Andy Elliot Impression
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SHUT UP BITCH -Andrew Tate
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Atheists Assemble Quiz (5/6)
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Q&A: Atheists Assemble (4/6)
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Islam & Reality: Mufti Abu Layth & Veedu
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@Batman10559 Күн бұрын
My brothers in faithlessness 😂
@koushikvemuri3130 Күн бұрын
Armin is such a negative person dude. 2:20 is what I would tell people to refer why I commented this.
@koushikvemuri3130 Күн бұрын
For me Kushal makes so much sense, people always crave some identity and a purpose for living Armin tagged himself as an Atheist and he made his purpose to fight against all religions.
@koushikvemuri3130 Күн бұрын
Let's say the whole world is Atheistic, how would it be any better? I don't see the world getting any much better. The human greed still exists, the exploitation still exists. If a set of beliefs are not harmful to anyone in anyway, why should it be a problem to anyone? Is there no individuality? Can't a man believe what he wants to believe if he is not hurting anyone and not forcing his beliefs on you?
@koushikvemuri3130 Күн бұрын
Dear fellow Hindus, I have a suggestion for us. If someone says something ignorant about Hinduism and criticizes it with malice and with no basic understanding of it, just reply to them that You don't even know the basics of Hinduism, study the fundamentals at least and criticize it. But if someone criticizes it with specific points, explain our point of view and explain how he or she might be wrong in their opinion. Don't abuse people online. Don't forget that we have the concept of 'Deva Ninda' in our religion.
@zkykmxgj7490 Күн бұрын
1) Harris pls let others speak. 2) an advise/recommendation to drink cow urine - bet its cleaner than human urine, as cows mainly consume grass with no discharge of impurities. Such practice is not a part of the Rig Vedas or formal practice of Sanatha Dharma Yoga practices. I have never met or know anyone who has consumed cow urine; yet ok to eat all sorts of vile flesh/creatures... milk from a cow is ok but not its urine which is also filtered through its organs? No one follows their practice a 100%...there are 'odd' habits in all practices...even if such benefit is recommended, that worse than marrying a child or enforcing FGM..A reasonable person wd reject such practices....Use of cow urine is incidental to the main practices and thus require no explanation... so joke away and remember what goes around comes around...something about glass houses and stones!
@MrCoolvash Күн бұрын
There is no caste system in Sanatana Dharma, its Varna system which is there and Varna system doesn't say brahmins are on top and others are below, in-fact it says all are equal and every born child is a shudra because a child has zero knowledge and when the child grows up and gets into a job, that becomes his varna, for example he starts a business, he becomes a Vaishya. If he reads vedas and passes, he becomes a Brahmin.
@MrCoolvash Күн бұрын
its difficult to tell how different is Dharma to a Abrahamic mind...but still ill try, so in simple words there are 2 major concepts in this world, the first one is Dharma and the second is Religion. Now both are opposite to each other and Dharma cannot be described with one English word. Humans have multiple roles like a Father, brother, friend, sister, citizen, employee, employer, public servant etc and to deliver these roles responsibly with applying the best practices which includes morality, empathy etc is called following Dharma and for example if a police officer takes bribe to deliver his duties, he is doing Adharma(unjust to his role). So basically Following Dharma is the most important weather we believe in god or Paramatma too has a Dharma to follow and if it doesn't then it cannot be Paramatma.
@rudomeister 2 күн бұрын
Now it's been 5 years, and it's seen way to few times... haha
@cpd7172 2 күн бұрын
As an ex-Muslim and former student of Islamic knowledge, I want to emphasize that radical ideologies don't emerge in a vacuum. They are nurtured by specific teachings and interpretations. During my time memorizing the Qur'an and studying comparative fiqh, I found that the Hanbali and Shafi'i madhhab rule that Jizya is only taken from the People of the Book. This implies that everyone else is to be killed and their women enslaved, even if it means genocide. This realization helped me understand where groups like ISIS derive their views. Their actions, such as killing non-Muslims, align with classical and accepted opinions within certain Islamic jurisprudence. Therefore, when Muslim apologetics claim their actions have nothing to do with Islam, it is not accurate. That's why I left Islam, because I couldn't accept that a divine and all wise God would make a religion for all times where there is a consensus you shouldn't eat pork, but when it comes to more collosal matters like killing people, there is a difference of opinion, as if it's a light matter.
@IamGOD278 4 күн бұрын
Armin is evil manifested. Every time i come through his videos about hindusim he is always spreading hatred, provides dumb opinions and stupid presoespectives. He is not even the last human this earth needs. Quran makes more sense than armin
@RobertoBrooks-py1pz 5 күн бұрын
No they are not Abrahamic faith sorry.
@KaCi1987 6 күн бұрын
So true. I go with jesus today, but i had the same thoughts before 🇮🇱✝️🇹🇷
@2stepdub 6 күн бұрын
@HH-zf1mb 7 күн бұрын
Cinnamon Tawaf 😂😂😂😂😂
@Seevawonderloaf 7 күн бұрын
I still have this issue with ex-Muslims. They do the same thing other abrahamics do. Hindus historically haven’t tried to convert people out of their religion or to bash other religions until it became unbearable to constantly be bashed. Ex-Muslims attack Islam in a way I just can’t as a Hindu bc it goes against my conscience. However, what’s the reason to ‘criticise’ Hinduism besides to show it up? Ex-Muslims need to critique Islam bc it is violent and they are hunted down for leaving. As a Hindu athiest, no one CARES. Literally nobody cares. So yes it’s ok to criticise us but ffs understand us in order to criticise us. Don’t just base it on your own religion 🙄
@Seevawonderloaf 7 күн бұрын
I still have this issue with ex-Muslims. They do the same thing other abrahamics do. Bc they only understand religion through their own lens. I find it massively frustrating when I hear the ‘all religions’ trope which is used to both demonise us and humanise those who are violent. I ask ex-Muslims, what do you know about us that you can speak about us? Ok you think reincarnation is bs, and god is bs but what about the idea of dharma (duty), philosophies of mindfulness and meditation? Read before you critique. I lost a lot of respect for Armin after this, he could have and should have done better
@bajrangibabu8123 9 күн бұрын
i really enjoyed the holy rap rap rap🤗🤗
@JonnyPrimeGaming 14 күн бұрын
Man I Like His Speach😊
@moneyfocus9680 16 күн бұрын
Is adventure of itoff youtube channel yours veedu.. He puts your channel Link in all of his videos?
