Foreign failures in Japan
Күн бұрын
Japan: The most unhappy country?
The Jvlogger who HATED Japan
The collapse of EAT YOUR KIMCHI
When LOVE GOES WRONG in Japan!
Crazy Students in Japan
2 ай бұрын
10 crazy school stories from Japan
When teaching in Japan GOES WRONG!
5 reasons Japan vloggers FAILED!
Weeaboos DON’T last in Japan
Why you SHOULD NOT move to Japan!
While I was away…
7 ай бұрын
School exams in Japan are crazy
@user-vl7di9ti5y 5 сағат бұрын
弥助の問題を取り上げてくださり、ありがとうございます 黒人の弥助を主人公にするだけだったら私たち日本人はここまで怒りませんでした 黒人侍を含めて完全なるフィクションだと公言してくれれば私たち日本人はここまで怒りませんでした 私たち日本人にとってどんな肌の色を持ち込もうとも問題ありませんし、LGBTQ問題を持ち込む事も寛容になれます Ubisoftは私たち日本人にとって複数のタブーを犯しました たかがゲームの範疇を彼らは超えてしまったのです プライドを維持するために切腹を選択する侍が実在していたのが日本です 侍への侮辱、文化の盗用、日本と他のアジア諸国を混同する侮辱、まったくされていない時代考証など数え上げればキリがありません
@davidgarcia-rv3fs Күн бұрын
You deserve a lot more recognition bro
@ImRezaF Күн бұрын
That man who came to Japan without a degree certainly got some balls, i give him that. It's not just Japan, not having uni degree in a lot of asian countries are practically a death sentence.
@Laveau000 2 күн бұрын
so kind of off topic here, but i've never been a big fan of the AC games. i've only played 2 of them, the 1st one, and one of the more recent ones (the one with a brother and sister duo for playables i think), never finished either of them. but the most shocking thing to me after playing the 1st AC game, was seeing the Ubisoft logo on the one i played years later because i could've swore that the AC series was made by EA. that's how off my radar this game series was until all this nonsense with the upcoming game happened.
@laurenlinney 2 күн бұрын
i remember watching her when i was like 10
@randydisher1153 2 күн бұрын
ubisoft hates japan, because they dont bow to the rainbow mafia like the west does.
@KibaJovanni 2 күн бұрын
2024 Rodger swan ❤
@genma986 2 күн бұрын
If someone was ever going to complain about cultural appropriation this is the time lol
@BokushingusKendoTV 2 күн бұрын
I totally agree with the late issue. I work in a hospital in California. People be coming into work 5 to 6 minutes late. They don’t think anything of it. I’m always there 30 minutes before because that’s how I raised. My grandfather use to say. Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable. So he would tell me to leave for work for twice the time to get there, in case of complications.
@albertmarkethinkpr1325 2 күн бұрын
We wuz samurai kingz n' shiet :))))
@ChiefWombatCuddler 2 күн бұрын
They WUZ everytang
@mematron 2 күн бұрын
Well calling it, "historical fiction" would mean that it's imaginary history or even alternate history. As far as ethnic groups being misrepresented in the media, welcome to the club and yes, I have Japanese and American relatives.
@mittenslopez 2 күн бұрын
her remaining 70k subscribers are prob just sock puppet accounts she made
@Kandatwitter 3 күн бұрын
These racist white supremacist weaboos woundnt cry is Yassuke was White😂
@Kandatwitter 3 күн бұрын
These white supremacist worst nightmare is to see Africans wining, they did so much effort to tarnish the image of Africans in their medias and erase or lie about some of their histories that they admire
@stevenwatson2927 3 күн бұрын
What stupid thing Ubisoft did. There's so many stories worth telling from that time and, so many other directions they could have went. Instead they chose to tell Yasuke's story by making weird Japanese fan fiction that no one wants.
@mokisan 3 күн бұрын
Bloddy hell! That haruka story was dark
@mokisan 3 күн бұрын
Fantastic video!
