@nandinishah1709 4 сағат бұрын
I hated the way Eloise treated her after she revealed she was Whistledown. Eloise was never a good friend to Penelope but I thought Cressida's company might help her gain perspective and get out of her 'not like other girls' phase but none of that happened 🙃 I really hope we see Cressida turn her life around in season 4
@trudgenren2204 4 сағат бұрын
When I read Fire & Blood, I didn't sympathize at all with Aegon and couldn't wait for him to meet his fate. In only a couple of episodes, I've completely changed my opinion and feel terrible for him. Like said in the video: he absolutely had no chance. Even tho that doesn't excuse his horrible actions, it makes his character so compelling and interesting to watch. Knowing how it all ends for him just makes it even more depressing.
@smolson8471 5 сағат бұрын
I think part of why it sucks so much to see how Cressida ends off in this season is because of how underprivileged she is in comparison to a lot of the main characters thus far (the Bridgeton's). She lives in an emotionally abusive household and although Penelope did as well, at least Penelope isn't forced to wed if she can't find a husband. Cressida is in a worse position than a lot of the other characters. And when she finally gets a friend that friend lets her down at every opportunity giving her no support system unlike our other mc's. (Though tbf this didn't come from nowhere, Eloise has always had problems with listening to her friends even in previous seasons). So it feels really upsetting to see her get this tragic ending. I really hope that we aren't done with her character arc
@ringwe 15 сағат бұрын
I was surprised by how much I cared for Aegon's character in season 2, because he was such a prick in season 1, and he still was in season 2. A lot comes from the actor, I think, he was great in not portraying him as a caricature. But your analysis was into point, and yes, Viserys and Alicent were horrible parents, even though their intentions weren't bad.
@idranhoj1249 Күн бұрын
Stanley cup then, sephora now. What next? Luxury brands?
@avi.chan23 Күн бұрын
I love Cressidas story in season 3 so much. She did the wrong things ot of the right reasons and she so much deserves to become a more happy person. In fact, I would love seing her becoming friends with Penelope, thought, they are different, they have some things in common and the fact, that they both struggled a lot just because they had a hard time fearing the life of spinsters I think, they could make really good friends, like Penelope actually defending Cressida in one of her Lady Whisltedown papers. THIS would give the ton something to talk about :D
@AdDewaard-hu3xk Күн бұрын
I had to save this, since I didn't know how to freezeframe the graphs. Is freezeframe even a word anymore? I'm hooked.
@Kenny-bu4uv 2 күн бұрын
It was a waste to almost make us like /sympathize with her and then to just turn her back completely evil for the sake of it just was trash . Also they wasted Deblins character on Polin’s story . Him and Cressida actually would work perfectly, she gets the financial security and house and land , he has a wife back in England taking care of his affairs while he galavants all over the world . A PRACTICAL marriage indeed.
@maxsmith695 3 күн бұрын
Given there is no actual evidence of a crime, that I can find, it never goes to trial and the case will be dismissed once media spotlights recedes. This story has all the hallmarks of a witness protection operation, imho.
@twizlestick8120 3 күн бұрын
one of the best overviews
@JessicaLynYoung 3 күн бұрын
I think Cressida has a crush on Eloise and is jealous that Pen has a relationship with her 🌈
@yariedumor9917 3 күн бұрын
Everything is Otto’s fault imo
@constitutionalcarrot3720 3 күн бұрын
Cress bristled at living with her aunt, but being married to that old codger would have been way worse. At least now she is getting away from her parents and has the opportunity to find herself away from the politics of the ton. I hope her arc is only on the downswing but ends with her finding a way to be single and thrive - maybe she can become a modiste, start her own business and never marry! She has the drive, she has the competitive nature, she has style, she brings plenty to the table.
@jh-hh6vs 4 күн бұрын
No she didn’t. In the book she isn’t redeemable.
@uppercut1988 4 күн бұрын
How do you go from frozen shock stairing at a ninja in the middle of the night to going back to sleep?? That seems odd to me. No call until noon even though she heard noises and got up 3 times. Somethings fishy with that part of the tale.
@TheLamehipster 4 күн бұрын
I want to see more of creseda in future seasons , if she is written off I'll be so pist
@DonMaxone89 5 күн бұрын
Golly, is Disa Zelda fan?
@luciehermand131 6 күн бұрын
I know so many people love Eloise but she was just AWFUL in this season... When Cressida "comes out" as Whistledown Eloise is so mad at her and I just don't get it.... Cressida told her she wanted her independance, surely Eloise understood why she was doing that ??
@LanaMarie 6 күн бұрын
of all the people, you'd think eloise would understand cressida's desire to not be trapped in a loveless, arranged marriage, right!
