Exmormon REACTS to Bo Burnham!
My Ex-mormon Existential Crisis
Jesus take the (wellness) Wheel
What is Wisdom?
11 ай бұрын
The Jesus Strategy
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How to "debate" Mormons
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Exmormon Atonement
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Let's talk about Adam & Eve
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Why I Left Mormonism
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Nihilism, Optimism and, Tolstoy
How Noah built his Ark
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Nietzsche and the Death of God
EXMORMON STORIES (from the future)
Joseph Smith COPYCAT
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Evolution and your Nervous System
Atheism VS Theism
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Find Yourself after Mormonism
What makes EXMORMONS Angry?
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@harambeboy Күн бұрын
make another video
@bouji_ 7 күн бұрын
2:52 Brevity is the soul of wit.
@translucentbricksky2086 8 күн бұрын
It's a tangent, but brain activity could continue while hearts aren't pumping. I think the bigger problem with NDEs is that 1) they are largely contradictory 2) they seem to depend on each person's religious background and preexisting expectations 3) they are unverifiable anyways.
@translucentbricksky2086 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story!
@zxultrviolet370 15 күн бұрын
I went through this, the answer is inevitably beyond ourselves, the answer is not man made religion, im orthodox christian now and i dont even feel “religious” if that makes sense, i have been through this too and I sympathize with everyone who has, im also exmormon, i hope that it goes well for everyone that goes through this, there is light at the end, if we never had light, wed never know we were in the dark
@clearstonewindows 15 күн бұрын
I think there are some unknown's with the small migration worldview, but yet I'm more comfortable with those unknows than other worldviews that would required more "magic" but are yet "science"
@WinterS0lstice 16 күн бұрын
Atheists can only ground their morality in an entirely subjective assertion. Your choices are Gods Law or Do What Thou Wilt
@fredlarge8209 18 күн бұрын
Ad Hominem is always a good way to start a critique. The church has a long history of terrible behavior, past and present. To say otherwise is not being honest, IMHO.
@3thingsfishing427 23 күн бұрын
They did see $ and opportunities to sleep with their followers' wives.
@GuyRegular 24 күн бұрын
The level of atheism throughout the rest of the developed world refutes any argument that religion is somehow a moral necessity, Countries like Norway, Iceland, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Japan, the Netherlands, Denmark and the United Kingdom are among the least religious societies on Earth. According to the United Nations’ Human Development Report (2005) they are also the healthiest, as indicated by measures of life expectancy, adult literacy, per capita income, educational attainment, gender equality, homicide rate and infant mortality. Conversely, the 50 nations now ranked lowest in terms of human development are unwaveringly religious. Other analyses paint the same picture: The United States is unique among wealthy democracies in its level of religious literalism and opposition to evolutionary theory; it is also uniquely beleaguered by high rates of homicide, abortion, teen pregnancy, STD infection and infant mortality. The same comparison holds true within the United States itself: Southern and Midwestern states, characterized by the highest levels of religious superstition and hostility to evolutionary theory, are especially plagued by the above indicators of societal dysfunction, while the comparatively secular states of the Northeast conform to European norms. Of course, correlational data of this sort do not resolve questions of causality--belief in God may lead to societal dysfunction; societal dysfunction may foster a belief in God; each factor may enable the other; or both may spring from some deeper source of mischief. Leaving aside the issue of cause and effect, these facts prove that atheism is perfectly compatible with the basic aspirations of a civil society; they also prove, conclusively, that religious faith does nothing to ensure a society’s health.
@devinhildebrandt2709 25 күн бұрын
Lil bro dont know nothin about the BoA
@dl6066 26 күн бұрын
You left, your problem. Do your research but not only your mind but your spirit too. Study but plead with the Lord for understanding and get revelations. Like many of the True Converts.
@ubermormon9611 18 күн бұрын
This exact advice would keep someone in Scientology. That means it’s bad advice.
@benjaminvandenberghe9726 Ай бұрын
To be fair Peterson avoids concrete religious beliefs almost entirely. He’ll talk about symbolism in scripture, but won’t even say if he’s a Christian or not. So this event is pretty unremarkable as he treats Muslims/catholics/protestants who ask him the same questions the same way.
@thevulture5750 Ай бұрын
street epistemology doenst work on the believer who believes the Scripture.
@Manzanita1890 Ай бұрын
That’s a very random and specific beef to have… like THAT’s what you question? Not the entire “experience” itself?
@ubermormon9611 18 күн бұрын
It’s just me getting into the weeds and trying to have specific questions for believers.
@stephanieallangarman5598 Ай бұрын
As a woman of FAITH, I feel so sad that someone can be so manipulated in believing theirs a second book of a supposed GOSPEL. 😢💔
@logia7 Ай бұрын
Where do mormons believe this??
@tonka5 Ай бұрын
@tylerahlstrom4553 Ай бұрын
Joseph’s first written account of the first vision is from 1832, not 1839. Emphasis on written, not spoken. Joseph mentioned this vision to people early on. So church videos showing people reacting negatively to him early on is accurate. Joseph was 14 at the time this vision happened. It’s understandable why he didn’t immediately think to write it down, especially considering his limited writing ability and it was at a time when writing material was not as common as now. I don’t think I made a written account of the day I got married, although it was a significant day in my life. Does that mean it did not happen?
