5 Times the Bible Endorsed Slavery
Ask an Ex-Christian | 25k Q&A
7 Times Paul Contradicted Jesus
@tracytoney 2 сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ will not burn you forever but He will erase your Existence,Anilation at the end of the age and that’s Justice “ He said Dust you are and Dust shall you Return”.
@melindaedgington9925 2 сағат бұрын
I think you lack knowledge of God and his character traits. Maybe your church lied to you I don't know. You seem happy where you are and do not seem to want to find truth. I always pray for understanding and I question everything.
@DannyboyOiOi 3 сағат бұрын
With all the talk of forgiveness in the new testament, one would think that Jesus would forgive the erring masses even after they died... Didn't jesus lecture one of his apostles about 7 times 70 or something being the amount of times we have to forgive our neighbor?? Well, shouldn't he do the same? That's why I'm not worried about dying "unsaved"
@rocketdock11 3 сағат бұрын
Paul wrote that "the love of money is the root of all evil" and this should tell you everything you need to know about him. Typical fake spiritualist who preach against money while whining about being broke at the same time (borrowed idea straight from Socrates). Nowadays we call these guys communists.
@Bousedeus 4 сағат бұрын
Lol this video funny
@user-nl9hi1mj7z 4 сағат бұрын
And god and satan are predators changing us to dark matter to eat we are this earth as anti hydrogen but when we are young we have a hydrogen star soul along side but made to think we are one consciousness both tricked to confess to sin and the hydrogen stars soul and another hydrogen stars soul collided together to explode to rebuild the ghost of the stars that were before the hydrogen and to gene splice the part of t dark matter side of us but most devoured
@user-nl9hi1mj7z 5 сағат бұрын
We are the souls of stars that had our memories wiped and placed on the earth to be set up for sin I Am Gabriel/ What god calls a devil and I have been warning people what I have found out trying to prevent Hell not condemn to it the stars that were before the hydrogen stars Exploded and we are talking Hundreds of zillions going bang one after the other before explosion pure love and holy more than god deliberate design to induce fear of death then anger then hatred then watching the next link in the reactor chain of life the hydrogen stars started forming and the stars that were before didn't know they were just reconfigureing soul to go into new body it was kept hidden to cause jealousy thinking they were dieing and to sin to reverse the atoms by colliding together the Red dwarf hydrogen stars to change to yellow anti hydrogen suns one male and one female this earth is the female god threw comets at to make it explode and to become this earth and planets and moons of the milky way galaxy and the other anti hydrogen yellow sun Jesus one possessed the god th other possessed by satan to set up for sin and to confess
@stefanheinzmann7319 2 сағат бұрын
Sounds logical.
@jesseochocki3491 6 сағат бұрын
The sovereignty of God is what you are struggling with. Go to a zoo and look at all the animals and ask yourself how they came into existence. Then read the opening chapters of Genesis. The animals are part of his creation.
@AtHu-uf4fy 6 сағат бұрын
Single after asking god for a woman for years still single..😅 praying to nothing
@AtHu-uf4fy 6 сағат бұрын
Cannibals...they eat each other 😅 holy Holyoke crap 😅
@stillfishing4sheep 8 сағат бұрын
Hi Kristi, how is it you use a Bible that is copyrighted? How can God’s word and the co-authors that wrote about things they did not understand and without taking away their personality, so that God said everything he wanted to say and so did the writers of the books of the Bible. This duel authorship is supernatural. Do you understand that someone that love's you that pays a debt you owe let’s say for a speeding ticket. Then you get to go free. The judgement is imposed on you $100 or 10 days in jail and that is the penalty because you were caught speeding. The Judge could be kind hearted and throw out the offense but that would not be fair. It is not the Lord’s method of perfect justice. When a penalty is deserved it must be paid. But if someone pays the fine or voluntarily serves the 10 days in jail YOU get to go free. Can you brag about being so good that you got to go free? It happened that someone loved you so much that they were willing to pay for you to go free. Have you ever committed a sin breaking only one of the Ten Commandments? The penalty for breaking any of the Ten Commandments was to be stoned to death. Jesus paid for all your sins by sacrificing himself on the cross. And he keeps you safe from committing any unpardonable sins. I hope you repent but I hope you are able to still want to love God, love your neighbor and try that’s all the Lord is asking of anyone.
