How Schizoids Control Relationships
Do Schizoids Have Empathy?
2 ай бұрын
Schizoid Exhibitionism Explained
Schizoid Hyperawareness Explained
Are Schizoids Lazy?
5 ай бұрын
The Overt Schizoid: The Loner
@ywartencite 2 күн бұрын
When my dad istp and me intp talks about how tine machine work (i open the convo) he tends to explain that there is only one way through space and time and I explain that in many ways, he resists and always overemphasizing what he describes with anger, But then I started to agree with my father seeing that I was okay with that my father was also starting to agree with me by feeling guilty that maybe he was angry and couldn't understand there was more than one way (here my father was emphasizing a super concrete theory while I was with another that existed but not really)
@2biicoachingformndkarlotto317 3 күн бұрын
Great video! :D According to Wilhelm Reich, the Schizoid personality is formed before birth in the womb, and the second type, the Oral, is formed from 0 to 6 months in the child's life. In the Reichian typology, the Oral seems to have more of an empty core, and the Schizoid has more of a split between the mind and the body. This split also results in an empty core/black hole inside, which leads to more counterdependency and Oral to more codependency. What do you think about these reflections?
@SchizoidVision 2 күн бұрын
Interesting perspective. I will have a think about this and get back to you, as this touched on multiple issues.
@SchizoidVision 13 сағат бұрын
Hello again. I’ve thought about it further, and from my perspective genetics, pre-natal conditions, birth trauma, and early infancy trauma can all contribute to the development of schizoid dynamics. However, we currently don’t have concrete evidence to prove that schizoid personality is formed before birth in the womb. Even if we were to assume that schizoid tendencies could form in the womb, it’s hard to see why they would result in a stronger mind-body split compared to someone who develops schizoid personality after birth. The idea that the schizoid split manifests as a divide between the mind and body is widely accepted in modern interpretations of the schizoid condition, and this split forms the psychological basis for anyone who develops schizoid dynamics, regardless of when those traits begin to emerge. My understanding is that the "empty core" or "black hole" is a consequence of this mind-body split, along with the emotional dissociation that occurs from a fear of being overwhelmed, either by one’s own emotions or by external stimuli. This dissociation, whether it begins in the womb or early infancy, seems to be a defining trait of schizoid dynamics, tied closely to the mind-body split. The concept of counterdependency in schizoid individuals, where we avoid relying on others due to fears of engulfment or emotional intrusion, aligns with emotional dissociation. Schizoids often retreat into their internal worlds, relying heavily on their own resources to self-regulate, using withdrawal as a primary defense to protect against vulnerabilities from the external world. This contrasts sharply with the idea of a schizoid leaning towards codependency, which would involve emotional bonding and reliance on others, something that runs counter to the schizoid need for autonomy and self-sufficiency. If Reich has a rationale for his theory I would be interested in hearing it. But either way thanks for your quesion.
@leighoneillfoley6167 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much. I’m so glad and relieved to find your channel. My husband meets all of the criteria for schizoid, and for being a covert abuser. He promised and promised that he would get help, but because of how he presents, he was able to convince his therapists that he has Avoidant and is “on the spectrum.” Both of the two latter are aligned with his need to be seen as a victim. Whereas if he admitted the truth, that he has SzPD, he would have to own his behavior and actions.
@SchizoidVision 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for your donation and for sharing your thoughts. It sounds like you're going through a very complex and challenging situation with your husband, which is difficult to mentally and emotionally work through. It is positive to hear that you've found the content on my channel helpful, I hope it continues to offer valuable insights that assist you in finding a path toward resolution.
@leighoneillfoley6167 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much. I’m so glad and relieved to find your channel. My husband meets all of the criteria for schizoid, and for being a covert abuser. He promised and promised that he would get help, but because of how he presents, he was able to convince his therapists that he has Avoidant and is “on the spectrum.” Both of the two latter are aligned with his need to be seen as a victim. Whereas if he admitted the truth, that he has SzPD, he would have to own his behavior and actions.
@SchizoidVision 4 күн бұрын
Thank you again, and all the best to you.
@bluemamba5317 6 күн бұрын
Really cool shadow
@SchizoidVision 5 күн бұрын
At first I thought you meant this in a Carl Jung way, lol. But yeah, it's scenic :)
@bluemamba5317 4 күн бұрын
​@@SchizoidVision Confusing people is one of my strong sides 😄 Yeah, just the way your glasses are refracting the light, makes it look kinda otherworldly
@juliepoolie2129 6 күн бұрын
Can you share these slides ? This is great
@SchizoidVision 5 күн бұрын
I'm planning on using these slides in a book that I'm writing.
@juliepoolie2129 6 күн бұрын
This is so informative! Are there tests for Schizoid how does one test for this ?
@SchizoidVision 5 күн бұрын
There may be some online tests, but I think that they tend to be pretty general, DSM aligned ones, that may not cover all of the schizoid spectrum. People usually get diagnosed formally by a psychologist, or may arrive at the conclusion after significant online research and persnonal introspection.
@thecuriousgirltarot 7 күн бұрын
INFJ schizoid here 💯
@SchizoidVision 6 күн бұрын
@thecuriousgirltarot 7 күн бұрын
accurate. deeply resonated. thank you.
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
You're welcome
@melkat606 8 күн бұрын
I find your channel to be very informative. You have a very succinct way of explaining things and making it easy to digest!