@Stphne1968 Ай бұрын
So, negative commenters; how are your lives really going? Are you handling stress and disappointment well? How often do you feel joy? Do you struggle to keep your moods up or battle anxiety, hopelessness or depression? I just notice there are a lot of people here who think bashing the church is somehow going to do something for them that feels satisfying, but all I see is a group of unhappy, miserable complainers who've never truly sought knowledge from God and therefore have nothing to compare it to. How can you know what the truth is if you don't really want to know? Too many people here seem to care more about convincing themselves they are right than actually being right. .
@jimbo6882 Ай бұрын
I can’t speak for them, but I can tell you that my experience growing up in the church was a constant struggle with self-hatred, needless guilt, strained relationships with my parents, and an omnipresent sense of shame and isolation. The pain that this organization put me through for experiencing normal sexual development through my teenage years led me to the brink of suicide. For six years I fought myself and begged Heavenly Father for help… and guess what? He never fucking helped me, all I got was more shame, more pain, more hate… I’m getting out of this cult as soon as I can because any organization that has made me feel this much agony doesn’t deserve my attendance or my money.
@123mneil 2 ай бұрын
How did I miss this video?
@catrardellybird2526 2 ай бұрын
God, you know how hard it is to adapt to normal society after leaving the church? Jesus, relationships aren't just straight forward anymore. So many things I have to learn. I'm thankful to have friends.
@tjotwo 2 ай бұрын
When you reach the end of yourself as god, read God's True Word to man, the Bible comprised of 66 books. Don't stop questioning religion, though. That was one of the few things Joseph Smith was right about. Tragically, he filled the void with a satanic man-centered cult. But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers. 9 “Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. 10 “Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ. 11 “But the greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 “Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted New American Standard Bible: 1995 update (Mt 23:8-12). (1995). The Lockman Foundation. Jesus is our Pastor and Teacher. He is The Word. True followers of Christ can help you know Him and His Word better. Nominal pseudo-Christian religionists will try to tell you another way to think that is their flavor of perversion of God's Word.
@Lovecatholicfaith 2 ай бұрын
His wife got baptized in Catholic Church 🙏
@nute742 2 ай бұрын
Wasnt the bible written 100s of years later (after it happened)?! lol - I guess we should be suspicious of that too?
@VioletDickey 2 ай бұрын
Evil eyes!
@nute742 2 ай бұрын
Really! (what if someone said that about your mom or dad) That is what aging sometimes does. (Glad Jesus judges us on our hearts) Perhaps one day you can meet him in person! (My dad did - they were both heart doctors and wrote papers to help heart attack patients have a better life).
@abdennourkouideraraibi6911 2 ай бұрын
You mentioned something about Joseph Smith marrying a 14-year-old. Try reading about the lifestyle of the prophet of Islam XD
@b3llydrum 2 ай бұрын
I want to watch these videos so bad but the constant tongue clicking triggers my misphonia so bad
@ubermormon9611 2 ай бұрын
I am sorry. I use different mics now and have the issue
@ubermormon9611 2 ай бұрын
I mean, I haven’t actually filmed anything this year but the last few videos I made had better audio and it will be better moving forward.
@DRT279 2 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂 you’re an atheist now! Classic exmo path to nothingness. Making up a bunch of words to describe something you don’t believe in. You waste a lot of time making videos about nothing.
@G-Dizzy 3 ай бұрын
Not racist. Job 30:30 My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat. It is an archaic metaphor. Job never turned black, and neither did the writer of the verse about lamanites. It is a figure of speech, and it was the same for Job’s case too. If you look at the context of that verse, this metaphor had to do with great sorrow and tribulation, which Job definitely had. If you judge the Book of Mormon, also judge the Bible.
@DRT279 3 ай бұрын
They don’t want to hear you exmo’s because you’re whiners and play the victim card.
@ubermormon9611 3 ай бұрын
Wow, a Mormon accusing others of playing the victim card? Now I’ve really seen everything.
@DRT279 3 ай бұрын
@@ubermormon9611 3 things exmo’s do 1. Whine 2. Blame 3. Play the Victim. You left, get over it. Nah spend the next 15 yrs deconstructing… 😂🤣 (deconstructing is such a stupid word along with faith crisis) I bet your family the old you would come back. The new you that whines and complains is annoying.
@user-mj9gy2io4e 3 ай бұрын
wow, a 90 second story told in over 9 minutes
@ubermormon9611 3 ай бұрын
Better than a fake story told in 531 pages.
@scottballard6176 3 ай бұрын
Heavens Gate vs lds church? Yeah, one has made it's adherents measurably better people, does a shittonne of service, etc. The other did none of those this and ended in mass suicide. Only a liar or an idiot would compare the two. Listening to Uber I know which way I'm guessing. Super funny that the most ignorant Young Dudes are such staunch Materialists. Hey Uber, bring me a litre of your mother's love or she doesn't love you. Bring me 3 grams of music or it's obvious music doesn't exist.
