Should Celebrities Stay Quiet?
Palestine. 🇵🇸
8 ай бұрын
I need your help.
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Are Religious People Idiots?
Faking Your Race is WILD.
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Hair is actually EVERYTHING.
@ayahyori Күн бұрын
And then my younger siblings call me narcissist and bossy and they basically hate me...
@kikoulifelife6712 Күн бұрын
yeah ! there is bad Muslims for sure !! and believe me with experience : the worst I saw are those who are very strict and authoritarian and blaming ones ! n other word : the narcissist ones !! be careful of them
@AshShifaCompany 2 күн бұрын
i just came back last week & i am still so sickkkk. so tiring ya RAbb
Here is Islam (only some points): 1. Promoting violence and terrorism (Quran 9:5, 9:29) 2. Oppressing women (Quran 4:34, 2:228) 3. Encouraging child marriage (Quran 65:4) 4. Practicing female genital mutilation (FGM) 5. Promoting hate speech and intolerance (Quran 5:60, 98:6) 6. Encouraging violence against non-Muslims (Quran 9:5, 9:29) 7. Supporting slavery (Quran 24:32) 8. Denying human rights and dignity (Quran 4:34, 2:228) 9. Encouraging honor killings (Quran 18:74-80) 10. Promoting anti-Semitism (Quran 5:82) 11. Encouraging violence against apostates (Quran 4:89) 12. Supporting polygamy (Quran 4:3) 13. Encouraging domestic violence (Quran 4:34) 14. Denying education to women (Quran 2:282) 15. Encouraging forced marriage (Quran 4:25) 👉Limitations on free speech and criticism (Quran 5:101, 33:57) 👉Punishment for blasphemy (Quran 5:101, 33:57) 👉Restrictions on artistic expression (Quran 5:90-91) 👉 Limited interfaith dialogue and cooperation (Quran 3:85, 5:51) 👉Perceived contradictions and inconsistencies in the Quran 👉The concept of abrogation (Quran 2:106, 16:101) 👉The treatment of LGBTQ+ individuals (Quran 7:80-81, 26:165-166) 👉 The practice of taharrush (sexual harassment) in some Muslim societies
@jerhzacarias 4 күн бұрын
Gaslighting. Meanwhile in Muslim countries you are very harsh to Christians. I support France.
@antithesis5555 5 күн бұрын
I feel a bit uncomfortable with the broad generalization here
@MrAbuYaz 6 күн бұрын
Tazzy, when will you understand that Islam is all about domination and elimination of conquered cultures? We Jews will not succumb to your supremacist ideology.
@fareedkeshav2096 6 күн бұрын
Tazzy Phe ... Love ❤️ you my sister ... Muslim from South Africa ..❤
@bluepharos9748 6 күн бұрын
I almost never comment on yt vids and I consume a lot of minimalism/mindfulness content (the oxymoron ik) but I genuinely think your delivery and insight is really great. Just had to say it. Also you touch on a lot of things I personally struggle with too. Can’t wait for more of your vid 🙆‍♀️
@yoohootube 7 күн бұрын
Tazzy, my Instant Pot is still in the box, I'm so scared!
@masterakbarrelyeshuaxxi7452 7 күн бұрын
They are Superior when it comes to Afghan Heroin.
@emmontesa 8 күн бұрын
Immigrant children growing up in the US and whose families are from different countries are creating their own culture. It is beautiful observing these children flourish and enrich the American experience. I doubt that you will witness these fantastic creations in Pakistan or India.
@emmontesa 8 күн бұрын
I like to drink chai and I like dark skin women. Just look at the women from Ethiopia, Somalia and Eritrea.
@1mrdnewman 9 күн бұрын
I can't stand people like that--"I only date White people." How shallow. Well, I only date good people with good moral standards and they comes in all colors. Abandon colorism.
@emmontesa 9 күн бұрын
Tazzy you have to acknowledge that in the Quran, Surah an-Nisa (chapter 4) verse 34 clearly states that "men are in charge of women" and beating a wife or daughter is permissible if they disobey the orders of the wali (male guardian such as a husband, father, brother or uncle). Mothers are never designated as guardians eventhough they are responsible for caring for the children. Also when if comes to Shariah Law, one male witness is equivalent to two females. Additionally female Muslims can only marry a Muslim man but a Muslim man can marry a Christian or a Jew. I agree that no woman should be subjected to physical and/or psychological abuse but how do you counter the BS that is codified in the Quran? Continue the good work in MAUSA.
@emmontesa 9 күн бұрын
In my company we have a designated prayer room but by law we can not segregate by gender. In islam, women and men pray in separate parts of the masjid. Apparently, Muslim men are so weak and lack discipline that they can not focus on praying to Allah if there are women in visible range.
@emmontesa 9 күн бұрын
I woulld like to propose that the so called religious people not to demonize Muslim women who do not want to wear the hijab. Also we should not assume that a Muslim woman who wears the hijab is a good person. Thank you Tazzy for making these videos.
