Live Letter LXXX Special | SoH | #397
What IS Solution Nine? | SoH | #390
@Lexxicon13 3 күн бұрын
issue with the goblet (and gridania's) aside from what you said is houses are pointed weirdly so you would have a mansion but the entrance to the front lawn is on the side and the house's view is blocked by some poor person's tiny little shack and a mountain... mist is mostly good, shiro is great. ishgard would be great if it wasn't grey due to the never ending winter
@Lexxicon13 3 күн бұрын
only tech issue I've noticed is it takes longer for the game to close when I quit (and buns still missing hats)
@sailormoonfan224 4 күн бұрын
Well, then. The pope and his knights of the round table were worse than I thought, lore wise.
@Horstveratu 5 күн бұрын
At this point new housing would be too cool compared to the old zones, unless you go with sharlayan or ala mhigo or something old...🤣🤣 The New inn room is insane imagine the shitstorm if you compare a district on that level to shitty Goblet housing
@honey_ryd3r09 5 күн бұрын
Keen as for Spoilercast. Can't wait!
@lyconxero457 5 күн бұрын
I’ve got to counter the Picto misinformation here! I actually think that Picto is VERY GOOD in low level dungeons as it gets the ability to paint everything needed to create Mog of the Ages at lvl 30!
@superape013 6 күн бұрын
There is nothing hidden about vipers combo timmer the chsnge for finisher is based on a buff you give yourself and the action timmer for the combos is tued to that buff as well when you lose that buff the combo breaks
@louiskusters9452 5 күн бұрын
Exactly, it's quite clear.
@anggasurbakti8269 6 күн бұрын
PS5 mount tilting issue is not mentioned unfortunately. Hopefully the issue fixed soon without Yoshi-p not mentioning it
@coaster1235 6 күн бұрын
my run of the 95 dungeon took over an hour, with all four people new. i was on healer, the tank seemed a bit unsure, and idk what the dps were doing but the damage was low (managed to convince the dancer to closed position before the last mob pack) and the bosses were looping like 4 times before we downed them. and the last boss claimed lives (i think we wiped 5 times) but it was fun to survive a tankbuster on whm
@soldierorsomething 6 күн бұрын
Great i just got to lvl 95 in the MSQ, so i guess im in for a wild ride 😂
@the.selfteaching.artist 6 күн бұрын
What I agree on is that FFXIV gifts you absolutely nothing! Everything feels like labor in my opinion. Don't get me wrong here: Some things get their Value by not being accessable for everyone and that's very good and needed. But with things like leveling alt-jobs for mentioned in this episode...why not giving more exp? It takes FOREVER!
@anggasurbakti8269 6 күн бұрын
Forever? I have 4 combat jobs at 100 and 1 gatherers 1 crafters at lv 100 with 3 other jobs at lv 94-97. It' almost 2 weeks after EA so how much faster do you want?
@anggasurbakti8269 6 күн бұрын
I have 4 combat jobs at lv100 and 1 gatherers 1 crafters max level too. Several other jobs also at 90+.That is much faster than EW in 2 weeks after launch. How much faster do you want. actually?
@the.selfteaching.artist 6 күн бұрын
@@anggasurbakti8269 🤔mmmmh Faster😄 But good for you i guess 🤷‍♂️ I have several guys in my FC with every crafter/gatherer and at least 4 jobs at 100....and all Fates on Max. So...what's the point rn? And one day...when there are 500 different jobs in this game that don't feel different at all anymore..we can play 2.5 years just for leveling everything to max level. 👍 but I am glad you found the game of your dream😆
@anggasurbakti8269 6 күн бұрын
@@the.selfteaching.artist btw I thought my reply is deleted but now I see both of them. Seriously youtube
@anggasurbakti8269 5 күн бұрын
@@the.selfteaching.artist you sound burned out, better stop playing this game and try other games. It's ok if you don't return though
@turntapeover5749 6 күн бұрын
The picto buff is applied to the party immediately. The thing on the ground is their equivalent of lay line and when you cast any color spell inside it reduces the cast and recast time and removes one stack of hyperphantasia and when theyre all gone, the ground effect disappears and you get the proc on rainow drip.
@Ephremjlm1 6 күн бұрын
My god I want the rest of coerthas and the other half of Mor Dhona and silver tear lake. I want that original area of the game teased in the 1.0 trailer 😫
@fourcatsandagarden 6 күн бұрын
I did see some people who tried to make spooky housing designs were sad that it wasn't as dark as it was before the update.