@Mcgturtle3 3 күн бұрын
They had Leonardo Davinci invent the gun and your character fighting the pope in that game, it was never THAT accurate lol I don’t see this as being any different than Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter but I guess if the main argument is that Japanese people are mad that a game set in Japan only has one Japanese main character out of 2 then fair enough
@Mcgturtle3 3 күн бұрын
If it’s not about them being upset that a black person is a samurai in the game then why doesn’t anybody bring up the female shinobi? If we’re talking about historical accuracy, was a woman in that role common in actuality? It can’t just be that they don’t like it because yasuke was a real person just not a samurai. I wish people would say how they really feel lol
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
@@Mcgturtle3 I hope Ubisoft is paying you well for this. I couldn't be bothered to defend the indefendible, even if my life depended on it. Because, unfortunately for me, I was born with a conscience. Conscience that tells me getting paid to spread misinformation, is bad. Even worse if you're doing it for free.
@Mcgturtle3 3 күн бұрын
@@dylives7667 you’re being a contrarian for the sake of it lol if you aren’t going to address what was said then why bother replying?
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
@@Mcgturtle3 Sure. Enjoy your ratio, big guy.
@Mcgturtle3 3 күн бұрын
@@dylives7667 you sure showed me lol
@Mcgturtle3 3 күн бұрын
So did they call it historical FICTION or not?
@Gaijins 2 күн бұрын
They says it’s fiction, while at the same time push how much you can learn about the period by playing the game. They want to have its both ways.
@marbellaotaiza801 3 күн бұрын
18:42 imagine if the 300 Spartans were led into the thermopiles by Chief Sitting Bull, the Greeks would be pissed. Yeah, I know, I shouldn't give them any ideas...
@Laveau000 3 күн бұрын
who in Ubisoft thought it was a good idea to have people play as a foreigner in feudal Japan running around murdering native Japanese to hip-hop beats, while having a female ninja sidekick who looks more Vietnamese than Japanese?! adding to this, i firmly believe that Far Cry 5 being a good, fun game was a complete accident and unintended by Ubisoft another interesting thing about this game is the timing of it. game set in feudal Japan featuring a black man as the main character being announced right about the same time that the Japanese government announces they want to start bringing in more migrants from Africa and India... this has to give any Japanese person who notices this and unsettling feeling
@ReinhardOrDieTrying 3 күн бұрын
Ubisoft are terrible, they made historical figures that are represented in history as "good guys" as the bad guys. King Alfred was one of a very select few good rulers that Wessex/England ever had. Now in regards to Yasuke, Wikipedia has been edited by a bunch of dimwits to say that he is a Samurai and because Wikipedia is used by laymen to learn a bit about history this is extremely worrying. Sure, historians will know the truth but many these days would rather present a narrative than the facts. I have no problem with Yasuke being a main character in an Assassins Creed game, as it is fiction, but I think they could have done better.
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
@@ReinhardOrDieTrying Teachers back then were onto something when they forbid us of using Wikipedia as a source. Well, now we know why. Because anyone, as long as they're allowed, has the power of rewriting history there.
@johntiter2825 3 күн бұрын
I don't know about you Scott, but a game about Asian cowboys sounds freaking cool.
@Laveau000 3 күн бұрын
there is a Borderlands 3 DLC that does exactly that called Bounty of Blood. it was one of the few high points of an otherwise mediocre game.
@marbellaotaiza801 3 күн бұрын
How about Asian cowboys in space 🤠 🚀
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
Excellent. Gotta make Ubisoft understand Japan won't drink the Cool Aid.
@arctmensilva7491 3 күн бұрын
this is how it starts Ubisoft is trash corporation.
@megaprime67 3 күн бұрын
A lot of the guys who signed that petition were western otakus, they are the same guys who were crying about boobies getting "censored" stellar blade. There was also a meme where an American nerd impersonated a japanese historian named "Kenji Yamamoto" on twitter to legitimize his disdain for the game and tons of people believed it. If someone doesn't like the game that's totally fine, i just think there are other toxic elements to this controversy that should be acknowledged.
@lostremote2400 3 күн бұрын
Yeah everyone has figured as much. The whole affair feels forced as forced could be. Japan really just turns its back on things they don't like, going to the forums or something is rare. Stellar Blade's fight was more over Sony's integrity but someone thought it was a good idea to do it for a different matter entirely. Strange times.
