“Alpha Male” Rehab 😂
2 ай бұрын
Have I Become A Narcissist??
My Partner Always Feels Attacked!
Reciprocated Validation
3 ай бұрын
Can a Narcissist Change?
3 ай бұрын
Validating Pain in the Past
3 ай бұрын
How to Apologize the Right way
@moniquita720 56 секунд бұрын
I would be weirded out by it. Mostly because of the assumption I would be snooping.
@harremsis 2 минут бұрын
I love this perspective! "They're not a bad person, they're just a bad partner FOR YOU." - really a breath of fresh air amongst all the "destroy the narcissist" hate.
@redclayscholar620 3 минут бұрын
I put a simple swipe code on my phone so it would stop turning on in my pocket and my then gf (now wife) lost her mind.
@LaceR.Griffin 3 минут бұрын
This wife-character is me. Fortunately for me my husband is great, he's Gen X and I'm a millennial so we struggle to find common footing on how to resolve issues but in the end he's really great.
@deborahwahl2946 4 минут бұрын
What I take away from this video is Dad was there to comfort his daughter. Good on you Dad!!
@point-pc4ef 8 минут бұрын
Jesus, the bar is so low
@anthonymiller4389 10 минут бұрын
I would love this more than anything
@deborahwahl2946 17 минут бұрын
Sure, take your 20 mins, but as soon as that timer goes off you are my right hand man. Sorry if all 20 min were spent on the commode, you said 20 mins.
@monsterberger7728 18 минут бұрын
Narccisism is a disorder, so you should get diagnosed if you believe you are one. Not ever narccisist is completely evil
@danyellesibert6724 19 минут бұрын
Wow! Not gonna lie he is spot on, how does he know so well what happens to us? Mothers I mean.
@oakmaiden2133 20 минут бұрын
I was just told I’m too sensitive. He reads every emotion I experience as anger and when I say I’m not, he pushes til I am. Making him right in his mind.
@flylikeabeetv 29 минут бұрын
Statistically, men who grew up without older sisters don't understand empathy until later in life.
@parent-alerte2562 31 минут бұрын
Get your break before coming in. You had a lunchbreak?
@mapratt 35 минут бұрын
They do communicate. They don't listen, don't hear. It's not 2-way.
@LaceR.Griffin 46 минут бұрын
The Christmas break face😂
@lothsper 50 минут бұрын
Oh I f****** hate this scenario you should know what to do I don't know what you want done I'm not a f****** mind reader tell me what you want
@Milestonemonger 53 минут бұрын
No Contact is the only solution.
@user-hj8ij9vu5d 55 минут бұрын
There is no winning with narcissists, so it's best to just walk away to give them time to calm down. If you try to reason with them, you could make everything worse, as they have no control over their emotions, and by trying to get your point across in conversation, you will only feed them your energy.
@lll_Death_lll 59 минут бұрын
The privacy guy is totally right. Privacy is very important.
@brandirowden Сағат бұрын
Omg yes! Side note, I’m sure I’m not the only one noticing all the amazing plants. Plant tour needed 😂
@DOCTORJAN714 Сағат бұрын
And while you're "relieving that pressure from her," you can "refill your love tank" with the next-door neighbor.
@SoulSphere108 Сағат бұрын
Thank you. I need to listen to thks everyday.
