OJ Simpson (Part 2)
3 ай бұрын
OJ Simpson (Part 1)
3 ай бұрын
Is Cooking Classist?
4 ай бұрын
Elliot Rodger: Patron Saint of Incels
The Dirtbag Left
9 ай бұрын
I Was A Haunted House Actor
11 ай бұрын
What The Hell Is Even Burning Man?
YouTuber Apologies
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Your Fave is Problematic
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Frozen 2 Was A Mess, Here's Why
Is Harry Potter Bad?
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Frasier Is Bad, Actually
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Disney Is Complicated For Me
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The Death Penalty (feat. Anne Boleyn)
The Mummy Cinematic Universe (MCU)
How did we get AIDS?
3 жыл бұрын
The Mummy 1999 and EGYPTOMANIA!
The Mummy Is Great, Here's Why
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Who Wrote Shakespeare?
4 жыл бұрын
@marishkaspirit 46 минут бұрын
I've always supported trans people, until this entire scandal. First of all i completly dislike beeing called a cis woman. Remove the "cis" therm. I am a woman and i don't apreciate beeing called otherwise, just as trans people don't like to be called otherwise either. Yes, i am addressig trans people, stop calling us unwanted names just for You to feel better, ok? You cam still make a difference between trans woman and women without Amy adițional Bull therm. Secondly, the woman îs allowed to have her own oppinion. I don't go around and attack people because they don't agree with my belives. As far as i know, She expressed an oppinion, didn't jumped in anyone and suddently She gets attacked. Boo hoo a celebrity doesn't belive in what i beleive, big freaking deal. Get over it. Îs not that Deep. There are plenty people who support You and other who never will. That's the case in EVERYTHING, not only in your community. I was really dissapointed in the low grade attacks form trans people, for the first time i saw just how toxic they are as well. I will always support people living their true self, but i can't support people who force other into their own beliefs. Trans community needs to do better than that. And please leave any aditional unwanted therms. Who the fk came up with "cis woman"? I am not "cis" anything, i am a woman, Plain and simple. Thankfully my trans friend doesn't adress me like that. I respect her and She respects me. Can't You do that in your trans community?
@dnottelling9841 3 сағат бұрын
One thing I thought since reading the first book that had them was that the House Elves were supposed to be a metaphor for the domestic slavery of women, the need for feminist liberation, and how society attacks people who promote that liberation even if they're the ones being liberated. And then it fell apart because Rowling didn't know how to really DO anything with it while staying whimsical/young-adult/boy hero messiah.
@Alan_Duval 3 сағат бұрын
18:12 Wouldn't "No absolute truths or first principles" be both absolute AND a first principle?
@anniedagachapeep9947 6 сағат бұрын
Never expected the last word in this video to be Minecraft
@TheTinyTimmyTimTim 17 сағат бұрын
7:36 this is a dumb justification. High schools socially stratify themselves despite the school administrators, not because of. In Harry Potter, Hogwart’s staff themselves came up with the “white supremacists vs brave kids vs smart kids vs weird kids” royal rumble.
@LobstertheGiggy 20 сағат бұрын
9:55 Hi. This is brought in 7. While the main 3 are living off the land trying to destroy the horcruxes they talk about the fact they use duplication spells to clone food, producing more to fill them up but losing the nutritional value of the food overall
@snailmail1962 21 сағат бұрын
I asked gptchat based on the information on project 2025 in a heritage foundation, I asked what TV show does it best represent on Hulu it said handmaid's tale.
@realleif3310 Күн бұрын
German Wizard and Witch in Harry Potter universe "My name ist Hans Wurstpeter and this is Brunhilde Müller, we follow all ze rules, JA"
@Parmandur Күн бұрын
I was in juat the wrong age range to be on board, too old to be the target audience, and too young to be comfortable reading baby books. I tried the first two incollege, and they were kind of bad? But now I can say that without feeling like a jerk.,
@glupik1234 Күн бұрын
i dont buy any burner events, be ityhe big one or small regional ones. You want to cosplay as a zad? sure. dont pretend to be radical or care about the environment though. I've been to the arguebly the most remote of burn adjacent events in the Aral sea region, people there are rich partiers that use environmental catastrophe as a playground. Most of them are scared to venture further than their camp because of extreme poverty around.
