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"Sanctify" NEW Series on AGTV
@ThankyouJesus4444 2 сағат бұрын
@paulg988 9 сағат бұрын
It's more than a little frustrating to me that Pastor Sam and Dr. Brown spent hours playing defense; defending the faith against this individual and that individual's doctrine and (so far) not once mentioned the pariah and Pharisidical doctrine that is cessationism. You saw how unwilling they were to speak ill of Luther, make them defend their cessationist positions; so rooted in unbelief that their churches are dying on the vine, lifeless and dry.
@mikaockerman832 10 сағат бұрын
I would speak with yall, but I am nobody, and I want to stay that way. I dont need any recognition, I just want to glorify God and share the Gospel. But I am on the charasmatic side, but I quickly rejected things that I have seen yall criticize.
@mikaockerman832 11 сағат бұрын
I believe the Bible is the perfect word of God. I believe everything must be checked for biblical standing. But not everything is in there. Do you cast off all medicine because it came from man. What about cooking or nutrition. How about dating and marriage. Marriage exists and there is some guidance but it could bw interpretted in many ways, and has been. What about work, how do I choose what work to do? What about building, inventing, engineering, computers. Do we cast all that off and only build according to what God has laid out in the Bible? And dont even get me started in how we in our society by in large do not live biblically even to what it does outline. Anything that goes against the teaching of the Bible must be rejected. Even if it is a principal but not specifically outlined. For instance, even though the bible does not explicitely speak against spousal abuse, we understand it is clearly taught when taking in the myriad scriptures such as Ephesians 5, Collassians 3, 1 Corinthians 13, and the kost obvious the two greatest commandments that Jesus gave us. And I would also say anything of a spiritual nature should even more be submitted to the authority of the Bible. Lest we go off the rails which has clearly happened all too often. Yet, is there no place for any knowledge of man that is not explicitely stated in scripture? Scripture does not tell you to make videos about false teachings, as far as I know it doesnt say to study the false teachings and come up with solid refutations for them. In fact, I bet we could find thousands of things you do that are extra biblical. But that does not mean they dont line up with what the Bible teaches. I am glad you and your team are calling out false teachers and prophets, but I just cant get on board with that. Someone could easily take what you taught and say them we should refuse medical treatment because antibiotics are not in the Bible even though that means the person dies. You should be very careful stating such sweeping things. You are a teacher, you are held to a higher standard by God.
@bastianbrandt-df1xm 17 сағат бұрын
John 10 v 10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
@bastianbrandt-df1xm 18 сағат бұрын
Luke 6 v 37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:
@mikaockerman832 19 сағат бұрын
Seeing sick people literally has nothing to do with whether or not their are healings. This is anechdotal, but I had been to many churches that are under the Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Calvary Chapel, and non-denominational, And in all the time over years I kever saw one single case of verified healing. Since being in mor charasmatic circles, not NAR or Word of Faith at all, I have witnessed several fully verified healings including my own. And I have witnessed many more that I think were real. And on top of that, I know many in both circles that have had similar experiences. And to me that aligns with the text of the Bible.
@mikaockerman832 Күн бұрын
Am I crazy or are Justin and Jim saying because they dont think these things can happen that makes it false teaching. Because that is not a biblical argument at all. I am not defending anyone, because I would call many of the names mentioned false prophets and teachers. But make a biblical arguement. How can you basically defend Martin Luther but then condemn these people because they make claims you cant believe. Which none of them so far have been anywhere near resurrection, which is in the Bible.
@AmericanGospel Күн бұрын
@@mikaockerman832 let’s take Jesus playing a saxophone as part of the endless revelations that Kevin Zadai has received from his visits to Heaven. In the context of the show, Jesus told him to breathe in the Holy Spirit and it allowed him to play the sax with an “anointing”. He’s now selling these saxophone albums with this idea that you can experience the presence of God, or receive a miracle while listening. This is selling miracles. On top of this Kevin’s visits to Heaven contradict Scripture. The Apostle Paul had a heavenly experience, but wasn’t allowed to tell anyone any details about it. He was also given a thorn in his flesh to keep him from boasting. Kevin is claiming to surpass the Apostle Paul, and is freely boasting of his absurd and false revelations. That’s how we can Biblical know they are false- man-centered, selfish motives, and pride all play a part. Also, Justin and Jim condemned Luther’s words as sin.