@tschmidt1974 Сағат бұрын
My guy and i have been together 2.75 years. He betrayed me for our first 2 years together, and he doesnt understands why i don't feel safe with him and don't trust him.. that entire 2 years, i could feel in my gut when he was doing wrong, and he'd say "I'm not doing anything wrong, i dont want anyone but you", he'd get mad at me.. i tried so hard to believe him but my gut kept telling me something wasn't right.. to try to prove he wasnt doing wrong, he handed me his phone and told me to check it, i went straight to his deleted texts (in front of him), and found more than he wanted me to! Then went to his photos and found a ton of screenshots he had taken of messages (i was shocked, my gut had been right everytime!! Everytime he made me feel stupid & paranoid, I was actually right!). It was all talk between him & other women, him trying to hookup, him telling other women he loved them.. my heart was shattered!!! Since that day, he agreed to do things to help re-earn trust, my boundary was, "if you want to be with ME, after all the heartbreak, lost trust, betrayals, deceit, lack of care, disrespect & disregard, then I need to see for myself that you are doing right by me".. he has given me that for 7 months but, he doesn't understand why I still dont feel safe loving him, or trusting him, he says "I'm not doing it now!".. he's never explained or talked about it, other than saying "I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm a POS, I have a problem, its an addiction, and I wont do it again, I learned my lesson".. (disclaimer: he also said that the very first time I found him chatting with someone else and sending them money... so, that statement doesn't hold much value to me).. I can't make him understand that our foundation was built on lies, sneakiness, manipulation, betrayal, gaslighting, and no true connection... he still replies with "I'm not doing it now, you see everything I do".... In hindsight, I should've let go that day of discovery.. Its harder to let go when he's actually doing right...... (we have a 28 year history as friends)... Every day, the things I read between him & other women, play through my head, I cant make it stop 😢
@OMA407 Сағат бұрын
Any study u done?any descriptive study than analytical. I DOUBT.Its true what we consume on social media 90% are garbage.Dont generalise man,jus tell ur own wicked story.Are u a epidemiologist or researcher No.So stop salvaging urself by accepting.hope u dont cheat again...
@michellealjunaidi8471 Сағат бұрын
No need to argue with the other person. Just realized you are not the only one and move on. If you can not look at your partner or spouses phone while they are 2 feet from you there's your sign.
@diantinatalist6686 Сағат бұрын
Omg. Alex did that so many times. He peered over and snooped at my messages as well The creepiness was unreal. The boundary violations kept adding up. He wanted my fb account and yt passwords. Yet he was so untrustworthy. He’d even consult my friends to meddle and to offend them so as to control them also. Real scary stuff that I never was engaged in my entire life
@erinrothermel6569 Сағат бұрын
This needs to be said. Thank you.
@PantsofVance Сағат бұрын
Sounds like James is about to dodge a huge bullet.
@jlc9914 Сағат бұрын
Said no women ever. After watching many of these videos, it seems that everything is the mans fault. Stop pretending that women don't "name call". Especially when they are talking to their friends about the argument. These videos are for simps...
@stephanieoliver6873 Сағат бұрын
My partner just told me our house is misery everyday. I have chronic pain.
@janverschuren593 Сағат бұрын
Same goes for men!
@LindaGrey-wm9uc Сағат бұрын
Do you think too many confuse love with lust?
@AnneGrey-zu1cy Сағат бұрын
it's giving Laufey
@moniquea2497 Сағат бұрын
Hear! Hear! To all kinds of moms out there who are not feeling appreciated, not heard, tired, exhausted....I hear you. You CAN take a 10-min time in your own locked bedroom/bathroom for a breather. You ARE doing your best. 🤗🤗🤗 -- from a mom of 5.
@darthqtip Сағат бұрын
Hah. What if someone asks these questions because they want to change, not because they truly care about others, but because they just want to be able to manipulate people more easily?
@AsianDawg46 Сағат бұрын
In my experience, feeling can definitely be irrational. After all, feelings are the monkey part of our brain's response to our environment. Irrational emotions are incorrect reactions to our environment. Like sadness throughout what should be a happy day, or apathy during what should be exciting moments. Maybe a bit more relatably, feeling like a fraud when you have a lot of success in your life. These should be taken seriously, but should never be validated. These feelings are wrong, straight up and without nuance and should be fought like they are the enemy.
@sheilaspanbauer4441 Сағат бұрын
Bravo!!! 👏 more women need to do this
@Andy-su5wg 2 сағат бұрын
Sorry, but men are oppressed by other women too and nothing will make me believe otherwise.
@ReBdomine420 2 сағат бұрын
That's not "any partner". There are thousands and thousands of horrible narcissists who WANT to fight and be toxic.
@Zack_Taylor 2 сағат бұрын
The crab walk always works for me
@lafaces2949 2 сағат бұрын
I know that’s right! Check in with yourself first and no one’s feelings should override your own no matter what 😘🥰💯💃🏽💫
@NocilaSchaffer 2 сағат бұрын
My husband and I have full access to each other's phones, but part of that is because we don't go snooping because we trust each other. Sometimes we will grab the other person's phone because it's closer (or to help find our own device, but otherwise, we tend to leave them alone.
