@Loner098 7 сағат бұрын
@MrMiles 4:58 The Prismatic Helms giving status immunity is pretty invaluable AND they resist some magic defense for at least three party members. 11:09 RIGHT?! That's something that personally bothered me with the sprite work in the Chief Hut. 18:43 This is a bit of a lie, as the Ioka Elder pretty much has nothing else to give you than what he CAN craft now. 29:44 I guess it can be annoying how the Sun Shrine and the Sun Temple can look so similar on the overworld that it can leave the player easily confused. :/ 31:10 And now, we have probably the most hated boss in this game: Son of the Sun. The wiki states he has 12000 HP, 255 defense, and 100 magic defense. He is immune to any magic attack you use against him no matter the element and will counter attack with Flare if he is attacked by anything. He is surrounded by flames called Prominences that also absorb any magic attack you use against them. The Prominences also counterattack when hit "incorrectly." In order to win this fight, you have to attack one of the five Prominences regularly. If you get lucky enough to hit the right one, it will do around 213 damage to the Son of the Sun. If you hit the wrong Prominence, it will counter with flame attack. In addition, the Son of the Sun will use Roulette Spin to randomly change the order of the correct Prominence. So yeah, this is a pretty luck-based fight. It is recommended to wear fire protection gear such as the Red Vest, Ruby Armor, or Ruby Vest in this battle. A bit of a strategy that speedrunners do is have Lucca positioned to the left in the battle to then use Flamethrower to hit just three Prominences. If one of them doesn't counterattack, that means it is the right one. If you charm the Son of the Sun with Ayla, you'll obtain a Black Plate. 41:41 There's not *exactly* multiple different ways to do it; it's just the game mentioning the many requirements to completing the Sun Shrine + Sun Temple quest. 42:33 The reason why they may call it the "Sun Palace" is because that was the name of the Sun Shrine used in the SNES/PS1 translation (by Ted Woolsey), but it's also supposed to be called the "Sun Keep." Chrono Trigger was given a much more descriptive translation by Tom Slattery for the DS version and onwards, which is the translation you've been playing with so far. 54:03 Well, she DID say that she would be wanting some jerky right about then. 59:17 The description of the Wondershot is a *little* bit inaccurate in both translations of Chrono Trigger. You see, the damage of the Wondershot is based on one-digit *seconds* of play time. This gun has a hidden base critical hit ratio of 40%, and it has a chance to do 1/10, 1/2, normal, 2x, or 3x the damage. Exactly 9 seconds is where the Wondershot can do the most damage. 59:34 Meanwhile, the Sunglasses multiplies the wearer's overall damage by 1.25 (basically increasing damage by 25%). 1:01:13 The Rainbow is basically Crono's best weapon (at least in the main game). 1:01:19 The Prism Spectacles multiplies the wearer's damage by 1.50 (which is just a 50% overall damage boost). 1:02:19 I'd personally recommend giving the Prism Spectacles to Lucca because of how strong her Flare attack is, but I guess it wouldn't hurt *too* much to equip the them to Crono, Robo or Ayla. And just like that, you completed all of the main game's available side-quests. Now, all that's left is to defeat Lavos, and the Black Omen is a pretty cool way to finnish the journey since there's nowhere else to go now. However, it seems that Magus is missing his best gear, so you may want to check back at Ozzie's Fort in 600 AD. It is hidden in the guillotine "trap" room near a wall. Once you do obtain it, grab as MANY healing items as you can throughout the game (including Shelters, Hi-Potions, and Ethers of all shapes and sizes that you can buy at the shop in 12000 BC) and make sure all of your party members have status immunity. Oh, and make sure you have Ayla to steal items in the Black Omen, as they could be useful should you obtain them.
@thecowardlytimelord5322 9 сағат бұрын
Very good episode and good choice on going with prismatic helms, you can steal a Prismatic dress and a Prismatic helm from the hands of the final form of queen Zeal fight in the black omen with Ayla's charm ability and you still haven't returned to Ozzie's fort for the secret room with Magus' equipment.
@mightymanatee5342 9 сағат бұрын
Don't forget the Rainbow Shell in the Castle basement
@mightymanatee5342 9 сағат бұрын
@mightymanatee5342 9 сағат бұрын
Enjoy the best gear in the game but if you want the rest you have to go through New Game Plus
@MrMilesTV 9 сағат бұрын
Guys.. I'm not going to lie.. this was a struggle.. running around trying to figure out where to go. I LOVE this game, but how you guys figured out the location of the sun stone in the sun palace on your own is amazing.. I DO USE A GUIDE briefly to figure out where to go.. and then walk into a boss fight that I didn't understand at first and was searching my guide while battle for an answer but ended up figuring it out on my own. just want to be transparent... anyway.. sun stone.. yeah.
