@LeaneNC1 Күн бұрын
And then he took red hair out of the prologue too. Why is he doing this to us?!?!
@jamap356 Күн бұрын
Call me nuts. I believe cultivation is going to set a scenario where all 3 shards are going to merge. And Kaladin is going to be the holder of the New shard “ethics” or “ Integrity “ thoughts?
@SkyDiving_StormTrooper Күн бұрын
Does the black in that chapter icon of Shallan/Jasnah not also kinda look like a castle or... palace, shrouded in clouds or mist? Remind you of anything? "The darkness becomes a palace. Let it rule! Let it rule!"
@chrisrygh6838 Күн бұрын
It seems he’s blending the cosmere
@dandinkler6315 Күн бұрын
@alexwanat6642 Күн бұрын
Just wanna say the poll for this episode’s options should’ve been Rysn, Sleepless, Renarin and Chiri-Chiri’s species. Taravangian was an awful option considering he is a main antagonist
@Djmorton-go5mt 2 күн бұрын
An older video but coming back now a few months prior to wind and truths release. Just wanted to say that upon a finished reread, Kalak is by far my favorite herald. Named "The High Judge" and "The Holy One" due to his decision making and his own moral compass which, in the storm light archives, crumbles and his personality becomes the opposite of both. Ironically one of the coolest and tragic characters that I hoped to see every time it was a new chapter.
@eileensaveall1199 3 күн бұрын
The dying baby and more breath has war breaker vibes!
@eileensaveall1199 3 күн бұрын
Whats the copper mine?
@someweeb4110 3 күн бұрын
Stormfather these are underrated! So happy to be back in Roshar theorizing I just read the prologue and started going crazy on how Jasnah was able to do what she did and why she was pulled into Shadesmar. Has to be a test from the inkspren but why?? Great idea of the awakening of the statue that was strange for what we know of soulcasting it doesn't fit..
@durvilemayfieldsr7150 3 күн бұрын
I don't know what category I would fit into.... I've read all Cosmere up to date. I listen to several podcasts to see what I might have missed, what others know of how certain things tie into other lore, myths, theology or homage to other writers. Then post my thoughts, opinions and theories
@Haxerous 4 күн бұрын
The interludes and epigraphs are written after the whole book. So like after the beta read, more or less when the final edit is in going on.
@Haxerous 4 күн бұрын
The Aon Ala is related to beauty. The Herald of beauty is Shalash. Shallan is named after Shalash. Shallan's ability is of illusion and conning people with false appearances. Truly big brain 200 IQ move by Brandon.
@DanBSmith83 4 күн бұрын
Christians worried about getting “stormbucks” and “spheres” messed up… as an Aussie that’s what they would be called (dollarbucks). Also what other podcast has the sentence “absolute bangers from b sando” in it. Keep it up sir.
@havenschade8174 4 күн бұрын
Wasn't zseth in tu bayla for a bit while he was in a slave?
@durvilemayfieldsr7150 3 күн бұрын
I don't remember but just because you mentioned the location...... Those instruments are important when Kaladin plays the sound of Roshar....
@durvilemayfieldsr7150 3 күн бұрын
*Tone of Roshar
@dookieshoe2905 4 күн бұрын
I don't think it was mentioned but out of the many thoughts I have on these two interludes, one thing caught my attention. Todium refers to their galaxy that they reside in. I've always wondered about the Cosmere and if it has galaxies like ours does but I've never checked the Coppermind about it. If it is the case that they are in one galaxy alone then that is a huge reveal isn't it? Are the Aethers from another galaxy in the Cosmere? Is the Cosmere actually just this one galaxy and that's it? Idk, maybe this had all been discussed in a WoB but it seemed worth pointing out.
@brennanpeterhunt 4 күн бұрын
As a hard-core cosmere-naut, I like ya Jimmy ❤
@lordofdoinks3940 4 күн бұрын
No way conjura are from creation spren we litterally know how they are made from mistborn.
@adamborst 5 күн бұрын
Great episode, as always. What I like about you both is that you bring something different from what 17th Shard brings to KZbin. They are SO familiar with all the things, magics, lore, characters, etc. and while that's good for what it is, I like you guys because it's like street level knowledge. Jimmy has ear to the streets and Christian is just tapping the cremling hive mind as needed. It's just good listening. Thanks again!
@mndrew1 5 күн бұрын
"Honor's touch still lingers" I assumed was a reference to the blog entries that the storm father is sharing with the Alethi death and destruction brothers - Dalinar and Gavilar.