@MZ-ol6bd 2 сағат бұрын
As a girl, I was told: quit yer blubbering, I'll give you something to cry about. Thanks for caring to create this video. : )
@jlc9914 2 сағат бұрын
The roles need reversing here...
@cbg769 2 сағат бұрын
Soooo hard to hear that last statistic… sad but true:)<3 Thanks Jimmy
@Oceangirl60 2 сағат бұрын
Jimmy...where were you 40 years ago?....😪
@madmanwithaplan1826 2 сағат бұрын
honestly like some of your videos but its stuff like that that encourages me to never send someone to them as a first resource. You clearly have a bias towards it being his fault because as you said in some other videos when your marriage ended it was your fault. and maybe it was, maybe your wife was perfect in every way, and communicated clearly, and never let her growing frustrations build into a wall of noncommunication. but a really doubt it. a person who comes back with you should already know has given up on actually being heard it not about the issue anymore its just about how they feel. and that feeling is valid but its getting in the way. Your partner is in front of you trying to learn and understand and make things better between you,. you self sabotaging is only going to make things worse. Clear, Communication is key because a relationship is always falling apart slowly bit by bit like a house. its all coming apart. and communicating with your partner is how you do maintaince on the relationship. me and my wife just had a fight because when i come home and i see dishes in the sink or trash laying on the bathroom counter i will clean it up and mention it to her. she was feeling attacked and like i was criticizing her. but she never told me for months. until it blew up in an argument and i reminded her SHE ASKED ME TO DO THAT. we are both messy people and we talked 5 months ago about getting our shit together so we could bring a child into our lives. and she is supposed to be supporting me by making sure im cleaning up after myself correctly and that im supposed to be doing the same. and she would bring up messes i made, but i remembered the conversation we had. i saw it as the support i asked for. where as, (and god bless my wife but she has more holes in her head that swiss cheese i swear to christ she has the memory of a gold fish and the none of the communication skills god gives to rocks, ) she forgot that was an agreement we came to and felt like i was just on her case because i was sick of the house being dirty. "You should already know " is the same level of bad communication and in this instance it is her keeping the relationship from becoming healthier. and its probably not the first time she has defaulted to that. she might not even be able to put into words what she wants.
@tinadavy3990 2 сағат бұрын
@mellie5899 2 сағат бұрын
I'm a highly sensitive empath who really cares about the feelings of others. Always have. I also care about true connection, not domination or power. Respecting others, not manipulating them. But, I have one sister who has tried to dominate me and another sister who has tried to bully me my entire life. Now they've both gotten together and claim I'm the narcissist. I took care of our mother for 13 years 24/7 throughout her dementia with no help from them. I was changing Mom's diapers and dealing with all the craziness of her dementia patiently and lovingly, but whenever my older sister came to visit she'd say, "Go to your room now. I came to see mom, not you." She also sent me a threatening letter stating that she'd give me 90 days after mom died and then she and my other sister would force me out of the house that I have shared with mom. They both have money. They have full retirements, homes of their own, travel the world and one wears a Rolex watch. But they want the money from this house. I went into debt to care for our mother. Whenever I asked them for help they said that I don't get to decide what is right. When I asked my younger sister to please make payments on the $80,000 she borrowed on Mom's house she told me that if I didn't drop it and never mention it again she'd never speak to me again. So I'm paying her debt every month. The older one told me to just put mom in a nursing home, but I couldn't do that to her. I've asked my sisters to please give me time to find work now that mom has died, but they say I'm a narcissist to ask for that.They are pressuring me to spend what little savings I have on home repairs because they want to sell this house, my only home, out from under me. I feel like they are trying to drive me crazy. Like they want to push me to s.......e just so that they can get the portion of the house (half) that mom left to me. It hurts so much!
@jaymesigler6402 2 сағат бұрын
To all the people in the comments saying this is their husband, stop accepting this treatment. You deserve better. I'm not saying necessarily get divorced. But you need to know that you're with more, and if he's gonna treat you like this, you might as well be living on your own.