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
Cope A Cabana mode, engaged.
@WhiteOceanTheory 3 күн бұрын
@@dylives7667 how is calling out a liar coping?
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
@@WhiteOceanTheory You have no power here.
@WhiteOceanTheory 3 күн бұрын
@@dylives7667 huh?
@KintaroTakanori 3 күн бұрын
as soon as i saw a black guy in the reveal trailer i was like "god damn not again". a black japanese samurai?! like, even IF there was one why do you have to take this guy and make it the main character?!? there are many other samurais they should have taken first. they could have done such a special game but nooo, lets bring our woke agenda to this game
@WhiteOceanTheory 3 күн бұрын
How is it a woke agenda?
@marbellaotaiza801 3 күн бұрын
This video was brought to you by 1:52 🤭
@hindenpeter2.04 3 күн бұрын
Ubisoft's logo is 666 for added odiousness. They'll never top 2013's black flag so why try harder. You know, if it wadn't for British & Irish tv, i'd of never seen any black or asian people before the mid 90s as a kid just like Nobunaga!
@SorerusTV 3 күн бұрын
I would say they have the freedom to disagree with the game if they wish to , but they also disagree with historical facts like the fact that they weren't involved in world war two , and they had to go through a whole Reimaging campaign from there.Their nationals believes to kawiii and cute thats why hello kitty exists you can google it
@BokushingusKendoTV 3 күн бұрын
You kind of contradicting your self. You said they are laid back and care don’t about games, but then you say they care about it. Also your origin of yasuke is in accurate. He was not a slave. He was a body guard sold to protect religious missionaries. He was not bought by Nobunaga. He was not kidnapped.
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
If your source is Wikipedia, no one cares.
@BokushingusKendoTV 3 күн бұрын
@@dylives7667 my source is from reading the actual translated document about him while in Osaka. I’m not lazy like you right wing snowflakes.
@marbellaotaiza801 3 күн бұрын
Free people don't get sold my dude...
@unrested 3 күн бұрын
You are saying he was sold the same as I did. Being sold is human trafficking. As for contradicting myself I said they are calm about fantasy settings but calling it historical and then inaccurately showing Yasuke as a samurai has finally made them speak up as it is a bridge too far.
@BokushingusKendoTV 3 күн бұрын
@@unrested you can find the actual written documents about the person named Yasuke by Nobunaga. Not the wikipedia. I advise you to read the translated version of the document. A slave is not paid a salary in the Sengoku era equivalent to 1200USD today. Slave means free services without choice! That money was given to the servant named Yasuke. The true document even states that Nobunaga spent hours talking with him because he was able to reach limited Japanese(日本語) level. The information about his service to the missionaries are very incomplete but they do not declare he was a captured slave. But was indeed endured to serve as body guard for the missionaries in their travels because of his substantial height and extremely dark skin and physical strength.
@ashharkausar413 3 күн бұрын
Yes, it's disrespectful. I'm pretty disgusted how there are sites that list Yasuke as an African samurai when that wasn't the case. Just goes to show how people can twist history, and makes you question how much of our history is the truth.
@jason4275 3 күн бұрын
@@ashharkausar413 no one really knows the history all we know is that he was real and taken in by a shogun.
@Mcgturtle3 3 күн бұрын
Twist history… it’s a game not a textbook 💀
@WhiteOceanTheory 3 күн бұрын
its not disrespectful lol its a silly game if that's the case all the games that use samurai or their history is doing the same, and we would be here all day with proof
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
@@ashharkausar413 If what you read from history is from Wikipedia, then yes. Yasuke's article got corrected so many times in record time, until The Powers That Be said enough is enough. Put the propaganda in there and locked the article. If you ever wondered why your teachers forbid you from using it as a source, this is the reason why.
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
@@WhiteOceanTheory Tell me you didn't watch the video, without telling me you didn't watch the video. Well, I did. And there Scott mentioned Ghost Of Tsushima, a game that did it's homework so well, the studio behind it were made ambassadors of Tsushima. What Ubisoft is doing is far more disrespectful than what Johnny Somali did. And that says a lot. Actually, I can't think of another time westerners disrespected Japan this bad in this century. If you think there's nothing wrong with it, you are part of the problem. There's no gray area here.