@mikaockerman832 19 сағат бұрын
@AmericanGospel sure, assuming that's true, that's extremely terrible, destructive to people, the Gospel, and His Kingdom. And to he straight up, I've never heard of this guy, and it sounds like he has gone the wrong direction with it all, as have many. But that doesn't seem like the argument they are making at times. Even with the Kevin guy, he didn't explain as you have, which would only take a minute or two. Once the context is exhausting self and enrichment, then it becomes obvious. As to Paul, yep he did say that, wouldn't even actually fully specific that it was him even. At the same time, we can look at Jacob, Ezekiel, Daniel, and then John of times God revealed things to be shared. Yet, I am very reupctant about people that go on air about it, that seems like so often it is a sign of bad motives. I would not experience except with people however God leads, but pretty sure they would call me a liar and heretic if I did. Which to me that is just as problematic as the other side. Imagine telling someone they are a liar because they believe God showed them something. Even though dreams and visions are prophesied and in the Bible. What if they believe that lie and reject God because of it? Just as many are hurt badly by the deceptions of those peddling miracles, people are also hurt by unbelief and thinking they are crazy rather than learning to accept and recieve what God has given. Both sides leave us open to the enemy, I think.
@mikaockerman832 Күн бұрын
Firstly, it's not just supply and demand. It's monetization of supply. It's easier to manipulate people with false hope that it is to sell them true teaching that will convict them. Second, the Bible teaches that there will be many false teachers and people will seek after it. Wide is the road Jesus said. That is not really evidence of anything except the Bible was completely correct.
@mikaockerman832 Күн бұрын
Did they say one of them doesn't believe God speaks to people, I wonder what the context is.
@laur3n1124 Күн бұрын
Where can I watch this installment of American gospel?
@AmericanGospel Күн бұрын
@@laur3n1124 it’s not completed yet. This was our update in March:
@laur3n1124 Күн бұрын
@@AmericanGospel thank you!
@cherishmycloset8897 2 күн бұрын
Only old people with a certain bent watch “Christian” television. The actual demand is met on KZbin and we’re all watching Mike Winger 🤷🏽‍♀️. You can compare the numbers/ratings. More people listen to Mike Winger than watch CNN let alone “Christian television”. Definitely call out all these crazy heretics on tv but don’t fixate on it like all charismatics are watching that. Most Christian charismatics don’t even know who Kenneth Copeland is. I found out about him from listening to you guys.
@cherishmycloset8897 2 күн бұрын
Why does Mike Brown not know anything about Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn? Why wouldn’t he educate himself at least to prepare for tors conversation? Cop out
@cherishmycloset8897 2 күн бұрын
You both still regard Mike Bickle as a friend? You first statement didn’t age well so you tried to cover it with a second and even worse statement. Mike Bickle is a pedophile, period. Unbelievable.
@joelp8758 3 күн бұрын
Yes, we believe the sufficiency of the Scriptures. And don’t deny what is in the scriptures we are commanded to do. We are in a spiritual battle and those oppressed by evil spirits need deliverance.
@Janalyn1212 3 күн бұрын
In the Bible also is explicit about not touching God's anointed and doing them no harm . Yes there are false teachers and false prophets, but you better make sure that they are because you may be making a false assumption against them and truly get yourself in trouble with the Lord. The true ones are the apple of his eye. To me some videos like these are just preparing people for the persecution of the true church! Be careful when you judge you could be judging unrighteous and against God's true anointed ones
@LifeClipsPodcast 3 күн бұрын
Sorry, but Michael Brown has HEARD the TRUTH on countless occasions and STILL refuses to listen. That my friends is very very telling! Michael doesn't want the TRUTH of the gospel, he wants the truth of deception.
