@mekman4 6 сағат бұрын
Great Stuff!
@fakealias 7 сағат бұрын
Having lived through the early 90s as a kid I can say that personally that the Genesis was a lot more popular then the SNES at the time. This does make it believable that the Genesis was at least on par with the SNES in terms of market share versus the 15% to 85% ratio in Japan. If the over spending on marketing and negotiating Tom was responsible for is true its likely that Sega would have died out early with the rest of the other consoles all together. On the Sega Saturn there were clear problems with the hardware itself which was a nightmare for developers. Like most things there's truth to both sides of this story and if the ship was turned around after Tom was gone there would be a lot more credence to Japans side. Lastly we do have plenty of interviews from other SOA members that do tell a very similar story to Tom as well as Yuji Naka wanting to leave because of SOJs treatment towards him due to Japanese business culture. I understand the point of the video is to discuss the less talked about side of the story but there does seem to be details intentionally left out to hammer home a specific narrative. SOJ not knowing the finances of their own subsidiary thats bringing in most of the revenue is honestly on them considering they had years to see it.
@creativecatproductions 6 сағат бұрын
This is fair! And it is only to highlight a less well known perspective thats only recently been made known. I would like to say that, as a gamer of time period myself, I think it only appears that Sega was more popular than Nintendo in the early 90s in terms of NEW console sales. It was VERY controversial in the US when Nintendo released a SUPER Nintendo. Consumers treated the NES like a long term appliance and the thought that an expensive game console would need to be updated or replaced every 5 years was still alien territory. Thus, consumers balked. And they balked because Nintendo was already so freaking successful. Almost literally every household in America that was able to both afford and permit videogames had an NES. So another NES was regarded as unnecessary. The Genesis came into the market in 1989, and it floundered. It floundered because everyone was still buying the NES. It wasn’t until a massive price cut that the Genesis became popular at all and STILL less with the mainstream upper middle class, suburban Nintendo demographic….that bought multiple games a year….but a more urban, ethnically diverse market on a lower social tier that was just now entering the world of gaming to play mortal kombat, nba jam, and sonic the hedgehog. They didnt buy many games, they rented, but they did boost the sales of the Genesis itself through the roof. Also, many older teens with a little pocket money also picked uo the Genesis. It was less dorky, it was edgier, but above all else it was cheap. Perhaps too cheap.
@fakealias 6 сағат бұрын
@creativecatproductions To that same point about the console being cheap, it absolutely needed to be in order to give anyone a reason to pick that over the snes. Consoles were very expensive adjusted for inflation so the idea of having only one plus a gameboy was normal. One of the many reasons for the Saturn's demise as we all know is the infamous $299 statement from Sony as well as the Xbox 360 pulling ahead of thr ps3 for also being the affordable console taking losses on console units. The pricing war imo was inevitable and continued up until the PS4 era which in the end was great for consumers. My final thoughts on the matter is simply the principles of economics. Nintendo had a monopoly and was right to be as oppressive as they were in the market to keep competition out, but once it was seen that there was room for more then one dominant player gaming became on oligopoly which led to Sony joining in. There is a world where the Playstation would not exist if Sega didn't show the world it's at least possible to take sizable market share albeit to Sega's own detriment in the long run. Side note, by 1993 Tom got too confident from the insane growth from the first few years not understanding his crazy sales tactics only worked because the product was good. Once he was trying to sell subpar products, the marketing was nothing more then smoke and mirrors.
@creativecatproductions 2 сағат бұрын
Totally! 😎
@nathleflutiste 12 сағат бұрын
I can't agree to the fact that the 32X was a bad idea. The way it was handled with the launch of the Saturn so soon after its own, associated with the early end of support of the platform on the contrary, sure was. If this has to be reminded, the sells of the add-on were good at the beginning. It's the end of support so soon that made people feeling so frustrated and betrayed. They should had given the platform the support it deserved. Because when you had games like Virtua Fighter or Virtua Racing Deluxe, you can't possibly think it was bad.
@iwanttocomplain 2 күн бұрын
You realise that in 1987 the A500 was available in Europe for £500, which would have been about $700 and it's more than twice as good as the woeful C128.
