The Problem With Modern Dating | Sad Boyz
"Pick Me" Guys On TikTok | Sad Boyz
TikTok Horror Stories | Sad Boyz
Saying Slurs For Clout | Sad Boyz
Amazon Tricked Everyone | Sad Boyz
The Willy Wonka Disaster | Sad Boyz
Who TF Did She Marry?!? | Sad Boyz
Soulmate POVs | Sad Boyz
4 ай бұрын
Hating Women With Math | Sad Boyz
Modern Conspiracy Theories | Sad Boyz
The $200 Stanley Cup | Sad Boyz
Was Matt Rife Ever Funny? | Sad Boyz
@Cjbegood1 7 минут бұрын
I feel like playing MtG can either be a super fun game for the entire table or its a net 0 fun game where only one person has fun.
@sharni.jadeee 13 минут бұрын
i’d love to see their stance on this cody ko drama
@seamusbenn2967 29 минут бұрын
She is truly the Nancy Reagan of blowing dog whistles
@Tahmorrow 33 минут бұрын
Why does the white woman look like Emily Blunt?! Like Mary Poppins would NOT
@shrubninja6444 44 минут бұрын
As someone who's played MTG since the start back in 1993, I love seeing people get into the game and geek out over it.
@garbagesalt 51 минут бұрын
crazy how the automated captions get all the mispronunciations of brian's name so spot on but the spell demi's name as "demia Didu eBay"
@jms3430 55 минут бұрын
nothing but respect when I say this but Brian David Gilbert is the single most glasses wearing name of all time.
@viktor5783 59 минут бұрын
Omg, Jordan looks seriously cool with the beard!
@Blueeyesthewarrior Сағат бұрын
I think that the n-word girl is so immensely sad. She’s just a bootlicker who is so desperate to be a right-wing bullshitter that she manufactured this bullshit. Even other racists are going to look at her sideways because she’s clearly not even racist enough to be comfortable using the n-word on the reg.
@garbagesalt Сағат бұрын
that toothpaste doesn't have anything in it that will actually properly clean your teeth?
@KelpieRider Сағат бұрын
24:02 potion of get fired from job
@Torma25 Сағат бұрын
certain clay minerals are harder than the calcite that makes up your teeth, you can literally grind your teeth away if you use that "toothpaste" 🥰
@imkayjaylea 2 сағат бұрын
Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence.
@jsquire1331 2 сағат бұрын
Jordan your beard and fro are looking sick!!! keep em going dude!
@amagicalduck155 2 сағат бұрын
I have the same problem with deck strength in Arena. I have a lot of decks that are really fun but they're not super strong so half the time I use them I get curbstomped cos there's no way to communicate with my opponent ahead of time so they use something super meta and I'm there with my cobbled together rat typal just trying to survive long enough to get any damage in
@javieraudicana8993 2 сағат бұрын
Next episode speak about the magic "controversy", the guy that got mad for getting a loss for breaking the rules
@RaeCharm 2 сағат бұрын
I watched the Dropout episode and first of all, never knew of Demi before, but he's incredibly funny. Also, Jarvis imitating Shinji in his chair breakdown immediately was incredible. It's just fun to see you guys doing dumb nerdy bits.
@josie4am 2 сағат бұрын
🫵 um actually
@wizard-lizard 2 сағат бұрын
Ify is the nerdy extrovert we all need at a con/in life. Him offering to be a plow/meat shield for his anxious friends at 1:47:57 made my heart melt! What a guy!!
@rockyshepard4451 2 сағат бұрын
No one reacting to jordans jab at 30:20 is so unfortunate that was hilariouS
@JDD_MD 3 сағат бұрын
40:10 🤣🤣🤣 “got em”
@samsee_ca 3 сағат бұрын
17:35 Bri-Hank David Hill-bert
@dogcollar 3 сағат бұрын
clown world video is an award winning monolog
@dogcollar 3 сағат бұрын
it's also an ai generated joker monolog
@shibasandshelves 3 сағат бұрын
As a long time Dropout fan and semi-recent Sad Boyz fan it was so exciting to see the Boyz pop up on Um, Actually… also you can say forced perspective but when ya’ll stood up Demi looked exactly as tall as I would have expected… as someone who is unhealthily conscious of other people’s height.
@bryceduyvewaardt8136 3 сағат бұрын
Heck yeah I’m here for the MTG discussions!
@frogsbongs 3 сағат бұрын
29:35 accidental irish jarvis
@frogsbongs 3 сағат бұрын
We would often do 6-10 players commander back when i was in college
@austin4211luckE 4 сағат бұрын
I recently came back to MTG after my son was born. It’s been a great way to unwind and hang out with friends. I am so passionate about making themed decks and having fun. I also just went to my first release events and you hit the nail on the head with that one. It’s such a wonderful experience but like every once in awhile you come across that one guy that just harshen the vibes. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
@AnnikaVictoria24 4 сағат бұрын
So Jarvis and Jordan - when will you be on dropout??? I’m excited for the day this happens
@akshayde 4 сағат бұрын
Was she talking about broke black people or just broke dudes? I thought it was the latter
@SnootyFarkleboob 4 сағат бұрын
That was such an insightful conversation about accountability and the complexities of relationships as public figures, parasocialisation, etc. There's been a few things recently that have led me to considering similar ideas and I'm glad to hear it fleshed out from your perspectives.