@LandscapingHeroes 3 күн бұрын
Japan could care less about a minor historical figure or what they are doing to him in this game. The only people who care are those anti-SJW warriors in the states that think its 'replacement theory' or other such garbage lol. Remember that Last Samurai movie starring Tom Cruse and the freaking awesome chad Ken Watanabe? Its the same thing lol!
@castin5244 3 күн бұрын
Did you not hear the part where he said all of his Japanese friends are upset about this? Or are you just ignoring that because goes against opinion that only "anti-SJW's" are upset about stuff like this?
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
Resorting to gaslighting? Bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for he/she/him/her/they/them.
@marbellaotaiza801 3 күн бұрын
2016 called, they want the term "anti-SJW" back...
@Duran-not-Duran 3 күн бұрын
i don't think they care. bikini ninjas exist. sooo thats that.
@unrested 3 күн бұрын
These are Japanese friends here in Japan stating this. I’m unsure where you think I’m finding gaijin sjws in the middle of Nara and todaiji talking about replacement theory. Did you watch the video? I’ve been here 16 years in Japan all my friends, family, and relatives are native born Japanese here. These are the opinions I’m using.
@DenseCortex 3 күн бұрын
The Japanese take on this is kinda based, but simultaneously they also just sound like a bunch of Karens.
@DylanJo123 3 күн бұрын
Almost as if the Japanese arent a hive mind and opinion varies from individual to individual
@VicSamuel-k4y 3 күн бұрын
how is it based? its just complaining over a title that 90% of them never heard of or played.
@LandscapingHeroes 3 күн бұрын
@@DylanJo123 ooh that's a easy counter. did you see the thing with the woman who won miss japan and fell from grace in a weekend? that was hive mind 100%.
@DylanJo123 3 күн бұрын
@@LandscapingHeroes that's public opinion and mob mentality. Look up what a hive mind actually is.
@DylanJo123 3 күн бұрын
@@LandscapingHeroes I don't know why youtube isn't letting my post go through. I don't know what you're talking about there, but regardless, the Japanese are people like anyone else with differing beliefs and you cant lump them all together over the actions of a few.
@anzelmasmatutis2500 3 күн бұрын
Netflix: "Black Cleopatra. A documentary!" Ubisoft: "Black Samurai. Historical!" Cultural appropriation, for some reason always replacing with Black person.
@LandscapingHeroes 3 күн бұрын
They never said that this game had historical accuracy. Its an video game first and foremost in a fictional series. Not a game from Creative Assembly. Japan doesn't care.
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
But remember, Replacement Theory is "not real."
@WhiteOceanTheory 3 күн бұрын
@@dylives7667 its not.
@LandscapingHeroes 3 күн бұрын
@@dylives7667 what does any of that topic have to do with this game? you sound like a bit foreigner yourself. that's not a gamer thing.
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
@@LandscapingHeroes Mad I'm playing your own game, by your own rules? If you weren't aware by now, it always takes 2 to tango.
@bofbob1 3 күн бұрын
Tbh there have been debates like this for pretty much every single game in the Assassin's Creed franchise. I guess it depends what we think "historical fiction" is supposed to mean. Emphasis on the historical or on the fiction? But yeah, they always get a lot wrong. Oh FWIW, re: Napoleon there was quite a bit of backlash in France after Ridley Scott's movie. Not historically accurate at all. Some things you expect coz you get that it's a movie and they're going to make some changes to make everything more dramatic. Fair enough. But other changes are harder to explain. Like portraying Napoleon as a heartless brute who beats his wife in public, I mean, there's definitely some ideology driving that. And dunno, like in his portrayal of the battle of the pyramids, they have him order artillery to start shooting at the great pyramid of Gizah lol. Which is weird not just because the battle was actually a lot further off from the pyramids than that, but historically Napoleon's expedition to Egypt is pretty much the origin of modern Egyptology. He brought like 200 scholars along with him to study ancient Egyptian culture and whatnot. So like, yeah, the dude definitely wasn't trying to destroy the great pyramid of Gizah lol ^^ Ubisoft usually tries to wiggle their way out of it by saying something like "yeah it's not accurate, but when we say historical fiction we just mean we're taking a historical period to paint the background of our fictional story". Ridley Scott though really leaned into it, basically telling historians "how do you know? Were you there? If not then shut the fuck up" lol ^^
@jason4275 3 күн бұрын
@@bofbob1 That new napoleon movie, that movie was made and forgotten about here in the states, I tried to watch it but it was just too boring, the French just don't come off as heroic to Americans.