@annaujlaki-gyori3655 4 күн бұрын
If Luther is excused for his false teachings about Jews bc he didn't know it was a sin, will not other teachers will be excused if they didn't know their false teachings to be sin? This is a though question to wrestle with.
@annaujlaki-gyori3655 4 күн бұрын
I have been wondering myself about how I can trust Luther's take on many things when he was soo off about handling Jews. (I listened to a whole biography about Luther as a Protestant myself.) This is not to excuse false teachers. Just an honest question about how to discern who is legitimately interpreting the Bible.
@gordonsmithtof 4 күн бұрын
The Problem with all you fundamental Christians is you waste to much energy and time in trying to prove your post and declare that you’re the truth when its not. The Islamic faith is increasing in numbers, and nothing is done about it all we do is fight among ourselves as Christian and showing disunity in the name of Jesus Christ. The Catholic church has been around for 2000 years and is now on its 266th Pope. All you who are talking will be dead in 50 to 60 years’ time but the church will continue its mission till Christ who founded the catholic church will return. The Church will not die out and it will still increase in numbers. STOP the attach on the catholic church which is the work of the Devil himself using all of you. Try to focus your attach on the Islamic Muslim faith which is increasing in number in the western world. That is where we as Christians Protestants and Catholic should focus out attach on not against one another - such stupid people making such videos.
@ShaneIrwin7 4 күн бұрын
So sad that Brown cannot see the plain and obvious about these worst of the charlatans. Just total blindness.
@JonahGhost 4 күн бұрын
Sure he does. ““Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the Lord told him. And as Elijah stood there, the Lord passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper.” ‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭19‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬ “Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭29‬ ‭NLT‬‬
@AmericanGospel 4 күн бұрын
@@JonahGhost this verse is addressed in the series. If you continue the passage you’ll understand the context: After the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of a gentle blowing. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. And behold, a voice came to him and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” - 1 Kings 19:12-13 The voice sounded like a whisper or a gentle blowing because the Lord was outside of the cave, speaking from there, and Elijah was inside unable to hear it clearly. When Elijah moved outside of the cave, he heard the voice of the Lord audibly and clearly. The point of this series to show that you cannot support the idea that God speaks to people in “whispers” in the sense of impressions, nudging, etc. in your head that you have to somehow learn to discern from your own thoughts. There’s no teaching like that in Scripture.
@JonahGhost 4 күн бұрын
@@AmericanGospel I understand the verse. We all have different perspectives which equips us for the unique works God has planned for us. BTW I totally agree with the dangers of HVG theology. Not the way you approach it though.
@jamestiffany3531 4 күн бұрын
When will this be available on KZbin?? I'm pumped for this discussion.
@uncletacosupreme7023 4 күн бұрын
Lol Im sorry but his demeanor is totally different sitting in the likes of Peters. Brown is crawfishing hard. Also if this "area" is not your ministry, dont jump in.
@uncletacosupreme7023 4 күн бұрын
Man I needed this chapter this week. I have been so stressed and overwhelmed in my ministry. Thank you guys for all your work.
@uncletacosupreme7023 4 күн бұрын
Caring about souls means that you care if they bust hell wide open. And according to scripture, they all will.
@xiaoxiao5084 5 күн бұрын
I listened to Todd White once, and he did preach about Jesus
@felixguerrero6062 6 күн бұрын
Of course all brown did is engage is shameless whataboutisms...even resorting to an antisemitism redherring
@jamesochieng-tk3mc 6 күн бұрын
The best thing is that Father, JESUS CHRIST is always watching,,only time will tell
@felixguerrero6062 6 күн бұрын
Brown is defending the indefensible. (I am a full blown pentecostal).