@creativecatproductions Күн бұрын
I’ve actually never heard of this computer! Thanks for watching dude 😎
@iwanttocomplain 22 сағат бұрын
@@creativecatproductions that's the just the stock Amiga with 512K.
@creativecatproductions 22 сағат бұрын
That I do recall. The amiga was very impressive indeed.
@iwanttocomplain 22 сағат бұрын
@@creativecatproductions in 1987 very dope. The A1000 in 85 was more expensive.
@mekman4 2 күн бұрын
Great Stuff, as always!
@mekman4 2 күн бұрын
Great Stiff, as always!
@creativecatproductions 23 сағат бұрын
Thanks for watching dude 😎
@mekman4 23 сағат бұрын
Thanks for the like!
@oi6915 2 күн бұрын
Hayo Nakayama was the Gman and that's why he found Tom in some beach
@creativecatproductions 23 сағат бұрын
It all makes sense now! Thanks for watching dude 😎
@jaylaotorres9790 2 күн бұрын
Long Live Song of the South.
@creativecatproductions 23 сағат бұрын
And may the south be delivered from hurricanes…..like, please Thanks for watching dude! 😎
@jordans4827 5 күн бұрын
Hey dude. Just dropping by to say howdy. Will the hurricane be affecting you all? Here in North Texas, we are getting a little rain, and a small break from the 100 degree temps. Later days!
@creativecatproductions 5 күн бұрын
So far nothing but from past experience it could either completely just blow over or turn extremely bad in a matter of hours. 😆 Oh, I only hope the power stays on. We have a newborn and it’s really really hot. Summer without AC is not what we need around here. I hope you’re doing well! Aren’t you all getting a Universal Studios up there?
@jordans4827 5 күн бұрын
The Uni Studios would be news to me. My outdoor entertainment is kept specifically Six Flags and Wet 'N Wild news. Hey, Congrats on the baby! Is this kiddo number 4? Regarding weather, I think you all will be fine power wise, unless you are in Corpus Christi. My best to you. PS...Been watching this show: The Texas Bucket List. Cheesy, but fun Saturday viewing.
@creativecatproductions 3 күн бұрын
It’s number 5! A boy. It’s pretty windy around here right now. Our main worry right now is a tree falling on top of our house since we live in the middle of the piney woods. 😆 I’ll definitely check out the Texas bucket list! Stay dry! 😎
@jordans4827 Күн бұрын
Status Report: How is your house and your family? Saw the news tonight...Unearthed trees is a major issue. My Uncle lives in Houston and lost power last night.
@creativecatproductions 23 сағат бұрын
@jordans4827 boy howdy, it sure was interesting! We got hit pretty much square in the face. Crazy 70 mph winds downed trees like crazy. we live in the piney woods just outside of Houston, which is very pretty, but has the HUGE disadvantage of 50 foot falling pine trees….and this time they really went to town. We just emerged from Mad Max like survival mode for the last few days: no power, no gas, flood waters, high temperatures…..but the power came back on for us this morning and we’ve been struggling to rebuild civilization ever since. This entire week was really weird and I am relieved that it is over. But I am deeply perplexed by the fact that hurricane season has really only just begun. 😝
@SwedishMeattball 10 күн бұрын
turbos more fun and colorful with the best launch lineup all time ironically everyone rather have a turbo over a genesis or snes now any day of the week😂
@Jackattack359 17 күн бұрын
Uh, the analog controller for Nights was literally bundled with the game. If you’re going to make a video like this, can you maybe actually do your research first? And while you’re at it, learn the proper pronunciation of company names and video game titles
@creativecatproductions 15 күн бұрын
Im pretty sure I addressed both of these things 😝
@Jackattack359 15 күн бұрын
@@creativecatproductions no, you didn’t
@princeretro 18 күн бұрын
Yuji Naka is a racist asshole so if you're born an American Yuji Naka hates you and it doesn't give a damn for your praising it's best you keep that in mind when you continue to be an apologist for Yuji Naka.And he broke the law so it was right for him to be sent to prison like any person just because he made Video Games that doesn't give him special treatment to be allow to commit crimes.