@lostremote2400 3 күн бұрын
That's a good point, there's an issue with every historical film in one way or the other. But that's a different road, this is just a game.
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
Damn, that's a lotta words. Too bad I'm not reading them.
@marbellaotaiza801 3 күн бұрын
​@@dylives7667usually you just say TLDR. You used too many words yourself...
@WhiteOceanTheory 3 күн бұрын
@@dylives7667 English? Speek jaba? yes yes?
@anzelmasmatutis2500 3 күн бұрын
Ubisoft is making game about how Black guy is murdering local Japan population.
@HajimeNoJMo 3 күн бұрын
Asian Cowboy? As in David Carradine in Kung Fu?
@HajimeNoJMo 3 күн бұрын
Asian Cowboy? As in David Carradine in Kung Fu?
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
Take your L, good man.
@lowang8831 2 күн бұрын
Lo Wang the ruler of the wild west.
@JoeyXSmith 3 күн бұрын
The "first time?" meme comes to mind when hearing this. The west changing around historical figures details to fit a narrative they trying to push. Sounds about right.
@smithers4354 3 күн бұрын
I guess Asmon was right after all
@LandscapingHeroes 3 күн бұрын
Nah, he was paid. YTers are being approached to 'spread this message' for $$, they've been at it for weeks and not one of them have actual facts when pressed for them. This has happened before.
@SorerusTV 3 күн бұрын
Definitely watch that creator cause that's not even the name he goes by
@aziki001 3 күн бұрын
Too much yapping. Get to the point. It feels like you're in front of a class and reciting your essay you did last night.
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
It seems you got lost. Thick Thock is the other way around.
@aziki001 3 күн бұрын
@@dylives7667 How about having a script to read from instead. Everyone does it so you don't "uhhhhh" all the time, repeating same points several times in most monotone voice. You must have actual experience to wing it succesfully without one.
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
@@aziki001 What you've just typed is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this comment section is now dumber for reading it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
@dosecacius6704 3 күн бұрын
In the time yasuke was in Japan there no such thing as ”samurai“
@DonutsForever24 3 күн бұрын
So Wikipedia is lying ?
@hillehai 3 күн бұрын
@@DonutsForever24 Wikipedia is always lying so long as the subject is political.
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
@DonutsForever24 Short answer, yes. Long answer, frick yes! The article got locked from editing. That's totally not a red flag. And it has been long known that it has been funded by the people who are "in the right side of history." Remember that when they ask you for your money. Teachers were on to something when they tolds us to not use it as a source.
@DonutsForever24 3 күн бұрын
@dylives7667 thanks. I keep searching for articles on him and it seems everyone is in agreement that he existed but everyone on KZbin is saying it's not true .
@LichCrypt 3 күн бұрын
Yasuke makes minor appearances in both Nioh games, and despite being a game about yokai and magic it still manages to be more accurate.
@VicSamuel-k4y Күн бұрын
accurate how?
@user-vl7di9ti5y 5 сағат бұрын
@@VicSamuel-k4y 仁王はファンタジーとはっきり理解できるから
@gnkVLCT 3 күн бұрын
Woke culture doesn't give two shits about Asians....that has been quite clear for the past 7-10yrs. Not that I agree with any of their tripe....