@sunnysengupta7556 8 сағат бұрын
You'll never come back😢? You are one the few strong women voices in atheist community. Love from India ❤
@katelynsumner8802 8 сағат бұрын
Jesus is king! God gave us life and Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins! He loves us and yes he wants us to obey and be good Christians and to only serve him! And why wouldn’t you want to?? He made you and he is going to come again and take his followers to a beautiful place he has for us , a place so beautiful and precious that we have never seen before!❤❤ He wants us all to be with him, but you can’t be a bad person or follow Satan , and then think you’re going to live in paradise for eternity! If you choose to go against God, that is your choice, and it hurts him deeply, but if that’s what you choose, then you will suffer for eternity! Turn to Jesus, read the Word, seek him and knock, he will then answer you and show you the way to salvation!😊❤
@megangray7769 10 сағат бұрын
Yes, I really want to understand and do what's right.. I don't think anyone wants to believe as much as me. I appreciate these conversations
@claudiopimentel2406 10 сағат бұрын
When I looked at you. I saw you in dark robes.
@onononmememe6514 10 сағат бұрын
Kristie I am so grateful for your videos. This is another reason why I deconverted to. Because prayer is no magic cure for anything and it actually doesn't get anything done. For me prayer felt more like a ego boost and I didn't want to keep living the life of thinking I'm better than others who are not Christians. This video is typical of the Christian nature of how they will continue to nag even after you say no 😂
@mikeys7536 10 сағат бұрын
For me, the most difficult thing to accept about the Bible is it’s origin. It was written by men. What if someone popped up today and said “hey, God spoke told me I need to add another chapter to the Bible”. People would dismiss this person as schizophrenic. So what made the iron age authors so authentic?
@user-uy7ho1lp3s 11 сағат бұрын
Dont be deceived guys...God is the best thing that happened to humanity...evil exists,demons, satan, afflictions are real...give your life to Jesus
@axolotlandpangolin 14 сағат бұрын
How do you respond to people who say that they 'talk' to God?
@axolotlandpangolin 14 сағат бұрын
Christianity really convinces people that if you don't agree with them, you deserve to be punished, and I think that's just the worst. After being afraid for so long of myself going to hell, and all my atheist friends and family, this video helped me feel more at peace. No one deserves hell, period.
@thomfiel 14 сағат бұрын
Paul took a minor offshoot of Judaism and changed it into a new, separate, organized religion. He redefined the faith, creating what we now call Christianity. He also understood that by preaching to the gentiles as well as to other Jews, and by simplifying the ancient Mosaic laws (in the Pentateuch), he could vastly increase the growth potential of this new religion. In short, he turned Christianity into the huge multi-national business that it is today.
@AtHu-uf4fy 15 сағат бұрын
If you believe in God they send horrible black men yuk
@AtHu-uf4fy 15 сағат бұрын
I wanna sin to please please 😭🥺😅😅😅 kewl beans
@AtHu-uf4fy 15 сағат бұрын
Prest trying to have sex with me lol 😂 true 😆
@markburris9778 16 сағат бұрын
Heisenberg, Newton, Richard Smalley, Never did any research. The list is endless.