@haunting33 16 күн бұрын
Love AIM❤
@shyamdotme 18 күн бұрын
@TantraySirPhysicsClasses 20 күн бұрын
Bloody lier
@Henok-qn6nc 20 күн бұрын
Damn, very articulated video with a solid point!
@mohamedgoldstein5565 23 күн бұрын
Oh the wise monkey's name!
@philipgolding3672 23 күн бұрын
When you get attacked you better be prepared' . What a scum' comment!!!
@Mk-je7xg 24 күн бұрын
@pankaja7974 24 күн бұрын
Brother Veedu, Did you celebrate the anniversary (4 years) of the great debacle ?
@mohamedgoldstein5565 24 күн бұрын
@mohamedgoldstein5565 24 күн бұрын
Heck. You cant make this up!
@StraightToThePointTutorials_ 26 күн бұрын
“What kind of doctor are you?” “I AM ACTUALLY A MEDICAL DOCTOR”
@2852DamsVult 28 күн бұрын
@2852DamsVult 28 күн бұрын
Obey Allah and Obey the hallucinating prophet. Let's see the Wisdom Given to the man they follow. This is deep wisdom!! 1. The Prophet (ﷺ) said "If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink) and take it out, for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease." Sahih al-Bukhari 3320 2. Q21:91 ٩١ وَالَّتِي أَحْصَنَتْ فَرْجَهَا فَنَفَخْنَا فِيهَا مِنْ رُوحِنَا وَجَعَلْنَاهَا وَابْنَهَا آيَةً لِلْعَالَمِينَ Why does Allah blow into her Vagina? What is Farjaha? 3. Why do you follow a prophet who literally married a 6 year old and you even wish peace and blessings on him? For what? Consummating the marriage at 9? 4. Allah allows marrying Girls that have not even menstruated yet. Bravo !!!! 65:4 YET for the Muslims all this makes sense , True God , Last prophet . A Big NO THANK YOU , I HAVE MY BRAIN. I do not have to defend such and I would fail even if I attempted to. Muhammad Muhammad- little girls , strange encounter with Gabriel, allows his men to grape married women because Allah sends down a verse at this moment to allow it, great timing by Allah, baths in dirty pond of women periods and dead dogs , hallucinating sleeping with his wives, bad hygiene, dipping a fly into a drink as one wing has a cure, abolishes adoption, any woman can give herself to the prophet, mocks a happily married man to his woman and suggests little girls , attacking a place to get women his men were right “ do not tempt us “ etc ………and this prophet brought the Quran ? ….interesting….Now tell me who would you follow?
@user-qj4iu4mh1r 29 күн бұрын
@MASRUR11 Ай бұрын
Wait for death. Everything is clear after death
@wagsbass Ай бұрын
@wagsbass Ай бұрын
Good stuff. Why this doesn't have a million views I will never know
@hassanns3 Ай бұрын
I can see her hair strands. Dress modestly, woman.
@hassanns3 Ай бұрын
@Samreyna1 Ай бұрын
No! What we want! Is the return from the honarable docter zakir naik
@user-zc4gw9vm8d Ай бұрын
If there is not virgin birth, why is Allah blowing into Mary's farj? Where in the Quran or Sahih hadiths is Mufti getting the idea that Mary was married to Joseph? And that Joseph was not interested in having babies? If Maryam were married to Joseph as Mufti claims, then why are the people accusing her of wrongdoing when she gave birth to a child? Wouldn't it be natural to assume that the husband is the father, unless he denies paternity? Is Mufti claiming that Joseph denied paternity? And why is Jesus called Isa Ibn Maryam in the Quran? If he had a father, wouldn't it be more appropriate to call him Isa Ibn Yusuf? We love Mufti but he is totally off on this point. And it is sad.
@user-zc4gw9vm8d Ай бұрын
Mufti: The reason why Islam did not challenge the virgin birth narratives is because it wanted to maintain a bridge between Muslims and Christians. Islam: Btw, Jesus is not the Son of God. Jesus is not divine. Jesus did not die for the sins of the world. So much for not burning bridges.
@misterchansey Ай бұрын
Nice Dawah video. The 2:256 again… Really????
@aartirup5468 Ай бұрын
😂 good accent of naik
@mohamedgoldstein5565 Ай бұрын
Haha. Remember you from years ago!
@stri8ted Ай бұрын
Holy this this is epic. Very underrated. Glad to see you making vids again
@Vrailly Ай бұрын
What the hell how have I not seen this before!?
@christianapologeticspolemics Ай бұрын
Aisha (pbuh) may Allah be pleased with her and the Jewish woman of khybar because one of them poised Mohammad (sbuh).
@christianapologeticspolemics Ай бұрын
The goat (pbuh) the sahaba of Mohammad (sbuh)may Allah be pleased with her and grant her paradise for eating and abrogating the eternal and uncreated Quran of Allah.