worst dad ever? 🫣 r/AITA
2 ай бұрын
kids: cute or creepy?
3 ай бұрын
most spoilt people ever?? 🥸
@Fabala827 2 сағат бұрын
2:57 studies have actually also shown that people who swear more on average have a larger vocabulary!! Which I love bc I was always told growing up that it was a sign of having a SMALL vocab 😂 also everyone should look up Mama Cusses; she makes content about ‘gentle parenting’ that’s actually so wholesome, and one of her things is that her kids are allowed to use a word (including a swear word) as long as they have a full understanding of its meaning and use it only in “appropriate” settings (and never to deliberately hurt another person- no slurs). It’s also fascinating bc the little ones are NOT in her content bc consent, but she has twin 5-ish year olds and a teenager, so you can really see her talk about/demonstrate things in real time while also seeing what a baddie her older kid turned out to be lol
@lilygee4732 2 сағат бұрын
This isn’t entirely LGBTQI related, however there are snippets, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the handmaids tale as a whole, I love the show but it is so controversial all at the same time.
@sarahwebb3354 4 сағат бұрын
Any day is fine! Thanks for all you do! I love the videos with Jamie. More would always be better!
@-Jari- 6 сағат бұрын
55:14 "Have you tried to not bleed?"
@tabathaalshalhoub1653 7 сағат бұрын
I thought I was subscribed?! And yet I wasn’t?! I should take my b12 lol
@ImUSAGiveMeYourOil 8 сағат бұрын
"Lets dive into some arseholes today" 💀
@ngrace11 12 сағат бұрын
Omg, what a cute look! I'm obsessed with your top and bag.
@thedragonssparkvideos 21 сағат бұрын
I had to learn that being selfish in a healthy way for myself was ok; it wasn't wrong.
@thedragonssparkvideos 21 сағат бұрын
Never East Shredded Wheat is much better than what I learned.....Never Eat Soggy Worms :/
@deborahwilkins3786 22 сағат бұрын
On the first story: it sounds like there might be no legal change of parental status; the son may have just stopped going to the shared custody time, which at 17 the dad can't force. If that is the case, the school, in most N.A. jurisdictions (certainly in Canada and many US states) mom can't cut the dad and step mom off from high school communication. Good that he is graduating and will be able to cut the ties more crisply soon. The grad party is probably a private event, not school run, so a security firm could be hired to send someone without a uniform to subtlety remove them as trespassers.
@thedragonssparkvideos 22 сағат бұрын
We need Inside Out but ADHD brain edition
@thedragonssparkvideos Күн бұрын
As a Freelance photographer I've done an Indian wedding which was probably my favorite one to do. Learning the culture and what I should/shouldn't wear as I ran around doing my job. It was an Indian woman marrying a white man. It was adorable to see the groom's parents getting tips and went with the bride's parents to pick out appropriate clothes. It was amazing to see two very different cultures blend together so well and respectfully. I was proud to be a part of it and capture all those wonderful people~
@minashepard1255 Күн бұрын
Rock on Shaaba 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
@thedragonssparkvideos Күн бұрын
Take that baby and have the brother sign away his right to the child for it to be 100% yours. Maybe the bio-mom could be the cool aunt if she wanted to be. But yeah super NTA. Poor child about to grow up possibly f*cked up.
@emilybeck9756 Күн бұрын
I got popcorn thrown at me once and I was like, yeah I deserved that 😂
@kristinw2600 Күн бұрын
High school counselors - especially if the kid is not yet eighteen - can discuss grades and path to graduation with anyone listed as a legal guardian. Teachers, same thing. Assuming stepmom is telling the truth about the conversation with the counselor, the counselor did nothing wrong if kiddo is graduating from high school. Also, as far as seeing the grades... Dad would still be able to do it even if they take her off as legal guardian, and it sounds like she could easily bully him into letting her look over his shoulder.
@KaydenDoesMC1 Күн бұрын
At my first pride festival I made the grave mistake of not bringing a big enough bag for loot. It fit everything but i couldn’t zip it up 😭
@asexualbert7262 Күн бұрын
I have an older brother (three years older) and... it's both. Pain in the ass but I adore him. And he's a lot less of a pain now that we're both grown and living separately
@brendamcbride8296 Күн бұрын
Hi Shaaba and Jamie.