@deathinc 4 сағат бұрын
Strategy guides were a thing back then too. mostly ones like Brady Games and Prima. Some of the art in them was beautiful. Before those we used Nintendo Power, GamePro, EGM etc.
@bloodyviking1993 Күн бұрын
another gem I see u playing ur cooking mr miles keep it up would love to see u do a blind lets play of some of the persona game
@MrMilesTV 8 сағат бұрын
Hey thank you so much!! I hear Persona is great but huge! Which would you recommend for a first timer?
@applepizza695 Күн бұрын
Man, I'm so far behind... Anyway, based on the thumbnails of your latest uploads, I don't have to worry about spoiling the fact that Chrono is revive-able, or (in other words) that his revival is optional! This is was groundbreaking for the time it came out, and continued to be groundbreaking, even when I played it on emulators. It's crazy that you've finally passed this point of the game, and I hope you've found it just as enchanting and engaging as the rest of us in the comments. EDIT: ALSO YES, you spared Magus! I loved your reaction when you realized he was recruitable 😅
@Xrisaac 2 күн бұрын
I feel like Woodys words hit harder if you’ve played KH: Dark Road
@mightymanatee5342 2 күн бұрын
You had the right idea with the password but ran out of time.
@Loner098 2 күн бұрын
@MrMiles 1:16 Because you obtained the Rainbow Shell and defeated Yakra XIII, Melchior is currently hanging out in the basement of Guardia Castle 1000 AD. Before going there, go to the Sun *Temple* in 2300 AD. 7:12 Unfortunately, Taban has already given all of the possible gear he gives for Lucca, so there's sadly no need to really come back here anymore... :/ 11:23 Another fine example of this game using time travel effectively. :) 12:29 So, when you don't have any status protection, you can just speak to this one nun for Vigilant's Hats (assuming you have *50000* G to spare). 13:20 And even despite us leaving him in 600 AD for 400 years, Robo didn't even seem angry at the party. 15:26 I guess this one line makes you wonder why the Epoch has very specific time periods that it can go to. 16:03 Crono is a silent protagonist, after all, so of course, he wouldn't exchange any dialogue here, which is why it was still optional to revive him. 17:05 It seems you meant to say "990" (nine-hundred ninety) instead of "1999" (nineteen ninety). 19:10 Well, that was unfortunate. You see, Taban's one true love is, in fact, Lara, which is the name of Lucca's mom. On the SNES version, you literally had to use the L and R shoulder buttons as well as the A button to spell out "L A R A" on the machine for the password. This is very easy to mess up, but at least you read Taban's note on the table before doing so. Something I find interesting about Lucca's motivation to become an inventor is that, whether you did successfully prevent Lara from being crippled, Lucca becomes an inventor anyway to ensure something as dangerous as that wouldn't happen again. But if you still wish to prevent Lara's legs from being crushed, I hope you saved before retrieving Robo in Fiona's Shrine so you could savescum and- Oh, you didn't do that in the end, huh? :/ 20:21 - 20:58 This dialogue exchange is much more different (and shorter) if you DO manage to input the password correctly. 21:06 In addition to finishing this quest, Robo will still give you the Green Dream. I personally don't use this accessory that much despite being worn on any party member, but it is a wholesome gesture to our robot buddy. 23:44 Aaaaaaaaaand this sentence here is kind of a problem with Lucca's side-quest. Because the story gives such a vague hint when speaking to Lara with little build-up, it just makes Lucca's side-quest feel tacked on out of nowhere. Granted, it probably didn't have AS poor execution as Marle's side-quest, but they really could've done a lot more development with Chrono Trigger's main cast except for Frog, Robo, and Magus. It's still a great game nonetheless. 23:55 I guess you probably thought Lara was dead is because...she's just not that memorable of a character. 33:30 Actually, there *were* monsters through the set of stairs on the left, but you defeated them by then. 35:14 Because Delta Storm is considered a "Shadow" element, the Flesh Reapers and Fallen were able to absorb it. Both of these enemies are weak to fire. 44:13 ... Unless you count Crono's revival... 44:23 Ayla doesn't really have a side-quest in this game (I guess her dialogue in the end of time does remind the player of Ruby Vests in 65000000 BC), and because of that, the only "side-quest(s)" she has involves obtaining the Silver Gemstone from that lone Nu in 65000000 BC (which you already did) and the Sun Temple + Sun Shrine quest, which is something that *Lucca* points out, meaning it's *her* "side-quest" instead. For Magus, his side-quest just involved defeating Ozzie, Flea, and Slash at Ozzie's Fort to mellow the relationship between humans and fiends (mostly). 