@abhJOKA 5 күн бұрын
Yeah or more simply just the stormfather/stormlight/honor spren
@abhJOKA 5 күн бұрын
Yeah or more simply just the storm father/honor spren/oathpact
@arabellawillow 5 күн бұрын
If you look up the definition of "hearald" I feel like Thaidakar could definitely be considered one .. and btw I'm a big Cosmere fan but you guys still catch me with new info every once in a while 😅
@kairi99roxas 5 күн бұрын
The "who's you elden ring waifu" is just his podcast with Dan Wells it's not a special video or anything. (The answer is Ranni, obviously, cuz you can marry her in game)
@Rhedak 5 күн бұрын
I'm still calling that Ishar is in fact causing the madness instead of keeping it back. Also Kelzier is like a Herald since he is a cognitive shadow attached to a physical body. Just like the Heralds, except their bodies are made from Stormlight.
@durvilemayfieldsr7150 3 күн бұрын
Ishar Bonded their madness to one of the unmade
@durvilemayfieldsr7150 3 күн бұрын
And Marsh is a Herald two
@calmcat8073 5 күн бұрын
One thing that intrigued me is that Kalak called Kelsier Herald (capital letter at the beginining?) like, is there more to this title than we know? is it a cosmere wide title?
@curtiswfranks 5 күн бұрын
"The Cleansing of Shinovar" sounds like ethnic cleansing to me. It sounds like it will not be pleasant.
@lachlankidd6517 5 күн бұрын
I don't think these Cosmere references are necessarily as bad as you guys sometimes think they are. If we pretend that we don't know anything about the wider Cosmere, the first interlude gave a little more information on Thaidakar (saying he's equivalent in power to a Herald) and raising him up as another more major threat, gave more detail on Ashyn, specifically pointed out that people who are shorter than the main characters may be from another world/working against them, gave a little more info on Aons, and introduced a new type/form of magic that they may connect to Zahel if they're paying attention. To someone without Cosmere knowledge it introduces so many new questions and theories, all of which could very well still be answered within Stormlight. Its only because we know the answers to these questions from reading other books/the coppermind that the chapter becomes less interesting and more heavy-handed imo
@Conduit23 5 күн бұрын
The audio starts with "Interludes. Kalak. Odium." SO SHOOK
@curtiswfranks 5 күн бұрын
Day 10 occurs on page 614. A random-number generator told me so.
@codywatkins17 5 күн бұрын
I could see this pattern of one herald and one odium interlude continuing after each day Also I love how this could feed into the baby champion theory
@durvilemayfieldsr7150 3 күн бұрын
The baby champion is Lift. She creates Life Light.... If Todium can kill her
@passdoutcouchpotatos 5 күн бұрын
I do love the Ghostbloods pulling an indiana Jones antagonist in this series, i really think they are powering up Shallan because she will be fighting MULTIPLE power systems simultaneously, we KNOW that Mraize has breaths and access to several different powers in his collection, he was seeking bonding one of Sja anats spren. So its entirely possibly this showdown in the Spiritual realm will be unbelieveable.
@asteria4279 5 күн бұрын
Do a viewer survey to see what storming level we are 🎉 I humbly suggest the following categories: 5th ideal: hear errors/commissions in the episodes and silently (or not) correct the hosts. Feel like you could definitely do a more complete cosmere analysis, but of course love our hosts and the podcast regardless. Explaining The Cosmere to friends is too difficult - there's just SO MUCH there! 4th ideal: you know a lot of the stuff on the podcasts already, some new nuggets each episode. You are the one explaining The Cosmere to friends, but had to let go of those who didn't get into it - can't save them all! 3rd ideal: Big fan of The Cosmere! Read all the books (of course) and enjoy learning about connections you may have missed on your third read-through. Wish all your friends would love Brando as much as you do, but you'll stay friends even if they have poor taste in books. 2nd ideal: you've read The Cosmere, but it may have been a few years ago for some of them and you're a little rusty on characters in the earlier books. Thankfully, there is a podcast out there that helps those that cannot help themselves by making connections and reminding you of the greatness that is Stormlight and The Cosmere. 1st ideal: I am on my Stormlight journey, on board in the bandwagon and loving it no matter the destination! Will I get to read the end before I die? Maybe not, but it's a great life along the way. I have the strength to enjoy The Cosmere connections without necessarily having read the weaker books. Adept: shhh... I am reading Stormlight for the first time and don't mind the spoilers. It's fun to listen to others nerding out about it so I don't have to. Might get into it later, but loving hanging around the cool kids for now.
@orcishdad8075 5 күн бұрын
I'm certain the "suckling child" death rattle is referring to Dalinar and Elokar. Killing the child is Dalinar taking the throne from Elokar. There, done.
@amandadamatta_ 5 күн бұрын
Jimmy is right, Shallan gave him the dagger
@yellowhello2729 5 күн бұрын
You had me looking up if there was a secret knights radiant order called “stonewoods” I forgot about, and then I just realized it was stonewards filtered through a different accent.
@jasonbrewbaker3932 5 күн бұрын
Interesting how you read Taravangian’s interlude so differently…..like to me it clearly started out with him struggling. I think by the end he’s exerted full control over the Shard….. Completely opposite of what Jimmy is saying
@durvilemayfieldsr7150 3 күн бұрын
Ranarin warned him in rhythm of war. Promises made.....
