How to fix Titans: The Soldier
14 күн бұрын
Bungie is not as bad as you think
The Destiny Community needs HELP
@NecroAsphyxia 17 сағат бұрын
Imagine having stuff like AWR give guns Target Lock or Armamentarium allowing you to burn your grenade to apply its effects to GLs.
@cherrysaiki 17 сағат бұрын
tbh strand should’ve just been a mini gun, but flecher storm could be used as a DPS if it were to get a certain type of buffed.
@GFlight.916 17 сағат бұрын
Throwing shield should bounce to enemies and return to you. When it returns If you press melee at the correct time, it'll refund the melee charge, and give overshield with a percentile based on how many enemies were hit.
@cherrysaiki 17 сағат бұрын
I’ll even say what if we can use our thunder crash and to launch up into the air and distinguish parts of the thunder bolts and launch bolts of our thunder crash lightning to an crit point The animation would be similar to how hunters can use their staff to lift up + Warlocks Strand Super.
@cherrysaiki 17 сағат бұрын
Titan Main Since D1 Here: If hunters can get a teleporting three super spiral knife Then Hear me out the role of the titan should be “The Traveler Perfect Soldier” the man that’s gonna make the sacrifice play I think an idea would be to altered thunder crash Set a spawn point like use their Ghost or a Banner send it down to exact location then thunder crash but around the titan as he supers is bolts of lightning form like missiles from grand overture. the bolts spiral around the titan as he thunder crash and can be used as an aerial super. the Titan and the bolts hit the target, titan can then teleport back to their original location.
@jacobcervantes8961 18 сағат бұрын
My wishlist for easy titan 'fixes': - Make no backup plans subclass agnostic - Buff thundercrash substantially - Make actium war rig work like cenotaph mask for warlocks - FIX THE TEXT ON BALLISTIC SLAM (if you didn't know, on arc titan the ballistic slam melee ability gives more super energy per hit. This is not said anywhere on the ability) - let knockout refresh while still active Now for the slightly larger tweaks or reworks: - Get rid of knockout's melee range increase/ make an arc melee that has increased range and knockout damage/add insurmountable skullfort as an arc aspect/ Make skull fort add a large aoe blind effect for melees matching your super type (for crucible balance this only slightly blinds or disorients players) OR make skullfort have an aoe banner of war type buff that blinds enemies for a time. (Reuse the halo that warlocks get for their new solar super and have it be arc colored for pvp and asthetics) These changes allow arc titan to make use of an infinite melee loop like arc hunter, while still having a good base melee option for pvp, and allowing the devs to balance it by being on a cooldown. If players want, they can lean into the melee damage side of the subclass, or the safety/disabling side of it. I am a striker main, and I desperately want for a usable build besides skullfort and point contact, hoil is just braindead and bungie doesn't like it when it's good which is fine if we have other stuff to do on it. Let striker become add clear as well, and let striker be the melee subclass instead of forcing it onto the other subclasses. Other ideas for new content - rally barricade override, this transforms the barricade into a flag (which for pvp can be easily destroyed) that buffs weapon damage and applies a subclass verb to enemies inside (supression/sever/blind/scorch/slow) - a cannon shot melee Basically a giant Megaman style arm cannon that fires a projectile that explodes with damage and subclass verbs (for pvp this is balanced because it takes time to charge up which allows enemies to avoid it and will linger for a short time which makes it good for co trolling space before a fight) - more aoe buffs (imagine banner of war, but easier to activate and applies subclass buffs like cure (x1), overshield, and frost armor) - A SWORD SUPER I WANT TO BE A PALADIN, LET ME HAVE A GIANT TWO HANDED SWORD AS MY SUPER (after we get some non melee supers tbh)
@Andrew-ry9be 19 сағат бұрын
Give stasis Titan a riot shield
@jabescabrales6611 19 сағат бұрын
Here’s one idea I hope will reach, you can parry bosses with your sentinel super. I wanna parry rhulk and crota and each parry gives surrounding teammates a damage buffs and a greater buff to swords.
@willbarnes1282 20 сағат бұрын
Yk what? Rally barricade makes your weapons load weapons equipped slowly like armentarium.
