Infinite Food Bug? - Bannerlord
Top 5 Mods v1.0.0 - Bannerlord
Is Multiplayer Dead ? - Bannerlord
@raiderark7807 16 сағат бұрын
@omgoood 2 күн бұрын
I think maximum tax trick is cheating, and we should not use this in the game
@GoblinWarlordGaming 3 күн бұрын
Huh didn’t know this was a thing
@deandip4961 9 күн бұрын
Oh god this game has encampment too. I swear in Rome 2 you can take over the whole map with 3 phalanx units and spamming fortified stance.
@TheFlyingZulu 16 күн бұрын
1:57 the big negative to doing this is any towns that are red for the high tax turn will get a debuff called "discontent" which lowers the growth of the town by A LOT more... like -20. Doing this early game gives you a per turn boost to your income but it will stunt your mid to late game growth. Keep that in mind.
@NativeSan25 20 күн бұрын
Omg thank you so much. Hahaha so simple.
@unverifiedverified4418 22 күн бұрын
wheres thefkkn practice joust ?
@bradleysnipes6608 23 күн бұрын
Thanks for the help. Was wondering where to find a good slashing pull arm while I'm on horse.
@umngyr Ай бұрын
the metsuke embedding is gonna make a huge difference for economy, which in turn is going to make a huge difference for EVERYTHING. Very useful tip.
@TotalWarKS 27 күн бұрын
hope it helped!
@reira3393 Ай бұрын
help i cant find the cheat folder
@410ns0 Ай бұрын
There is a negative effect on town growth if you increase the tax and in the next turn low it. I tried to do it but there is a negative effect called "-25 other" It happend in FoTS i dont now if in Sengoku campain happen.
@anvos658 Ай бұрын
Not exploiting the tax system isn't a mistake.
@GWick8635 Ай бұрын
just found a total war series after playing banner lord for a year i like this wayyyy better lol
@XXLPIakat Ай бұрын
It's just Dynasty Warriors at that point.
@user-wv9ed3mg4m Ай бұрын
my game crashs
@StarRider253 Ай бұрын
The tax thing is great and will make your campaigns so much easier. Its effect on growth isn't important because the extra revenue you get from the very high tax slider is more than growth could ever reasonably get you for most of the game. Growth is only useful by the time you have like 40 or more settlements and by that point the game is already won.
@Uncle228 Ай бұрын
Yari ki cost a lot less to upkeep than Sabre cav and faster than Sabre cav, this is why I never use Sabre cav
@Uncle228 Ай бұрын
Yari ki carried me
@oliverstianhugaas7493 Ай бұрын
>Be Ōtomō. >Control your island. >Have 9 tradeships and 1 european tradeship at each trade node. >Have agents in your cities. Now you have won the game.
@TotalWarriorLegends Ай бұрын
Can you make a new guide video about wich building resource building build first when there is 4 slots and 3 slots and 2 slots? I subbed to your video!
@Mysteryboy0007 Ай бұрын
shogun 2 is so much better than this
@QzLn Ай бұрын
Or.. you can play shogun2 and every unit have the same animation during battle 😁
@damiandamiano3651 Ай бұрын
well... the problem with this agme is that computer have infinite resources and manpower, and you need to do such shid to survive, its boring
@sirsnek6562 Ай бұрын
What mod is this?
@sacredxgeometry Ай бұрын
You can kind of do this in Rome 1 as well
@judecarentz7930 2 ай бұрын
For the trading ports there are actually 6 the sixth is right above dates area
@Cyrath89 2 ай бұрын
CA would do well to update a few things about the game. I really miss ALT left clicking my army, and i read that the stat to tire infantry units does not work as intended because units are devided as melee and ranged infantry rather than just infantry. They should really look into that
@Toto-95 2 ай бұрын
Good advices.I'd add : - Don't hesitate to burn existing building and build markets, temples and inns - Using agents in general in EVERY role they can have. Sabotage armies and buildings, foment revolts, bribe enemy generals to have more, etc ! - Have general leading separete armies (even by themselves) and participate as reinforcement to farm their XP (one infantery gen and a cav gen do wonders !)
@hlmenv9087 2 ай бұрын
That combo 😮😮😮
@NebirosVT 2 ай бұрын
This your first Shogun 2 video? I learned some things, so please keep it going! I find economy one of the most difficult things to get right in the game and, honestly, I'm still not sure I understand how it all works even with over 500 hours in the game.
@vpannava 2 ай бұрын
I hate that they get off their horses and fight on the ground
@Cas_Vael 2 ай бұрын
Much better shoulder: Legendary Decorated Leather Harness with Padding: Body armor - 19, Arm armor - 16 (and it's tier 3, plus several lbs lighter) Better Hands: Legendary Decorated Imperial Gauntlets: Arm armor - 32 Better Boots: Legendary Decorated Plate Boots: leg armor - 32 Legendary Splint Boots: leg armor - 34
@Binzob 9 күн бұрын
Or you could the stuff he mentioned with a legendary modifiers and they'll be even better than those.
@alastosgamingchannel7745 2 ай бұрын
It's so hard to find warband cheats on console 😢
@arvideng9333 2 ай бұрын
The horse archers are a no no unit. They get destroyed easily by any musket or melee units. I would replace those with normal archers instead. It's one of the top 5 worst units. Same for the sabor cav. Revolver cav is a lot more powerful and can route a whole unit alone with minimal deaths.
@delandel5496 2 ай бұрын
4:24 what the fuck!