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
Good to hear that the info is coming across clearly. I aim to keep on topic and get to the point as much as possible :)
@adonaiel-rohi2460 9 күн бұрын
I agree. Normal people are quite dysfunctional. They call people who differ as abnormal
@don-eb3fj 9 күн бұрын
I wrote this about two years ago (I can't say when for sure, because time is a pretty flexible standard in Limbo), sometime before discovering the Schizoid criteria and this exceptional channel - this seems like the appropriate time and place to gift it to the world, in hopes that it can provide some encouragement to someone who finds themself in a similarly puzzled place as I was: - "Puzzled ?" - "In the dim musty attic, covered in the dust of decades, or centuries? , I found it; a huge dark trunk - there were no markings on it, nothing to reveal where it came from or to whom it once belonged, only a few scuffs and scratches showed it had ever been anywhere before it came to be here, tucked into the corner under the roof. The clasp was closed and tarnished; no key was evident, and I wondered if it might be locked or rusted shut, but as luck or destiny would have it, with just a bit of effort the latch released. With a sense of gravity and wonder I lifted the lid on its groaning, creaking hinges. Darkness spilled out like some spirit escaping from Pandora's box, but curled up quietly on the floor like a lethargic black cat. Peering in over the edge into the depths where the darkness had left its shadow: Jigsaw pieces! Thousands?, or millions? of them! , and not a boxtop with a picture to be found that might indicate what the assembled puzzle might look like. Is it one puzzle, or many mixed together haphazardly? Are all the pieces there, or has some careless child from the past misplaced some of them? Were they EVER there, or was this some abandoned art project interrupted before completion? Or some hodgepodge collection of yardsale finds lumped together and kept as an obsession of some poor compulsive hoarder? My own compulsion will not allow me to close the lid and walk away - I MUST KNOW! But how to proceed? By what process do I sort and assemble the pieces? By what standard shall I determine if a piece is in the correct spot?, or belongs in the picture at all? Should I spill them all out onto the floor and find all the edge pieces first? Maybe group them by color? or size? I can determine no systematic approach to the task, so with a sigh and a grim set of my jaw I reach down into the shadowy interior of the trunk, plunge my hands blindly into the depths, and withdraw two fistfuls of puzzle." Now, about eighteen months after finding you and your channel, and several fistfuls later, here is the boxtop I've hoped for, and it is a masterpiece, a very accurate likeness of myself. If you ever doubt yourself Penzy, know that there's at least one puzzled schizoid out here that finds the world is a much better place for your presence in it. Thank you once again for being you and for doing what you do as no one else can. May each of us find such a gift within ourselves - let yourself enjoy well-deserved praise, just this once?
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
Don, that was incredibly gripping, thoughtful, articulate and strangely illuminating. What you've shared conceptually resonates with states I've found myself in before. My whole life has felt like trying to solve a puzzle... like waking up as Humpty Dumpty, not remembering falling off the wall, or even knowing there was a wall. Trying to put the pieces of existence back together... to create some kind of whole picture of what is. Even in my sleep, there's been a compulsion to connect more dots-analyzing, dissecting, cross-referencing, equating, and deducting. You bring the puzzle experience metaphorically to life here, and I'm sure many others of our kind will relate. It's good to hear that you're solving the puzzle alongside me and that I’ve helped somewhat to provide some semblance of form to the picture. Accepting praise is weird to me, because 'me' has been such an alien concept for so long... but I’m beginning to see glimpses of myself through the insightful comments from people like you, and it is showing 'me' something. As I share my findings with like-minded individuals, the picture is becoming clearer, and I find myself growing less puzzled over time. Thank you for sharing this here :)
@don-eb3fj 7 күн бұрын
@@SchizoidVision Thank you Penzy, and I truly do hope it helps others in some way - I seem to be arriving at a point of clarity in one corner of my own puzzle that urges me to attempt to articulate what I have seen, despite still having huge gaps in my understanding of the relationships of all the fragments and feeling insufficient to the task. Maybe it's my kharmic debt coming due, Saturn serving "due process" papers as I enter my second return. I'm all too familiar with the sense of unreality that accompanies praise, all the dimensions of doubt and discomfort of not really knowing what to DO with it, how much it can destabilize the fragile equilibrium of self-states; I recognize it as a primary megalithic building block of the schizoid fortress/prison wall that keeps the world at bay. But I'm convinced there are parts of each of us, buried deep, that are nourished by it, and those parts are who we came here to be, and though it may taste a bit stiff and metallic on the nose, I've heard rumors that praise is an acquired taste that soon becomes quite palatable and full-flavored if you hold your nose and swallow - cheers.🥂 I also recognize quite well that Humpty Dumpty reference - in my "mercenary pirate" early 20s I wrote a poem/song 🤟 entitled "20th Century Nursery Rhymes" in which Humpty featured prominently, even then subconsciously trying to piece together my self concept and view of the world. I don't know what happened to that poem, maybe I destroyed it in one of my "tortured artist" purges or it just got lost in one of the many kaleidoscopic shuffles of life. At any rate, I'm beginning to understand (though not yet fully accept) that the pile of shell fragments lying on the plaza isn't who any of us are, that was just the vehicle to deliver us here to fulfill our mission, one perhaps assigned to us long ago on a different world, with the objective to transform this planet into a place fit for life. We may be aliens, you and I, but it seems we hatched from the same clutch of eggs. We're not Ugly Ducklings, we're Black Swans, and Grace is our birthright, if we can learn how to accept it. 😉
@SchizoidVision 4 күн бұрын
Deep... it's interesting because I was thinking of making a series on the symbolism of schizoid patterns in popular fairytales, but that's a whole other rabbit hole. But, I can see how you could make the Humpty Dumpty connection, as I have. 'Black Swan'... I like this. I've also been considering schizoid archetypes, I've been writing a book, as I go along with making video content... which is likely to turn out to be multiple books, because there is just so much to say on this complex personality condition that can be approached from so many different angles. I really do appreciate the feedback I get on this channel and that this content is reaching people who relate to the information that I'm sharing. It's hard to believe that the psychology industry has neglected this very important realm of the human condition (but we know why). It's like we are the peice of the puzzle that they have tried to erase from the picture, or play down the importance of fitting into the picture. But the picture of humanity is incomplete without us.