@woodystang67 3 ай бұрын
Whether the LDS church is a cult or not, I can persoanlly testify of divine assistance. I attribute that divine assistance to God. No it was not a coincidence. I have too many of these faith-lead moments to attribute it coincidence. Pray with all your heart and then act in faith. I was taught this way of accessing divine assistance through the Church of Jesus Christ, the LDS church. Joseph Smith did the same thing and learned it from the Bible in the book of James. "Ask and you shall receive" The people in the church are not perfect. They may be manipulative and have other problems. The way the LDS church is organized is the best way to be run on Earth. It was the same way Jesus implemented the organization of the church in the Bible. Even the Bible indicates the difficulty the members had in following it back then and that was during and immediately following the life of Christ.
@scotthullinger4684 3 ай бұрын
Mormonism is expanding, and is likely the one and ONLY Christian church in the nation which is expanding. Same for across the world. All other Christian churches are shrinking. The true religion grows. Meanwhile, false religions shrink.
@ubermormon9611 3 ай бұрын
So growth and popularity are evidence of truth?
@scotthullinger4684 2 ай бұрын
@@ubermormon9611 - The evidence for truth is truth. That's how the world works. That's existence. Politics also work pretty much the same way. Most people still choose the right. The only genuine threat emerges when most people begin to choose the wrong in most or all realms of life. NOTHING good can continue when that which is good gets destroyed or is not allowed to proceed into the future. How worthwhile do you think those particular weird religions are which worship animals or worship mother earth? What the hell does it have to do with deity? ZIP -
@janet-Spirit_of_the_Living_God 3 ай бұрын
I love your simple 3 rules. So true, and I'm still a Bible Christian, but it's not controlling as it's only between God's love, Jesus' salvation, and the Holy Spirit's giftings and empowering of me to live like Jesus.
@noahlebaron1957 3 ай бұрын
As an LDS member its sad to see what the Church leaders have become. They are wolves in sheeps clothing. But its not supprising to any who read the teachings of the old prophets. Brigham young prophesied that in the last days this church would be brought to the brink of hell. 😊
@deidrekline2149 3 ай бұрын
Wasting this one precious life for the promise of some man made imaginary after-life. How Egyptian.
@iheartcello0 3 ай бұрын
I totally connect with the Free Agency semantics. I remember seminary lessons about the difference between Free Will and Agency. Whenever I hear the phrase "free agency" I still instinctively turn my head in a "Well actually..." motion....
@matthewdaw6485 4 ай бұрын
Video title: Oh, looki here, a gossipy inside story about Jordan Peterson's reaction to mormonism Actual video: Once upon a time Jordan Peterson ignored a question about reading The Book Of Mormon. Now lets talk crap on the LDS faith for the remaining 9 minutes of the video.
@penelopesimmons1702 4 ай бұрын
Um you’re reaching
@ubermormon9611 4 ай бұрын
I’M reaching? Not the people who choose to believe in a book with no archeological evidence and claims people came to this continent by building wooden submarines? I’M REACHING?
@penelopesimmons1702 4 ай бұрын
@@ubermormon9611 you said it yourself in the video. I don’t know if I believe in that either but that particular claim is a stretch. I mean geez chill out.
@robertomendez187 4 ай бұрын
Racist AF
@ValentinoMustangs 4 ай бұрын
If you need a "good one" as a man just look up the churches statement on feminism. Just say I can't honestly stand behind a church that supports a movement that promotes the hatred of men. I also can't support a living prophet that does not prophesize.🎉
@ChrisFBartlett 4 ай бұрын
For ease of use 3:25 Rule 1 “I decide what I can study” 5:15 Rule 2 “I decide what I can say” 7:56 Rule 3 “I can question any people/information”
@davidfletcher8453 4 ай бұрын
Joseph Smith had over 30 wives Joseph Smith. At least one of those wives was 14 years old. Joseph Smith coerced teenage brides and told them their salvation depended upon them marrying him and the salvation of their families. Joseph Smith married girls that were already married. Joseph Smith sent men on missions and married their wives while the husband was gone. Joseph Smith have been living polygamy for years before he decided to make it scripture. Joseph Smith was a liar and Joseph Smith was a sexual predator who groomed his victims. These are all facts found on the Mormon churches website.
@jflash19 4 ай бұрын
Wow. You're sad. You say in one breath how great everyone there is, "People are just doing their best", then crap all over them for having faith in something. Why would you attack people for asking the man they paid to see about something so deeply personal to them? You have no idea what was going through Dr. Peterson's head as they scrolled through the questions. So why are you speaking for him?
@rebekahedwards5318 4 ай бұрын
Hearing this us just nauseous to hear, coming from this horrific CULT !!!
@Misnjef 4 ай бұрын
Weapons can also be used to maintain peace
@Misnjef 4 ай бұрын
He has a small mind
@chrisnelson3931 4 ай бұрын
What kind of whiskey are you rocking here? Asking for a friend
@ubermormon9611 4 ай бұрын
In that video I think it would have been Woodford reserve. Recently I’ve been drinking Bonneville Bourbon made by Salt Flats Spirits.