@thischristian8317 16 сағат бұрын
"Unpacking and deconstructing..." (i.e. rewriting ancient texts through an anti-authoritarian, anti-patriarchy, traumatized 2024 lens). Most false arguments have a false premise. Was Lot saved due to his "righteousness"? Was Lot even a "righteous" man? The Bible records some notable righteous people. For example, "Noah was a righteous man." and "Abram believed the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness." Seems a simple task, then, to simply search for where "righteous" is ever used with Lot, as in "Now Lot was a righteous man", except that there is no such verse. Kristi has made Lot into a straw man argument from the very start. No mention in this video of Abraham, pleading for Sodom. "What if there were just 50 righteous people, surely you would not destroy the whole city, right?", "For the sake of the 50 I would not destroy the city". "Cool. Er... what if you could only find 45? or... 40? 30? 20? or even just 10?" "For the sake of the 10, I will not destroy it." Which gives us some idea of just how wicked the city was. There obviously were not even 10 "righteous" in the whole city. In the passage, there is no mention of Lot as a righteous man. So why was he saved, then? The verse RIGHT AFTER where Kristi stopped tells us! "So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he brought Lot [Abraham's nephew] out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived." Kristi also misunderstands/misrepresents Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt, Lot's daughters taking advantage of him, rape vs. homosexuality, etc. but if she can't get the simple stuff right, i.e. reading and understanding the verses that come right before and right after her cherry-picking, then who has the time to educate her on the possible motivations and actions of individuals of the ancient world?! Not me. Kristi will join those others in the Bible and in the world who saw the Creator through their own lens, did what they thought best, and refused to accept God's free gift of eternal life; an offer so simple that even a child could understand.
@zaramichelangelo605 16 сағат бұрын
I find it very sad and unfortunate that lots of Christians have the same questions as Kristi Burke, but the church has not addressed these questions and doubts.
@misch221 16 сағат бұрын
Im a christian, and about your last question, about turning off the faith for just one minute. Ofc it doesnt work like that. Faith or belief is something that grows slowly. It is often compared to a seed that grows into a plant. Just like that the plant can die slowly if malnourished. Also it’s not just believing in the existence of god, the demons also believe there is a god, its about believing that we wronged god and every single human being absolutely deserves to die. Because god created the human and offered him paradise. But man was greedy and that wasnt enough. He wanted to be like god. And every human being would’ve acted the same way as adam and eve. If you say you wouldn’t, you basically say you can be without sin which is a lie. So the point is to admit that and to humble yourself beneath god. But about the question of whether its a choice or not to being able to believe. In my experience it is. I was atheist for more than 5 years and I was 100% convinced there was no god. But one night I was walking outside and I had the strong urge to answer a question in my head. I asked myself, IF god was real, hypothetically, would I WANT to believe or not? It was all very strange and its kinda hard to explain…But I said yes, I would rather believe in god and if I knew god was real, of course I would dedicate my whole life to him. It was all hypothetical and I didn’t think about that night for months. Half a year later something in me started to change, but it wasnt from any outer influences. I didnt go to church, didnt speak to christians and didnt read the bible. This is also very hard to explain but so much of my thinking changed and I was totally unaware in what direction that was going…but enough about that, my point is, its important to decide if you want to believe or not. If you dont have faith but want to believe, god will give you faith eventually. And vice versa.
@stefanheinzmann7319 15 сағат бұрын
That's not a story that would demonstrate that you chose to believe. It happened to you, would be the more accurate description. The question you asked yourself is somewhat strange, too. If God was real, and you knew that, not believing in him would be a denial of reality. It would be a bit like not believing in gravity. The life dedication thing is distinct from that. I don't get why you'd want to do that, even if you knew him to be real. Wouldn't that presuppose that you believe in all that extra nonsense like heaven, hell, eternal punishment, redemption, resurrection, sacrifice and so on that Christianity tries to spin our heads with? Why?
@misch221 13 сағат бұрын
@@stefanheinzmann7319 I think I didn’t express it clearly. When I asked that question I didn’t believe in gods existence at that point. I thought to myself, if god was real, hypothetically, would I want to believe in him? Basically I thought do I want god to be real? And yes I did. But it didn’t change anything at the moment. Faith came gradually and it only started growing months after that. Why would I want that, and why would I want to dedicate my life to god? Because it gives life meaning. God created man for a reason, a purpose. Ultimately its love. God wanted to be in communion with man. Jesus used the image of husband and wife. Its about enjoying each others company.