@don-eb3fj 4 күн бұрын
@@SchizoidVision YES!,YES!,YES!!! to the symbolism series - by now you know my irresistible attraction to rabbit holes, the deeper the better, that's where the best treasures are buried (and more than a few "bodies" to attest to the "crimes" we've witnessed). Fairy tales and other forms of myth are often dismissed as "childish" entertainment not worthy of intellectual effort, but what I am finding around every turn of my own search and rescue mission in the labyrinth is that they contain the most digestible form of nourishment for the child parts of us all, sleeping in the unconscious; it can be metabolized without the need for so much intellectual chewing and instantly reaches deep, bypassing some of the obstacles to absorption. A primary theme that has emerged from my own trips down rabbit holes is the indispensable importance of myth to our coherent picture of ourselves as individuals and societies - no culture has EVER existed without a narrative thread to sew it together, and the quality of the narrative IS the quality and longevity of the culture, when the thread fails it all falls apart at the seams, the inner substance falls out and blows away in the wind of change. Friedrich Nietzsche knew a thing or three about that, and it's a lesson we would do well to remind ourselves of and use to good purpose. " ...It's hard to believe that the psychology INDUSTRY has neglected this very important realm of the human condition (but we know why)..." I see what ya' did there, and "there" is SOOO much to explore, and expose, in that sentence and the paragraph it sits within - my rat terrier nose twitches uncontrollably reading this, because we DO know why, we can SMELL it, and it's hard to believe others aren't more aware of it. I suppose that's part of our job; the picture does indeed remain incomplete without us. A thought occurred to me, not for the first time, that may reflect some light on this idea of puzzles and complete pictures: what if all those jigsaw pieces reassembled make up not a portrait but a mirror to see ourselves and society as they truly are for the first time. If we could have a long hard look into it, would we finally know ourselves, and would we like what we see? Would we be compelled to make improvements, stitch up our bleeding wounds, do away with the most unattractive blemishes and expressions? And what of those who have made this dystopian world in their own image? If they were forced to look into the mirror, would they see a reflection? Maybe that's the reason the mirror was smashed to begin with, and why they work so feverishly to prevent its reassembly? Sign me up for the book(s) preorder, my library will not be complete until those volumes of knowledge stand in their rightful place alongside all the other great works of both "fiction" and non-fiction that help me assemble a more complete picture of myself, my condition, and the human condition - and that inspire me to add my scribbled notes in the margins to try to add something to the understanding and improvement of them all. 🙂
@SchizoidVision 2 күн бұрын
Yes, yes, yes. Back at you. I was actually seeing a mirror in the puzzle when I was responding to your first comment, but I didn't include it in the analogy, because I didn't want to complicate the concept of the picture. There is so much I could read into these questions. But yeah, you 'get' it... In Harry Guntrip's main book he was alluding to something like... schizoids hold unique insights into society and could unveil/disrupt the whole system (I think he meant the falsehoods and deceptions)... I haven't full unpacked this conceptually yet (I sensed that he was just touching on the issue and couldn't say too much in the book because he had to constrain himself). But wow what a rabbit hole we find in this 'seemingly' relatively unimportant and much underdiscussed realm of psychology aka schizoid phenomenology.
@eubique 9 күн бұрын
Fellows, Be careful with this song, or use it for healing-feeling. But if you go there, please tell me if it doesn't, with a little avant-garde German humour, get horribly close to this wound. Because the truth is that in part you made the bravest and most loving sacrifice possible before you could even speak.
@StoweMarico-n7p 10 күн бұрын
Jones Shirley Perez Thomas Lewis Robert
@mcawesomest1 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for explaining this!! My husband does this and I didn’t have the word to describe it
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
Glad it was helpful.
