Deep Dungeon Rework Ideas
8 ай бұрын
It's Time to Move On
8 ай бұрын
Update on Life and Moving Forward
The State of Endwalker
10 ай бұрын
What's Up with Modern Gaming
10 ай бұрын
PoE Pulling a FFXIV on Diablo 4
RMT is Still Dumb in FFXIV
Жыл бұрын
@paquirosd 6 күн бұрын
please make a video about Dawntrail, focusing on the lore!!
@Aschera 19 күн бұрын
Based opinion I'd say...
@lawrencetyrpa Ай бұрын
Thank you for a great video! I'd love to see more videos from you that would be related to card games. The ones the closest to my heart are definitely Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokémon.
@Mortiferous89 2 ай бұрын
I know this vids a few years old but i only just came across it (awesome vid btw) I'm a die hard WoW fan, through thick and thin, all the bullshit retcons you name it. Grew up playing wc1 and 2 and eventually 3 which lead me to WoW. I've been playing since 05, beaten all the raids, read all the books and even the (now) non canon rpg books. I LOVE the story of Warcraft. However, id say since BFA onwards the story has been a bit shit. Chris Metzen is back now (grandpappy on warcraft lore) so hopefully things improve going foward into The War Within expansion. Best advice for a brand new player, avoid chromie time, look up the order of the xpacks and play them IN THAT ORDER. Dont worry about overleveling if you're in it for the story. I understand why blizz did chromie time but if you're in it for the story its a real cluster fuck, as you found out. Play through in order, do all the quests you can, finish each zone, get a friend to run you through the dungeons and raids to get an idea of whats happening during that section of the timeline (old raids can easily be solo'd). Each zone will have its own story to tell, and id say from Wrath of the Lich king onwards, theres more of an overarching "Main" story. Vanilla/Classic and The Burning Crusade didnt really have a main story as it was zone by zone with some breadcrumbs leading into other zones. To get the backstory of "The main characters" (thrall, jaina) your best bet is to play Warcraft 3. Cairne is in warcraft 3 who is Baines father, who you're with in the shadowlands. The Arbitor broke down due to Argus's world soul dying. Argus is the home planet of the Draenai and later on, the demons. We went there in the Legion expansion, the world soul manifested into a boss that we killed, the soul of Argus went to the shadowlands and essentially killed the Arbitor. Illidan is now the jailor for Sargeras , a big bad titan who commanded the burning legion (demons) whom we captured at the end of Legion. Its really all over the place these days and theres more than 20 years worth of lore. If die hard fans like myself get confused at times then new players have no chance unless they read hours upon hours of history on the wow wiki.
@-KingCobraJFS 3 ай бұрын
The bots are definitely annoying. And I guess people buy it for the same reason they buy anything that's convenient. I spend probably 10$ a day on redbull. So like 70 a week. Other people buy 100 mil gil for probably the same price.
@drozzydrizzy5595 4 ай бұрын
genuinely what is the point of misgendering a fictional character you would have no idea is trans in game lol reeks of insecurity and bigotry
@OhSnapItzSam 5 ай бұрын
Anyone know the ending song here?
@wendycrescent 5 ай бұрын
" I just want to know the story." Trust me, you're not the only one and Blizzard is renowned for letting down people when it comes to newly jumping in. The franchise (Warcraft as a whole) is 30 eyars old and the RTS games are fundimental to even understanding half of the why of a lot of things. That is not even mentioning the books and 20 years of World of Warcraft itself being out as a game. It is CRIMINAL that even I, as someone who has loved this world since Warcraft 3, need to read WIKI ARTICLES and watch KZbinrs to explain story bits to me becasue I can not afford to buy the books when they come out because CRUTIAL information is just NOT in the game anymore! In short: I think blizzard can learn a LOT from FFXIV and how they tell their story.
@okeeee..2676 6 ай бұрын
i think nobody plays wow for the story xxD
@okeeee..2676 6 ай бұрын
you should play the new season of discovery in wow many many many players are active its like a very huge mmorpg it makes fun no comparisonn to retail
@okeeee..2676 6 ай бұрын
go play classic SEASON OF DISCOVERY not retail
@meyatetana2973 6 ай бұрын
Some players only want to play the game not play a boring part of the game to them crafting, farming, playing with the market is not fun and things are pretty damn expensive especially with housing.
@Endless_Nerd 6 ай бұрын
Lmao I made so much money. Not stopping anytime soon
@Dimumouto 6 ай бұрын
This came across my feed, and just a heads up, that first wish (company changes) came true; Blizzard is no longer under Activision! They've acknowledged THAT sword! AND dragonriding (which will be called dynamic flight in the next expansion, because its being given to a majority of flying mounts) will be usable in every zone you can normally fly in in an upcoming patch (10.2.5). It may be a year later, but some of those wishes have come true!