@stefanheinzmann7319 13 сағат бұрын
@@misch221 OK, so you wanted it to be true, and gradually drifted into actually believing it was true. I appreciate your honesty, but forgive me when I say that this sounds like wishful thinking to me. I fully get how one can gradually convince oneself of the reality of what one wishes to be real, but it is a different matter altogether whether it IS real. I'm curious, btw., what you think your life's meaning is, now that you believe in God. I frequently hear people say that their belief gives their life meaning, but I don't seem to be able to get anything coherent out of them regarding what that actually is. Perhaps I'm lucky with you!
@misch221 12 сағат бұрын
@@stefanheinzmann7319 Yes, I see how it looks like its just wishful thinking. Maybe it is, I can’t prove gods existence. Nobody can for that matter. Its not something that can be rationally concluded. The bible also talks about that, that to nonbelievers faith is just foolish. Also it would be unfair if you could „think“ yourself to faith. It would mean that you‘d need a high IQ to get faith. I know that sounds cliche but you have to experience god on a very personal level. For me getting faith itself was kinda a miracle, because I was so convinced of gods nonexistence the thought of being a believer was just impossible to me. But there were many little personal miracles I experienced that strengthened my faith. For one I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and was clinically depressed pretty much since I was a teenager. I know people might say, „of course a schizophrenic will believe in that nonsense“, but actually my mental ilnesses gradually disappeared, although my doctors said I will have to take medication for pretty much all my life. Ive been off meds for 10 years now and I hadn’t had any episodes in between. I was able to go to university and got my degree in physics, which was totally unthinkable before. I know people can find all kinds of explanations for my better health, but I cant. What is my lifes meaning? Like I said, I see myself as creation and god as my creator. The bible talks about, that god put eternity into mans heart and thats whats most important to me. The hope of being eternally with god. Whats my purpose on earth? Jesus says the two most important rules are „love god with all your heart, all your mind, all your strength and all your soul“ and „love thy neighbor like yourself“. Spending time with god in prayer and reading the bible gives me such joy, its indescribable. Of course its not the case that Im feeling super happy whenever I open the bible, Im still human, I have problems in life I think about and I suffer. But at the right time I will feel gods presence and be at total peace. The other thing that gives me meaning is loving others. Its not always easy, but I try and being kind to others, help others and most importantly forgive others (as god forgave me) just feels like the right thing and when done right gives me joy and happiness. But like I said, im still an imperfect human and I often dont succeed. But I can count on gods forgiveness and his help.
@stefanheinzmann7319 11 сағат бұрын
@@misch221 Thanks for being so open! I haven't had an experience that would compel me into faith in a way that resembles what you say. However, what I have learnt is that such experiences aren't uncommon, across pretty much all religions. William James wrote about this more than a hundred years ago in a famous book "The varieties of religious experience", and lots of people have looked into this scientifically ever since, trying to figure out what it is about. I am not an expert, but the gist of this seems to be that it is a psychological effect rooted in the way the human mind works. I personally can't bring myself to assume that anything supernatural is involved. It would be rather odd if the supernatural selected the particular religious imagery and tenets prevalent in the society the believer grew up in, if it had anything to do with the truth. It rather looks as if it had a lot to do with what you know about religion from the environment you grew up in. But whatever, it transpires that you reconciled yourself with your subconscious wishes, and thereby removed the origin of a mental illness. That's of course a good thing. It solves a cognitive dissonance and allows you to live in harmony with your wishes. Regarding the meaning of life, it seems to me that you like to live forever in the presence of God. In some sense you seem to see the present life as a kind of warmup period. There's a lot I don't get here. I try to go through it point by point. 1. You claim to experience God on a personal level. Is that the same what you also expect for eternity? Or do you expect a quite different form of being with God, and how do you picture that? 2. Why do you think you didn't get born into this eternal condition directly? What is the point and purpose of the warmup period? 