@rosebanquette 10 күн бұрын
I would say I’m high functioning. I work in the medical field. My childhood experiences were rough but my family ran a fish and chip shop and I was working there from a pretty young age in exchange for food/lollies. I developed my social skills there by being forced to talk to customers and my nan would tell me how I should say things to sound more polite like would you like a bag instead of did you want a bag lol etc because before that I was so shy you could look at me and I’d blush or cry. I was basically mute for most of my childhood/teen years unless spoken to. At my grandparents shop we were expected to work 8-12hrs with no break so I definitely got my work ethic from that and if I didn’t have that work experience given to me I could definitely see myself being low functioning. My grandparents/parents had never left Australia so I saved up and lived abroad for 2 years when I was 21. I’ve travelled and done a lot of things by myself and always prefer solitude but occasionally I can handle brief interactions. I can have very deep and seemingly meaningful interactions with people especially because I just say whats on my mind and be my eccentric self and over time I learned people actually like it and feel comfortable around me so I do whatever I can but I rarely feel closeness unless a gut instinct tells me my feelings are really being reciprocated I can tell most are thrown off by me or not genuine and I feel unsafe around most people. After every interaction I usually question if they even cared or if that conversation was meaningful or embarrassed because I’m unsure how I was perceived. I also feel a lot of shame and guilt after conversations. My mum said I was born on the day of “self sufficiency” so I think she took that literally and I knew from a young age that I couldn’t rely on anyone but myself. As an adult I sway between moderate and high functioning. I experience symptoms very similar to bipolar 2 where I have 2-3 weeks of depression followed by 1-2 weeks of hypomania and this greatly impacts my ability to function. I do wonder if this is to do with my menstrual cycle and have considered PMDD rather than bipolar but I do have that in my lovely gene pool. Usually the house cleanliness is the first to go followed by feeding myself but those are the sacrifices I make to continue functioning in society. I also hate eating and see it as such an inconvenience there’s buying, preparing, cooking, cleaning honestly who could be fkd I’d rather starve most days and drink coffee and smoke lol. I have learned during my manic weeks I make lists and can cope with looking at my spending habits and writing goals etc and then it makes it easier to cope when the depression hits. I smoke weed and even go to work high and no one has ever noticed. I feel like a very hysterical schizoid that maintains a very poised and sophisticated persona which makes me feel like an imposter constantly but I digress. all of the hysterical energy is mostly self contained and I have a very flat affect which makes it all more confusing. My ex said I was an enigma. I’ve never been diagnosed so I don’t like false claiming but I use the terms schizoid and bipolar because of extensive research it does resonate the most and so I would never openly say I have this or want to discredit anyone who has been diagnosed. One day I will be bothered to be diagnosed but I’ve been to enough therapists that I know I need to find a special type that at least knows about schizoid and lesser known personality disorders. I wrote out pages in a word doc listing all of my life experiences and how I think they have manifested for me incubating away for when I find the right person but so far I have done pretty okay by myself the more I learn the easier it is for me to cope and apply therapy to myself also much cheaper. Other therapists I saw didn’t believe I had anything wrong with me because I was functioning so well in their eyes but that was before I learned to articulate what I was experiencing
@mtn7224 10 күн бұрын
I can relate to so much in your comment, especially the part about therapists
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing this very insightful comment. I resonate with much of what you're communicating. Having schizoid dynamics is indeed complex, and while I haven't been formally diagnosed either, I can deeply relate to the contradictory nature of these dynamics, which you have clearly communicated. It's true that a specialist is often required for diagnosis of the schizoid condition, but unfortunately, many psychologists hsve not been sufficiently trained to fully comprehend the intricacies of schizoid dynamics beyond what’s outlined in the DSM. Psychologists who are well-educated on the condition tend to recognize that schizoids can be very good at diagnosing ourselves, largely due to our introspective nature. There was a time when I wanted a formal diagnosis too, but I no longer feel that need, as self-understanding was my primary goal. Through psychoanalytic literature, I've gained much clearer insight into what has been causing my issues, and finding out the 'Guntrip Criteria' of Schizoid Personality Disorder has been very illuminating for me, as I tick all of the boxes. It’s this deeper self-understanding that has motivated me to share content on the more nuanced aspects of schizoid dynamics. A lot of information out there tends to be DSM-based, oversimplified, and doesn't always reflect the intricacies of those at the higher end of the spectrum. I'm glad to see that you're also exploring these ideas so thoroughly, and I appreciate your thoughtful comment.
@delairdelair5526 10 күн бұрын
I love your channel. You are a very smart lady . Thank you for sharing
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
You're welcome, thank you for your feedback, it's good to hear you're enjoying the content.
@infinidimensionalinfinitie5021 12 күн бұрын
nicely accurate venn diagram(s); shared on fb;
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
Cool beans 😎👌Good to hear the diagram hit home.
@infinidimensionalinfinitie5021 7 күн бұрын
i'm tryin' to see the subtle connections of your labeling of your experience; i identify as semi-schizophrenic; but no one has diagnosed me with being mentally-challenged; nonetheless i have an active imagination; and persistent ridiculous story lines of world domination; this is my way to say hi; ugh;
@SchizoidVision 6 күн бұрын
Ah yes, world domination... a familiar theme. Having an active imagination and vivid storylines, like the ones you mention, can definitely be part of schizoid dynamics. When we look deeper into the mind’s subjective functioning, it’s interesting how we can find overlaps in the way we process and relate to our inner worlds, even across conditions that psychologists label differently. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
@infinidimensionalinfinitie5021 6 күн бұрын
you were supposed to join me; but i guess you are not a chosen one; teehee; i know you have joined me; just not necessarily in world domination; until you hear about the checkmate; that already happened; my algorithms of karma; run everything; don't worry; you joined me; i also have narcissism; i hope that's not a problem;
@SchizoidVision 4 күн бұрын
Hmm... interesting concept an invite for a shared global takeover mission. The only thing is... theoretically speaking... to dominate the world, I would also have to dominate you... or vice versa... and neither of us would want to be dominated... World domination is so very complicated 🤔
12 күн бұрын
I was told by my. psychologist that since I am high functioning that she did not diagnose me with SzPD even though I more than qualify based on DSM-5. PPL I work with in the E.R. know I'm "different" and leave me alone. So, your term of moderate function schizoid really hits the target for me. I can handle social situations but avoid them as I get no aount of pleasure from them
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
I hear you some psychologists don't give recognition to the deeper underlying issues that being schizoid presents and just focus on surface issues, and so if you're not totally isolated, or able to take care of your daily needs they don't take it seriously. However, the challenges that we face are both real and significant to our life experience, a more understanding psychologist might be able to give fuller recognition to the gravity of the condition and the difficulties involved.