@samcrosby9255 20 сағат бұрын
The idea of titans being heavy weapon specialists (mostly towards machine guns, rockets and heavy grenade launchers) is really cool to me, I’d love more exotics that spec into that
@samcrosby9255 20 сағат бұрын
I’d love a reworked ruin wings, picture this: Ruin wings Seeds of ruin Heavy ammo drops more frequently with more ammo per brick for you and your fireteam, picking up heavy ammo stores a charge (similar to armor charge or star eaters) and each charge give a stacking increase to heavy weapon damage, kills with heavy weapons have a chance to refund ammo
@davidgabrieltaylor 23 сағат бұрын
In gms or master content i dont want any titans in my group. Even in brave season for legend onslaught i refused to invite titans. They have no welo, no healing turrets, no tether, no invis to get the res.... They are just ppl looking for carries tbh....
@c3rebulus299 23 сағат бұрын
if bungie is going to make titans all about punching, at least make it good in endgame ;-;
@luvergod69 23 сағат бұрын
Thrusters should reload weapons. Barricade could have a turret.
@avandorhu-3389 23 сағат бұрын
If we're talking about a wishlist of what to change, Here's a bit more of a radical change to both Stasis and Void titan. I'm not the most experienced player, so take my suggestion with a pinch of salt, but I think something similar could be good. To me personally, it always seemed odd that Stasis titan got a Lance as a weapon they can use. From my own personal experience, Stasis titan feels more like a Barbarian. And a lance doesn't fit that fantasy too well. But, It would suit Void titan. Since it already has a lot of shield motifs. So, why not turn it into the "sword & shield" knight class? So here's my idea: Diamond lances are removed from stasis titan, and are re-introduced on void as "void lances" with a bit of a twist to them. Instead of taking up an entire aspect, i'd introduce it as a brand new meele ability. (possibly allowing it multiple charges) Upon powered meele cast, it would immediately launch the lance from your hands, and on impact it would do a similar effect to twilight arsenal, but obviously not as strong as the super itself. And to go along with that, i'd add a brand new super. When cast, it would summon a larger void lance. Instead of throwing it, you'd charge up this piercing, high damage projectile. Kinda like thunderclap, but with Way more range, and damage. Also allowing it to overpenetrate multiple targets like wish-ender. With possibly the same shield breaking capabilities. And to make up for the loss of diamond lances on Stasis, i'd instead grant what was once twilight arsenal to Stasis. To give it that more barbarian feel with the axes. As well as another new meele ability involving a stasis throwing axe for the extra viking feel. Though i'm not entirely sure how i'd make that one different from the solar hammer meele. Again, not the most experienced player, but I think this could help solidify the themes of some of these subclasses a bit better. Feel free to let me know how this idea could be better executed if you're a more experienced player for end game!
@ExpertRam Күн бұрын
It’s funny to me that titans had it bad for like 3 weeks and there are dozens of videos complaining. Where was this when hunters weren’t useful for the majority of destiny 1?
@gibster9624 Күн бұрын
Buff Ward of Dawn to grant ammo regen. They already gave the ability regen Idea I had to Walocks. Sustainability. They can't seem to find the sweet spot for it. As soon as stuff gets nerfed enough it's useless in high end content but make it too strong and it makes things trivial. They need to find a way to make Titans good where 1 nerf doesn't ruin the class. Warlocks have better restoration and devour for a class that mainly backfires and that just doesn't sit right with me.
@nanosmokex6998 Күн бұрын
Bro if I can run around and place solar super turrets it's over
@OBroAnimations Күн бұрын
Ive always like the idea of titans being the paladins or tanks of destiny and it always bothered me that as the "Knights" of destiny we never got a sword super. So a Idea that I had was a new arc super that is similar to the warlocks dawn blade but arc. How it would work is RB would be a normal light sword attack, tapping RT would throw out a normal caster bolt. But if you hold RT you can charge a heavy Bolt that does massive damage. To make sure thundercrash isn't outclassed by this super they would majorly buff the damage to a similar level to twilight arsenal. That way we have Fist as the add clear. Arc Blade (the name of the super) as a flexible ranged super, and Thundercrash as the dps super.
@VRGUILE Күн бұрын
Dedicated aggro manipulation for titans is most definitely what I want. If hunters are the dps and warlocks are the support (by original design, don't @ me), then titans should be full on tanks.