@gray9989 4 сағат бұрын
i've typed this comment like 3498934 times but i think everything i want to say can be summarised into the following: i really appreciate the segment on holding people accountable .. and the whole episode & podcast in general, but that part especially. no notes, perfect coverage of all the nuances, i think
@mangoqribbit8699 4 сағат бұрын
I'm just at the part where she was talking about 'dorks' so idk if they said this, but she so clearly peaked in high school. still using "nerds" and "the ones we didnt hang out with" when youre a grown woman is CRAZYYYYY. clearly she still thinks of the world as cliques and lunch tables of the people she puts in a box. if she weren't just rage baiting and crying for attention from right-wingers...
@oliverrose7796 4 сағат бұрын
Shout out to the MTG artist who sold his stuff at a local festival where I grew up. Good stuff.
@mackenziegarrett2975 4 сағат бұрын
Do you think Jarvis and Jordan provide socks to their guests I hope so lol " come to our podcast you get free socks" 😂
@zoemo3376 5 сағат бұрын
have these guys ever had Ben and Emil on?
@thunderscrube8698 5 сағат бұрын
@peach_total 5 сағат бұрын
58:05 THIS WHOLE CONVO 🙏🏼 people treat their friendships and relationships like they’re a commodity and as soon as it’s “not the product they want” they throw the relationship away and just go get a new one. “you don’t owe anyone anything” actually we all owe each other everything, community is literally about that
@quakywacky8048 5 сағат бұрын
Jarvis's point of the inherent kindness of Feedback is so on point. Even if the feedback is pretty scathing or critical, showing that you value someone or something enough to say what didn't work is incredibly flattering. As someone who is creatively driven and enjoys sharing their work with friends, offering suggestions, critiques and highlighting something specific is heartwarming and shows that you care enough to engage with something I've created, same thing goes for relationships. Criticism and accountability is difficult, is hard to give and hard to hear, but it's a sign of care and informs a want to better as a person and a friend.
@StuHarris 5 сағат бұрын
From a psychological perspective one of the most impactful forms of punishment that societies, tribes, groups, etc. can inflict upon an individual whom has fʉcked up, brought shame, or broke code is banishment. Now, I’m unsure if this was a commonly used practice among tribal societies, or a narrative element imposed by more modern minds. Nevertheless, back when as a species we were more cleft-browed, hairy, and semi-nomadic this would have been the one guy who just wont stop fʉcking pigs. So, they’re cast out to wander the land as an exile, until maybe they find another tribe/ village and have hopefully come to realize the error of their ways and can now fold into a fresh social scene unencumbered by the past. Well, in our modern times that same individual when cast out into the shadows has a high probability of running into a fellow pig fʉcker, then these pig fʉckers discover a few more, they get together coming up with talking points justifying their pig fʉckery. Now they’ve got a sub-reddit, then a Kick-Starter, a Patreon page.. They’re now demanding equal rights, special interest group status, reparations, etc... This is what I refer to as ‘The Pig F#cker Conundrum’ ™©
@amaliaschwartzmetz2949 5 сағат бұрын
The bill of rights(first 10 amendments) were passed with the constitution. The right to bear arms was part of the constitution because the king wouldn’t allow people to own firearms in order to protect themselves against the British army. Which is why it’s so outdated. It was an amendment because America had JUST won the war and there was still risk of Britain coming back and citizens wanted the right to protect themselves against them. But now there isn’t really a reason for owning a gun as a civilian unless you want to rob a bank or kill a deer.
@aj23445 5 сағат бұрын
brb need to go add Anarcho-Blackness to my tbr 🏃thank you Ify!
@OkiSmokey 5 сағат бұрын
I remember I was with my brother, my brothers friend and my support worker at a local games store and I was just getting into a deck game (not magic but can’t remember what it was called) so I had put together a deck with some tips and played against my brothers friend. I would try build up my units but they would just get 1 shot because this guys deck was built in a way where he had low health but massive damage so I was getting pummelled but about half way through the game I realised that because my deck wasn’t built with a specific purpose in mind I could easily change strategy so I just started throwing low level units all over the place so it didn’t matter the amount of damage he did because I could sacrifice a few and still attack with the others. The tables started to turn and I was so happy with myself, like I had only been playing for a few days and this was like my 3rd legit match and this guy had been playing for years. Everyone was hyping me up coz I managed to even the playing field without asking for help or tips but then the guy started just… visibly getting angry, I had played some board games with him before with similar behaviour to that (think monopolising a resource in catan, bragging about monopolising it and then complaining when everyone steals from you) so it wasn’t a surprise but I was a bit shocked. I didn’t win the game ofc but everyone was super proud that I held my ground until the end and the memory has stuck with me since, wild how people react with games that are meant to be fun and challenging
@DoobieFlex 5 сағат бұрын
I love magic but it’s too much for me as someone who primarily plays Yugioh. When I get into magic and borrow a friends deck I get super into it and it’s fun, but I can’t turn off my yugioh brain! The skills are very similar but the play style isn’t and i end up misplaying a lot because I forget I’m not playing yugioh
@verushka7405 5 сағат бұрын
@elyzzayt 6 сағат бұрын
Omg I recently saw the Annie May video 😭😭
@user-go5zj3of5l 6 сағат бұрын
its like a clog but a diaper
@5imian622 6 сағат бұрын
I love all the conversation about Brian "Don't Call Me Brian "Brian Kibler" Kibler" Kibler
@RainblazeMedcat 6 сағат бұрын
"we are here to mourn the Panera charged lemonades" when I tell you how i screamed. No one i know loved them like me IM GRIEVINGGGGG
@Subject2001 6 сағат бұрын
Awesome episode