2 не смотрели
@thano5408 20 күн бұрын
@ArnarJin 20 күн бұрын
Why does no one talk about how well the music was select, and how well the music fits into many dramatic events. To name few: 12:00 Octavianus defeats Marcus Antonius, The Republic falls and the empire is founded 16:58 Year of the four emperors 23:08 Nerva-Antonine dynasty falls 23:19 The Gong when Septimius Severus defeats Clodius Albinus and becomes undisputed emperor of Rome And then my favourite 26:08 Persia invades during the 3rd century crisis 26:33 Gallic empire split from the Roman empire and it's like the Roman empire is totally collapsing
@امیرعباسدریکوند 21 күн бұрын
Thank you❤ This is a best video about roman empire for me In your opinion, is it possible to consider the existence of the Byzantine Empire as one of the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire? Considering that Greek Byzantium did not want the existence of the Latin Empire and did not recognize a powerful emperor like Majorian, of course most of them were aligned with Byzantium, not like Valentinian iii And that the riches that were in the east were no longer in the possession of Rome with the rise of Byzantium
@antiepix9555 10 күн бұрын
Perhaps! The “Byzantines” WERE the (Eastern) Romans, and the Eastern Roman Empire had done different things that both helped and lead to its downfall! For example, the Western Roman legions of Eugenius and Arbogaust got DECIMATED at the battle of the Frigidus River by the Eastern legions of Theodosius and Stilicho in 394 AD, which resulted in the West experiencing a harder time to defend itself from barbarian invasions. Other times though, the East sent it’s forces to defend the West, like when legions were sent to Ravenna to defend the Western Emperor from Germanic besiegers, or when they sent an expeditionary force to Africa under Leo to repel the Vandals in a joint invasion with the Western forces. Unfortunately, that ended up in a tragic defeat at Cape Bon…
@امیرعباسدریکوند 9 күн бұрын
@@antiepix9555 In a way, Byzantium had made Rome its colony. Rome was supported by Byzantium only under the conditions that its emperor was recognized by Byzantium and went in line with their interests, like Valentinian III, who was a weak person, and that no one was supported like Majorian. It was not even recognized by the Byzantine court, and no one fought and was killed like Ioannis in 425 against Theodosius II, and Theodosius II placed Valentinian III on the throne instead of Ioannis, and Leo I was afraid of the Majorians after the victory over Ioannis. Enemies (Goths, Celts, Saxons, etc.) will definitely join Byzantium because the existence of rich provinces like Egypt and Syria within the Roman Empire is vital for them and the complete and reunification of the empire (from England to near western Iraq) present) and the Greek rival (Byzantium) did not want this at all. And that Zeno did not give any help to Julius, not only did he not do it, but he was killed in his palace near Illyria. Maybe he was not involved in the murder. And the title of the Roman Empire was also canceled and the Roman Empire fell forever in 476 after nearly 1200 years. And that it is undeniable that the Byzantine Empire had a Hellenic culture, a Hellenic Church and a Hellenic language, and it was different from Latin Rome and was a different empire from Rome.
@امیرعباسدریکوند 9 күн бұрын
@@antiepix9555 In a way, Byzantium had made Rome its colony. Rome was supported by Byzantium only under the conditions that its emperor was recognized by Byzantium and went in line with their interests, like Valentinian III, who was a weak person, and that no one was supported like Majorian. It was not even recognized by the Byzantine court, and no one fought and was killed like Ioannis in 425 against Theodosius II, and Theodosius II placed Valentinian III on the throne instead of Ioannis, and Leo I was afraid of the Majorians after the victory over Ioannis. Enemies (Goths, Celts, Saxons, etc.) will definitely join Byzantium because the existence of rich provinces like Egypt and Syria within the Roman Empire is vital for them and the complete and reunification of the empire (from England to near western Iraq) present) and the Greek rival (Byzantium) did not want this at all. And that Zeno did not give any help to Julius, not only did he not do it, but he was killed in his palace near Illyria. Maybe he was not involved in the murder. And the title of the Roman Empire was also canceled and the Roman Empire fell forever in 476 after nearly 1200 years. And that it is undeniable that the Byzantine Empire had a Hellenic culture, a Hellenic Church and a Hellenic language, and it was different from Latin Rome and was a different empire from Rome.