@grantwithers 12 күн бұрын
Good to have someone do a detailed breakdown on this topic. I've been fairly high functioning but I'm going through burn out right now.
@grantwithers 12 күн бұрын
I wonder how much work has gone into getting low functioning zoids into being high functioning zoids. If any. Or whether that is a fairly standard therapy thing etc.
@leviathanmg 11 күн бұрын
That's a good question. I have trouble talking to low-functioning zoids about masking because they see it as an entirely fabricated persona rather than a pro-social version of the individual. I take my most lovable, natural traits -- such as my wit -- and simply push those forward while keeping the rest sequestered within.
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
Good question. This is such a deep and complex issue. There's not a lot of research specifically dedicated to showing the success rates of low-functioning schizoids improving their functioning level, at least not in the targeted way you’d see with other conditions. From what I’ve seen in research, it’s difficult to get around schizoid defenses in therapy, and the general consensus is that very low-functioning schizoids tend not to seek therapy. I think this is a combination of not having faith in the therapy system (which I can understand) and not feeling drawn to integrate with society (also understandable). Then there's the issue of the ‘cost’ of long-term therapy. It’s really complex because helping a low-functioning schizoid become high-functioning would require them to develop a more structured, society-aligned false-self system, which I imagine could be really hard to do past a certain age. Even schizoids with highly developed false-self systems can experience a collapse or deconstruction of it due to life changes or burnout. From what I’ve seen, therapy for schizoids is often more focused on improving functioning in general, but it tends to vary depending on the therapist’s understanding of schizoid dynamics. Many therapists, especially those not familiar with schizoid-specific issues, might not recognize the full range of functioning levels, which makes tailored therapy challenging. However, there are therapeutic approaches like psychoanalytic or psychodynamic therapy that aim to help schizoids develop better coping mechanisms and improve functioning. That being said, since schizoid traits are so varied, it’s really about finding the right therapeutic method and therapist who truly understands the intricacies of schizoid experiences. There’s so much more that could be said on this issue, but I’ll leave it there. Thanks for raising such an important point.
@grantwithers 7 күн бұрын
@@leviathanmg a good thing man, but yeah I think most of us will just be mostly fabricating a persona. To a large extent I do/did. But to another extent I do like what you're talking about, just let your natty good traits shine through some.
@grantwithers 7 күн бұрын
@@SchizoidVision Appreciate the response vision and for the most part I agree. Me and Schizoid Angst have considered best practices as to how to help people mask up, and that obviously is part of becoming high functioning, but there's more to it than that.
@trickcompany 5 күн бұрын
@@grantwithers Ok, I personally find masking very easy, I can do it if I want. flirt, talk nicely, put on a show. Depending on the emotional state, it can quickly crumble, I can no longer laugh along, the corners of my mouth go down without me being able to influence it, I stare at the wall and can no longer hold the short feeling. But that's not the point. Can't I just take the mask off, I mean there's a mask behind the mask, okay. But what I mean by that is to stop playing so much and just be. In capitalism (at work) it is clear that you are playing. But for me it's about relationships that are deeper than just a game.
@kalpapadapa 12 күн бұрын
So I believe the overlap might be explained as the freeze response towards trauma early in personality or brain development. Others have noticed similar overlaps in the case of cPTSD. At least I think the trauma model explains personality disorders or at least why people behave the way they do.
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. The overlap between schizoid dynamics and autism can definitely be viewed through the lens of trauma, particularly in how the freeze response might influence personality development. I’ve also come across discussions that suggest the freeze response, or even an emotional withdrawal, could play a role in both conditions. It's interesting you mention cPTSD, as many have noticed similar traits, like emotional detachment and difficulty forming connections, in those with trauma histories. The trauma model does offer a compelling explanation for certain behaviors and personality disorders, though there’s still a lot of debate on how trauma interacts with neurological development. Your perspective adds an interesting layer to this conversation, especially when considering how early experiences shape different coping mechanisms.
@kinderblutsaufenderreptiloide 13 күн бұрын
Great video! My level of functioning seems to decrease the older I get und the suffering is getting more. Functioning in the "normal" world is so exhausting, I expierienced a burnout once and I can feel the next one coming... The only thing I really enjoy is spending time with my sheep. 🐏
@udonge1043 13 күн бұрын
this reminds me a lot of self disorder specifically with the demarcation/transitivism category of symptoms. im surprised you havent done a video on that because its crazy dude. also that one thing in the betrayal of the body with the schizoid barricade/retreat.
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
I think I see what you mean... The concepts of self-disorder, particularly the demarcation/transitivism category, definitely align with some of the ideas I covered in my video on hyperpermeability. In that video, I explore how schizoids can struggle with maintaining boundaries between themselves and others, which seems closely related to what you're describing. here's th elink if you're interested: I appreciate your mention of The Betrayal of the Body, I touched on this issue in my schizoid true self, false self, and divided self video's, however, there is a lot to this issue and I've been gearing up to make a video that focuses specifically on the schizoid relationship with their physical body.