@brunoramos9747 19 күн бұрын
If they were twice the size with twice as many good games that it would be worth it😊😊😊
@creativecatproductions 18 күн бұрын
agreed! Thanks for watching = )
@brunoramos9747 19 күн бұрын
Yeah they're really not worth it they're too small with not enough games😊😊
@brunoramos9747 19 күн бұрын
I don't care what anyone says the game gear was better than the gameboy😊😊
@brunoramos9747 19 күн бұрын
Can you change the language on these and if so can you get the Japanese versions like The saga mini🤔🤔🤔🤔
@creativecatproductions 15 күн бұрын
Im not sure! I never did get one. Im pretty sure the answer is No however since many of these games never had an English release in the first place
@brunoramos9747 19 күн бұрын
Yeah they definitely could have made these better by putting more games in it😊😊😊
@williammcguire130 20 күн бұрын
I would love to see you guys take on the business life of the Super Nintendo/Super Famicom/SNES through its life. Its on the other side of so many fascinating video game business narratives, I would be excited to see someone with your level of attention to detail document its life.
@creativecatproductions 20 күн бұрын
Id love to do something like that. Currently we’re working on a massive video s as bout the rise in the popularity of the x-men and another big video about the failure of the sega saturn.
@falksi3182 22 күн бұрын
Video is full of highly dubious claims regards the 32X & Saturn. Kalinske has said in an interview as he was ordered to make the 32x on Hayo Nakayama's orders.
@creativecatproductions 22 күн бұрын
Kalinske claims the 32X was ordered by Hayao Nakayama. This is probably half true. Hayao Nakayama ordered an American next gen console but Sega of America proposed the 32X add on because they believed in the future of the Genesis as the foundation of their US business model Thanks for watching dude 😎
@exchangediary968 23 күн бұрын
After I heard he was rather abusive towards his staff members during Ballan and having a petty twitter fight with Naoto I KIND OF lost respect for him
@LumiosNoctis 28 күн бұрын
Yuji Naka did say on twitter that Sega actually fired him around 2006, which could be for similar reasons to Balan Wonderland
@LumiosNoctis 28 күн бұрын
As a programmer it kills me inside to see you call the language C+ lol it's either C either C++ but C+ does not exist
@LumiosNoctis 28 күн бұрын
I also disagree due to this with the assertion at 1:18:15 Programming in C would not cause any specific issue. C can be as fast, maybe even faster than assembly thanks to compiler optimizations that humans might not think about when programming normally as long as they do exploit the hardware and program efficiently. Games such as Mario 64 were programmed in C. It was pretty common during the era.
@creativecatproductions 27 күн бұрын
I think Mario 64 was programmed in C but I believe that was fairly novel at the time. Nintendo and Sega almost exclusively programmed in assembly through the mid 90s….especially innJapan. I get the feeling that one of SOAs biggest hurdles was that they never bothered to do this, but rather preferred coding on C on PCs and then attempted to translate their work to the saturn after the fact. Not just on Sonic but like everything. I think what you say about optimizing compilers is plausible, and Im sure that’s what they were thinking, but Sega of America never managed to produce anything anywhere near as polished, smooth, or quick as the games made in Japan. Sonic Xtreme, what survives of it, is janky trash. Anyway, thank you for watching and for the thoughtful comments
@LumiosNoctis 27 күн бұрын
@@creativecatproductions to be fair. Programming 3D sonic games, no matter the language is tricky. I know it having myself experimented with programming a game similar to Sonic Adventure in gameplay. The hardest part is handling momentum while allowing the character to move in all kind of directions such as upside down etc with loopings. This involves a lot of linear algebra maths. Not even accounting for all the physics errors to handle. Yuji Naka probably was familiar with it as he is the one who came up with it on genesis. But the transition of this gameplay that already relied a lot on maths got even trickier once it required 3 dimensional mathematics
@creativecatproductions 27 күн бұрын
@LumiosNoctis do you think he could have done it? If he had enough time? I sometimes wonder what it would have been like if instead of doing Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles, Naka used that time to get rolling on the SEGA Saturn.
@Slumpybuttons 28 күн бұрын
What's your source for Saturn/Dreamcast never being at Walmart/Target? I'm writing a paper on this.