@mmtas1995 7 күн бұрын
I have meditated on this for a few months. To label someone a false teacher or prophet is not damning them to hell, which only God can do. Jim Osmon is merely applying an appropriate label to someone (Hinn) who claims to be a prophet and healer sent from the God of the Bible, whose prophetic fruit clearly does not line up with scripture. A person can be sincere in what they believe, such as Sid Roth, and even Michael Brown, but they can be sincerely wrong biblically speaking, because they emphasize certain truths scripturally over many other passages. They can become so persuaded by their own exceptional and selective interpretation of scripture, mesmerized by their own spirit and feelings which they have trained to respond in a certain way regardless of the other biblical truths that confront them, they have become hardened to biblically objective truth which would help them to acknowledge something is wrong. How can Brown say that Roth genuinely cares about souls when he promotes and markets the most egregious false prophetic revelatory materials and their authors to his scripturally ignorant, deceived and/or unbelieving audiences?
@mrr1416 7 күн бұрын
I hear the heart of Storm and Brown, but some things are obvious. This didn't age well for them. John 7:24.
@JonahGhost 8 күн бұрын
A true prophet never calls himself or labels himself a prophet. People just start calling them a prophet due to the anointing God leaves on them.
@dmitriikilishek 8 күн бұрын
Those guys are gonna tell what God must do?! When was the last time they heard themselves?
@LifeOnHoth 8 күн бұрын
Sam Storms is blind.
@menknurlan 8 күн бұрын
As a reformed i'd have to kinda give Dr Brown a agree on there appearing to be a double standard with Luther, BUT i dont think you can really compare the two situations. Though what Luther said was horrible and deeply sinful, we should first look at the motive and reason WHY he said it. You cant tell me that someone who at first wants to warmly welcome the jews to the church suddenly wakes up one day and decides to now just hate jews. Something must have happened or changed for him to go that direction. The big questions is what. Did something cause him to view the jewish rejection of the gospel in some way a threat to the gospel or the church? In that case then his motive may at first have come from a hyper zeal to protect the gospel/church from his wrong idea's causing him to see jews as hostile enemies and resulting in a crazy overreaction and sinful hostility to the jews. If such would be the case then though what he did and said was very wrong and sinful, the motive behind it could be simply wanting to protect the gospel/church at all cost. The means would be awful but the motive behind it not in and of itself. Also we have to keep in mind that he lived in a very different time in which people were much harder, much more used to death and thus maybe easier capable to such thinking. I mean they literally had publiv torture executions in those days. Now compare that to Benny Hinn, what is his motivation? Purely and 100% self enrichtment. Everything he does is for his own benefit. Pretty much a basic characteristic of all the warnings of false teachers. They're always doing stuff for their own gain. Either for money, power, sex, popularity or all of it. Luther did not have that motivation. So there is a difference. That doesnt mean we have to give Luther a free pass. What he did and said was absolutely horrible and sinful. But what David did was sinful and horrible too. And so did many people in the bible and history whom God used for his plan. Luther was a sinful man used by God to reform the church and bring light to the gospel of grace again. All Benny Hinn has done is enriching his bank account and robbing widows and poor people in the process.
@EquippingBroadcast 9 күн бұрын
I wish my Pentecostal/ Charismatic leaders would stop pandering to these ten spies preachers who causes the people of God's heart to melt with doubt and unbelief in the promises of God. They only build their ministries off of prosperity preachers whom they believe are false teachers, when in fact they are the ones who are against Christ. All things now belong to the new covenant believers in Jesus Christ. The Justin Peters of the church lack revelation of who Christ truly is, and what his death, burial,and resurrection accomplished in heaven. Pentecostals/ Charismatics are operating in the promise land revelation and we are kicking the devil and demons rear end in the face of these gainsayers as our Lord and King did during his time on earth. Peters, Osman and all the opposers will see themselves in hell for opposing Christ. They measured with the same measure in Judgement as they judged other brothers in Christ. I would love to challenge these guys and I am no theologian, but I have been with Jesus through the power of the Holy Ghost and I have seen healings, deliverance, and miracles from prison to this very day.