@lorenzocampici7885 Күн бұрын
I think a hallowfire heart rework that essentially changes your super into a teamwide buff that improves everyone's solar weapons and your following abilities for the super's duration
@dbryjr138 Күн бұрын
I’ve been a titan main since d1 and I’ve always wanted one thing: Titan bubble should be allowed to place a banner down that provides ammo and have an exotic that allows us to shoot through the bubble while inside
@voiddarkstar7561 Күн бұрын
Give arc titan a railgun super with one strong hit need I say more and stasis titan a super that throw diamond lances as a one off not roaming super as for solar throw a sun
@Gentleman_Gibbs Күн бұрын
Instead of the "melee" class, we need a thematic change to the Soldier/Warrior class. More group buff/utility, shift focus of some subclasses from "melee" to "weapons". Make over shields actually good and give more access to subclass verbs in our abilities and aspects.
@nathanflinchum1153 Күн бұрын
The most basic thing I have wanted for years is for rallycade to actually cover your head if you’re moving while crouched, as it is, only the sides of it are tall enough and it feels really really shitty especially in pvp
@oceanrichardson4674 Күн бұрын
They need to get rid of all these nerfs on titans and get rid of nerfs on the titan exotics
@oceanrichardson4674 Күн бұрын
They need to get rid of all the nerfs they did on all subclasses and exotics and make them like before nerfs when d2 first came out titans are a titan there are supposed be better than a god come on bungie
@shahrozekhan9131 Күн бұрын
Allow precision hits from allies to sustain banner of war making it an option to use for boss damage how about buffing oversheild a bit so it doesn’t feel useless when surrounded by enemies. Let me give my allies some damage resistance like if I throw a tangle at an ally they get woven male. For the love of god stop giving us roaming supers no one uses fist of havoc like ever sentinel shield was the best one given and burning maul is used for pyrogale. Buff thunder crash it’s useless without curass better yet let it generate ionic traces for my allies. Arc titan still is the least survivable one to use so maybe let ionic traces heal or instead of amplified give us some damage resistance and call it charged up. Played titan only for ten years and it’s time to decide wether to make it support or high damage.
@curtissmith9751 Күн бұрын
Something has got to give with Titans, I hope to see some things change for sure cause I for one think all of prismatic titan could have been done differently and better
@Rios-ov3xi Күн бұрын
The ability to spend super for ammo is just old special finisher, and I miss it
@Zleepy_ZzZ Күн бұрын
I would like diamond lance to either spawn at your location instead or the ability to shoot them from far away causing them to make a freezing explosion like a stasis tangle
@russellwilson4443 Күн бұрын
What about arc titan pull aggro while sprinting and amplified to take effect of the fragment that makes you take less damage while sprinting and the barricade shoot out an arc pulse like a pulse grenade when it is deployed to make it a safe area from adds
@luvergod69 Күн бұрын
This MF don't miss
@guillermoleon2245 Күн бұрын
This is an idea I hope gets mentioned doubt it tho. But please a strand minigun man. I genuinely don’t understand why Titan has only a few ranged supers or for a fact only 2 and one sucks ass. I’d really like to receive a strand minigun to rock as a damage super and what would be really damn cool is if it like gives nearby teammates Woven mail and unraveling rounds including yourself, hell it would be cool too if like the rounds shot can cause sever every 10 shots or on kill can caused a tangling blast. (This idea is one I inspired from many but I just love the idea of a minigun on strand.) Titan needs love I adore this class and Bungie should take a look at super soldiers from fiction for inspiration or fantasy Paladins. (Ex: Halo Spartans, Space Marines, dnd paladins, etc etc) Edit: I don’t comment much but I’ve seen your stuff for a while I love your takes on Titan I still love the class but I’ll admit I’ve been feeling pretty numb in terms of what I can do since I see the other two classes outdo me in everything. It just sucks too since I genuinely think the other two are fun as well be Titan is what I bleed😞
@Felwinters_Last_Lie Күн бұрын
This aged
@MaddixCuhming Күн бұрын
Base titan stasis melee is the worst melee. Long wind up and after animation, same damage as a normal melee but half the speed. Weird to aim and makes you drop like a rock after. It was fun when it would knock people around if you managed to get the right angle
@user-et7ng1hb8m Күн бұрын
If the fantasy is being able to run in and punch stuff in the face while tanking for your fireteam or being an offensive juggernaut, a Titan’s abilities should reflect that. Warlock has health regen skills and great crowd add clear. Hunter has invis and add clear too. Titans should be different but be just as important. A Titan should have massive damage resistance and high single target burst damage. It’s really that simple. You play titan because you either want to be the guy who stares down the biggest threat and laughs in its face while your squishy fireteam does what they need to do or you want to be the guy who bashes through hoards of enemies to nuke the commander just because you can.