@Laveau000 3 күн бұрын
woke culture is doing the same thing to Asian people that has been done to White people over the years. Used to be, there were Irish, Germans, French, Polish, Italians, etc. they were and still are distinctly different groups, and were referred to as such, now they're all just lumped into one category, "white." the same thing has been happening to East Asian cultures for awhile now. Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, etc. have been gradually getting lumped together into the category of "asian" for awhile now. based on all the cultural mistakes and things from other cultures that have been pointed out in this upcoming AC game, the people making it seem to have the mindset that all Asians are the same
@Midnighht 3 күн бұрын
Where was this outrage when many of amercan films features white men in japan as samurais? Selective outrage for fictional stories imo. I swear nobody plays video games these days and just bitch and complain before it even comes out. Since when was ubisoft ever historically accurate in any game? I live in Japan and well my Japanese gf and friends don't care so opinions vary.
@dylives7667 3 күн бұрын
Get 2 loads of this baka gaijin.
@hitokiriizo 3 күн бұрын
Ubisoft basically set themselves up for a win either way. If it sells well in Japan then they'll crow from the rooftops that Japan is woke and if it fails then they'll do the same but dust off old reliable and call the Japanese Nazis and white adjacent alt righters.
@Wolfclaw 3 күн бұрын
I understand your points in the discussion, but we do need to realize that this is a video game at the end of the day despite what Ubisoft says. I still look at this game as fantasy even though it is somewhat of a historical game. In reality, most of Black history are hidden and never talked about. Black people were conditioned to be kept in the dark about their history and media. On the other hand, other Assassins Creed games are not that accurate either. When a historical game is being made, don't take it so seriously.
@kengo7273 3 күн бұрын
A NEW CREED RISES Live the intertwined stories of Naoe, an adept shinobi Assassin from Iga Province, and Yasuke, the powerful African samurai of historical legend. Against the backdrop of the turbulent late Sengoku period, this remarkable duo will discover their common destiny as they usher in a new era for Japan.
@kengo7273 3 күн бұрын
"But Shadows has a second protagonist: an African samurai. If you’re surprised to see a man of such origins wielding a katana, you may not know his fascinating true story. This is Yasuke, Japan’s first Black samurai, and the first real historical person to be a playable protagonist in an Assassin’s Creed game."
@kengo7273 3 күн бұрын
"The second protagonist is Yasuke, a real historical figure. Originally from Africa, Yasuke came to Japan with the Portuguese in 1579 and soon became a samurai in the employ of Lord Oda Nobunaga. Shadows is the first Assassin’s Creed game to ever let you play as a real person from the past."
@kengo7273 3 күн бұрын
"With the samurai an active fighting force during the era, it’s unsurprising to discover that you’ll be playing as one. What is surprising, though, is this samurai’s heritage: in a first for Assassin’s Creed, Shadows will allow you to play as a real historical figure. If you know your Japanese history, you may be familiar with Yasuke, the legendary ‘African Samurai’. Likely born in Mozambique, he was brought to Japan in 1579 by a Jesuit missionary, and went on to serve the mighty daimyō, Oda Nobunaga."
@jacobjacksonsson9375 3 күн бұрын
@ManiacalForeigner 3 күн бұрын
In short: Companies are so desperate to show how not-racist they are, that they circle all the way back to being racist.
@Laveau000 3 күн бұрын
many such cases
@lostremote2400 3 күн бұрын
So much of this is overblown and just plain stupid. Japan has a very long history of making fun of, cracking jokes or taking liberties with not only their history but history of other nations. The argument with UBI-soft suddenly being a bad company for a obvious Disney fairy-tale of a story set in a time period is a bit hypocritical. this series have never sold well in Japan anyway. So why the fuss? And why is no news outlets in Japan covering this if its so big of a deal?
@juldor93 3 күн бұрын
the game is racist towards japanese though.
@redzeroo6068 3 күн бұрын
​@@juldor93so was Resident evil 5 but no one complained until recently. I didn't mind, you know why? It's fantasy,not real,it's a game. Not everything is DEI.
@Jojo-rn8cs 3 күн бұрын
How was Resident Evil 5 racist?
@westernunion6186 3 күн бұрын
Right? They've made the 3 kingdom's peroid a comedy routine, they re-wrote European history and legends like Valkyria Chronicles into a shonen anime and has used hip-hop culture for their historical stuff. there's even uh.. man there's even WWI and WWII animes. Its a pot meet kettle situation i think.
@LandscapingHeroes 3 күн бұрын
@@juldor93 how is it racist? explain fully.