@saberbeast1 6 ай бұрын
as someone who plays/ has played a lot of different card games (yugioh, magic, duel masters/kaijudo, digimon, lorcana, vangaurd and buddyfight plus more i'm forgetting at the moment) the game itself is quite simple but i think these evolutions or levels should be used to give creatures stronger abilities because if the only bonus is raw stats you can easily beat that with a aggro/rush deck throwing a lot of cheap weaklings to overwhelm the opponent. if you the creatures abilities to compensate for the fact your replacing one creature for another it gives a reason for doing so and can play into some sort of strategy. speaking of strategy since all 4 colors do the same thing right it seems like games will always come down to who has the type advantage which again can be compensated by giving creatures abilities to help associate them with thier color. for an alpha it's fine it's basically LOB format for yugioh but as the game gets developed more it'll need something to make it stand out as there is nothing currently that other card games don't already do better
@tekamer6566 7 ай бұрын
the thing is you barely used any of their survival kit. Which is fine because you are new but the fact is they are not as easy to kill as you say.
@TimeyWimey. 8 ай бұрын
Evokers do have a shorter range (15 m less or something like that), but they are meant to be a "mobile caster", if that makes sense. Hover allows them to cast while moving, something no other class can do, so chasing people and keeping just enough distance to harass the enemy is their sort of play style. They also have a lot of AoE spells that either have more damage or utility than most other casters as well.
@YuuhiTheRed 8 ай бұрын
Just a random idea on my end: Path of Exile has something called the Sanctum. I don't know if you've ever tried one (Else I can show it), but I feel like that can be comparable to what Deep Dungeon COULD have been
@YuuhiTheRed 8 ай бұрын
Here's to hoping the new channel will kick off well and hope you'll enjoy it a lot. I'll still be here to help in whatever way I can
@QuiteSpiffing 8 ай бұрын
Personally I think it would be wiser to not split into two channels and instead keep your new content on your main channel. Reason being because this channel is already doing well in the YT algorithm, relatively speaking, whereas a brand new channel would probably face a little more challenge in that regard and I think the workload may be less Managing a single channel compared to two.
@rowdyretromoose 8 ай бұрын
Looking forward to whatever you create. I've heard lore for FF14 over and over throughout the years. Many, MANY times over, and people have come and gone, so it's no great loss for me. I enjoy what you've made all in all, so seeing a new direction is welcoming and hope for the best with ya. Your style is something I'm hooked on, not particularly the content you consume and talk about.
@DBExplorer 8 ай бұрын
MMOs are a niche, and unlike other genres a fan of one MMO might not look into other MMOs.. so branching out is good
@omegaxtrigun 8 ай бұрын
Sounds like a good plan.
@vampr20ranger 8 ай бұрын
ff 14 is... well i think yea move on to try sumtin new. Disgaea series is a great series you might like! There's also a ton of games you can start reviewing and such, tons of ideas you could do, you already have a small audience and you could start growing from there. smaller games, indie games, even modern games to make fun of how bad they are. I'll look into your new channel.
@Mystra 8 ай бұрын
This video wasn't about how he don't like FFXIV. Nice try though.
@vampr20ranger 8 ай бұрын
@@Mystra no he was saying he wanted more than just lore and try a few new things? What was I trying to do?
@Mystra 8 ай бұрын
@vampr20ranger He's talking about content creation in relation to the game not the game by itself
@Marcomax742 8 ай бұрын
Glad to hear you have a goal going forward. You've got my support!
@mightymanatee5342 8 ай бұрын
Nothing wrong with branching out. Gives you a chance to try games you otherwise wouldn't, like when I got burned by FF13 and found a much better substitute in Lost Odyssey.
@XxLast__BossxX 8 ай бұрын
Do what makes you happy. If you like FF XIV, keep playing.
@Brendan_Johnson 8 ай бұрын
Sync I know you don't keep up with politics because its very messy. But this is what is happening that is affecting every one at the local levels we are in a recession again we are most likely going to go into a depression. With the immigrant crisis at our borders of the USA every immigrant that comes in legal or illegal get prioritize 1st for jobs and housing over the citizen that is born here. With the White house policies on fossil fuels things like farming to creating computers to making shoes have become harder. Our Dollar is beginning to lose its world status because of the constant printing of the US Dollar and taking on national debt and not paying it off but giving money to our enemies for humanitarian aid but they can't use said money for better schools fixing our roads fixing our sewer systems and many more things All these things effect us the normal citizen in one way or another. This is why so many old people like great grandparents and grandparents are so upset with the White house because they can see their babies futures are being sold away. But this has happened to many nations before this is not new to the USA. A good example is Germany it still exists as a nation and those who went through their own great depression came out better.