@MiriamKorlee Күн бұрын
I missed this Live, so sad. I'd love you to make more of this kind of content too ❤
@anniespring8986 Күн бұрын
If you’re using headphones to manage your disability they are a disability aid and should be taken just as seriously as any other disability aid. Stealing and depriving OP of the tools they use to manage their disability is beyond ableist and honestly the whole situation sounds emotionally abusive if these are regular dynamics.
@loramartin8525 Күн бұрын
You need to get him soft food. Do you have rapashi? Applesauce with some ground up bugs?
@stylis666 Күн бұрын
AITA for saying that peeing in your car is disgusting? No, but she also told him to not do it and that does make her an awful person. You can find something disgusting and still let someone make their own choices, especially when the reasons are good. Do the reasons make it less disgusting? No, but they should make your reaction and lack of support less disgusting.
@stylis666 Күн бұрын
Yeah, cologne is not disinfectant. Just use strong liquor like a normal person :p Okay, almost normal person 🤣And use a clear and cheap liquor and don't waste too much unless you have it in the kitchen because it's disgusting and you only use it to clean stuff anyway. You know, like an almost normal person 🤣 Also, I don't know if this is just in The Netherlands or if it's in the UK and other places as well, but labels and price stickers and stuff are now (pretty much) all glued with glues that dissolve in oils and not all glues that dissolve in either water, alcohols, or oil and you have to try and find out which of the messes you've made were useful and which were useless. It's quite handy and it saves a mess of soaking in water or using alcohols, or trying everything and finding out nothing works. Just peel and rip most of the sticker/label off and scrub with any cheap oil and then wash off the oil with water and soap.
@lapatti Күн бұрын
My son has autism but we only found out when he was a lot older because he could mask very well when he was little. I was very ignorant back then and so I would just ask him if he was feeling okay, if his throat was sore or something because his vocal stimming. He had no idea he was doing it and i seriously thought he was messing with me so we would joke about it. I would catch him doing it and he was like "doing what?" Since the diagnosis all his quirks, tics and vocal stimmers have improved so much
@crimsonrose4648 Күн бұрын
In the second story gf should get in the bin sounds like she doesn't even like op given her aversion to basic fundamentals of OP's brain. She sounds like she's just hiding her ableism and trying to enact more control onto op.
@PokemonPrince_ Күн бұрын
0:20 ''I thought you were just being annoying like usual'' Jamie's face 😂 He feels so betrayed
@luvmaelynne Күн бұрын
29:11 that’s how I eat my chicken nuggets hehe I approve Shaaba I approve. *I’m autistic* this story made me mad because the fact that OP kept mentioning the fact that the girl was autistic doesn’t make any sense. it does not add anything to the story. if the kid was neurotypical, the same answer would apply!!
@Just_Reading_Comments Күн бұрын
In regard to you talking about you wanting Jamie to eat more vegetables once you have children, I gotta share a story that 20+ years later still aggravates me. My daughter was a very picky eater as a toddler but she did really like vegetables and even liked Brussels sprouts until… one day I was cooking dinner that included Brussels sprouts and her dad came into the kitchen and said “Eww Brussels sprouts, gross” in front of my daughter. Guess who never touched Brussels sprouts again. I was so irritated because she was so picky as it was and getting enough things like protein, fiber, vitamins (which they are high in) etc was already a challenge. Kids absolutely pay attention to everything we do and say.
@thedragonssparkvideos Күн бұрын
Only reason why partner and I did wedding is for our families.....we would have just gone and signed some papers and hung out at home lmao
@soullesscadmium30 Күн бұрын
It's very funny to me that white people are the ones who are most pressed about cultural appropriation. Don't be fake offended on behalf of people who aren't offended.
@soullesscadmium30 Күн бұрын
I don't think anyone should be forcing veganism on their family. Unlike vegetarianism for hindu people, veganism is a choice that ADULTS make for themselves after already having several life experiences. I don't think a person who decided to be vegan as an ADULT has any sort of excuse to enforce their food habits onto children.