50:57 Because you opened this one chest in 600 AD, it is now empty in 1000 AD. 54:37 Since the Onimaru and Siren's Kiss are effectively weaker versions of the Suzaku and Valkyrie Bow respectively, you can sell the former just fine if you want, but the Nova Amor's ability to negate status ailments in comparison to the Moonbeam Armor's extra magic defense is still quite handy for party members who don't have status immunity. 58:47 As you can see, the Sun *Temple* is a location that resides in 2300 AD. 59:39 You know, I actually feel bad for not ever telling you about each individual Spekkio form, so here's the forms that you challenged: *Second form at levels 10 to 19: Kilwala. This form has 800 HP, 253 defense, and 50 magic defense. He has Fire 1, Lightning 1, Ice 1, and Water 1. *Third form at levels 20 to 29: Dark Blue Ogan. This form has 2200 HP and the same defenses as the second form, as well as the same magic attacks. *Fourth form at levels 30 to 39: Red Gaoler. This form has 4800 HP and the same defenses as the previous two forms. He has the same skills except for Water 1 but also has Fire 2, Lighting 2, and Ice 2. *Fifth form at levels 40 to 98: Blue Masamune. This form has 10000 HP, 127 defense, and 70 magic defense. It has Fire 2, Lightning 2, Ice 2, and Dark Bomb. In addition, it also has Chaos Zone to confuse your party if you don't have any status immunity against it and even an Instant KO tech. 1:05:09 This line indicates that the Sun *Temple* + Sun *Shrine* quest is still available for completion. 1:06:20 Magus could be given a chance to shine again... in the Black Omen (especially at the end of it). ;) It looks like you're now actually making more progress than before. Oh, and something I forgot to mention is that Omega Flare uses *Lucca's* magic stat, so make sure to give her something that can rev up her magic IF you plan on using that attack. As for the triple tech known as Poyozo Dance (from the White Gemstone), you probably shouldn't use it if you are epileptic due to flashing lights. If not, you can give Ayla something that boosts her magic attack.
@thecowardlytimelord5322 2 күн бұрын
Oh, and melchior or however it's spelled is in the castle basement where the shell is
@thecowardlytimelord5322 2 күн бұрын
Yes you can save Lara's legs if you are quick enough to enter the code on the machine but I don't know if it changes literally anything besides adding some animations and giving a happier ending for Lucca.
@mightymanatee5342 2 күн бұрын
I think Robo gives her a better gift if you get it right.
@Loner098 2 күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure Robo just gives Lucca the Green Dream anyway.
@94hourzzz66 2 күн бұрын
This is one of the best episodes. “Who’s Xehanort?” Oh boy…..
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
haha what a sweet summer child I was back then! Glad you enjoyed the episode!
@Loner098 4 күн бұрын
@MrMiles 4:28 In order to interact with the Sun Shrine that exists in every time period, you'll need to go visit the Sun *Temple,* which resides only in 2300 AD, but make sure you have fire resistance equipment when you are there. 20:52 - 39:21 Melphyx is basically a re-skin of Zombor, who you once fought at Zenan Bridge. It has 3 body parts instead of 2: the upper body, the lower body, and the core. The upper body has 5000 HP while the lower body has 4800 HP. Both are immune to all elements and can steal HP from both party members and even the core. The core itself only has 1000 HP, 127 defense, and 0 magic defense. It absorbs water/ice but absorbs all other elements. If left alive long enough after the other two are defeated first, it will flee. Charming the core awards you a Speed Capsule. When attacking any of the other two body parts, their defense will increase, but using a water/ice tech causes their defense to drop. So, you just have to use a water/ice tech (not with a physical dual tech) and then follow up with a powerful physical attack. 39:49 This one Strength Capsule only spawns when you defeat Melphyx 41:13 Now that you defeated Melphyx, put Robo in your party, and then speak to Fiona again. Once you've done so, make sure you save your game. 43:53 It is also quite random for this one Strength Capsule to be hanging out in the Sun Shrine of 600 AD. 47:46 It is VERY easy to miss a lot of this game's content and secrets, so of course you'd naturally miss Toma. Toma at least provides the player with some knowledge of where they can go in 600 AD for their next adventure. 51:04 Something to note about the Aecytosaur is that charming them can give you Ruby Armor, which resists 80% of fire damage. 1:03:07 Fossil Apes are very important enemies because charming them grants you one *Megalixir* per Fossil Ape. 1:08:02 Omega Flare is a powerful Shadow magic attack that hits every enemy that requires Lucca, Robo, and Magus to be used in action along with one of these three equipped with the Blue Gemstone. In addition, the three must need very specific techs to have access to use it: Lucca's Flare, Robo's Laser Spin, and Magus' Dark Bomb. 1:17:53 - 1:21:47 Rust Tyranno is a much more powerful variant of Black Tyranno. It has 25000 HP, 127 defense, and 50 magic defense. It pretty much fights the same as Black Tyranno, with the only difference being that it increases the damage of its Flame Breath attack every time it uses it. And if you get a successful chance at charming Rust Tyranno, you can obtain a Red *Plate.