@thunder-san1377 Күн бұрын
Just commenting to say how much I love the B initial necklace. It looks so anachronistic but it's what she wore in her most famous portrait and it might be my favourite piece of historical clothing.
@moon-pw1bi Күн бұрын
And what was that Tonks section? Tonks wasn't "non binary" or "trans". Tonks was just a girl that happened to not be stereotypically feminine. why do trans ideologs think that girls have to fit into a social role and if they dont, they must not really be a girl but instead "non binary" or a "trans guy". Tonks was always a women because being a women isn't a social role or category, it's just a physical reality.
@moon-pw1bi Күн бұрын
there is nothing wrong with her politics. she doesnt hate gay or "queer" people, and her views on gender stereotypes and sex shouldn't be offensive at all. she thinks gender roles are bad and everyone should be allowed to act however they want, and you don't choose to be either male or female. if you are offended by that position or you call her a bigot, maybe you should self examine because there is nothing wrong with what she said.
@ChaoMung-t9u Күн бұрын
I enjoy Red Scare despite the Vocal fry
@lluuii Күн бұрын
43:40 She also named Salazar Slytherin after the Portuguese Fascist Dictator António de Oliveira Salazar... Great job Joanne Also another example of two surnames as names ...
@robinw8348 2 күн бұрын
unfortunately some leftists are so convinced of the good of “punching up” that they’ll look for any target they can somehow justify as “above” them in society, when in reality they’re just punching the people beside them. sad :/ on a somewhat(?) related note, i feel like i should maybe look up the origins of the term “shitpost” bc i swear whenever i hear it outside of tumblr it means something completely different from how it’s used there. idk if it originated on tumblr and other people started using it and it changed meaning from there or the other way around-i mean on the one hand i remember seeing it on tumblr used to just mean “a joke post” (maybe absurd/surreal humor posting if you’re being more specific) long before i heard anyone using it to mean like. idk edgy humor???? but then again i find tumblr to be the most bearable social media (despite its MANY problems) so it’s entirely possible that’s just the result of me living under a rock
@lynnerose7891 2 күн бұрын
These are not invalid criticisms. If you’re not going to discuss them, why bring them up? You spend more on things that are far less important to HP but those are absolutely valid. Everything you just dismiss as invalid aren’t. Talk about bad faith. And yes, she’s a HORRIBLE writer. Ppl pointed out the plot holes in her writing 20 YEARS AGO AND SHE HAS NOT GOTTEN ANY BETTER. .
@rampantunease6517 2 күн бұрын
@Ender11037 3 күн бұрын
Calling her Joanne is a bit weird... Everyone calls her J. K. Rowling, and you call her Joanne. I'm scared.
@CosmicCubensis 3 күн бұрын
Harry Potter was always a book that worked better for children where you can be kind of poorly put together and full of plot holes and it's sort of okay cause its not meant to be that deep. Its why the second she started to make a world around it, the whole house of cards collapses like wet cardboard
@Jmlatmr87 3 күн бұрын
Ah yes Progressivism. Can't stand that Theodore Roosevelt the um, Republican. These people are nuts.
@professionalbassist3667 3 күн бұрын
I love being a scare actor!!!
@MiniatureMashUp 4 күн бұрын
Boxed Mac and cheese > than home made. Fight me.