@guiltycrown6024 10 күн бұрын
This is so true...i have lived and worked in the middle east for most part of my a muslim from india , arabs treat people of subcontinent as a subhuman eventhough most people are just minding their own business..but what surprised is they worship the white man eventhough he was foreigner just like us and didnt know arabic..
@Wanda649 10 күн бұрын
Just wait if Le Pen wins then look out. Your are going to wish Macron was still in.charge.
@GreaterAfghanistanMovement 11 күн бұрын
Nepal and Sri Lanka are also Desi
@Starlight-vs2ot 13 күн бұрын
Thank you making this video. Anywhere that the colonizers A lot of these creams contain mercury and other toxic chemicals. The glutathione injections that are being used to white the skin are not approved anywhere in the world. These injections are dangerous because they can cause liver and kidney damage.
@S55547 14 күн бұрын
I’m so glad a short popped up and reminded me of your channel (by the way, your content is brilliant and much needed deep dives into our collective desi culture! Bol didi, bol! Ok so that sounds weird anyhow preach! Much appreciate The detail the work you have put into creating your Content. So you might be seeing my commentary from your videos years ago, but I hope it contributes to read whatever metric KZbin needs to promote you! 3:53 ok sooooo that, great profession however, as one of my dear South Asian, auntie aged patient told me upon sharing The increasing psychological violence towards me from all directions predicated on narcissistic abuse tactics, she said “ this is where we, the parents, did a disservice to our children, we always told you to stay between the lines do what’s right, follow the rules.” Basically lead your life with integrity and virtue. But that only works in societies that are like-minded/ communalism rather than individualistic. Unfortunately many of our organizations, including universities, still, have a very strong adherence to the colonial principles by which the war initially opened, but which remains in the subconscious underbelly of the organization. And this thing I was never made aware of, systemic racism. I rolled into the place with this mindset of meritocracy and egalitarianism among my team members. But that’s not how these places work you got bureaucrats who are masterminds of dark psychology, you have this leadership system that’s still the white patriarchy, and to my chagrin race outweighs rank and therefore reverses power dynamics. So your attempts rectify inappropriate divergences from the plan of care or standard of care is reported to leader ship as nothing more than and example of a character flaw of someone who is unnecessarily persnickety, even though there are actual adverse outcomes from this repeated neglect. And there’s no due process in these places the gist is “white is right.” And in fact, it is so strong that you can actually surpassed your colleagues, quantitatively and qualitatively, and that is secondary to you’re strict adherence to your ability to people please the white employees. When you get mobbed, it’s one of the worst experiences in your life, and it would drive me crazy when people admittedly a lot of white people, would immediately assume that it had to do with money, and that these organizations are only after money and you’re not, they don’t give a crap about doctors blah blah blah and then you have to stop them and say well, even though I’m less productive than before because I have a nurse that isn’t able to function in her role and the way that many other nurses, including those with lower degrees, and I’m still leading in productivity so it’s not a money issue so what is it? And it wasn’t until I was almost completely pushed out that a couple of European friends not even my therapist had pointed out the elements which then became crystal clear. I can’t believe I missed that. So maybe your doctor would be good if you can do the private practice stuff but if you lead with that virtue and integrity, and you going to one of these systems, your mincemeat! Who would’ve thought that patient safety and quality came secondary to race hierarchy
@KeliOConnor 14 күн бұрын
I was raised Christian and Righteous Gemstones is HILARIOUS.
@BeeSmith 15 күн бұрын
This gives me a lot of insight into my grandmother, who the eldest daughter of immigrants who arrived when she was 6 years old. Also...eldest of 5 daughters. And she sure was bossy! She did act as translator for her parents, who were financially so hard up they allowed their youngest to be privately adopted. My sister remembers goimg with her to the Social Security office to sort some matter out for her father. To give context. This all went down in the 1890s. My grandmother was one of the first to go through Ellis Island.
@AprilToprak 15 күн бұрын
Your mama is so sweet. I only learned how to cook thanks to KZbin tutorials 😂
@pattrell5257 15 күн бұрын
The ironic thing about this is--when almost pure blacks and almost pure whites mix(where several BW generations of non-mixing collide), the chjlbren of this couple look Middle Eastern by default! Meaning, this is what you can expect those chjIbren to look like. Two of my nieces(by marriage and born before my black brother and white sis-in-law were married) are ME looking. But, the chjIb my brother and her had(my blud niece] is instead white passing(my family has white ancestry not far back in the genealogical record). So, this is very likely the origin of Middle Eastern people: one black and white parent. Therefore, when you hate black people as a nation or group of people, you hate one of your ancestral parents or where you came from...
@AprilToprak 15 күн бұрын
I’m from Argentine. A Muslim revert living in Buenos Aires. Every single time people ask me: “but, where are you originally come from?” Followed by a… “oh, so you’re playing being Arab”.
