How to use the I Ching for beginners
The Dangerous Rise of Scientism
@funland239 21 минут бұрын
@missladyandi 57 минут бұрын
@Zomfoo 4 сағат бұрын
I think of life as a joke with death as the punchline.
@ghost79ish 7 сағат бұрын
I could make a lot of comments here, but I'll stick with just one for now. Brilliant execution how the fight club analysis and examination were made as a prequel to this video since fight club and black swan are reflections of each other in many ways, the most obvious being the masculine\feminine dynamic.
@ZhakyDK 7 сағат бұрын
I've been through this loop (dream, attempt, give up) many times now. I usually succumb to fear of being perceived as a failure, if I continue and then fail, despite knowing and believing that life is a game. I wrote my master thesis on gamification, and got quite far with it. I thought it was just going to be about gamification, but I found links to addiction, flow theory and a lot of spiritual texts, linking flow, play and awareness together. I believe it is possible to activate flow, despite what many others believe, but it won't happen by trying to do it or thinking about how to do it, it'll come when we give up - which is why it seems impossible. Not giving up in general, but letting go of trying and just doing. Some day I'm sure I'll get beyond the fear.. maybe just to find it again further down the road.. rinse and repeat. As long as I tried, I can die without regrets.
@United_Wings 8 сағат бұрын
Thanks, I'll go play now
@jasmyneemmerick 9 сағат бұрын
@neilbertram1922 9 сағат бұрын
The problem with looking at life as a game is that you are then compelled to "win", often at the expense of your fellows. In order to win, someone has to lose.
@cautious1343 10 сағат бұрын
I've had several synchronicity 's about synchronicity of late. I take it as a sign to pay closer attention and learn to use them to reduce doubt and negative thinking. At the same time ... strengthen faith in the universe and my own power. Especially manifestation.
@niescitatsce 14 сағат бұрын
When I play games my parent always say that we're already living in game and it's called life but I never understand that thanks to this video now I know it little bit more
@christyhall1419 15 сағат бұрын
Brilliant video. You’ve combined many modern ideas to present information that I know has a deep core of truth. My knowledge comes from years of study involving authors like Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, Dane Rudhyar and Alan Watts (as you mentioned) and my lifelong curiosity about patterns in the things I see in nature. This lead me to study astrology, sacred geometry, and alchemy. I wanted to understand how things change so I might understand how people change. When you show the woman walking through the graveyard and the timeline with the past, present and future and include the information that our narratives involve how we orient ourselves to the past so that we might position ourselves in the present and then move towards a different future - THIS REALIZATION - that I had many years ago - 2009 - absolutely altered my life. For me, it was a miracle. This perceptual shift made me a completely different person 15 years later. I am not exaggerating. I am more than 100 lbs. lighter, fitter and healthier. I am a much better mom to my adult children because I learned how to be fully present to them when they were still young. I am a better wife because rather than complain about my husband, I began to listen to his needs at least as much as I was aware of my own. All toxic relationships in my life were dissolved. Those poisons no longer seep into my life and keep me from enjoying little things. I was able to get certified in astrology, become a speaker, teacher and in all humility, a unique master of chart interpretation through story telling. The best feeling in the world is when I am able to see reflected back to me from a client’s eyes OR the eyes of my children or a good friend, the SAME REALIZATION that I had in 2009. We are all wearing the sparkly red shoes that we need to carry us home! When you understand that the WORST THING THAT HAPPENED TO YOU is the place you can draw potential strength and even a reason WHY from, and move forward with profound purpose, each day of your life shifts a little more and every year carries you further and further from where you began. People I knew 15 years ago barely recognize me and honestly, I hardly recognize myself in pictures. I look and feel younger, happier, richer and live in a state of gratitude and abundance.
@dreamingacacia 15 сағат бұрын
35 hours a week? rookie number. A lot of people here are working 96 hours a week.
@guillaumemaurice3503 17 сағат бұрын
Powerful lesson! ❤ Thank you for sharing it that was a brilliant video. 🙂💕
@johnscott3795 17 сағат бұрын
Amazing ❤
@jedics1 22 сағат бұрын
This refelects my own experience, our minds have a cache or a limited amount they can keep in immediate memory, some have more than others but regardless you have to work with what you have. By taking on one problem or a part of the problem at a time I was able to build an entire house by myself with zero experience. When things overwhelmed me I would stop and go do something else to relax and gradually think of other ways to solve the problem under no pressure or anxiety. Eventually I got everything a home needs to be comfortable working perfectly over a few years by myself....If your determined and create the conditions to let your mind work for you rather than against you, you can achieve more than you might think.
@jedics1 Күн бұрын
I dont know if this will help anyone but I had the oppertunity to build a house on a truck with zero previous experience which was by far the biggest project ever to me, it was duanting and freaked me out so what I did was make a deal with myself that if I took on the project that any time I felt overwhelmed or stuck that I could stop whatever I was doing and go do something else for as long as I wanted until I felt like trying again. This one thing took all the pressure and anxiety out of it and allowed me to think about problems at a speed I could handle, it utterly transformed my idea of what I was capable of if I can operate under no pressure. I simply had no idea how good I was at visualizing problems and solutions because I also didn't know how my brain gets completely shut down when experienceing anxiety.
@rambukah76 Күн бұрын
Incredible video ❤
@Keith-tz2jy Күн бұрын
The game of life is not worth the effort. I like life for fun not work
@lynnwarren5527 Күн бұрын
My personal year is 22/4. Does the master number relate to personal year ?
@mollymeloykelly6918 Күн бұрын
Frankl's philosophy changed my life at the depths of my grief and dispair. I give away copies of his book MSFM.