@abookishwitch5118 4 күн бұрын
Still watching but just to point out- Sirius and Harry being abusive to Kreacher is actually not framed as okay. There's an entire conversation about it in Book 7 and it's only by seeing how not okay it is to abuse the elf, apologizing and being kind to Kreacher that the elf ends up an ally to Harry. Ok to add: I disagree with the entire portion about Lavender Brown. First, as even stated in the video we're getting a story from specific lenses so I'm not sure it's fair to say Lavender Brown is being painted in a negative light for being super femme. I at least never read it that way, and her death shocked me and hit me just as hard as most deaths in the series because it was heroic and horrible. As an aspiring writer myself I really hope my future readers will be able to tell the difference between my personal beliefs and the beliefs or perspective of various characters. Oh and goblins have been associated with greed since they first entered human thought. I'd also never even noticed the whole him betraying the Jesus figure of Harry thing. I read it as a goblin being selfish and greedy and selling out a wizard like any other because he didn't trust that he'd get the sword back. And literally - they weren't going to give it back immediately after the heist as promised so... The goblin was right to not trust someone of the race who's spent hundreds of years oppressing his people. Honestly sometimes I think folks should question why they see something as racist or sexist that maybe wasn't even meant to be racist or sexist or whatever. Like- what are the associations happening in one's mind when they read a children's story?
@Toshiro93 4 күн бұрын
My two cents: I think one of the fundamental problems of the book series is that the progression from "young adult novels strongly focused on a mystery to be solved" to "young adult novels where you fight against a dark lord" doesn't exactly go smoothly. The first three books are quite contained, always and only taking place between Privet Drive and Hogwarts: in this sense, especially the first two books, are excellent at presenting a secret world parallel to ours, a fantasy that I think everyone has at some point in their lives. The fourth book, however, presents a lot of new information that, on the one hand, enriches the magical world, but on the other hand makes the events at Hogwarts appear so condensed that one can get the impression that everything that happens in Goblet of Fire could have been told in two books, instead of just one. In the fourth book we are told that there are other magical schools; trials of Death Eaters (or rather, Death Eaters themselves, since previously they were only called followers of Voldemort); we are told about the three-wizard tournament and finally we get to the turning point, with the resurrection of Tom Riddle. Now, the book is enjoyable to read and contains parts that are quite disturbing for a saga that until then had remained on substantially light tones...however, I have always felt a clear break from the first half of the saga. It is right that it has matured and changed style, obviously, but I have never felt that everything was inserted within a framework decided from the beginning in this way. Furthermore, in the fourth book the first significant cracks in the motivations of the characters begin to be felt: for example, it seems senseless that Harry does not back out of participating in the Tournament, or that at least there is not someone - like Crouch manipulated by his son - who forces him to participate, inventing some bureaucratic quibble of some sort: even the threat of expulsion from Hogwarts would have been enough to make the fact that Harry had to participate tangible. Secondly, the problem of sorting is felt more clearly: in the first two books it works because everything is set in a "young adult mystery" context, where the distinctions between good and bad are quite clear: although the picture begins to change already in the third book, it is in the fourth that we begin to wonder not only about the usefulness of the sorting and the creation of real feuds between the boys, but also about the meaning of the other two houses: I mean, Harry also has friends in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, but the fact that the trio of protagonists is in the same house makes the events decidedly more contained, when it would have been the occasion to develop the bonds between the houses more (a very banal example, given that in the books we see how classes of the same year attend lessons together, even though they belong to different houses, it would have been interesting to see an interaction, even at school, between how a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff solved a problem, things like that, let's say). Perhaps the weakest point about the house system is in the last book: I can understand that some Slytherins did not want to fight against the Death Eaters (or were even convinced supporters of Voldemort, at least in words), but at least they could have shown some of the older students of this house taking up arms to defend their school. I did not expect an Avengers Endgame moment, but not such a banal resolution either: all the Slytherins are escorted out of the castle, because you never know, they could betray the school. Having said that, is Harry Potter a bad read almost thirty years after the initial publication? It depends on what age one reads them and what they are looking for in these books: if you start as an adult, you are much less indulgent towards the inconsistencies within the saga, but it is also true that expecting a masterpiece is still naive. They are good books to read in a casual manner, certainly appreciable in several points.