@udonge1043 13 күн бұрын
Fantastic videos and channel and much better than any of the other pop psych content that blindly regurgitates the shitty dsm 5 criteria. Honestly I think the concept of functioning labels is really flawed and we should apply them to symptom severity levels instead because I think it's really rare for anybody to fall in completely with high/low, most people are moderate and will have contradictory traits. Like for example you might have a really "lower functioning" severity level in one symptom (disorganized fantasy life) but simultaneously be high functioning in social settings and have a well adapted pseudo social self. and vice versa.
@kinderblutsaufenderreptiloide 13 күн бұрын
Agree! 👍
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
I completely agree with you that functioning really does vary from trait to trait, once we look at schizoids on a deeper level. High, moderate, and low functioning labels can be useful indicators, as a general starting point for addressing functioning issues, but there's so much diversity within schizoid experiences that these labels can't really account for the ful range of indivdual specifics. Being that every person functions uniquely. I appreciate that you value schizoid content beyond the DSM criteria, as this has been the intention behind my content on this channel. There's so much depth and complexity to the schizoid condition that often gets overlooked, and I aim to cover much more of this in future. Thank you for your thoughtful comment.
@udonge1043 13 күн бұрын
can you make a new video where they kiss
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
Interesting thought. Not sure if the schizoid will be up for it... she's kinda got an anti-kissing mindset, especially on a first date ;)
@ktryushi4744 13 күн бұрын
Best channel and people so far which you can make real conversation with people without being attacked or being sensitive. This is why i like schizoids, they don’t give a flying f. Excuse my erratic language. I am moderate i think or high-functioning not sure, still a question mark. I can be eccentric, awkward when you put me in spotlight. I don’t know if schizoid individuals have the same problem like me. Being daydreaming, acting bizarre, awkward when a lot of people in group put you in spotlight etc, i try to avoid it and bring the conversation back to them. Maybe i am the only one with this problem? Thanks for the video ma’am. Have a nice day to you all guys.
@bluemamba5317 12 күн бұрын
Avoid big groups, problem solved. Nah but very hard to answer. Depends on the situation. I often don't care to listen to the conversations. If they ask me what I 'think about it', then I just ask them about what and explain I didn't listen because I was thinking about something else.
@bluemamba5317 12 күн бұрын
For an answer, if you I don't have a good answer or don't care about the subject I just give a neutral answer, or say like 'good question' I don't know' or something like that. But in any case give short answers to indicate I don't wanna talk, which I very rarely wanna do anyway.
@bluemamba5317 12 күн бұрын
But turning the convo back to the group like you do is the main idea so.
@ktryushi4744 12 күн бұрын
@@bluemamba5317 thank you for sharing your experience, i appreciate it. I avoid big groups all the time, But you can’t avoid all of them when they drawn to you…..Like you just said, it just depends on the situation. Have a nice day.
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
I find that if I'm put on the spot in a group situation I can sometimes spontaneously create a persona that fits the situation, or make stuff up off the top of my head that will satisfy the conditions of the group. I try to read the room, and plan what I will do if the attention/focus turns to me, sometimes when unprepared it can be pretty random. Fortunately I don't find myself in that position often. But yeah, I prefer to shine the spot light on others, and divert attention away from myself whenever possible.
@ghenttoo 13 күн бұрын
Excellent video. Turns out I am moderately functioning.
@grantwithers 12 күн бұрын
Yeah and I would guess it probably depends on stress level and expectations etc.
@castropianoforte 13 күн бұрын
Bullying at school can have a huge impact. I had a lot of it at secondary school despite having a stable home life. I just learned to cope with it but the effect was to separate me from other people, a trend which continued into adult life. I would call myself moderately high functioning.
@bluemamba5317 12 күн бұрын
True, I also preemptively hid my personality and myself the best I could to not get bullied so much. Bearly talked at all until I was like 20 years old. I also got psoriasis from a very young age. So I didn't persue any sexual relationships out of shame. The only times I would show my personality and be talkative was when drinking. But I was so underdeveloped socially that it sometimes caused problems. Will get very narcissistic etc, and very emotional. So now I don't drink anymore either.
@stuartsenften237 13 күн бұрын
Went from High Functioning to Low Functioning at 68 years old, being Retired Helps Me be Low functioning, because there's No Need to Socialize or have a Relationship, Except for My Dog, which is the Only Light of My Life. Some Days I Pray that I Won't Wake Up in the Morning, and That's Not a Way to Feel about Your Life..Thanks Pansy..
@suzyq3225 13 күн бұрын
Wow! Enjoyed your comment! I was just going to ask if that change can happen, esp after retirement. My husband is 70 and is similarly changing his schizoid traits as he ages. I'm so glad I have learned about schizoid traits in the last few years. I've learned to understand and to except them. I wish I understood these things 50 years ago!
@udonge1043 13 күн бұрын
stuart i love you your just like me man even if my anhedonia is really bad every day i go downstairs see my dog pet my dog i feel happy. you know theres a lot of volunteer positions retired people get to get them socialized more, something like a library where theres almost no people and less social interaction might work for you.
@kinderblutsaufenderreptiloide 13 күн бұрын
Yes, it's getting worse the older I get. The only thing that really makes me happy is spending time with my sheep.
@trickcompany 12 күн бұрын
It would be interesting to know, if you went to therapy or something similiar (like a dog) and if you could reconnect with your feelings and even then the change happened?