@Boyzby 6 күн бұрын
The change from "tribes" is so strange to me, because it comes off as if it has some sort of negative connotation or is derogatory in some way-at least I've never heard it used in a negative way-when it's just a group of people. It feels like telling me that even though I lived in a place with so few people it was classified as a village, I shouldn't call it a village, even though everyone there called it a village. A very strange choice to me
@Takyomi 6 күн бұрын
I disagree! I think its been a pretty beaten point ever since the beast tribe system was introduced that these different races are not a monolith that you can put one name on like beast tribe, otherwise we'd be going through DT calling every civilization we run through a beast tribe, ya know? the first lorebook talks about how the term beast tribe was created by in the past by the syndicate in uldah, and suggests it was used to other and mariginalize the amaalja in the region, and the name spread, pushing the spoken beastkin races into outskirts of their respective regions. The name was one excuse governments used to take their lands and resources. The only thing that might be a problem is that this active progression of terms will be lost on new players from now on. It would be better if they keep the allied society named beast tribe up until the player gets through a certain point in the story. I'd say around shb's end, when the focus of the msq is reforging cooperation between the city states and the amaaljans, kobolds, and sahagin. Its kind of like getting to see the world advance in a way that you can see reflect in the game's systems.
@Horstveratu 5 күн бұрын
Calling space robots a Tribe is weird but allied society is kinda cringe tho. They should have called them something shorter
@ragnarokandroll2638 6 күн бұрын
I noticed the lack of fauna too, not even talking critters, but enemies, the only time I got in combat during the whole msq was the shalalani pterodactyl segment. Maps feel so barren without silly mobs at the sides.
@SprocketAudio 7 күн бұрын
Hi guys - I can tell you why cutscenes look jagged as a plugin called 'JitterFix' has already fixed it - DLSS and TCSMAA+Camera Jitter rely on micro camera movements (jitter) to work. For some reason, in cutscenes and in gpose this is not enabled like it is in gameplay. I hope they fix it!
@amie7628 7 күн бұрын
Oh hell yeah prime real estate
@SiviksPlays 7 күн бұрын
How did you get inside i want to explore this for myself 😮
@Horstveratu 9 күн бұрын
The graphics Update has shown me that at least 20% of the playerbase is insane and needs help... the things ppl are posting on the official Forums are beyond autistic...
@Primu 11 күн бұрын
2:12:22 Gatherers now have a "Revisit" passive that can randomly reset the node you're gathering & also completely restores your GP. This can also proc on collectables, it's a super nice change.
@freddie3d 12 күн бұрын
Note about the Twitch campaign. You don't have to claim one drop to work towards the next. I just watched 6 hours and then grabbed all 3 rewards.
@seymour_ 12 күн бұрын
I found the expansion to be "okay", I'd probably give it a 6.5/10. Not bad, by any means, but just... some really bizarre choices that I think make the landing not quite stick as well as it could've. The "Smile" song that plays a couple of times (namely the pre-end credits?) is so genuinely awful. I think this is Sokken's first actual "miss", it has the same vibes as children putting on a Lion King play during Vacation Bible School.
@Snowmanse 13 күн бұрын
1:09:10 I think the allied society thing is as simple as dwarves and omicron aren't tribes, and they intend to do more reputation quests in the future that aren't tribes.
@SorasShadow1 13 күн бұрын
Dawntrail is very much another Stormblood, and I'm enjoying it. The zones are gorgeous and memorable, the combat is fucking *phenomenal*, and while I have my issues with the MSQ they're nowhere near as dire as some of StB's issues. Plus, I really enjoyed being a relative unknown in Tural while also getting characters looking at us going "oh, shit don't mess with that one" it's fun! It's refreshing! It's pretty much the adventure I and my FC wanted, with some sizeable bumps in the road. I can't imagine very many people will be willing to give the new writers any slack, though, not after the awkwardness of the EW patches. It's gonna be an exhausting online experience with all the stupid discourse to be had. And while criticism is warranted, the sheer amount of rage I've been seeing is comical, but it always is on the internet.
@rajabuta 12 күн бұрын
Are you telling me Zuraal ja will be our last solo duty in 10 years? 😂
@awildserah 13 күн бұрын
These people in the comments must be playing a different game. Ive had the most fun and joy in an MSQ since... Stormblood
@SorasShadow1 13 күн бұрын
if there's any one single universal constant in the world, it's that Final Fantasy fans hate the newest Final Fantasy the most. Even moreso when it focuses on a female character. I enjoyed my time with DT, it's flawed, but not in any of these overwrought hyperbolic ways people online tend to say it is. A solid StB expac, affectionately. Plus, the expert dungeons are a thing of beauty. I'm excited to do 100 roulette in a way I never was about previous expacs.
@nucah7880 2 күн бұрын
I don't think it's that wild that people might not like this type of story and how it's told.