3. Why does eternity appeal to you? Do you not fear to get terminally bored? I mean, I have been thinking about this. I am a curious person with many interests, and I could picture myself remaining busy and interested for a few hundreds of years, perhaps a couple of thousand years. But eternity is a lot longer than that, and I fear terminal boredom is going to be inevitable. Unless, of course, it isn't going to be my real me that enters the afterlife, but something that is unlike me in this respect. A form of me that can be eternally in awe without getting bored. That would be spooky to me, like being drugged. Is that a train of thought you've ever followed? 4. Regarding the time before the afterlife, you sound a little like the meaning of life is in obeying Jesus' rules, and in worshiping God. To be honest, I wouldn't be happy if I learned that this is what I'm here for. I don't like to see myself as part of an acclamation army for the ruler. Even less for my creator. I picture a creator who creates beings specifically for worshiping him. I write software, and it would be easy for me to write software that praises me each time it is started up. But I would regard it as bonkers to do that. It would be a sign of a mental problem if I did that. So why would a God want that? If I created sentient beings with a free will and a critical mind, I would be proud to see them question me, and pushing back. What people regard as blasphemy would make me proud of my creation. Because, honestly, I am under no threat from that, so why should I be annoyed? On the contrary, it shows that my creation works! Their mind works! Have you ever thought about that? 5. I agree with you regarding loving others, provided we're having the same notion of love, which I'm not sure of. I just don't see the role of God in that. We are social animals, so we should have a built-in capacity for social behavior, and the corresponding feelings and motives. Living in harmony with our "construction", so to say, is going to make us happy. Sometimes so much so that the supernatural may seem to be involved, but I find it totally satisfying without. For me, this aspect just means that the meaning of life is to live according to our nature. Would that seem too scant to you? 6. Would you agree that my life as an atheist can have meaning, too? A meaning that derives in no way from a God, or the supernatural in general? And if so, why doesn't it work for you?
@misch221 17 сағат бұрын
Its important to ask those questions. I asked the same questions, after being raised in a christian household. I went to church multiple times per week and was taking part in all sorts of church activities. Asking those questions led to the realization that I didn’t fully believe in Jesus. So I went atheist for more than 5 years and had absolutely no doubt about the nonexistence of god. But god spoke to me eventually and only then I realized my sinful nature and was ready to give my whole life to Jesus. If I hadn’t asked those questions I would’ve stayed a person who calls himself christian without being reborn. ““Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; leave Me, you who practice lawlessness.’” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭21‬-‭23‬ We need to be honest to ourselves and to god.
@joseriosdev4314 17 сағат бұрын
The reality is, we are all going to die. Which is a bad news, the good news is that Jesus came to give us Eternal Life, because all life is in Him. Why suffering? because of sin, that can extend a lot of debate, but let's look to the suffering God who humbles Himself to provide a Salvation. Yes, the boat of humanity is sinking we all agree that is something inherently wrong in this existence, let's be responsable and think... what's the true salvation for humankind?
@mase444 17 сағат бұрын
I saw another atheist video that said God could either be all loving or all powerful, but not both, and your explanation of Romans 9 really proved it haha
@easyspeak101 17 сағат бұрын
It's shocking to be on receiving end of all that.. Note The new testament says Christ sacrifice ended the curses upon the cross.. It, I find all very disturbing we all arrive on earth even today to a high level of confusion, and dispute, whatever camp of belief or unbelief you fall in. It's Def the iron fist at this stage in 'history' as it tells it, trying sort out a people of deviant past and behaviour, like the hermetic principle.. love reciprocates love and hate reciprocates hate, one of the hermetic principles people often practice, like karma.. I wasn't there, it's a tough one to see, but NT is said to offer a gentler side of God in many respects... Tc all, whatever you believe... 👍👏
@d.adamson5769 18 сағат бұрын
Open the 3rd eye and you'll immediately sense and understand, the bible is not consistent with higher spiritual laws. Just as Obi Won told Annakin in Revenge of the Sith, "Yes, but use your feelings, something is not right!" Nuff said..
@marcomontano9454 18 сағат бұрын
Lets say heaven is a government job and to be trusted how can a felon be among them??
