The Outer Worlds is INCREDIBLE
2 жыл бұрын
Oldschool Vs. RS3 #6 | THE RETURN
Runescape 3 Mobile REVIEW
2 жыл бұрын
Byte Sized #2 | Killer Skiller
3 жыл бұрын
Byte Sized #1 | MOBILE ONLY OSRS
Oldschool Vs. RS3 #5 | Smuggler's Rum
@user-dx1jh7lk1h 3 күн бұрын
@Lita1 4 күн бұрын
@meepmeep7634 2 ай бұрын
10:28 bro turned into a new Yorker talking about the sulpher pit
@PatChatGaming 2 ай бұрын
Will there be more parts? Just watched part 1 & 2 and I really enjoyed this!
@marcusisahooper 23 күн бұрын
Yes! I got a bit discouraged after this episode because it didn’t get a ton of views, but I love this series!
@michaelperrigo 2 ай бұрын
RuneScape 3 is undeniably a better game. Tired of people complaining about MTX and shooting down the game in its entirety
@marcusisahooper 23 күн бұрын
@vitoraugusto1085 2 ай бұрын
fo3 its the best fallout.
@belabohlen6156 2 ай бұрын
Good review but a bit more objective would have been to also talk about the core spects of the game. Its pretty clear that you went into this nit liking it and only looked for points confirming that, you didnt even talk about endgame and events which for most people is the most fun thing. You did good talking about the flaws of the game but thats not what id call a review or anything besides a rant, its a rant with some good points tho.
@eddiehanley4258 2 ай бұрын
Fallout 3 is my favorite in the series because of the story. A lot of the other games do some things better, like New Vegas' role playing and 4's gameplay, but fallout 3 has the best starting backstory and typical save the world end that's very cinema
@sovietmittens3910 3 ай бұрын
“That’s right no NPCS” all the robots in base game 🤨”am I a joke to you”
@Solbrick 3 ай бұрын
I find it to be a bit like Minecraft. It’s a playground but no real story to it, and no end.
@jdredd8034 3 ай бұрын
Sorry Mr. Hooper but your conclusion on what type of game FO76 was incorrect. The majority of your video was keenly focused on the narrative aspect of the game, then finished with the game relies soley on its community to keep you engaged. You are clearly looking for a game that gives you a guided experience with heavy narrative themes. That is perfectly fine but that is NOT what FO76 is. This game is not for everyone, but too many video's and comments have misunderstood this game and how to go about enjoying it. FO76 is for people who know how to set their own goals, so you create your own gameplay loop with activities that you find interesting. Players can experiment with different characters builds like Aristocrates, Bloody, and Junky then figure out which legendary effects they like to have on different weapons. They can learn the ways to max out Vats effectivness by increasing Crit damage, Actions Points, and AP regeneration. Learn about all the buffs from food, bobbleheads, and magazines. Learn which items are valuble to stock you vendor with to get good sales like .45 rounds, camp plans, and legendary weapons. Each season introduces a new weapon, armor, and camp theme into the game. And of course camp building where each player adds their own creativity camp to the landscape of appalachia. I could continue..... This video never covered player mutations, the diverse weapons that are fun to slay enemies, camp shelters, seasons, selling and purchasing items from other player vending machines, and other game features. It seems evident that you have not put enough time into this game to give it a proper review. It's perfectly fine if FO76 is not the type of game for you or others. But at least accuratly describe the end game so viewers who have never played have the right idea how players spend their time. A large part of this video was obsessed with Crane's side quest when this is an open world game where you choose to go off on your own or sink your teeth into a quest.
@nanotechnicianhq 3 ай бұрын
Spoiler, you didn't talk about the main quest! Actually, overall your video is good. I like your memes too. Its only a few sleeps till the new zone update too. What you discover is finding smaller stories from dead bodies, finding keys at the top of a Town pushed up into a tree and wondering where they go. Making some really good houses, that fit inside the game world. This soul is the community. Just subbed and belled ya to see what happens next!