@MiaMia-lb2iy 16 күн бұрын
Glad someone spoke on this. I'm 23 and want to make that leap with independence yet I'm holding myself back along with my mom. I'm so restless yet so used to my mom's comfort. I know, I need to get it together
@londonoxfordstreet 17 күн бұрын
@londonoxfordstreet 17 күн бұрын
American Born Confused Muslim (ABCM) 😂
@londonoxfordstreet 17 күн бұрын
Generational degradation at work
@londonoxfordstreet 17 күн бұрын
@dhdowlad 17 күн бұрын
I have been told the same story when i was young but i would not like my child to stand there and wait for me..
@bookwormsurfer 17 күн бұрын
TOTALLY. Israeli men not so much. Hottest men on Earth and most respectful of women and children. Allah not with raping terrorists, ladies. NOT AT ALL.
@mariatrimboli9963 17 күн бұрын
I never knew this was a thing! I am a 65 year old woman of Italian immigrant parents that came to the USA in the late1950s. I had those same EXACT experiences as you. Except I wasn’t encouraged to get a higher education. I did it anyway. Being the eldest daughter explains so many things. Why I am the way I am. And why I made certain decisions in my life… Some things never change I guess.
@delshahid8971 18 күн бұрын
Still makes me laugh😂😂😂😂
@delshahid8971 18 күн бұрын
Yep!!! Still living it🤪😆
@user-bl8uu6rq4z 18 күн бұрын
Love the skits lol❤
@tearsinthesea 19 күн бұрын
As a new hijabi, I am really happy I found this video
@sababa5689 19 күн бұрын
Oh Tazzyphe you are so on point. You are totally describing my husband and his side of the family.
@sarbnitrof4663 19 күн бұрын
Accepting a belief system based entirely on unverifiable claims because it makes you feel good is a sign of insecurity moreso than a lack of intelligence.
@piricarmen 19 күн бұрын
How can you be religious and then discriminate against your brother for God’s given blessing of having rich melanin. You cannot believe in Allah and be cruel and hateful against your brother for his skin.
@stevet5087 19 күн бұрын
Stop generalizing… makes you look completely ignorant.
@BeansPredi-ch6xk 19 күн бұрын
She isn’t generalizing. Stop insulting! Makes you look like a complete asshole.
@jessicalynn7229 19 күн бұрын
Are you brown ?
@alphacause 20 күн бұрын
Wow! Its like you are speaking to my own life experiences. The overzealous pampering tendency that Desi parents have with their own kids does, in many ways, hamper their true potential. While this very protective and nurturing approach does help us in many ways - making us more safe and more educated than people of other races, it also has a dark side. It makes us less likely to take risks and be adventurous. The end result is Desi culture produces excellent students and workers, but not people who do monumental things that are profoundly impactful. Its why, I surmise, while we excel in STEM, most of the great leaps forward in technology are not invented by Desis but by White people. It may have something to do with Caucasian culture where, on average, they are more open to risk taking and their culture emphasizes more independence in their children. This rugged individualistic mindset leads to immense creativity and innovation that is rare among Desi people.
@amuthanshan 19 күн бұрын
Excel in STEM, yes. But only in certain communities. There are still some communities that are suspicious of 'western' science such as evolution which is a fundamental pillar of biology.
@alphacause 19 күн бұрын
@@amuthanshan That is true. There are many within Desi culture who deny evolutionary theory, but that ultimately does not effect their career prospects as most science related fields they pursue do not require a working knowledge of evolutionary theory. You can practice medicine, for example, without embracing evolutionary theory.
@MitaliNavajaCondori 20 күн бұрын
We are growing with you, Tazzy❤ Thanks for having the courage to do it on camera so that we can also hold the mirror up to ourselves, Masha Allah🪷❤️‍🩹🙏🏾
@ln393 20 күн бұрын
I would say tat if u r putting ur kid in school with a focused community, have the kid exposed to other communities in other programs lik sports etc..
@ln393 20 күн бұрын
the burping😂😂😂
@abuhijjra 20 күн бұрын
Iblis was the first racist and racism was half of the reason he’s condemned to hell. This is why the Prophet peace be upon him said, racism is close to Kufir.
@abuhijjra 20 күн бұрын
I won’t name them, they know who they are. Let’s not leave out the racist African immigrant Muslims. Yes, that’s right they are here and some worst than the Arabs and the Pakistanis.
@abuhijjra 20 күн бұрын
I don’t vote, but I hope that Trump wins and bans all immigrant Muslims from coming to America and revoke citizenship and green cards of those that already came. It’s haram to become citizens here if you are from a Muslim country. It’s worst that you import your racism.
@abuhijjra 20 күн бұрын
If you want to know if an Arab or South Asian is racist, ask to marry into their family.
@Texasdontcareaboutyou 21 күн бұрын
For me it's not that I think that they are stupid for believing in a God, that's harmless, I think they are stupid because they are believing the words of other people about God, Giving them money because they have faith in them and in the past marching to their drum beats over conflicts that the leaders most likely started themselves. Actually it's safe to say that if religion hadn't caused so much blood to be spilled and division amongst mankind I wouldn't have a bad thing to say about it at all.