@Ephremjlm1 13 күн бұрын
One of the first things I did in DawnTrail was the damn jump puzzle and lets just say I have yet to actually get the achievement lmao.
@shwajo 13 күн бұрын
A little skeptical of "love the pacing". Maybe the rate events unfold isn't so bad (though they still haven't figured out not dumping 80% of a region's side quests all at once), but the exposition is still too much tell, not enough show. And that's tedious when all of the dialog, everywhere, from everyone, is incredibly wordy and monologue-ish. It really punishes those of us who want to read all the text and talk to every NPC. And I think that the "real people don't communicate like this" problem with how the text is written is a huge part of what harms the voice acting, too. This game needs to figure out shorter, more natural dialog. Maybe it means going the conversation tree route -- if nothing else, topic prompts along the way would at least make it feel more dialog, less monologue (maybe I just have a subjective preference for how ESO NPC dialog works). They also seem to be going a little harder with the anime reaction humor, where timing is so important for that kind of thing to work -- and animation/emote timing is exactly something the XIV engine is poor at building dialog around. So much humor in the game falls flat because of the sluggish emote timing. Rather than improve it, Dawntrail seems to be drawing more attention to the shortcoming. =( Anyway, strong agree that it's irritating the way players pop back into view when you talk to an NPC near a quest NPC. The hide behavior should be based on proximity to the quest NPC, and that doesn't change just because I'm checking in with Alphinaud on the side.
@Rynn21 13 күн бұрын
The amount of times you could drink when "peace" was mentioned would leave you dying from alcohol poisoning.
@turntapeover5749 13 күн бұрын
​@@Rynn21Same with Dynamis in EW and I didn't hear anyone bitch about it.
@ragnarokandroll2638 13 күн бұрын
You're spot on in regards to dialogue, 5 full blocks of expository banther wherever you go is unnatural as hell and a lot of the terminology and mannerisms feel out of place, real south america have lots of different mannerisms from place to place, places like Sao Paulo have people talk in long winded formal methods, while Rio have people use a crass colloquial dialect, in the northern regions where native culture is stronger people talk in very short phrases and use a lot of native terms which sound brutish to non locals. meanwhile all tribes in this game go on and on as if they're showcasing their academic essays. And even thou the localization goes to great lengths to claim how diverse and unique these cultures are, how come they all talk the same? That was one of the most jarring things I've noticed.
@Rynn21 13 күн бұрын
@@turntapeover5749 🙄
@Rynn21 13 күн бұрын
The main story is so disappointedly boring for wayyyy too long. I was falling asleep and forcing myself through it till around lvl 75-76. A lot of repetitive dialogue, with even your character making the same exact dialogue choice word for word. I adored ShB and EW from start to finish for the story. HW too. DT feels like an after thought, not to mention all the graphical problems so many have been experiencing. Chocobos are drunk now too with the 45 degree sharp turns.
@meteorwalkergg 13 күн бұрын
The spoilers-free feedback I'm seeing is that the story is boring & slow. I re-rolled last year & have been playing completely without FOMO + meta-gaming the fun out of the adventure. Sounds like Dawntrail will be the PERFECT endgame for me, personally 😊 love that this game is staying true to its casual-supremacy roots. Exactly why it's so successful!
@rajabuta 12 күн бұрын
Love it or hate it, just have fun with the journey
@HikingFeral 13 күн бұрын
I also Love Dawntrail but there are some issues and some of the characters are annoying. However a lot of those issues existed in Stormblood and with Lyse. Over all I really enjoyed it and love the look and am having a lot of fun. I can't wait to see where they go with REDACTED!!
@faux9694 13 күн бұрын
Shadowbringers and Endwalker have poisoned the world of XIV. I'm so tired of these mouthbreathers praising DT for its "low-stakes" adventure. You know what was high stakes back in my day? Eorzea getting conquered, Nidhogg razing Ishgard, or one of the Scions getting nearly bisected by Zenos. All of it was confined and built in a way that made you care. None of this shark jumping bs needs to be here at the gods damned halfway point. Dawntrail is a slap in the face.
@HikingFeral 13 күн бұрын
In your opinion
@faux9694 13 күн бұрын
In my opinion the jedi are evil
@simoncoweII 13 күн бұрын
G*mers are such fucking losers lol
@liblinhas 13 күн бұрын
"mouthbreathers " what does that mean sir??
@tamhlam 13 күн бұрын
@@liblinhasit’s an insult. mouthbreathers tend to be ugly because of their underdeveloped facial structure
@dionaea97 13 күн бұрын
maela prophetic about beachwear lol
@theMansen 14 күн бұрын
We cheesed Amon with ressing 3 runs in a row. Was a crazy expirience 😅
@pwnagraphic690 14 күн бұрын
I love all the music in this expansion except for Tulilolykollyllyltly or however it’s spelled
@Rynn21 14 күн бұрын
I hate the hub music.