@blvckhelicopters 3 ай бұрын
I bought it on sale for $10 after a few years from release and it is boring and tedious as hell. You're constantly managing your carry weight and picking stuff up to breakdown for resources and that's like 80% of the game. The story sucks. The NPCs suck. The graphics suck. Yes, the community is awesome but who cares if the game is trash? Not even worth buying on sale.
@ealexandergironvillasenor8333 3 ай бұрын
Why do you only make three shorts?
@ealexandergironvillasenor8333 3 ай бұрын
I wish we could play together again
@ealexandergironvillasenor8333 3 ай бұрын
It says you’re online
@ealexandergironvillasenor8333 3 ай бұрын
It said you’re online
@ealexandergironvillasenor8333 3 ай бұрын
I like your video I watched your stream when I was not there, and you played drop shot
@sithisrants4154 3 ай бұрын
Damn I miss the livestream. Good to have the vod tho
@maybepurrf2 3 ай бұрын
Don’t play multiplayer games if you don’t like I don’t see why you bothered!
@lewisner 3 ай бұрын
You seem to have looked for reasons to dislike the game which is implied in the title. All the people who have played the game since launch day and are still enjoying it must be wrong .
@julianbruce7595 3 ай бұрын
The main story might have not felt finished because they had big big plans for this game long term which clearly never happened due to the horrible reception it had at launch that basically killed any future story content from happening.
@TheSchullern 3 ай бұрын
dont care.. 76 enjoyer.
@Sirachaasauce 4 ай бұрын
Ok go take some ADD kid
@iiiin4red446 4 ай бұрын
I heard nothing of expeditions, i heard him describing a side quest as if its the main quest, nothing about the fact thats its a live service online game, with a market and economy between players and rare plans / weapons, nothing about events, nothing about the great scoreboard system, wich we all are sad about it leaving this month, your opinion is your opinion, but it was also very surface level, and definitely from someone who isnt very well versed in the game and wants single player.. i love fo3, fo4, and new vegas, but to me 76 is alot better... story wise? No... longevity wise? Yes.. i prefer to have fun with my friends in fallouts amazing universe... i cant stand playing a single player game, alone, for more than a month.
@jegjrtp87 4 ай бұрын
Hidden gem!!!
@xXBrettXxxXBoyXx 4 ай бұрын
ihave a few good packs for you im rather new (a few months in) and touching plat. i wouldn't mind playing with ya bit if you would like. btw golds def ariel however you spell it lol
@Arleneim 4 ай бұрын
The weight limit in the camp made this thing unplayable for me. Even though i was trying to be conscious of what i am picking up and breaking things down for crafting materials, there is no way around paying additional money to improve your inventory in general. Combat was meh, quests were meh, overall enjoyment of the game was just bad. They stripped down everything we loved about fallout, made a clusterfuck of a game and tried to shove it down our throats...
@The_Dying_Rose 4 ай бұрын
I just like Mothman being here
@eldonb5131 4 ай бұрын
Based on your comments towards the end, you should really check out the video titled " Fallout 76 is more than just a game, its a pilgramage " I have over 2500 hours invested and i believe its an amazing game. Cheers!
@lolbajset 4 ай бұрын
you can kind of train slayer through bossing. you can get reaper tasks from death in his office, which asks you to go kill x amount of a certain boss. at the end you get some slayer xp and reaper points. it's not much xp and you can only complete one task a day, however you can unlock the option to buy more reaper tasks with slayer points. but yeah it's not really feasible compared to regular slayer training, but it's an option 😅 at least you can buy a hydrix with the reaper points and sell it for 60m
@marcusisahooper 4 ай бұрын
I’ve never gotten far enough in slayer to try reaper tasks! 😂 I just think centering the entire skill on bossing would be really cool! And you could still get smaller tasks too! Imagine to fight a specific boss you needed some kind of artifact, and the only way to create that artifact is by getting items from certain smaller creatures! So you could still get a “kill 30 wolves” task, but it would be leading to a giant boss fight that would give you a huge xp dump relative to your current level! I think that would be cool and it would be a way to tie bossing (an already awesome feature of RS3) into one of the skills!