@creativecatproductions 24 күн бұрын
Im sorry I never responded to this! We just had a baby so I’ve been pretty tied up. The best sources for this would be any number of deep, long form interviews with Tom Kalinske in recent years. Look closely at the one’s where he reveals his version of what really happened between the SoA and SoJ. Beyond that you can examine advertising flyers from the time period….the flyers they used to put in old newspapers. Starting with Saturn, and continuing with the Dreamcast, you’ll find no ads in Walmart, Kmart, or Target regarding these consoles. That’s because, as I vividly remember from lived experience, these major retailers did not carry these consoles on their shelves. Kalinske blames the surprise launch of the Saturn, stating that doing so angered retailers, but according to SoJ….as you can see in this video…..the real reason may be that SEGA simply couldn’t continue to sell consoles in these storms under these terms.
@greystar8002 Ай бұрын
Lizard cube and Dotemu should deaf work on Golden Axe, I think I speak for all of us when I say no one wanted a 3d Golden Axe game.
@creativecatproductions 29 күн бұрын
True! I’ve heard rumors we may never even get that particular game
@justaction Ай бұрын
LOVE this game! Spent so many hours playing it and I mastered it…found it very easy to beat the CPU😂🤣
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
You have to love homeruns in this game 😂 Thanks for watching dude 😎
@damin9913 Ай бұрын
1:22 When he got to the turbo graphics 16 he was like what the hell is all this crap you can tell the guy was shocked how high everything was on that console even the accessories 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@haruruben Ай бұрын
48:00 that’s the reason, you had a choice- you could buy like five great games for NES or upgrade and there wasn’t any exciting games for these other systems
@LawrenceAaronLuther Ай бұрын
1:08:31 Ah, so saturn games were programmed with pygame. it all makes sense now
@netbotcl586 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the video! I always find the narrative that SoJ was resentful of SoA for their successes to be pretty ridiculous lol. I read the console wars, the failure of the 32X is barely mentioned at all. Then i dug around the Sega forum, i saw some interesting posts about how tom kalinske is a liar, and japanese execs back them were upset for him resigning without taking the blame for the 32x. interesting video, and threads!
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching dude! 😎
@megamanmarchek8293 Ай бұрын
Tom Kalinske did not want to Surprise launch the Saturn.
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
That’s what he always says! Im not sure its 100% true, but it is his official version of events. Thanks for watching dude! 😎
@megamanmarchek8293 Ай бұрын
@@creativecatproductions You Bet! I will never white knight for Sega of America or Japan. Both made plenty of mistakes on their own and together. Neither branch of the company is solely responsible for Sega's downfall.
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
@megamanmarchek8293 I think structure might be the heart of the problem here. When CSK took over SEGA in the early 80s, the SEGA founder - an American named David Rosen - retained some partial ownership over the company and more or less retired to California as the head of SEGA of America. Control the of the company remained mainly in Japan, but this bifurcated power sharing structure would repeatedly come to unintentionally injure the company. It was like pulling a chariot with horses wanting to move in opposite directions. Complete madness!
@Shuukuriimudaisuki-sama Ай бұрын
I remember the early "console wars" pretty vividly, and remember being one of those kids that saw the TG16 and thought "....meh" and graduated from my NES to a Genesis. I can attest to some of the things like the crappy box art and poor marketing strategy being a large part of the failure, as well as the whole "everything's a Nintendo to adults" (as my parents were that way 100%). It's funny, though, as time has gone on, I find myself thinking back to the TG16 and how it could have had so much more of a presence than it did, and it makes me kind of sad in a nostalgic sort of way. Since discovering early Falcom titles and playing the original Ys duology thanks to the old Nintendo E-shop hosting some old TGCD games, the system itself has become something of a quiet obsession of mine. Time forgot the poor thing, but I still find myself wishing that I had owned one...or that I could find one and some games for it for less than a small fortune (seeing as how the Mini was so limited a run and people scalp for them online nowadays). It's funny how time and perspective make you look back on things like this that so many people have forgotten and make you pine for them. Also, as a Genesis kid, I appreciate the use of Phantasy Star II BGM in the video! 😁
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
Thank you for watching and for the thought provoking comment dude! 😎 I love phantasy star 2. First rpg I ever beat. It was waaaay too hard 😝
@jordans4827 Ай бұрын
"That's the best thing I ever saw!" Hope you all are well. We have had a rainy year up here, by all accounts. However, I think Mother Nature is flipping on the furnace this weekend. Later Dudes and Dudettes!