@alenneymann4282 6 күн бұрын
Exactly my thoughts 🤝
@80sdreamwave32 6 күн бұрын
Writing in season bit mess for all character in show
@an0nnymous334 6 күн бұрын
I feel like cressida and lady featherington offers a few glimpses into what it's actually like to be in that society. I completely agree cressida deserves better, but it could also be argued that it's the show's way of saying not everybody can have the happy ending they deserve. I say this, but I will always be awaiting her return in the following seasons.
@vangu2918 6 күн бұрын
She's a bully, she doesn't deserve what she hasn't earned, no pretty privileges here.
@cloverazar5315 3 күн бұрын
You are absolutely right and please don’t take this as an aspersion on you - but I while I agree that the show is saying “not everyone can have a happy ending”, I think that’s why it frustrates me so terribly. That show mentality works for HOTD, where we know “this is a Shakespearean tragedy and my faves are gonna die or cry”. But Bridgerton is the fluffy, pastel-coloured, regency romance. A romance! So make it fluffy, Shonda, don’t give us a marital grape side plot. Cause you know Cressida’s gonna get stuck with some rotting, formaldehyde pickled Viserys-looking mf’er, or worse, her dad’s friend Judge Claude Frollo
@HeyTexasItsMe 7 күн бұрын
Cressida learned so much this season and still chose wrong. Same as Eloise chose wrong last season. Cressida should’ve mended a relationship with the B family instead she solidified her role as a rival. We can’t let how we grew up determine how we move forward as an adult. Her loneliness isn’t more important that anyone else. It’s not her fault her parents are terrible but it doesn’t make it right to make poor choices.
@LanaMarie 7 күн бұрын
i don't disagree, but her upbringing does play a part in how she sees the word (same goes for all the characters) and it was great that we could understand her motivations even if we may not approve of them; if her story's not over, there is definitely room for development, as long as the show doesn't keep setting her back two steps after she's made one step forward.
@vangu2918 6 күн бұрын
​@@LanaMarieShe is intelligent enough to make other decisions. She choose to do what she did because she enjoys the effect of what she does, pure and simple as that.
@jimfinan9132 7 күн бұрын
Drinking and eating some pizza won’t matter sometimes. getting the munchies used to be very common for me.
@silver6302 7 күн бұрын
Humanizing her didn't make sense in the end, as they simply discarded all of it. Cressida's in the books is awful, but from show's perspective, she deserved better indeed. Not to mention how Eloise acted insensitive after Whistledown fake announce. The girl has some traits to heal before befriending with anyone.
@pk-cp1bo 8 күн бұрын
The texts between DM and BF will solidify the timeline, 8 hope.
@Dukeofboots1 9 күн бұрын
There’s a theory involving linguistics that I would love to see you cover. It’s that American accents are actually British accents however the British accents changed over time through class war (upper classes wanting to sound differently to commoners)
@jaredmccain7555 10 күн бұрын
I like the show and its not something that bothers me that much but i have to wonder how much women would actually be inclined to not want war in a setting like westeros. From the position of like a nobel woman in the setting, you're most likely not going to be fighting in it, and there are lots of examples through history of women supporting wars. A cersi like chracter would certainly not care about sending men to die probably. Feels like there should be at least one woman chracter who does to make it feel more realistic and not like there trying to artifically make a message. I could see one of the dragonrider women wanting a war to make a name out of themselves and glory or whatever instead of just being another wife if there is no war.
@Ken_Dalton 11 күн бұрын
I like you.. we think along the same lines on alot of things. Re the car driving around totally looks like someone driving around looking for a house like door fash maybe! Im not sold on BK being guilty.. liked and subbed 😉
@bsp7710 13 күн бұрын
Kaylee was sleeping in Maddie’s room that night because Kaylee had already moved out and had none of her stuff there. Kaylee was moving to her new job.
@cccole44 14 күн бұрын
Martin writes grey characters, that's his gift; strong characterization.
@twoho_ 15 күн бұрын
Neopronouns were created by the neurodivergent community as a way of expressing how their gender feels. Most neurtypicals don't understand it since it was, as I said, created by neurodivergents. I know that most people here aren't very educated in the subject of neopronouns, since they are a kind of weird thing for most people to try and understand, and that's fine! But, it's not fine to blatantly hate on something you don't fully understand. Of course, I know that this video was made just for the views of gramatical errors and how messing up the language is confusing, but most people who actually use these aren't forceful with them and try to be lenient, at least to my knowledge. Anywho, neopronouns are a pretty hard concept for a lot of neurotypicals to grasp since it was created for neurodivergent people.
@lourdeszurita9244 11 күн бұрын
Even neurodivergent people are either male or female. So Sam would be a fisherman
@twoho_ 11 күн бұрын
@@lourdeszurita9244 I wasn’t arguing about the fisherman thing though? I was talking about neopronouns, not the fisher they stuff. And I’m pretty sure that was supposed to be a joke anyways.