@krawk423 4 ай бұрын
Turbo agree on dungeoneering, I hate this skill with a passion, although the cape is very useful to teleport everywhere in the game. I used to also hate hunter cause you're not actively doing anything, same goes with firemaking, but with the introduction of big game hunter, the skill became very fun and is now one of my favorite skills.
@mwithz 4 ай бұрын
So I actually think the name Attack is kind of bad but it should be something more like Weaponry or something more specific to Melee Weapons. The reason why I think Strength is different is because think about actual weapons in real life, like a Rapier/Scimitar to a 2 handed sword. The first needs more mastery in that you are trying to make sure you can properly utilize the weapon so you can parry/deflect or attack with quick movements which is more like weapon mastery. The Strength concept should be more utilized for heavier weaponry that requires both hands since picking up heavier weapons requires a lot more strength, and as a result they should hurt a lot more but should be slower. I think this is something they can resolve in the future post Combat Beta rework. Prayer is pretty afk at Hefin in priffindas so I recommend checking that out. A bit expensive but man is it so nice. I believe you'll like Invention as you learn about it for sure. it helps all the skills and its literally like inventing stuff where sometimes you get it right and sometimes wrong. The payoffs for being right are so nice. Agility definitely needs a bit more help in RS3, I think Surge/Dive are awesome but a better way to train is needed for sure.
@marcusisahooper 4 ай бұрын
That’s interesting! It makes me think Strength should be changed to “Heavy Weaponry” or something like that! Currently just being about how hard all your melee attacks hit feels redundant as a separate skill, but splitting light weapons and heavy weapons would make sense as you’d need to train differently for both!
@mwithz 4 ай бұрын
@@marcusisahooper Thematically that's how I think they should work but I don't think its such a big thing that they need to add immediately. Defense already caters to shields by default so maybe dual wielding would be more attack while 2h would be strength. However changing such an iconic name from attack to something else is going to have a lot of backlash similar to when hitpoints changed to constitution.
@iamimbisile 4 ай бұрын
I'm so tired of people hating on dg without really giving it a try. Doing a few floors and coasting through the experience is like going to Bandos on full revolution and saying PvM is boring. If you haven't taken the time to get good at dg, you don't really know enough about the skill to pass judgement, just like I couldn't judge PvM based on a few afk Bandos runs. Moreover, it's really ironic that people hate the only non-combat skill that requires any skill from the player whatsoever, when they're in love with PvM because of the high skill ceiling and skill-based mechanics. Dungeoneering has far more in common with PvM than with any of the other skills. Just as people spend years learning how to PvM well, people spend years honing their Dungeoneering skills. And just as high level PvM has very little in common with killing Bandos; high level Dungeoneering has very little in common with just mindlessly coasting through a floor. If you hate sitting and watching your character repeatedly kill Bandos, that doesn't mean you're going to hate killing HM Kerapac; they're completely different experiences, and the first one is closer to slayer than it is to PvM. Likewise, if you hate turning your brain off and clicking through a floor, that doesn't mean you'll hate actually engaging with the mechanics, trying to run floors as fast as you can, and playing with others in an organized and knowledgeable manner. Dungeoneering, I believe, has an equally high, or even higher, skill ceiling as most boss encounters in the game. But people don't give it a real try because they don't really know what it is. Personal preference is totally valid, but I see so many people pronouncing their hatred of Dungeoneering without ever actually dedicating any time or brain power to the skill--they treat it like any other brain dead skill, where all you have to do is click on something every few minutes, and because brain dead clicking doesn't work for Dungeoneering, they immediately reject it.