@leviathanmg 11 күн бұрын
Comfortable retirement, for me, is the endgame. After that, I can just run out the clock.
@dmgsoultogetherness6667 13 күн бұрын
what a mine field.. seems kind of fluid at times...if situations dont feel right or people give off unusual vibes..then life can be sure a lot of people go years without being diagnosed...congrats on the thorough dissection and prep work
@MindAsdf 13 күн бұрын
your critique of masterson's approach gives me hope, thank you
@doctorripply 13 күн бұрын
Thank you❤ best channel about schizoids
@e-t-y237 14 күн бұрын
Why don't you put right in that black circle in the center: TERROR. That's an emotion, not an empty vacuum. But I actually came on to get your take on this description: "The schizoid experience is about being totally walled off from experiencing your emotional truth ... and with that dynamic in place away goes warmth, bonding, vitality, spontaneity, feeling real, feeling fully human, and more. The person in a schizoid state has not only massively repressed his/her emotions, but has set their entire emotional apparatus off-line, this to survive. They need to bring this apparatus back on-line starting with the terror at the core. Much of our humanity is not available in the extreme self-alienation that characterizes 'schizoid personality'."
@SchizoidVision 13 күн бұрын
The description resonates with my personal experience, the literature I have read, and what I have heard from other schizoid's experiences. I agree that there is something in confronting our underlying fear within. For me, it hasn't been a real solution to better accessing or utilizing my emotions, however, I was able to turn off the constant dread, doom, and gloom feeling, that the world was about to come to an end at any minute, and gain greater peace and liberation from this fear. I think that what I call 'turning off' the fear really involved resolving it through conscious processing and reasoning.
@SchizoidVision 13 күн бұрын
What do you make of the description?
@e-t-y237 13 күн бұрын
@@SchizoidVision You are in a better position to know than me, but isn't that dread and impending disaster feeling often about anxiety, and in particular, about disowned anxiety? I'm sorry you have so much of that. Of course no child can process that. It is never about judging ourselves, but about deep unmitigated self-compassion, and seeing if we can get nearer that hydra like terror emanating out all over the place in the psyche.
@SchizoidVision 12 күн бұрын
I think it's a normal part of the paranoid-schizoid position in infant development, that we get stuck in due to not being adequately nurtured through it by a secure emotional bond with our primary caregiver. Though it can be detached from and distanced from through our defenses.
@e-t-y237 12 күн бұрын
@@SchizoidVision I wrote it so it reflects alot of my evolving ideas, though pretty much from a lay not a textbook position.
@suzyq3225 14 күн бұрын
I SO wish I understood all this 50 years ago. I am married to a schizoid man. I didn't understand him for many years. Now, looking back I can see my emotions drained him. And his lack of emotional support hurt. Now I give him plenty of alone time and space. It is a wonder we survived. I know now to have my emotional needs met by others. I wemt to therapy and learned about radical acceptance. That has helped a lot. We are just two very different people who have lived a life together, raising two kids and stuck it out. But we are there for each other now in our senior years and help each other out. There is something to be said for that.
@SchizoidVision 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like you've approached the challenges and complexities of this relationship with a lot of patience and understanding. Being willing to stick at it and work through these issues, takes a lot of strength. I think that your journey with radical acceptance and finding ways to meet your emotional needs elsewhere shows great personal growth and wisdom. It's good to hear that you and your husband have found a way to support each other now, despite your differences.
@robertobravo6834 14 күн бұрын
Eagles always fly alone.
@k.s783 15 күн бұрын
You sound bored but thanks for posting.
@Heyokasireniei468sxso 17 күн бұрын
schizoids don't want or care about relationships
@66kaisersoza 18 күн бұрын
I'm not depressed but I'm acutely aware of my shortcomings as a person. For example, I'm a man and I attract women from time to time. But I lose interest very quickly. I show interest, they start staring at me, smiling, try and talk to me etc. then I just completely blank them. I don't even know why I do it.. I'm just waiting for my parents to pass, then I'm going to off myself I think.
@MintyHues 19 күн бұрын
My psychiatrist diagnosed me with schizoid PD based on this Masterson’s model. It makes a lot more sense than the current DSM-V criteria and really delves into the psyche and cognitive traits of the schizoid individual. However, like you mentioned these frameworks are quite generalised and don’t capture the nuanced variations of schizoid individuals. I was a bit taken aback by the concept of positive schizoid traits, as I’ve always thought of this personality construct as being unhealthy… certainly, it has caused me significant depression and anxiety, as I often take on the victim and the betrayer role. Going into self-exile is an easy way out when life gets stressful but eventually I start to feel very isolated and disappointed that none of my close ones seem to understand my pain. Thanks for the interesting talk!
@SchizoidVision 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing your perspective of this model and how you were diagnosed. From what you have wriitten your experiences closely align with this model, it's interesting to see the different ways this can manifest for people in real life.
@NataliaMoon29 20 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the bathroom
@r.bishop1127 21 күн бұрын
I wish i knew what my ex was. 2 years on and off. ON was great in every way you can imagine. OFF is a cold hearted non emotional awful person. Probably a covert narc idk. Guess he doesn't fit the bill for schizoid. But sure has a lot of traits.