@quinnzykir 4 күн бұрын
The wizarding world of Harry potter is some of the few fantasy worlds that can be taken over with a swat team
@moon-pw1bi Күн бұрын
this is a troll comment right?
@quinnzykir Күн бұрын
@@moon-pw1bi not really. A gunslinger or a sniper could easily take out Voldemort before he finishes saying AVADAKA
@moon-pw1bi Күн бұрын
@@quinnzykir i mean no because he has horcruxes. and i hate that im debating this on yt like an actual nerd but i never even read harry potter this is just common knowledge 😭
@quinnzykir Күн бұрын
@@moon-pw1bi I’ve read Harry Potter and watched all the movies.
@moon-pw1bi Күн бұрын
@@quinnzykir so how are you still wrong after all that?
@EvilOverlord1662 4 күн бұрын
Calling the House System criticism "shallow" and dismissing it is a pretty bad take. I've seen people talk for hours on how horrible an idea forcing all those that think alike to be in the same area and discourage interaction with others might be a bad idea. Or you can just dismiss this too, "next!"
@Ornitholestes1 4 күн бұрын
as another video on the matter quite aptly put it, in JK Rowlings works there aren't really any good or bad actions, just good and bad people, and if the action (e.g. enslaving a house-elf, making fun of a fat person for being fat, torturing someone etc.) is taken by a good person, it is assumed to be good, while if it is taken by a bad person (often easily recognized because they are fat or, if female, look overly masculine) it is bad, even if it is the exact same action. Fits right in by her "I am a good person, therefore whatever I do must be good" view of herself.
@spy6ter 5 күн бұрын
It gobbles my mind that people want real life world problems to apply to every FANTASY world they encounter. If a kids novel has slaves that doesnt make it slave friends or w/e, you can include something like this to pass a message about how bad slavery acutally is.
@RhysezPieces 5 күн бұрын
I can say I definitively never liked Harry Potter, but not because I was aware of the nasty author vibes and unspoken biases, but just because my older sibling was SUPER into them, which coupled with the fact a girl in my grade cheated her way to the top of our class's Accelerated Reader Board every year by retaking the Harry Potter books' tests (despite me literally being the *only* kid in our grade with the reading level high enough to check them out; she had to get a note from her mom every year) and the HP series was worth like 30pts EACH which was the equivalent of me reading like 6 of the chapter books I liked on the same reading level. I was always second and it bugged me sm I just hated the books out of spite lol.
@monzurrahman8307 5 күн бұрын
Chi Chang is not the only Asian character in the books, she's the only East Asian Characters in the books. The Parvarti twins also exist, although they have similarly very lazy names. Do Americans not think of anyone being west of China as Asian?
@lynchmobb119 5 күн бұрын
Challenge their atheism 💀 bro you are definitely the problem. Nice cloths tho
@Carlos-ne3zf 5 күн бұрын
43:34 and the sole irish character.... in a wizard school located in fucking england being named Seamus Finnigan and his quirk being that everything he does explodes for no reason and his biggest contribution to the franchise being blowing up a bridge
@aperrin9727 5 күн бұрын
christ get a grip
@markdangerchen 5 күн бұрын
Minecraft's creator is also problematic... lol
@MelissaWickersham-k4o 20 сағат бұрын
At least Minecraft had several updates and bug fixes. Minecraft is actually very efficiently programmed. It works very well because it has constant updates, bug fixes, and troubleshooting.
@markdangerchen 19 сағат бұрын
Oh def. The game itself is great. This video talks about how HP is more in line with the creator's controversial thoughts and politics than maybe we all had realized when we first read them. Minecraft's original creator also had some controversial opinions. But the game itself is great and I guess it's separate from Notch now anyway since Microsoft bought it a while ago.