@marcusisahooper 4 ай бұрын
For me, every time I try to get better at the skill, I hate my experience! So if I have to get good at it before I start enjoying it, I’m screwed! 😂
@iamimbisile 4 ай бұрын
@@marcusisahooper I don’t think anyone likes struggling to do something when they’re new at it. I certainly don’t like dying over and over again at a boss I’m trying to learn. But I do it anyway because I know the outcome will be enjoyable once I have gained the skills I need to do the boss well. Never getting good at things because you don’t like the learning process would mean never really progressing. And, in many cases people find the difficulty of learning a reason to actually learn. No pain, no gain, as it were ;)
@marcusisahooper 4 ай бұрын
@@iamimbisile it’s not that I’m new at it! I’ve sunk many hours into it! I got it to 65 on my other account! I just don’t like it! I also think the idea of, “It doesn’t get good until higher levels” is silly because why would I get it to higher levels if it’s not good now? I just don’t think I click with the skill and maybe I never will! I’ll try it again eventually since I want to get max cape one day, but I don’t think I’ll ever enjoy it! I’m thinking about making a dedicated series where I get dungeoneering to 99 to see if my opinion changes at all! I don’t think it will, but it might be an interesting experiment!
@marcusisahooper 4 ай бұрын
But that’s also why I love discussions like this and one thing I love about RuneScape! We can play the same game and come away with two completely different experiences! I hope I do like dungeoneering some day! Especially since so many of my friends love it!
@lolbajset 4 ай бұрын
@@marcusisahooper "also think the idea of, “It doesn’t get good until higher levels” is silly because why would I get it to higher levels if it’s not good now?" the same reason you train any other skill... you grind combat on crappy low level monsters to get stronger so that eventually you can kill big monsters and bosses. any skill at low level will be bad but as you level it up you will get more and more benefits (hopefully). it's staple rpg progression
@prmperop 4 ай бұрын
Some of the most bizzare takes lol but i love it
@Diapolo10 4 ай бұрын
Personally I disagree quite a bit, Archaeology is by far my favourite skill in the game and Invention would be on second place. Admittedly training Invention is more a by-product of training other skills so it's difficult to quantify how much I like to train it, though. I agree about Dungeoneering, though.
@marcusisahooper 4 ай бұрын
You agree about Dungeoneering! That's the important thing! lol
@Americandoughnutgaming 4 ай бұрын
Agreed on summoning. It would be so much better if you could buy the charms.
@tristandarnell5103 4 ай бұрын
What rpg doesn't have NPCs or companions. Camp pisses me off how it's just abandoned
@PharaohofAtlantis 4 ай бұрын
Hunter is a weird one. Hunter sucks a ton until Big Game Hunter. Now, I actually enjoy heading out and doing a few big game hunts, passively* getting 99 Hunter - went from Hate It to Great.
@nickman287 4 ай бұрын
Before bgh: a useless filler skill that sucks training After bgh: fun, skill based training that gives a ton of stuff.
@nickman287 4 ай бұрын
For the algorithm! 6:59 wow, completely different reasons lol. I couldn't care less how my character/armour looks, but unlocking new defensive abilities is nice (when they can be relevant) 7:34 on release day, you'e completely right. With engrams, however, you barely ever need to do the "catch wisp, piss memories back in" training (until end game, but you get decent unlocks to make it bearable by then). Dungeoneering is my favourite for a low level account. It helps a ton with account progression, and running the dungeons (when you understand them) is a lot of fun. A few unlocks are required for that though (medium tasks done and have something that prevents your adrenaline from draining, among others). Also, without alt1, it's pretty sucky. Also, once you're just grinding it to see the number go up, post 95ish, it gets old pretty fast. Invention: something you passivley get xp into as you do baically anything else, and one day notice you're level 120. (And it comes with benefits for many skills and is a massive power boost for combat) Slayer: Best skill to train for me to want to log out. There is boss slayer though. Talk to death.