@IsaacNussbaum 19 сағат бұрын
A note to fellow Christians: Please leave Ms. Burke alone. Stop threatening her with "hell." Stop trying to "save her soul." Christianity is not for everyone and Ms. Burke, clearly, has decided it is not for her. That is her right and we ought to respect it.
@quantezwatts436 20 сағат бұрын
The bibles of today are untrue. Jesus was never crucified he didn't die for anyone's sins and probably had more than one wife
@Lovley11649 20 сағат бұрын
I’ve said this all the time!!!! I never understood how humans are in the middle of 2 supernatural beings silly beef. The devil supposedly rebelled against god so instead of god easily obliterating him he thought it was more fitting to put him and his pals on earth to now tamper with humans? That never made sense to me. For what reason did god do this???….is it so he can see how many souls they can win between each other? 😇🎮😈 because that’s exactly what it seems like. God hates sin so much that it’s deserving of eternal punishment but he not only crate us with a sinful nature but to raise the stakes he throws satin on earth to get us to fight off him trying to get us to sin? We might as well be in the “Hunger Games” It blows my mind, but we have no choice but to play along or we face hell. We have no choice but to choose him or we I’ll end up in hell. He literally gives you a choice to choose him but then threatens to punish you for all eternity for not making the choice HE WANTS. The anti christ will do the same thing give people a choice of choosing him but kills them for not choosing him, the Bible describes this as force, but god literally does the same exact thing and it’s “love”? . Never understood that. I’m a Christian in a relationship with God that I can not “choose” to leave otherwise he will send me to hell.
@Occam31 21 сағат бұрын
Wicked in this context referring to anyone and everyone who doesn’t accept and believe the Bible on faith. If that makes me wicked then sign me up.
@wandavanmourik1014 23 сағат бұрын
I am listening to your video's and I cringe every time you say things like: god is not a good god, because I was brainwashed for over 50 years. Also, I was abused by my (now ex) husband for 30 years and I had no idea, I never thought of it this way 😳 I learn so much from you, I learn to think for myself, so thank you so much! I almost say: you are doing the lord's work, but I don't say that anymore 😂 A big hug from the Netherlands ❤
@user-uz6ct4sp1x Күн бұрын
Read Quran
@deathveteranxd6650 Күн бұрын
The thing that i think is kinda intresting is that original sin was first talked about in the old testament and was congruent thousand years later in the new testament with the crucifixion.
@worldfamousgamer9191 Күн бұрын
hey sexy ,i hope you're doing great
@sunshinehappyfuntimes Күн бұрын
Jesus was dead for like 3 days before he was fully healed and brought back to life then transferred directly to heaven where he got to rule the entire universe forever, what a sacrifice that is.....
@stefanheinzmann7319 21 сағат бұрын
You feel really sorry for Jesus, don't you?
@bartvanransbeeck1341 Күн бұрын
Scriptures were not written by the spiritual experienced people.....base your faith on transcendent expierience , not on 'belief' but on gnosis
@bradforddrake8633 Күн бұрын
Hurray for Kristi! She has some brilliant analysis and arguments! She is like a NEW "Christine Hitchens!"
@lepidoptera9337 20 сағат бұрын
Dude, she isn't going to date you, no matter how much bullshit you say about her. ;-)
@Starlight.Fox. Күн бұрын
Tbh the main reason i dont have a faith is because why would we worship someone who sends people to eternal blaze? Edit: this is just my opinion by the way, I still respect you if you are religious <3
@joshwatson5561 Күн бұрын
Respectfully, this is a perfect example of setting your self up for failure. Hearing her exegete the text tells you there was not a serious attempt at understanding context and meaning. Obviously, she doesn’t have to believe but at least be honest concerning how Christians exegete those text. Also, it’s very ironic hearing the words “morality”. Under what understanding does she use that word? Not under any objective one.
@stefanheinzmann7319 21 сағат бұрын
I don't use the word "morality" under an objective understanding, either. There's nothing ironic about it, I do it in full conscience, and with the conviction that there's nothing wrong with that.