@shwajo 13 күн бұрын
The moment the "quest accepted" music makes you realize the Dawntrail theme is London Bridge.
@arcaneSae 14 күн бұрын
All the bosses seemed to be a middle finger to blms with all their shotgun mechs 😂
@HikingFeral 13 күн бұрын
Yeah I even felt that on RDM. You have to already perfectly know every mechanic to do a full rotation. The AOE in Duty support pre level 100 is also a 1 hit death and party wipe.
@KaminoZan 13 күн бұрын
I love being a Summoner main. :-)
@castoputa 13 күн бұрын
BLM can confirm lol 😹
@rajabuta 12 күн бұрын
@anggasurbakti8269 14 күн бұрын
MSQ is good but role quests, I only have done healer dps and magic dps, are boring and feels unimportant
@knifewieldingwomen 14 күн бұрын
Oh no Amon is being a little shit again! 😮
@ragnarokandroll2638 14 күн бұрын
Tourtural have that old april's fools vibe from SB era. it was a very good laugh.
@SprocketAudio 14 күн бұрын
For people with block box, you ahve to go into currency settings and select a different currency for the one that used be comedy.
@turntapeover5749 14 күн бұрын
I bet most of the healers in that thread never set foot outside of Expert roulette.
@jamesrusselleriii8284 15 күн бұрын
I started FFXIV way back in August 2013 and was never able to do the Diadem 1.0 with my FC. I got around to unlocking it yesterday to level MIN and was fascinated with how the zone evolved over the years Thanks for documenting exactly why it was so troubled.
@guthriehartsfield9499 17 күн бұрын
Wait, why did they switch face cam locations tho…?
@Coolio_Ash 19 күн бұрын
The alisae and alphinaud dolls are pretty cool. Im glad they didnt stop the idea at yshtola, not that i can afford them haha
@aaronlefebre5060 19 күн бұрын
The whole thing reeks of "I don't know what im talking about" when it comes to the healer strike. Which is funny, because the people making the posts have been found out to not ever participate in any endgame activities at all, so they *really* don't know what they're talking about. Makes the whole thing be easily dismissed.
@Takyomi 18 күн бұрын
if someone is complaining about how a class feels in casual content then that says more to the class's detriment because you have to deal with that monotony everywhere besides savage n unreal.
@Ririten 17 күн бұрын
I have cleared every savage tier in the game on content when it was relevant and I have two ultimate clears. Nice strawman tho, real easy to beat up on people when you just assume what level of content they play.
@honey_ryd3r09 19 күн бұрын
Thanks for the discussion Speakers. Here's hoping the relic system is interesting this time round. Also I love the idea of a Relic Roulette, or the Bicolour zone shop steps!! See you in Tural!! 🎉
@MrNick62780 20 күн бұрын
Those drums during mogmail are loud they scared the crap out of me with headphones on I thought my cnc machine had crashed lol
@the.selfteaching.artist 20 күн бұрын
I really feel like almost EVERY class now fell victim to the sheer mass of classes in this game. I feel like SE should now stop implementing new jobs and instead AT LEAST use two full expansions for fixing the existing classes AND improving the overall system
@EratoTiaTuatha 20 күн бұрын
I'm a WHM main and I see a tank who uses their toolkit effectively like once a week at most. People who post this stuff clearly don't do regular DF with random strangers. Saying there's no difference between regen and barrier healers is a joke, healing content you don't know yet as a barrier healer is a different beast entirely. I would like a little bit more of an engaging dps kit on bosses but that's about it. Trash pulls when the tank pulls hard are plenty engaging 11 times out of 10, unless I get that one WAR who breathes their kit and presses the exact right button 100% of the time.
@heeroyuymitedu 20 күн бұрын
The healer strike is one of the most idiotic propositions I've ever heard. While its true that healing is not hard if your ENTIRE party plays PERFECTLY the reality is the vast majority of groups never do. The xenosys video showing the first dungeon cleared without a healer proves nothing. A group of sweats can pretty much do anything if they are good enough and try hard enough. The first ultimate was cleared by a group of 8 tanks, does that mean that DPS jobs are unnecessary now? Anyone who plays a healer with random people have had experiences with tanks doing chain pulls using no cooldowns and people getting hit by telegraphed boss moves constantly, so healers are very much a necessity, that the top healers and the sweats are not satisfied with the job hardly speaks for the other 95% of players.
@turntapeover5749 14 күн бұрын
Xeno plays warrior, so I'd argue they did have a healer. Claiming you don't need a healer when you play warrior is like...bruh half your abilities are heals.