@seafallstar 5 күн бұрын
I remember that my 2nd oldest sister got to go to Barnes & Nobles for a booking signing with J.K (My eldest sister and I were the Harry Potter readers so we were happy for her and slightly jealous) but she lost the copy of Deathly Hollows, the one my eldest sister waited for at the midnight release, the one that she gave to her for J.K to sign. She was so upset and cried her eyes out because it was such an important book for our eldest sister. But J.K saw her crying, learned why and gave her a brand new copy for free, signing it for her even though my sister was all the way at the back of the signing line. I can't reconcile the woman who did such a kind thing for my sister and her cruel actions against the LGBTQ+, a group I am proudly a part of. But I can't support such ideals. Trans rights are human rights! Don't ever forget it!
@tabootarotreader 5 күн бұрын
Internalized homophobia explains the lazy Dumbledore queerbaiting. The entire storyline of repressed, secret gay love between Dumbledore & the villain Grindelvald is toxic Heteronormativity. Only cishet people with privilege would perceive of queer love in that way. Period.
@subaru4920 6 күн бұрын
Yes, the original constitution helped stop slavery. That's why they didn't need add an amendment! It was totally already antislavery!
@GenerationX1984 6 күн бұрын
The psychopaths try to convince us they're human like us.
@Miami.grackle 6 күн бұрын
Villains, in the most fundamental meaning possible. Super, in the strength this rotten to the core ideology continues to grip a significant number of our citizens. Thanks for your hard work.
@k8thecurst 6 күн бұрын
Thank you, hoots. This was one of the most well-rounded, empathetic breakdowns of whisper networks as a whole. As a survivor of SA, I'm taking a lot away from this to think about.
@steamedjams1633 7 күн бұрын
Don't forget the Irish character who blows up everything he touches
@Cheche-s7w 7 күн бұрын
Sorry, true evil is pulling a live Ba- out of the womb, letting it expire then selling the b-y pa-ts: evil personified,
@HalasterBlackCloak-u2w 7 күн бұрын
honestly I just don't feel that the books are that bad, what's bad is that she is wrote about wizard hitler and is now basically supporting nazi policies. I kind of wonder whether she ended up seeing harry potter fanfic on the internet and got traumatized or something. Although I dunno, I thought the books were always a bit weird in that the "good guys" were trying to protect this life-extension elixir and the "bad guys" were trying to promote it. you can see the same dichotomy in star wars where Vader goes over to the dark side because the republic apparently can't give his wife good healthcare, but Palpatine promises he can. O, and wizarding society is also strangely not post scarcity, remains hidden for weird reasons and operates torture operations for "bad guys" which is pretty good reason to dismantle wizarding society if you ask me. I think some of the biggest problems with popular novels and fantasy is that they end up being supportive of the status quo even though the status quo is oppressive and horrid. And maybe that's why she became a TERF. terf's are kind of feminist, but not really. I guess she's something of a white feminist really. She likes the freedom of doing what she wants, but doesn't seem all that interested in other lefty issues because she got hers. Like, a real radical feminist would be for gender abolition which I don't think she cares about. Her characters are fairly gendered (and ethnicized). What's fascinating of course is that Rowling never really imagines that people in wizarding world might want to use magic to change their bodies which is basically the issue at hand here.
@kavinskysmith4094 7 күн бұрын
Why do you feel your audience is so attention deficit disordered that they need Bright Gigantic subtitles for the first five seconds of your video lady? as its really damn distracting, and also white and blue no less too, like you couldnt show your bias any harder if you tried, which I guess I should thank you for as it saves me from watching the rest of it as you people are always all the same
@johnsatan117 7 күн бұрын
Mother wait for the 7th while pregnant with me and my twin. Also, didnt the Nazis literally use the word mudblood do describe someone with Jewish blood?
@DominikDigironino 7 күн бұрын
I love scare events and the interactive ones
@saturnFIV3 8 күн бұрын
Quite the contrary actually, eating out every night is a bourgeois conceit. Rich people don't cook for themselves, they pay others to do it.
@benshithero3037 8 күн бұрын
This guy a Bogan poet from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
@lyokianhitchhiker 8 күн бұрын
Shall we Freddle some gruntbugglies?
@benshithero3037 8 күн бұрын
They really gotta investigate and prosecute all these people