@benpickett1484 2 ай бұрын
Me and a buddy were on a huge shogun 2 binge recently. Unfortunately around turn 50 we started having desync issues along with battle loading issues. I went ahead and gave him my save file and that fixed the desync issues but now every battle we attempt to fight we get the black screen 299 glitch. We did have one mod that boosted the economy slightly but otherwise vanilla. We both have good internet and both running ssds. Is there anyway you know to avoid this glitch. I figure that campaign is unplayable unless you have any tricks to try. Thanks anyone who can help shogun 2 is one of the best total wars in my opinion I just hate the glitches it comes with.
@bathhatingcat8626 2 ай бұрын
Swords beat spears- you should mention this because arming a unit with swords instead of spears in Japan in the 1500s is like being a knife to a gunfight today
@lordcommander17 2 ай бұрын
New to Total War games, recently got Attila for the Seven Kingdoms mod. Does Three Kingdoms take place in China or Japan?
@setoyuuki7323 2 ай бұрын
this is china, shogun one in japan
@user-it3gp4vm1z 2 ай бұрын
Volound's nightmare
@bubyCZ 2 ай бұрын
No micro, no player input, no decision making, no tactics... how TW has fallen...
@Endwankery 2 ай бұрын
Wtf, why are the mechanics behind metsuke not explained ANYWHERE?! I had no idea how effective they are!
@EphReinhard 3 ай бұрын
Yari Ashigaru are your rice, you need them in all meals, I mean battles. All tactics will revolve around them henceforth once you learn that universal truth. Archers are your soycauce, can´t have a meal without them. So long you remember that, all your dishes, I mean strategies, will be balanced. (Matchlock Ashigaru are like wasabe, a little of it is enough). I personally go for a two course niggiri dinner in most battles, simple and elegant, I engage my ranged skirmish, with the intention to appear to be so, but in reality it will act as fixed and even advancing artillery once they lock in targets and will not be allowed to retreat (every bullet, every arrow, every sword counts!), at which point my Yari will advance in front, to whatever the sytuation demands first, their own skirmirshers, or their Yari, or will just hold the line for the archers and Matchlock Ashigaru to thin their numbers ´till the Yari can plow through or remian the last standing, before you know it the battlefield is chaos for your enemy and you can`t actually believe the AI cannot longer defeat you even with supperior units. From here onwards you can do all sorts of variations, have some Nagitana units on the flanks, sent some cavalry on suicide missions to disrupts the enemy lines even faster, protect your flanks a little with some cavalry, have some bow cavalry to hunt down their general, or try some classic hammer and anvil tactics while you are at it, all depends on whatever is going on, which if you are pushing it, should end up to the last troops standing of course... thin lines of yari here, archers there, general barely alive, the fun stuff that happens when AI has all expensive units yet you still win. That`s for battlefield tactics, for logistics, I keep the provinces I wish to make mine indefinitely, and the rest I conquer just to loot if profitable or make vasals, and go about the map like some Warlord Bandit looting all unprotected provinces with no quarter because AI has none for you either, this is not a build your clan in peace kind of game, destroy and build your wealth.(Very easy to become Shogun this way) If after that you are still not satisfied and wish to conquer and hold all of the map, then, go ahead and follow the economic steps in this video, and use all your looted money and your surplus armies to conquer and hold all provinces one by one, working on happiness and whatnot, that`s the hard part, dealing with rebels, but after a while, a few well placed armies and you`d be crushing overpowered rebels like it is your daily breakfast. (Makes you think that`s probably how Japan was back then) - then you can slowly build up everything nicely, somewhat, this game is not about peace after all.
@Burgerzaza 3 ай бұрын
To this day one of my favorite total wars. And ive been playing since rome 1 and medieval 2. It feels so fluid and its got so much style and flair. Im still salty they discontinued it. I love warhammer, but honestly im bored with it, and i prefer this games engine. Id probably have really liked troy if they used the 3k engine instead of warhammer just bc warhammer was more popular
@theoldlore 3 ай бұрын
Step 1. Choose the Shogun clan from the Shogun show Step 2. Realise they only have cool ninjas as an option Step 3. Hecking get cut down by Takeda cav 😭
@deadspace4755 3 ай бұрын
This is why l think difficulty beating is pointless, to do such niche tactics, you're pretty much required to play lower difficulties. Yes, high difficulty is always a choicd but most games, high difficulty just makes the experience tedious and artificial. That's why l like easy or normal battle and very hard campaign for beating armies, ala, Power fantasy if you will. In the end, it is subjective but you can sense how high difficulty in certain games, is just stupid
@TheWinty 3 ай бұрын
From playing shogun2 for many many years, im convinced that +3 melee attack is automaticly assigned to all infantry from begining of the battle, since its even stated in description of the perk, +3 for army under generals command, the ability to stand and fight is just another ability in that skill. Also, do you even geometry dude? :D
@Easternshadow28 3 ай бұрын
Based on my experience with Total War games for years, I'd say you were right. I've never had any reason to believe it was tied to the ability itself.
@alucard4772 3 ай бұрын
best shoulder armor is Fine Long Sleeved Bronze Scale Shoulder Guards
@alucard4772 3 ай бұрын
the best helmet is Lordly lord helmet with metal strips
@SplendidFactor 3 ай бұрын
yea I usually crank taxes to maximum almost every Fall Season.
@michaeloswal9847 3 ай бұрын
Gear will always depend on the combat aproach you'll have. If you or your captain are/is a mounted archer, you don't want his/her horse geared with heavy armour (just to give an example). In mision were you plan a prisionero scape is always better to use short swords. And so on....
@messorem6476 3 ай бұрын
Its just bacics strategy tips for every game like this. Nothing special.