@joshwatson5561 21 сағат бұрын
@@stefanheinzmann7319 just for clarity, there’s nothing “wrong” or “right” about it under that paradigm.
@xXEGPXx 20 сағат бұрын
My morality is far more objective than yours. You fully believe that if god commands you to put a puppy in a blender then that is a moral action. What would possibly be more morally relative than that?
@uppercumberlandrams9824 19 сағат бұрын
@@xXEGPXx Respectfully, neither of those statements follows. Objective would be determined by something outside of our human opinions and be grounded in something deeper. Your morality being far more objective is your opinion so therefore, that statement is self-defeating. God demanding to put a puppy in a blender would not be consistent with his prescriptive word, so therefore, that would also not be a thing in true Christianity. Again, a basic understanding of Christian ethics would be beneficial. I am guessing that you have been hurt by certain "fundamentalist types" in the past and I am sorry for that.
@stefanheinzmann7319 19 сағат бұрын
@@uppercumberlandrams9824 How is a belief in a God objective?
@jasonkaufman6186 Күн бұрын
It really seems like the Bible is offending your modern sensibilities, and you refuse to investigate the myths beyond just being offended and rejecting them. If this all offends you so much, I'd be really interested in what you think about the factory farm system we have which essentially tortures animals for our pleasure. Is living a pleasurable life more important than animal sufferings? In Romans Paul's synthesis of God's sovereignty (the ideal intelligence) with belief is a critical component of Paul's thought. The ideal intelligence necessarily exhibits belief, and it must manifest as arbitrariness. The ideal intelligence cannot make decisions unless it is arbitrary in nature. Also, Paul didn't conceptualize Hell as eternal conscious torment. That Psalm 137 passage is truly grim. You explained it fine, and it's fine to be offended by it. That Deuteronomy passage doesn't talk about rape. It's a mistranslation. And your old pastor didn't explain it well. Deuteronomy 20 talks about rules of war. There is no possible way to avoid war, therefore any ideality of God must include rules of war. The rules may seem barbaric, but war is barbaric. And war has proved worse in the modern age than in ancient times. Slavery can also be seen in our modern times in the form of the draft and prison labor. I think your critique of John 3:16 is just an attempt to irritate Christians, not something that actually caused you to lose your faith. You're generating offense and arguing in bad faith.
@stefanheinzmann7319 21 сағат бұрын
Your first paragraph reeks of whataboutism.
@jasonkaufman6186 19 сағат бұрын
@@stefanheinzmann7319 4 million pigs died today. 136 million chickens also died today. Their lives were terrible. It is worth talking about, especially if there's any discussion of moral goodness happening.
@stefanheinzmann7319 19 сағат бұрын
@@jasonkaufman6186 That's the principle of whataboutism: "There's this topic that needs to be talked about everywhere, even when the topic is another."
@jasonkaufman6186 19 сағат бұрын
@@stefanheinzmann7319 Then there's a fine line between whataboutism and hypocrisy. However, my point was to inspire a thought and not to condemn or castigate. I hope that didn't come through.
@stefanheinzmann7319 18 сағат бұрын
@@jasonkaufman6186 There is such a line, yes. But it must remain possible to discuss issues of lesser importance in the presence of issues of higher importance, even when people agree about the relative importance (which they don't, of course).
@asiyelhanasraya6423 Күн бұрын
Jesus does not mean to hate in the way it's understood in modern society. It's a Hebrew idiom that means to love less. So when Jesus talks about hating your parents, he means that you should love him more than you love your parents. It's not a contradiction at all. I agree with you about your argument about Paul, though.
@jasonkaufman6186 Күн бұрын
Infant sacrifice was prevalent in this time period, and you thinking that this isn't an issue of morality clearly demonstrates that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. This was a serious moral question for the Israelites, who sacrificed their babies on a regular basis. The story of Abraham and Isaac symbolizes the prohibition to worship God by human sacrifices, at a time when human sacrifices were the norm. And by the way, Jezebel probably sacrificed one of her babies. Jezebel vibes!