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
It was horrible here! 😂 Flooding, tornadoes, power loss….we were okay, but it was crazy. I hope you all are doing well too. Thanks for watching dude! 😎
@JCM217 Ай бұрын
Thank you communist cat party.
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
¡Добро пожаловать! 😎
@KoopaMedia64 Ай бұрын
Finally, a KZbin ad that makes sense. Everybody else gotta step up their game!
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
Buy my honey sticks! Promo code is NORDVPN 😂
@ModelJames13 Ай бұрын
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
@bryantenorio368 Ай бұрын
What happens if I get hungry for a sweet treat while doing my chores? Is it safe to eat?
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
100% just honey on a stick…..though I must disclose sometimes it’s just amber colored corn syrup
@bubbythebear6891 Ай бұрын
​@@creativecatproductionsSo it's Chinese honey?
@willyfeumba Ай бұрын
Funny video ^^
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching dude! 😎
@AirZonkWorldChamp Ай бұрын
Finally, a KZbin ad I like.
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
😂 thanks for watching Champ!
@Mittens_Explains_It_All Ай бұрын
Great video 👍 I love honey bowl
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
Do I know you? 😝
@mr.milehi9883 Ай бұрын
I changed insurance companies this year. My last insurance company would let me have medical trips however, they only allowed me one trip to the mortuary. And they wouldn't even let me bring a friend.
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
Insurance companies, banks, car dealerships, politicians…..I just can’t abide by them 😂
@mr.milehi9883 Ай бұрын
Thank you for stepping away from the can of metallic paint you were having to make this video!
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
My insanity is entirely natural and inborn. 😝 Apologies. I’m currently working on two separate massive videos about the SEGA Saturn and the X-MEN. Hopefully that makes up for something.
@Ketchup_studios Ай бұрын
This the greatest video ever…. Can you post the link for the product?
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
Ummm…..do I know you? 😝
@MrThunderwing Ай бұрын
Been watching a few videos on this topic over the last few days, it's interesting to see the Tom Kalinske=Sega Messiah narrative being challenged.
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching dude! 😎
@shawn6306 Ай бұрын
this is not lame to me at all i think this is great to me i'm super excited about this
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
To me its all about the actual execution. Are they really going to deliver? A lot of these are not actually being done by Sega, in the case of Shinobi its working out great, but the others? I have good reason to doubt. Thanks for watching dude! 😎
@harrihaffi2713 Ай бұрын
I wanna play shmups or shooters as some call em. Not many of them on the evercade it seems. Haven't seen an game I really wanna play on it yet. and that might be a good thing with all my ps2 games and sega genesis mini to play.
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
Things have gotten a lot more interesting in recent months but I have my doubts about their quality control, in terms of the hardware and the longevity of the games working. They did a pretty nice IREM and Taito collection for instance. I also love Shmup! I highly recommend the TG-16 Mini or PC Engine Mini if you can find it. Those were great Thanks for watching our stuff dude 😎
@harrihaffi2713 Ай бұрын
@@creativecatproductions been drooling after that mini, but decided to go with the genesis mini 2 instead. One controller and energy issue scared me away
@harrihaffi2713 Ай бұрын
Seriously! Just a short mention to Light force and war song!? Those are like the main reason I’m getting the mini 2! Might have confused war song with dragon force though… But after watching this Hertzage zwei look very interesting as well! Does it require a 6 button controller? Cause I figure I could use one of my 3 buttons from my mini 1 to play against a friend. 130 dollar is less than I’m paying…
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
Herzog Zwei is an early Genesis game and used the 3-button controller. The controls in that game are surprisingly easy to learn, though the menu’s take a little getting used to. The tutorial that SEGA included is great though!