@samcrosby9255 Күн бұрын
As a Titan main since beta d1 I’m so disappointed in bungie, watching titans turn from the tank class, heavy weapon specialist, melee class but also the defender of the fireteam and then be turned solely into the melee class and still having their melee builds nerfed to the point where hunters have better melee builds. Titans are at the point now where all of their identity has been crushed, even ward of dawn which one of titans very first supers and a big part of their identity and one of my favourite Titan supers of all time has been nerfed to the point of a glorified void barricade needing helm of saint to even access the weapon buff now. No sense of fireteam defender. No sense of the tank. And only a smidge of heavy weapon specialist. The new hazardous propulsion exotic is honestly a breath of fresh air, being able to fulfil the role that we were promised in the d1 promo art and that we were given with the taikonaut and ruin wings. Bungie have honestly given up on Titan so much. In the prismatic subclass dev preview for warlock and hunter the devs sounded genuinely excited to tell us about what they’d been crafting, with names of aspects and abilities they sounded actually happy. And then they played Titan and the devs didn’t even know the name of frenzied blade which is one of titans most notorious abilities, they said the titans strand blades, like seriously. They’re not even hiding the fact that they don’t care about titans anymore and just buff or nerf abilities based on they’re experiences playing with or against them in a fireteam or whatever the seasonal spreadsheets report. And I don’t think any damage buffs or what not can fix it at this point, like yeah bringing back ward of dawn and making void Titan the undisputed defender class of destiny would help but the issue lies deeper than that, they need to look at every subclass and take more focus away from just melee builds and more into endgame builds, play test each subclass in endgame content and see for themselves that melee builds don’t work unless heavily spec into. Please bungie, give us what you promised in destiny 1, give us the heavy weapon specialist, the tank that keeps the team alive, just anything but melee
@universa2145 Күн бұрын
I’m really liking a lot of ideas shown in the video and the comments and i would like to share some ideas for behemoth and sentinel which i think are the subclasses that need more help and could benefit the most from a more support role for titans • Behemoth: o New Aspect “Avalanche”: Defeating targets with shatter damage creates small stasis cristals. Destroying stasis cristals creates small pulses that slows enemies and grants frost armor to you and your allies. o New Super “Blizzard storm”: Punch the ground with both fists to release a stasis energy field on the ground and spawn small crystals around you. This stasis energy field remains on the ground for around 20s and it slows and freezes any enemy caught in it. It also grants frost armor to all allies standing inside the field , and stasis weapons applies slow when firing while inside the field. o Icefall mantle buff: Activating your class ability grants frost armor to you and nearby allies but also slows them down. While you have full stacks of frost armor, all nearby allies who have frost armor gain a 15% damage increase to heavy stasis weapons. • Sentinel: o Unbreakable buff: Uses melee energy instead of grenade energy. Also grants void overshield and volatile rounds to nearby allies when receiving big amounts of damage. o Offensive bulwark buff: Grants a small amonut of overshield to you and nearby allies on any melee kill. o Ward of dawn buff: Grants volatile rounds when passing through the bubble. o Helm of saint XIV buff: Volatile rounds pierce the shield when shotting from inside the bubble. o Ursa furiosa rework: Unbreakable supresses enemies when damaging them with the shield release and restores some melee energy when taking big damage. Sentinel shield can be stuck in the ground allowing the titan to use it as well. o Mask of the quiet one rework: While critically wounded, gain a void overshield on kills (like the fragment). Receiving damage while having a void overshield grants a small amount of ability energy. Dealing damage with void weapons while having a void overshield creates a pulse that grants 15% damage increase to heavy void weapons for you and your allies.
@TheSmurf1973 2 күн бұрын
Keep crying crayon eaters 😂😂
@judgementkazzy7172 2 күн бұрын
Great suggestions but Bungie has said theyre just going to buff 2 supers... thats it thats the internal look at titan they discussed... a damage buff to 2 unbelievably gutter trash supers prolly in the form of 5% more damage.
@quinnhurst3472 2 күн бұрын
Imagine a video coming out over a year ago and it perfectly explains the modern titan sentiment
@10THPROPHET 2 күн бұрын
People are gonna watch this and glaze on hunters so hard
@PaleRiderK 2 күн бұрын
I never understood why we couldn’t shoot through Towering barricade without Citans. Towering Barricade is a mostly useless wall.