@Brendan_Johnson 8 ай бұрын
Sync hold onto the light you have. I follow my prophet he said we will go through the darker signs of the times and not to focus so hard on today but to see the end goal insight. You have shelter for now and your goal is to land a job so just keep going and keep trying God loves effort.
@Brendan_Johnson 8 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that Sync. I wish you the best of luck. I am homeless as well.
@YuuhiTheRed 8 ай бұрын
Man, I'm really hoping things will come together for you very soon. It's hard to see a good friend be in this state. Remember that Tati and I are always here to help you in whatever way we can. So if you ever want to drop by for a chat or anything, you know where to find us.
@A5tr0101 8 ай бұрын
The new player experience in FF14 is to pay for a story skip because its so boring, everyone knows that wow starts at the end game
@Contevent 8 ай бұрын
@omegaxtrigun 8 ай бұрын
I’m sorry you’re having to go through this. I know it may not mean much but best wishes for you.
@Rex_548 8 ай бұрын
I hired you. You never completed the hiring process. Just saying. I thought very highly of you and was excited to have you join my company.
@Rex_548 8 ай бұрын
We have not filled the position, and I have gotten multiple updates on your application status over past 2 weeks (next step still not completed). If you really want a job, I would suggest going back over your recent applications that you interviewed for, and make sure they are all up to date with everything needed on your part. Not going to publically state the job. But yeah, been in your corner since day one.
@Rex_548 8 ай бұрын
We follow a lot of the same creators on YT, so once I reviewed your resume, instantly I liked you and took to your plight. I told an associate you would have to have completely bombed the interview to not have me give the green light. And I did give that green light.
@BUY_YOUTUB_VIEWS_986 8 ай бұрын
"I just love your videos because you are so precious for me
@XxLast__BossxX 8 ай бұрын
Mannn!!!! I'm glad you're ok man. 🙏🏽
@vampr20ranger 8 ай бұрын
The job market is terrible..I've literally spent 6 months and applied over 150 jobs before getting one. It's I think job market isn't growing there's definitely not as many jobs as the government says. There's some ppl that have applied over hundreds with nothing. Your definitely not alone or crazy.... It's really going crazy all over the country... my mother is currently job Hunting too I just moved to a new state to get her to family. Its jobs saying they're hiring to look good and really aren't, they get a I think bonus from the government too by saying they're hiring though I'm not sure also a few laws say they have to keep a now hiring out when they're not last place I worked did that and wasted so many ppls time .. it's all ridiculous. I wish you the best because it's terrible...
@henriedavid 9 ай бұрын
Sadly debunked as of London Fanfest. FFXI gets the spotlight :( Maybe for the 8-player raid instead?
@HierophanticRose 9 ай бұрын
Lol If you would have played the game since Vanilla, read all the books, listened lore videos in your free time, spent time looking up WoWWiki, read Chronicle, read the webnovels, watched the diaries, watched all the story trailers for all the expansions, played through every single pre patch, you would have understood the story noob. Fucking noob! Game gets better after 100 hours dont you know that ya noob. Dont talk to me below MMR 2400 noob, you dont enjoy the game cuz you havent done M+ ya noob. If you dont enjoy WoW you are bad at it, and our beautiful community made it clear this game does not need anyone that is bad. In fact all casuals, RPers, crafters, explorers should be kicked. We dont need more players, game is fine. It's fine. Do you understand? It's all fine. God fucking ff14 andy's coming here talking about WoW story - at least its not a weeb game. Sure, I mean we got kawaii furries and scalies now but that's besides the point! It is Warcraft not Storycraft amirite or amirite. FF andys and casuals REEEE out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
@zarnador5228 9 ай бұрын
I can tell you right now it's not out of lazyness for the most part as to why people RMT, it's time investment. It's the same sort of things as with wow with a wow token(Thankfully ff doesn't have something like this). Say someone wants 20m gil and they have a method that makes them 1m gill per hour, and most likely it's not something they enjoy, but it could be, and they want the gil, so that would take them 20 hours of doing that to obtain, but then they go and take a look at the sites selling the gil and notice "Oh wow. $20 and I can get 20m gil?" Now if they work they most likely make that in 1-2 hours of work, so 2 hours of work (they do already, and already have the money) for 20m gil vs 20 hours of work in the game for 20m gil. Go figure what makes the most sense to do, because they save 18-19 hours of grinding in game that they can do something else with.
@thanganbabp5570 10 ай бұрын
wow has a bad habit of just choosing one character to be the one making all the decisions. it happened to the alliance too, with the purple elf lady who is a 10,000 year old priestess and general and leader of her own people, just letting the boyprince human call all the shots