@harrihaffi2713 Ай бұрын
@@creativecatproductions Awesome!
@harrihaffi2713 Ай бұрын
Awesome look into someones childhood!
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
Thank you very much! 😎 These are my favorite types of videos to make.
@harrihaffi2713 Ай бұрын
@@creativecatproductions You’re welcome
@CornelioLazarus-sg4gx Ай бұрын
Do you think SEGA Saturn has a better chance of getting a mini than a SEGA Dreamcast? There would be like Clockwork Knight 1& 2, since there’s a cliffhanger in the first game, and of course Nights Into Dreams.
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
I think both are about just as likely? Both Saturn and Dreamcast games take up a lot memory and memory is the really expensive part of these mini consoles. I kind of think Dreamcast? Because the Dreamcast has become really popular in hindsight and SEGA owns the rights to a lot of that consoles best games? I know I’d prefer a Dreamcast personally.
@CornelioLazarus-sg4gx Ай бұрын
@@creativecatproductions I hope if when Dreamcast gets a mini, they’ll maybe include Breath Of Fire 3 which was originally for ps1. And maybe even Seaman since I like bizarre games, could also help give it a new audience, since I think the game didn’t sell very well from what I heard. As for the former, I really wanna play and the cheapest way to get was for ps3 network, but not only do I not have a psp or vita, but the network has been abandoned. I don’t know if BF3 would run well on Saturn.
@CornelioLazarus-sg4gx Ай бұрын
You know while Seaman would be unlikely since they’d have to spend extra money to make the accessories, maybe BF3 kind of like how they put a Darius game that’s wasn’t originally on the original genesis. Since you’ve said in one video Phantasy Star Online wouldn’t work, so why not do that.
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
@CornelioLazarus-sg4gx Seaman I think is one of those vital Dreamcast games. What a wild console!
@CornelioLazarus-sg4gx Ай бұрын
@@creativecatproductions it actually sold well? Cool! Too bad the sequel wasn’t distributed in the US. There was also going to be a 3DS remake. You’d think because it was a success that it would be followed through.
@harrihaffi2713 Ай бұрын
Had little to no interest in playing this game. Now I’m thinking I kinda wanna watch the tv-show!
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
That TV is wild! Very cool stuff 😎
@harrihaffi2713 Ай бұрын
This is great! Looking forward to getting my hand on the mini 2!
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
Its a lot of fun! Especially Shining Force CD….thanks for watching dude! 😎
@tyronedrane8394 2 ай бұрын
I was was a store manager for toys r us in the 90s and you're saying sega had to buyback systems and games. Maybe that was a walmart thing or kaybee toys but what i remember was our buyer's didn't have any agreement with them to buy back hardware or software what they did have was a discount given to them on the next new hardware and software. All those old systems got red stickers for massive markdowns. My store was in redwood city ca down the highway by 2 exits from Sega of America these guy's came into the store all the time until it moved to San Francisco and the person in question in this video visited the location a bunch of times.
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
If I recall correctly, from the Japanese sources quoted in this video, the issue with “buybacks” was mainly a problem with Walmart and Target. I think if Toys R Us never did anything like that with SEGA, then that would mostly explain why the Saturn and Dreamcast were Toys R Us/specialty store exclusives. Thanks for watching dude! 😎
@tyronedrane8394 Ай бұрын
@@creativecatproductions That's correct Toys had a exclusive contract with Sega in which they would heavy advertise for them and receive kickbacks from sega. This is why they took and pushed everything sega.I found myself on the sega side of the competition because of the friends I made with the reps and tech people who visited the store. By the time dreamcast hit I did not have any old sega hardware or software left in the store.
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
I remember vividly when the dreamcast was discontinued that toys r us had an awesome sale. I went and scooped up a dreamcast for $50 and like 5 or 6 games for like $30. It was the best videogame purchase I ever made. The games were awesome. Toys r us and Sega together was awesome
@tyronedrane8394 Ай бұрын
@@creativecatproductions I know what you mean this new age is not what the bygone age was, you keeping making your videos because some of us who know what is lost today, do enjoy watching them.
@creativecatproductions Ай бұрын
@tyronedrane8394 thank you very much 😎