@lourdeszurita9244 11 күн бұрын
@@twoho_ Oh, I see. I wasn't arguing either and you're right. Most people (myself included) don't know a lot about neurodivergency. I was talking specifically about Sam Smith. I may be wrong of course, but I think Sam is just a regular gay guy seeking attention
@twoho_ 10 күн бұрын
@@lourdeszurita9244 I mean I don’t really see the regular gay guy part, gender is pretty hard to understand too. I mean, I’m genderfluid so I think I can’t really judge if someone says their non-binary lol I just believe them.
@lourdeszurita9244 10 күн бұрын
@@twoho_ I mean he used to be a regular gay guy and recently completely transformed himself. But I can't know what's going on in his life. Can you explain to me what genderfluid is?
@sebastienc.2257 17 күн бұрын
Aemond is not a villain.
@lannyssketchbook 18 күн бұрын
Okay, I’m late, but I’d like to counter the apostrophe thing with “Lemons”. The equivalent of “lemons” in this context is “his”, “hers”, and “theirs”. With these, an apostrophe is never required. “Hers” is simply “h e r s” without an apostrophe. Same with “theirs”. Since the equivalent to “lemons” is “his” “hers” and “theirs”, this shouldn’t require an apostrophe either. Of course, correct me if I’m wrong, but this is just how I was thinking about it. I don’t study or work in English, so I’m no professional :)
@willlyon7129 18 күн бұрын
I hope that in the next decade, that everyone gets sick and tired of those remakes for good.
@nightmares_phoo 18 күн бұрын
I hate both the sides and more than that, Allicent is not innocent.
@juhonieminen4219 19 күн бұрын
Eating healthy is not only about will power or bad cultural influence. Many people live in "food deserts" where they lack the possibility make a better choice. Anything they can buy is trash. Every food item is soda in disguise. Even school lunch might be just chips and candy. Such people are not eating plenty, but starving while obese at the same time. Hunger is a natural response to not getting nutrients.
@mjabdus86 22 күн бұрын
@WhitneyStone-rz4iu 22 күн бұрын
And by the way hard description of a person was 510 right not f****** 6 ft or taller also I don't know I mean I have no clue... I agree with you In order to like open up your bedroom door and be startled like you're not going to do anything. Everything is weird about this Whole situation. Like that the whole town was silent and quiet. I mean also I was watching something and she probably looks weird when I got this people or people people or person or people or something. We were fighting Arab of how weird this person was and an incel... He looks crazy with his eyes right. He didnt comr 12x. And now like that thst detective the cast one don't deen knowledgeable but got an swsrd from the sectet service. He didn't sace his eirk so how did he get there.well si rat ststes he cannot recreate eutgiut it. N then unidentified makes that Bill Thompson says they don't need or they don't it is irrelevant and it's like no dude hello they're there so and you know their mail so yeah you tested it. Just like you guessed it because then you got the four individuals.. so somebody was at the house and it wasn't the roommates and it wasn't the victims. The whole thing is crazy. That that body cam is buts what's Kaylee and you can hear while they're waiting on these people you can hear them talk about oh there's no stairs up to the balcony that is the weirdest thing to say also this I'm wondering if like Hunter didn't find anything and go and use that ladder to get up there and look. We're in is there anything we're in there and it was locked I don't understand that because so that means that somebody had to go out the window thenI mean I guess somebody could have locked it and just closed it but I don't know that's weird and that it just if you look at all the body cams the ladder is down. Thry havr tsor hanging from the kadder.