@r.bishop1127 21 күн бұрын
@ktryushi4744 21 күн бұрын
I like more power….. But relationships doesn’t benefit me that much at all in that department, i don’t get anything out of it, it’s a hopeless effort to control people in relationship, it doesn’t benefits me at all, unless my partner has connections with companies than i will play a long and play as submissive guy who get controlled from my partner till i get what i want from her connections and after that i get what i want i ditch her. Controlling? Not really. Having power? Yes. I even have trouble following society rules in real life as well, i always break them mostly but i can control it….I am not an slave of this society to tell me what to do and following sheep rules…Baa baa. I do my own thing….I rather be an criminal than being an slave to be honest if i had to pick btw one of them…..I can’t talk all for the schizoids out there but that’s because i have ASPD….A pure schizoid wouldn’t care at all, because relationships doesn’t benefits them at all, they rather do their activities alone, no need control, partner. Most of them are misanthropic individuals, they can rely on themselves, they want to be left alone. PS: Have a nice day ma’am.
@SchizoidVision 17 күн бұрын
It's interesting that you mention that you want 'power ' as this word is usually linked to ASPD core needs, I think it is possible for some schizoids to fantasize about having power as well, especially if they felt powerless in their childhood. I think there is a link between power and control... Control itself is a type of power, right? Good for you for not allowing yourself to be a slave, I think a lot of schizoids avoid adpting this relationship role. It's easy for schizoids to avoid this, because of not needing other people for connection. I agree with what you say about misanthropes, there are a lot of people who have emotional bonding capacity who have suffered rejection from social relationships . Thus, end up 'giving up' on relationships and then choose to be alone, but do not have any deeper level schizoid traits. I have them as secondary schizioids. What you call pure schizoids, I call primary schizoids, and primary schizoids are people who did not emotionally bond with their primary caregivers (or anyone else) during infancy, and have lost the ability to emotionally bond with human beings. Sometimes they can emotionally connect to people in fantasy, but that potential dies when a real world relationship is presented to them. I think that some primary schizoids will enter into a relationship for the benefit of 'security' or other practical, functional reasons, but not for love, affection or emotional connection. Thanks for your comment, you always give your honest point of view and I like that.
@ktryushi4744 16 күн бұрын
@@SchizoidVision By the way, if you find my comments erratic at times feel free to say that it disturbs you or the viewers. I don’t want to make your channel give a bad look, i can be impulsive at times…Thank you for your explanation about full schizoid and primary schizoid, learning new by your witty words. You truly deserve way more attention, subscribers to your channel. You should apply youtube partnerships or something. You’re intelligent and well-spoken women. And your viewers subscribers are amazing, matured as well. So i just want to say keep up the great work, you’re inspiring us ma’am.
@SchizoidVision 16 күн бұрын
Thanks for your support. I want this channel to be a place where people are free to express their views and opinions, whether positive or negative, so that we can get a keep the conversation as 'real' as KZbin will allow us to. Your comments are always welcome. I agree with what you say about my viewers and subscribers, you guys are exactly the sort of people I was hoping to reach with this type of content ;)
@dmgsoultogetherness6667 22 күн бұрын
hypervigilence..internal narration....depression..pain both physical and emotional..its a jungle out there
@dmgsoultogetherness6667 22 күн бұрын
great discussion
@CatGee 22 күн бұрын
Enfp-f How Romantic 😊😊❤
@cancerousamphibian625 22 күн бұрын
I think I heard in your last interview the most common mbti type for schizoid personality was INFJ, do you think this also aligns with ISFP? ISFP's are known to attach to and use different personas. What do you think about the overlap with expression, by mbti type, and expression by schizoidism. Do you think certain types present schizoid and others don't?
@cancerousamphibian625 22 күн бұрын
can any type become INFJ-schizoid?
@SchizoidVision 17 күн бұрын
Hi, good question. I will get back to you on this one.
@SchizoidVision 13 күн бұрын
In response to your question, from my current understanding, schizoid dynamics run much deeper than a person's MBTI personality type. What I mean by this is that individuals with schizoid tendencies are likely to share deeper connections in terms of their psychological makeup, subjective experiences, and overall mental processes than two people who share the same MBTI type, but do not have schizoid dynamics. Schizoid dynamics fundamentally shape a person's core personality structure, however, I think that understanding the cognitive function preferences of an individual with schizoid traits can help us identify various subtypes within this broader category. As for which MBTI types are most likely to exhibit schizoid characteristics, current research does not provide definitive answers. The empirical basis for linking MBTI types directly to schizoid traits is still lacking. However, I think that the MBTI framework can still be useful for understanding how individuals perceive and interact with the world, which is valuable for exploring different personality dynamics. I use Guntrip’s criteria to define schizoid characteristics, which emphasize that a schizoid individual must inherently be an introvert, thereby excluding the eight extraverted types from this specific diagnosis. I believe that any introverted type could potentially exhibit schizoid traits if they align with Guntrip's nine core traits, especially the trait of emotional detachment from the external world-a condition any introvert might find themselves resonating with. In response to your question about ISFPs, yes, it is possible for a schizoid individual to identify as an ISFP. I am currently developing theories on how schizoid dynamics might manifest differently across various MBTI types based on their cognitive functions, which I aim to make a video series on in the future.
@kinderblutsaufenderreptiloide 22 күн бұрын
Yes, it was very informative and answered some of my questions. I've thought about this topic a lot. Thank you!
@mentalprolapse7165 22 күн бұрын
i dont like or want to be a master or a slave so i just dont interact with people if i dont have to
@SchizoidVision 17 күн бұрын
I hear you, I think this is part of the reason why a lot of schizoids don't want to get involved with other people.