@jasonbrewbaker3932 3 күн бұрын
@@durvilemayfieldsr7150 interesting you think Renarin was warning him about what tho? From what I recall he was just saying he feels sorry/bad for Taravangian. But perhaps he feels bad for T cuz he sees how bad things will get for him carrying the shard Odium….
@sawyerclarke7396 6 күн бұрын
I’m doing my reread of WoK and something I came across was that where Szeth is from in Shinovar is called the Valley of Truth. If both Kal and Szeth are meant to be the Wind’s champions, it’s safe to assume the Knights of Wind and Truth is just a reference to the location and champions. With the writer, I would not be surprised if it is written during era 2 Or, as Jimmy suggested, the Knights of Wind and Truth could be in reference to the people of Shinovar. Knights of Truth could be the Shin soldiers from the valley of Truth
@amandadamatta_ 7 күн бұрын
Spoilers for Mistborn era 1: The way Kaladin said goodbye to people reminded me A LOT of Vin saying goodbye to Eland and then ascending and dying without ever seeing him again… idk
@jamesporrell5687 8 күн бұрын
Brandon once mentioned a possibility of a book or series on Ashen. They have a sickness magic and live in sky cities because the planet is completely fucked
@AeonicEnnui 9 күн бұрын
Also, Odium often manifests himself to Dalinar with gold colour
@twinlamp 9 күн бұрын
At about 8:00 youre talking about there being a sort of calm in Sanderson's writing efforts. He is about to start Mistborn Era 3 in January so he is probably taking a bit of a breather before crushing three large books in a year or something.
@cpaulwick 10 күн бұрын
Also think about the first scene in Shinovar in TWOK…all those Shin were protecting that farmer, but there were no visible weapons!!!
@jasonbrewbaker3932 10 күн бұрын
Kaladin never “pined” for Shallan - weird terrible writing on Sanderson’s part. Way to retcon. If anyone was “pining” it was Veil for Kaladin….. I don’t know why readers keep saying Spren changed by Sja-nat are “corrupted”. We should be using the term “enlightened”. At this point both Rlain and Renarin have enlightened Spren (Tumi and Glys) and neither of them are evil or “corrupted”. Just because something isn’t of Honor doesn’t mean it’s bad or corrupted.
@calmcat8073 10 күн бұрын
I'll be honest, chullssy joke did not land for me.
@wcouch8 10 күн бұрын
LOL, if the second half is on Ashyn that does change the podcast. Welcome "I Lost Roshar"
@SarcasmFiend23 10 күн бұрын
Printing press, not typewriter.
@LisaLittleAlien 10 күн бұрын
44:27 Forgiving Moash would be so epic. That's a REAL path to healing. And something we all need to learn to do more often.
@Haxerous 10 күн бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised if Autonomy is starting to pull some strings here or at least trying to. The whole spiel by the Azimir oathgate spren about being neither Honor nor Odium but being "free" feels like Autonomy's Modus Operandi. Because the Spren never confirmed it was Sja-Anat who did this, Shallan simply assumed it. And there were gaurds poswd to watch for something like this, ut they didn't seem to notice anything. If Sja-Anat popped up they would, but if it was Autonomy in the spiritual realm manipulating investiture they wouldn't be able to tell. Also. Just like the Oathgate are made of spren that have been bound to this task, the soulcasters also consist spren that have been bound. What if the spren of the soulcasters also rebel? A lot of food, raw materials etc are made using soulcasters. There would be choas everywhere if they stopped working or didn't work as intended just like the oathgate.
@WingCap 10 күн бұрын
I think a lot of people have been misinterpreting the Ch. 9 epigraph. I don’t think it’s saying that Spren have become less common, but rather familiarity with sapient Spren has become less common. As in the Nahel bond is happening less frequently. This seems supported in the chapters so far as the trend that’s emerging, i.e most Honorspren deciding to not go bond humans even after learning the truth, and the gateway Spren choosing to be "free”
@Rhedak 10 күн бұрын
Here is another take on the Ishar thing: What if Ishar is not helping the other heralds but actually the cause of the madness? What if he has been playing his own game all along? Ishar is like a wild card but I've felt suspicious of him for a while now. His madness might be an act to lure Dalinar in a trap. I'm thinking Ishar might have been behind the Recreance and even the Hierocracy. Him experimenting with bringing Spren into the Physical Realm and his Control over Connection set him up for the perfect Villain. This would also explain the "Contest in the West"': Kaladin / Seth vs Isha
@Rhedak 10 күн бұрын
I think Venli might be a good candidate as the author of Wind and Truth. All the other characters know of their quest even if just a little bit. Venli is the only main character that doesn't know at all at that somewhat fits the descriptions. Though does she consider herself a historian? Note: I wrote this comment before Jimmy also mentioned it 😀