@Moshe_Dayan44 4 ай бұрын
You hit the nail on the head when you said you would only want to play again if it was with other people, and that you're sick of playing on your own. What you're really sick of is... yourself! So play with other people and see what Fallout 76 becomes when you are mentoring a new player, playing with those who are better and more knowledgeable than you are, etc. That is all part of growing up.
@thefoofromduluth8169 5 ай бұрын
It’s so lame
@prizmovr8817 5 ай бұрын
You missed the main story.
@johnw8578 5 ай бұрын
I've said this elsewhere but when the game finally dies, I hope that Bethesda adds a questline wherein some baddies get control of the nukes and your character tries to stop them. Some choices are to be made and then at the end, Appalachia is nuked into oblivion! Players can log in on the last day to watch an extremely horrifying and beautiful show as Appalachia is consumed in nuclear fire. Follows is a scene with the consequences of your choices (who survives, what answers you may get, etc.) Then the game can be ported to an offline version. Maybe your memory pod opens up, you realize the whole thing was a simulation, and you really get to exit Vault 76. THAT would be a very Fallout ending!
@johnw8578 5 ай бұрын
I always thought it would have been cool if your character got infected with the Scorch plague in the beginning and the questline to find the cure had a timer on it. Failing that would mean permadeath for that character.
@johnw8578 5 ай бұрын
You missed the thousands of little encounters, easter eggs, and weird stuff that happens in the wild. SO many people miss these because they fast travel everywhere. For example, all the Sickleman clues or Indrid Cold or the Skyrim easter egg or poor Rufus! Or all the clues that FO76 is just a simulation (lo, that would explain the bugs as they are just holes in the matrix). The cryptids (and the cryptid questlines) are some of my favorite aspects of the game. Especially Calvin's tale and it was so fun to discover more about Calvin later on.
@michaelcondron1304 5 ай бұрын
First off, great video! Entertaining, well edited and funny. Second, I have to disagree on one small point... The MOST annoying about teams is having the achievement for clearing the bunker and launching a nuke handed to you because you are on a building team (for the extra XP as you roam around admiring player built fantasies and looking for deals) and one of the other teammates completes a run with their friends (or Solo if they are level 900 or whatever). I think I had *just* cracked level 130 or so, had spent a frankly embarrassing amount on a Fallout 1st sub and extra Atoms when something I HAD to have came to the shop... And that moment and totally unearned achievement wrecked the game for me forever. It may sound melodramatic, but true. I just hope they don't bring the same monetization to Fallout 4, now that paid mods are back.
@marcusisahooper 5 ай бұрын
I agree! I didn’t have to do that quest for that reason!
@johnw8578 5 ай бұрын
There are other incentives to complete that quest yourself. I still have to launch a nuke myself (I've only helped but never pushed the button) -- one or more of the Pioneer achievements comes to mind.
@eddiehanley4258 5 ай бұрын
So happy to have this series back. Both games are so good and should be compared out of love ❤
@ErikKlade 5 ай бұрын
That was actually exciting to watch, can't wait for episode 3!! I do have an idea but you don't have to do it. My idea is that each of them has to have a specific challenge to complete while training, and that challenge only has .. let's say an hour to complete.. a challenge that acts as a slayer task, so it'd be like.. "you have 150 trees to cut down" or "you need to cut 200 gems" or similarly, they have to perform an emote in their most ridiculous costume while training every hour, or even try to get a group of people to perform a single emote 10 times.. something a little fun you can add into the mix, but again you don't have to do it, just an idea
@marcusisahooper 5 ай бұрын
I actually really like that!
@johnkennamer2107 5 ай бұрын
You should make shorts, you are good at editing!
@nickman287 5 ай бұрын
Looks like you had fun with this one
@darktrunks0 5 ай бұрын
Love the edit! Great idea for calculating the percentage for max. Definitely a lot closer than I thought it was.