@aerow6192 2 күн бұрын
Titan's for awhile would dominate pvp. Ward of Dawn. Stasis after shatter dive nerf and the stasis melee was still broken. Bonk hammer in pve. There's so much more that needs to be listed but it's to say that Titan's have always had a niche; but has never been universally insane unless u count splendor and oem and that jizz. Titan's is the only class with a movement ability other than the mediocre thruster. Titan has the harder skate. Even if skating wasn't intentional that fact alone makes people discouraged to run titan. Titan should still be given the option to bubble if they hold super button on sentinel shield like the old days. I think what needs to happen is a void tank type super like song of flame without the ability spam. While song of flame is an ability spam super; I think titans should get a void super providing overshield and devour during a dps phase while still using weapons would be nice. Give them at twilight garrison as an exotic to give them some movement dude. T-crash feels only decent on Atraks but even then now nova bomb prismatic warlock is probably light years better. Titans need to be the shield of the 3 classes. Hunters dishing out dmg is fine they are the sword. I am happy with warlocks being that in between. But titans right now even in terms of tanking is out shadowed by a mere stupid ass moth keepers build. How on earth does that even happen?
@GCanopus 2 күн бұрын
No one at bungie plays or even likes titan. -bungie flanderizes titan by giving them giant shoulders and shoving them into the melee catagory, and also making almost all their subclasses some variation of punch. -making melee a death sentence in higher end content and slowly phasing it out -making other classes better at titan at meleeing -removing unviable yet fun ballistic slam into fist of havoc tech (im still mad about that.) -removing certain amounts of titans self sustain, and their ability to tank -nerfing the only potent high end titan builds and exotics "to make other builds and exotics more viable" (dawg wtf?) +giving titans a pretty good new subclass thats actually good at meleeing and being a jack of all trades -nerfing said subclass because "its too powerful and not intended" -despite specifically catagorizing and playing into titans being "braindead", nerfing the braindead but actually fun playstyle of baby hammers. -making all other classes better at doing titans roles then titan. Maybe its bad on other subclasses, but honestly, with the amount of people just not playing titans anymore especially in higher end content, I don't know... we need someone competent or maybe bungie needs to listen to more player feedback.
@gabodee 3 күн бұрын
Precious scars doesn't even work on regular "Burn the World" subclass
@kabriii 3 күн бұрын
Quick ideas: Class ability- Towering barricade: reduced cooldown in PvE Rallying barricade: gives the buff, on cast, on all allies in a 15m radius -Sunbreaker: blacksmith concept is super cool since allied turrets are in the game now. Reworked Roaring Flames: While active is a 20% ability bonus damage after an ability kill or rapid solar final blows. At mat stacks grants the ability to craft a static turret that shoots rapidly. Sol invictus: added functionality: While having the buff solar weapons scorch Consecration: leaves on the ground a huge solar crater, scorching enemies. Exotics: loreley has back Resto x2 but only with Towering Barricade, Phoenix cradle has sunspots duration doubled. Sentinel: Ward of dawn steadily reloads all guns, weapons of light is back. The melee void buff(I forgot the name...): Remains active after losing overshield for 5s, while active void weapons hits restore overshield and ability kills give overshield. Controlled demolition: regain ability energy Indestructible: Grenade can be held at will, consumes 10% per second but reduces movement speed while active. Draws aggro. Flashes when near end to notify players. Having Ursa Furiosa extends the radius of the shield. Exotics: Helm of saint 14 gives bonus super energy while having an overshield. Secret interaction: Bastion gets bonus damage. Stasis: Howl of the storm becomes an alternative powered melee. Now gives an active ability that uses transcendence buttons and shatters everything in a 20m radius, giving frost armor for each kill. Diamond lance: Replaces your super with an instant huge diamond ranged lance. Diamond lances can be detonated at a distance by shooting at them, making Dragonfly explosions. Arc: Just add to the melee aspect that, while amplified, melee regens faster and other abilities too while near enemies, thruster blinds while amplified. Also full health on every melee combatant kill, and while amplified, all ability kills start health regen. Strand is fine.
@FallenZero04 3 күн бұрын
so it is safe to say Bungie never wanted a titan class? Why dont they just delete the class?
@ericweber6538 3 күн бұрын
How about for stasis instead of having a roaming super that punches why not make a stasis minigun.