@EquippingBroadcast 9 күн бұрын
I wish my Pentecostal/ Charismatic leaders would stop pandering to these ten spies preachers who causes the people of God's heart to melt with doubt and unbelief in the promises of God. They only build their ministries off of prosperity preachers whom they believe are false teachers, when in fact they are the ones who are against Christ. All things now belong to the new covenant believers in Jesus Christ. The Justin Peters of the church lack revelation of who Christ truly is, and what his death, burial,and resurrection accomplished in heaven. Pentecostals/ Charismatics are operating in the promise land revelation and we are kicking the devil and demons rear end in the face of these gainsayers as our Lord and King did during his time on earth. Peters, Osman and all the opposers will see themselves in hell for opposing Christ. They measured with the same measure in Judgement as they judged other brothers in Christ. I would love to challenge these guys and I am no theologian, but I have been with Jesus through the power of the Holy Ghost and I have seen healings, deliverance, and miracles from prison to this very day.
@agear2 10 күн бұрын
Beware the judeomasonic dispensationalists. Where is the expose on that? Oh wait, there is none....
@polynesia8733 10 күн бұрын
Brown & Storms VS the other 2. Like apostle Paul VS Pharisees.
@HC-dn1do 10 күн бұрын
Sadly, Brown and Storms lack discernment.
@spod11 10 күн бұрын
no one reading the Bible would ever choose cessationism. Cessationism is created by some unbeliving Christian who didnt have the faith to walk in the Spirit and power of God and gifts of the Spirit. Much study has been done to deny the gifts. Only satan wants the church to reject the power of God and gifts of the Spirit.
@spod11 10 күн бұрын
counterfeit signs and wonders and preachers is proof that true signs and wonders and teachers still exist today. Cessationists are not qualified to critique the NAR or WOF etc. Only continuationists are qualified to critique this movement. Cessationists do not please God for they have form of godliness but deny the power.
@elissabellajoy 10 күн бұрын
I've only come across this now, but thank you thank you thank you. People are so selfish about heaven. May I never ever judge anyone by their looks or deeds, but by the words of their mouths and the fruit of their repentance. Lord, have mercy on us, sinners.
@rachelscottspeaks8097 10 күн бұрын
Justin do you have concrete proof from a poor person or poor people, who gave to a word-faith ministry, that this person or people were never blessed in ANY WAY by giving their offering to God? Do you have concrete proof that not ONE PERSON was EVER healed at a Benny Hinn conference? You look at the (man) or ministers for errors but don’t seek the fruit. My pastor had a terminal stage 4 brain tumor and was just “in the crowd” at a Benny Hinn conference and he was miraculously healed! The cancer never returned! Thousands of legitimate healings have happened at Benny Hinn and at other charasmatic conferences. How about you examine what spirit is behind your NEED to point fingers while dismissing what God can do through a broken vessel? The wheat grows up with the tares-Jesus says he will separate the sheep from the goats.. your motives to divide the Body of Christ puts you in a dangerous place. Just come out and admit the truth-YOU are not a charasmatic and YOU don’t understand charasmatic experiential Christian faith and leave these ministers alone:
@cryptoidmonkey3985 11 күн бұрын
How many people have been cured of Down Syndrome? Just curious.
@spod11 11 күн бұрын
didnt Jesus go about healing ALL?
@spod11 11 күн бұрын
For Justin to be healed he needs to have demons of infirmity cast out of him.
@AmericanGospel 11 күн бұрын
And you know this… how? 😬
@spod11 11 күн бұрын
@@AmericanGospel God told me.
@robhardy1109 11 күн бұрын
What needs to be cast out of Benny Hinn or Kenneth Copeland to get their natural hair color back? Or TD Jakes' baldness and morbid obesity to disappear?
@JulioJLuna89 11 күн бұрын
He's got a message for you "So THAT'S why I'm crippled. And it must be true because, well, look at his source. I'm just eat up with demons. #someonebettercalltheexorcist" - Pastor Justin Peters. He's trolling you 😂
@indigatorveritatis8891 11 күн бұрын
Brown can't be taken seriously anymore. He's a wolf
@polynesia8733 12 күн бұрын
19:00 do NOT ask/test God and ask for sign when HE ALREADY told you to Seek first HIS kingdom and HIS righteousness. Matthew 6:33. HE already told you to go to Bible College IN THE BIBLE. You didn't want to go to BIBLE college. Gideon DID NOT have the Bible.