@WhitneyStone-rz4iu 22 күн бұрын
Kaylee's mom also had mentions her trashcan was not touched at all n ot hone thru theres pics of pizza boxes bk. I'm sure they drink and smoke.. so but even if they didn't drink or smoke then I need that I'm talking about I'm sure and no it is not weird that they ate I don't like our doordash at 4:00 a.m. which is insane that even they told us that there was a doordash at 4:00 a.m. and by the way he was planning on coming back and all that. BK that is it's not like he was running away he was coming back so I don't know it's just so weird. It's weird that like somebody would leace s sheath. I'm not like guilty or that I just feel like the American justice system is b******* like I mean it's corrupt we all know tha the system is ridiculous I've been I've been arrested it's redic. I guess because the narrative has been so crappy you know about him like I thought we'd find out everything but no we found out nothing and then everything just started coming out and nothing has made sense from the beginning. I just don't understand.the doordash theory of yours makes sense though kind of like I mean cuz yeah what did I mean this person just know it's quite coincidental of everything
@WhitneyStone-rz4iu 22 күн бұрын
I'm obsessed with this case too and now I'm obsessed with your channel so yeah it's not part of our system this case is insane. This dude has been in jail for how long like a year and a half they still don't have anything I mean it's insane and remember the four people in the body cam where the police were just sent by the band felt like right when it was happening right at 3 a.m. or know that was the first timeline that was.😊 The doordashthort dairy makes so much sense oh yeah his like that narrative and his perp walk or whatever like I'm telling you I can't even believe they let him go if he was he was so dangerous and all that they let him go all the way to pennsylvania? I'm not understanding that either also used the word he wanted to be exonerated I mean it seems like they're all s*** is you know falling apart especially what size I mean they don't have the evidence and their prosecution and the detectives. All of its bizarre. Remember that Elantra in Washington that was wrecked. I mean I just don't know I don't like with all of co-workers like not co-workers BK's like education and s***he's going to like just randomly just do this and also he's going to randomly and all of them had cell phones write none of them like called for help none of them did anything I don't think all of them are asleep I don't understand why they're going by Bethany's timeline where he's still really are missing a huge chunk of time with xans n ethsn . Check out unfiltered lucky and check out **11:11** true crime and check out just there's a lot of really good people on here.and you're just popped up and I'm grateful because this is great I don't know where you live but yeah America this is not how this s*** works I don't know what the hell is going on in Poland and Idaho but there's some weird s***!! Kay 23:19
@dragdragon23 23 күн бұрын
I still wonder about the story that a bunch of other students showed after the crime and they was acting like. the victims are asleep, we can't get them to wake up! though the blood was all over the place and the victims were all cut up.
@user-ix6nn1fu7y 23 күн бұрын
I watched all the video! Thanks for the video and for being the first person to help me learn!
@mygoogle1482 24 күн бұрын
just focus on being an active, useful, resilient human, who focuses on who they are NOT what others have to say. Personally I don’t find very fat people attractive, those who are really obese need to wake up. Those overweight too it’s all your call, your relationship with food your addiction tendencies you need to confront. Body positivity started off as being inclusive it’s now a smoke screen for those who don’t want to confront their own responsibilities. We all eat too much due to social programming we all eat the junk that now dominates our food chains. Why is it someone else’s responsibility ie societies to deal with your mental issues. Shaming folk into this isn’t good, certainly eating disorders have underlying causes just like drug addiction. Now we are expected to lie to Underpin the mental issues of others and pretend the underlying problems dont exist. Therefore I find obese folk as those who can’t overtly deal with their issues. We all have e issues we struggle with, some have learnt humility, resilience and personal Pride and mental Fortitude. These standards have been abandoned in favour of half truths. I’m 56 lost 77 lbs by changing my life, hard work focus and all about learning to love myself without crashing bad food into my mouth, I wanted to feel healthy and be healthy and look forward to the next however many years it was. Couldn’t give a fig what other people think beforehand, truth is I did and I knew the truth. it’s about me and how well I could feel, surprisingly being over 5 stone lighter really really helped. Don’t glorify folk for being the shape they are glorify them for their behaviours and values.
@ryannewman4412 24 күн бұрын
You set an unfair beauty standard with that hair
@joylynch5204 25 күн бұрын
Being a high schooler in the 90s sucked everyone I had lunch with was in a diet if they were a girl
@jizzaymz 25 күн бұрын
I grew up in the 80's & 90's. Overall people were much healthier and most had "ideal/normal" body weights. Every few weeks in gym class they performed "body fat% tests" and used this tool to literally measure the body fat percentage. It was classified in different ranges and was part of your grade. Having extra fat would cost you points towards your phys ed grade, thus motivating those who had more fat to try harder to lose it 🤷🏼😁 They phased it out in the late 90's but I can see why so many modern day kids are very unhealthy. They're told that any size is healthy despite the overwhelming amount of scientific evidence that clearly proves otherwise
@DanAllbee 25 күн бұрын
What? Lana is doing episodic reviews of one of my favorite shows? Win/win! Hot Girl Summer is out...HotD Summer is in! 🔥😎
@Bengisu-dmr 25 күн бұрын
I AM IN LOVE WITH THE THUMBNAIL!!! LOLLL yassss! They are still toxic! The media is toxic in EVERY SIZE lol
@MrWebweaver 25 күн бұрын
How do you feel about them changing the final scene from what is in the book? The scene in the book is far more vicious, cruel and downright awful. This scene was bad but it should have been so much worse.
@LanaMarie 24 күн бұрын
in regards to there being only two children in the show vs three in the books, and how this scene plays out due to this difference - i think yeah, it's much more terrible in the books but the "goal" is still achieved - Helaena points out the child, they kill him, she has to live with the consequences of her actions, so to speak. Also, the image of the terrified Helaena pacing away and the sounds of slashing and stabbing in the background were more horrific than any visual of how the child was killed could have been (honestly, that would probably have been too far imo). Overall, I think they handled the scene pretty well!