@antiepix9555 9 күн бұрын
@@امیرعباسدریکوند True, many riches was indeed taken away from the West like Egypt, an industrial and agricultural powerhouse, but the East needed them too to provide a proper defense against the Sassanids and the Huns also. The West had North Africa, which was also an industrial and agricultural powerhouse. Too bad it fell to Gaiserics Vandals due to Western incompetence and infighting! And yes, they contributed to its fall by deposing Ioannes, but that doesn’t change the fact that they both helped the West rise *and* fall. As for the identity of the Hellenic world after 476, Theodosius divided the empire in 395, which in affect ended the United Roman Empire and made it become the WRE and the ERE, instead of simply saying that the Eastern portions are outright ejected. Either way, the Eastern portions would be politically continuous with the Empire, coming from within the state. When Odoacer deposed of Romulus and the WRE, instead of destroying it, he gave the Imperial Diadem to Zeno in the East, and either way they are still the Eastern Roman Empire, with its title being untouched either way. It’s like waking up and deciding all the sudden that your siblings name isn’t “Tom” anymore by your own accord lol As for the remaining half being Hellenic, it doesn’t really matter because being Roman is more of a nationality than a language, as you call Emperors like Trajan Roman Emperors, not Latin Emperors. If such a grandiose change like religion from paganism to Christianity isn’t enough to end the Roman Empire upon its officialization by Theodosius in the 380s, language wouldn’t be either. What binds the Hellenic world into the Roman identity is that they continue the Roman legal system, culture, way of life, political entity, and they are literally Roman citizens ever since Caracalla granted citizenship to all peoples of the Empire except for slaves. Besides, in the entire time before the 395 split, the people of the East predominately remained to speak Greek rather than Latin, with the Latin speaking world even seeing Greek as a fellow civilized language they can coexist with! The Greeks in return called themselves “Rhomanoi” (Romans) and rightfully so due to all the reasons above. Besides, they are the ones who heavily influenced the culture of the Latin world anyways 😂 “Byzantine” is a word invented only after the fall of the civilization itself by the West AFTER its fall in 1557 by Wolf in order to discredit its legitimacy. All the time before, it was legally referred to as the Roman Empire, by itself and outsiders. The Roman Empire didn’t completely fall, it merely changed.
@امیرعباسدریکوند 9 күн бұрын
@@antiepix9555 Thank you very much for your❤️❤️❤️ informative tips on whether the Byzantine Empire is a part of Rome or not; This should be asked from the Italians, because as we all know, the Romans were a people in the center of Italy who were neighbors with the Etruscans from the north and the Semites and Carthage from the south, but from my point of view, Rome and Byzantium are separate from each other.
@azkabanrolanhoff5569 22 күн бұрын
@powerist209 23 күн бұрын
Was it me or it’s a lot different for me even for first time Severan Dynasty will be on silver screen? Like maybe Unbiased History and Richard Morris’ sketch on Roman Emperors (so imagining them as family sitcom and hard time seeing Macrinus as treacherous advisor since…keep seeing him at snapping at Caracalla’s cruelty and trying to make things mostly right before getting replaced with Dr Frankenfurter).
@aeilers1 23 күн бұрын
Of course it's stupid, it's Propaganda. But it's no more stupid than all the American WWII movies, that completely ignore the achievements of other countries (example: U-571. See Wikipedia for details. Idiotic American propaganda, goes without saying). So, they're all as bad as each other, and equally worthless, outside of serving as bad examples.
@azkabanrolanhoff5569 23 күн бұрын
1:27 2:11 2:29 6:17
@cerdic6586 23 күн бұрын
Could you please cite some sources. My good faith has limits haha
@adrianarivoltella5940 24 күн бұрын
Avete letto quello che la Bibbia dice dei Romani? (Primo Libro dei Maccabei, capitolo 8). E' interessante perchè si può capire quello che le altre popolazioni dell'antichità pensavano della Civiltà Romana. Si leggono parole di rispetto ed ammirazione per la sua potenza, ma anche per la lealtà verso gli alleati e per come era organizzato lo Stato Romano.
@powerist209 24 күн бұрын
Now part of me actually wish Caracalla and Geta story was a comedy. Maybe like frustrated dad and later mom trying to help the siblings until the tragic ending.
@jimg2850 24 күн бұрын
Awsome movie. Thanks for sharing it.
@Vang2009 24 күн бұрын
The wife and husband should submit to each other, it literally says this the verse prior of verse 22.
@AugustusHistory 25 күн бұрын
Great video! I made some of these AI emperor reconstructions.. thanks for including them! Check out my series on the history of the world every year start in 1 AD if you are interested!
@poiuytre37 24 күн бұрын
I can attest, a great and informative series!
@danielg8472 25 күн бұрын
Great video
@Trolencio182 25 күн бұрын
Para mi Claudio fue un buen gobernante
@Aster-Gastaev 25 күн бұрын
"This issue is very, very important. It defines how we should look at the modern world."
@zabooza74 26 күн бұрын
Worst province was definitely Judea because of three uprisings and because that's where christianity originated that destroyed the empire...
@SirBoggins 27 күн бұрын
TBH, I always thought (from the [most likely] unreliable info given I had taken in) that Tiberius was a degenerate, monstrous & laissez-faire coward who kinslayed Germanicus and his family & was a pdiddy when he was at Capri, but having heard your description, I realise that he's alot more nuanced as a person and its likely him being a pdiddy was actually just slander against him postmortem.
@f.k.1359 28 күн бұрын
ur back and looking good my dude
@whatisheartscont2be645 28 күн бұрын
Great idea for a ranking video!
@VineFynn 28 күн бұрын
Lol the AI blackwashing the severan dynasty
@TominusMaximus 27 күн бұрын
On the other hand it makes tome distinct from the Hadrian, Antoninus and Marcus.
@SirBoggins 27 күн бұрын
Not necessarily; Septimius and Caracalla look at worst, mixed & at best, ethnically accurate as their appearances were probably probably a mix of Italic and either Carthaginian or perhaps Amazigh (Berber).
@josephnugent3065 28 күн бұрын
38:20 In the 7th century the Persians were the apex threat to the Romans.
@chekybreky 29 күн бұрын
Quite a unique type of ranking. Would love to see some more emperors ranked up to constantine 11.