@oywiththewaywardtardis Күн бұрын
My 2 year old niece has recently discovered the benefits of LYING. thankfully, she hasn’t yet figured out how to be any good at it. I was babysitting her a couple weeks ago - we were sitting on the front steps as she was finishing her second popsicle of the afternoon (courtesy of Grandma, not me). Her: “I should have another popsicle”. Me: “I think three popsicles would be too many.” Her: “No, because too many is when my tummy hurts and my tummy doesn’t hurt.” Me (already charmed by this flawless logic but trying to be responsible): “Would your mommy let you have another popsicle?” Her (looking me straight in the eyes like the brilliant poker player she thinks she is): “Yes.” Me (processing the knowledge that she just LIED TO MY FACE): “…ummm…I don’t know about that…Would your daddy let you have another popsicle?” Her: “Yes.” Me: “Welp, I guess it is a special day cuz we’re spending it together, let’s go get it out of the freezer.” 🤣🤣🤣
@thedragonssparkvideos Күн бұрын
People get dog types without researching if it fits with their lifestyle and then wonder why the dog is 'misbehaving'. Umm...you aren't giving them the care they need and not setting rules. I got a quick wakeup call with this when I got my German Shepard mix...turns out holy hecken energy of doom with smart sassy energy mixed in. She needed to burn that energy with walks and then mentally stimulated or she'd do stupid stuff. Even living in a tiny apartment with no real walking places I still found a way to give her the exercise she needed to be healthy and keep me sane.
@thedragonssparkvideos Күн бұрын
Fur-baby names! Zoey eldest German Shepard mix with her sister Mina a rat-terrier/black lab/huskey mix and their cat they raised Sheila who barks and wags her tail.
@moonchild3972 2 күн бұрын
@Kass-bb9um 2 күн бұрын
@MeidoGhoul 2 күн бұрын
the swearing thing was so awkward as an Aussie LOL
@amiddend 2 күн бұрын
Your outfit looks amazing!! I love it!
@nady2130 2 күн бұрын
@mossman15 2 күн бұрын
2nd story, its nobodies fault that the kid had an allergic reaction, but it is the mom's responsibility. that's literally what being a parent is both legally and ethically. Sounds like a stressed mom without money for hospital bills and then self conscious that people found out. but no matter what OP isnt the drama
@mossman15 2 күн бұрын
The first story makes me think the Mom should have done a better job from the very beginning to encourage her boys to be loving and accepting of their new sister. My parents adopted a child when my brother and I were already grown and moved out of the house and they very specifically had several conversations with us about being loving and inclusive towards our new sibling multiple times over the first few years as we were all learning how best to include them to be sensitive to their unique situation in our family. This also included involving her bio mom in some of our family endeavors even though she technically wasn't our family. But she was our siblings mom so she was family. Families grow and it can be awkward at first but planning and effort goes a long way. It's not entirely the moms fault, these are grown adult brothers, but I do wonder how much effort the mom put in before it came to this point.
@LunaTARDISFlyer 2 күн бұрын
3:26 my mum adds mashed or smoothied banana to pancakes, tastes great
@ErisIsAnAbomination 2 күн бұрын
Here’s my take on the second story as an autistic person. My headphones are my comfort item; I wear them *everywhere* to block out noise and because the pressure on my head keeps me grounded. I have noise sensitivity so bad in some cases that I’ll go into a full panic attack or start shouting at the people around me, and it doesn’t matter where I am in those situations. The headphones help me through situations that would be *debilitating* otherwise. With all that being said, I’d go so far as to say it’s downright abusive to steal an autistic person’s comfort items or sensory aids. Meltdowns and overstimulation are genuinely terrifying to experience: you’re in fight-or-flight mode, everything around you is dialed up to 100, and you feel like you want to crawl out of your skin and run away screaming. The fact that the GF resents her partner’s disability so much that she’d rather have him in *that* state is so goddamn troubling.
@noizthegoblin 2 күн бұрын
I have a 9yo cat who I got when she was 2yo, as far as I know she's never been outside but does poke her head at the door when we open it. Got a new cat about 6 months ago who had spent her entire existence outside (a whole 6 months herself lol). We keep her exclusively inside as well. At first she tried to go out but we have managed to dissuade her and she has no interest in it now. Both cats are very content sitting in the windows bird watching :)
@doobat708 2 күн бұрын
In that first story, I wonder if that stepmother looked in the mirror at all. Divorce is a big no no in the Catholic church. They have no moral high ground at all. A Catholic dicorcée is living in a glass house and should not be throwing stones. The fact that they also lie about how involved they are with the kid just shows they're using their religion as an excuse to be hateful.