@otakuwolf Күн бұрын
Hope can give so much. 🍞
@nikolaybonapartov7379 Күн бұрын
Hello, I just came across your channel and its amazing. Your storytelling and the way you connect different ideas and concepts together is great! I watched 3 videos and will take a pause now, because I need to reflect on them. But the ideas youvexpress are definitely useful and helpful, thank you.
@wpf312 Күн бұрын
35 hours a week!? 😂 😢
@markherron1407 Күн бұрын
My full name adds up to number 1 Blessings and HUGS 👑💜
@seph4667 Күн бұрын
The sixth greatest video on KZbin.
@AnnaPoli800 Күн бұрын
Okay this must be taught in schools seriously
@patriciakotlinski1035 Күн бұрын
@modernintuitionist your work is amazing. Thank you!
@brendacernat2507 Күн бұрын
24: 24:56 Totally brilliant … Love the content ,research,flow ,tempo,and references You should take your natural and learnt skills in putting together insightful videos to the big screen.. If not doing so already 😊
@easyogini Күн бұрын
@mvlyrics1 Күн бұрын
Weirdly, this made me cry.
@extraterrestrial546 Күн бұрын
This is one of the greatest videos I've ever seen on KZbin. This guy is awesome.
@viniciuszorzanelli2728 2 күн бұрын
It seemed like a face to face conversation. Amazing content !
@mrsk812 2 күн бұрын
Wow, I really needed this! Thank you!🍞
@makewordsworkforyou 2 күн бұрын
@owenck 2 күн бұрын
Life is a game with tons of annoying microtransactions and greedy developers compromising the overall gaming experience. They shouldn't have released it with so many bugs not fixed. I'd give it two and a half stars.
@user-fd2wb5ns5j 2 күн бұрын
Sorry, but I've followed this path for too long to know that this not the final case. Yes, first we must understand that our body is just an avatar of the eternal consciousness that we are. But we are here NOT to 'win' or 'overcome' the obstacles. We are here to learn what Love is and then to give that love to all the 'obstacles' we encounter. Why is this? Because all timeless concepts like unity, source, unconditional, infinite, formless, spirit, creation, non-duality, unlimited, exponential, alfa, omega, quantum state, etc. all derive from one and the same concept: Love. And love can't be learned; it arrives the moment we break off all the barriers we have build against it. What happens when al your inner fears would immediately be taken away? You would instant feel the consequences of Love: inner piece, happiness, strength, trust, self-confidence, wisdom, purity, comprehension, deep knowledge, etc. Since I started the path of Love, everything changed. And I had it all; money, a beautiful loving wife, a famous music studio, attention, reputation... But achieving that is not what makes you really happy, I can promise you that. To achieve this level of love there a 4 'obstacles' to let go: 1) Being judgemental about anything, 2) Forgiving all the people who 'did' something to you, 3) Noise in your life; find 3 x 10 minutes of silence everyday and try to focus on what serves your purpose and what's not 4) Make a real connection with everything that's coming and trust that it's there SPECIAL for you. If you find this hard to do on your own, just follow the workbook of 'A Course in Miracles' in combination with a free teacher on KZbin that accompanies your lesson of the day. What happens after letting go of your ego is nothing more than a miracle ALL DAY LONG. So, yeah it's a game. But add 'of love' at the end of 'It's a game' and you're there!
@Ciskuss 2 күн бұрын
This video is a Masterpiece
@K87jk 3 күн бұрын
Please don't put the demonic elites (which are scripted beings) into the same pile as the rest of the random npc humans with random numerologies. The only difference between random npc's is that some are light workers and other beings reincarnated here in this simulation.
@marcusdekker 3 күн бұрын
What a beautiful made video!!😍
@0touto 3 күн бұрын
Fascinating storytelling that synthesizes King Arthur's legend, the hero's journey, and the individuation path into a cohesive piece. I found inspiration here with your "hidden hands" at work 🗡👏🎬
@kbmrigveda5419 3 күн бұрын
Subconscious Mind = THE UNDERWORLD. You are the 🐂 in the maze (subconscious)
@sinistra92 3 күн бұрын
@RiverBeard 3 күн бұрын
The thumbnail really tricked me into thinking this vod would be good
@pratikakumar8663 3 күн бұрын
I failed, but I'm not a failure
@piercemondesire4729 2 күн бұрын
Brother, why even go the lengths to publicly say you’ve failed online You’ll come to realize identifying what would should be considered a lesson, or a door to improvement as a failure is redundant, and reduces your drive for the very goals you wish to obtain or aim for
@rogerdoger303 3 күн бұрын
@rogerdoger303 3 күн бұрын
@skygazer1111 4 күн бұрын
this soothed my soul, I'm so glad I found it today. Thank you
@FEJK82 4 күн бұрын
Like your stuff, but 'pangea' has been thoroughly discredited. The fact that they LOOK like they fit is the real coincidence.
@twindenis 4 күн бұрын
Onto your next point, one of the main reasons for mental health issues is because people's brains try to find problems and focus on the problem instead of figuring out the solution by seeing it as a game or challenge, which in itself creates the path to the solution, and oftentimes the brain will try to create problems to seek challenge, and that is when we get unecessary issues to arise, especially unworked issues that were left behind, the brain will magnetize them back to the surface, no matter how big or small it will make them big and complex.
@twindenis 4 күн бұрын
That mindset is actually the mindset that helps us enter flow states, of course its all about how we frame things, in challenging ourselves and having joy when we do better, we create a very fine channel by which we flow through and onto the next step, always onto the next step, a never ending flow of things. The concept of treating life as a game, and the tasks in it as mini challenges for a bigger challenge and essentially competing with ourselves in a friendly competition creates an intricate dance and that concept is not simply because of a "game" but what a game essentially is to most or many people has the aspects which simply contribute to these flow states.