* 1:38:38 - 1:43:14 The descendent of Yakra, the first boss you fought when you arrived in 600 AD for the first time, Yakra XIII is quite strong, having 18000 HP. He is quite tough since he has Miasma to confuse your party members and strong needles to damage the party. Doing 10000 makes him use more dangerous techs, and he does have a finishing attack that may do roughly 200 damage on average. There's not much to really say here other than hammer away and hope for the best, but if you charm him, you'll obtain a White Plate. 1:44:45 I'm not sure what exactly would happen if you didn't have Marle in your party, considering the game requires her to be *IN* the party for this side-quest. I'm also not sure how things would go if she weren't in the party via hacking the game either. Maybe a character will just use Marle's dialogue to fit the sequence with their own animations. Important Note: The only remaining (main game) side-quests left to complete now are the Sun Shrine quest and the Northern Ruins quest, so you may need a guide on how to complete them. For the Rainbow Shell, search for it in the basement of Guardia Castle now that Melchoir has something for you, but make sure you do the Sun Shrine side-quest first. Also, don't forget to check your map with [L] or [R] when flying with the Epoch.
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
Yup forgot to save after waking Robo up.. so that will come back to haunt me later i'm sure.
@mightymanatee5342 4 күн бұрын
If you didn't realize it, the boss you fought in the King's trial was the descendant of Yakra, the first boss in the game.
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
DUH! that makes total sense.. the family wanted revenge.
@mightymanatee5342 2 күн бұрын
@@MrMilesTV Time travel is a cornucopia of disturbing results.
@johnhenderson5192 4 күн бұрын
Good job on three boss fights! Sand Skeleton is always one of the toughest fights and you figured it out pretty quick. and Congrats on Rainbow Shell. Might be a good idea to check in on it again... Also, keep spreading the speed love especially to your healers for faster heals :)
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
yeah really good thinking of spreading the speed caps around. And thank you! sometimes it takes me a min to figure out the mechanics but its probably what I enjoy the most about boss fights.
@mightymanatee5342 4 күн бұрын
To continue the quest with the desert go back to the house with Robo.
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
done and done ;)
@treymoney1019 5 күн бұрын
The writing and dialog in this game is so bad but you can see where exactly they where coooookinnn
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
It's kinda crazy because the game is sorta made for children? But the plot of the saga is pretty complex haha.
@devilstefan89 6 күн бұрын
Birth by sleep is the best kingdom hearts game by far Yes kingdom hearts 3 is good to But birth by sleep just got a good foundation for gameplay and lore Plus it is in a way if we ignore kingdom hearts 1 the start of everything
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
BBS is top 3 for me for sure. I love KH3 but KH3 relies on the nostalgia and the setups from everything that came before. RE:CoM is one of my favorites in terms of story because it sets up arguably more than KH1 does.
@WildGardevoir 10 күн бұрын
hey look it's Axel's Yesbody
@AngaratoTasartir 12 күн бұрын
1:12:10 I wonder what Donald was talking about here? A son or daughter??
@arikatheprincessofhearts2043 12 күн бұрын
I love Roxas and I don't care if he's overrated.
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
@AngaratoTasartir 13 күн бұрын
Wow I can’t believe you figured the book’s orders immediately
@MrMilesTV 12 күн бұрын
I think that was on accident haha
@94hourzzz66 13 күн бұрын
I’m really enjoying your playthroughs man. I’ve already watched crisis core and kh3. Are you gonna play ff7 rebirth? It will blow your mind.
@MrMilesTV 13 күн бұрын
Hey thank you so much!! I do plan on playing rebirth just not sure when.
@94hourzzz66 12 күн бұрын
@@MrMilesTV You will love it. Literally one of the best jrpgs I’ve ever played
@orangemushroomslayer 14 күн бұрын
Can't believe people dont know who chernabog is.
@MrMilesTV 12 күн бұрын
Well ya know some of us didn’t have a childhood
@orangemushroomslayer 14 күн бұрын
Doesn't get the simplest puzzle ever, ring bell 3 times... god it hurts to watch. Also he doesn't tech, at all.
@MrMilesTV 12 күн бұрын
It’s like he doesn’t pay attention at all
@orangemushroomslayer 14 күн бұрын
I feel that they play with the dexterity of a child and the brain power of one too.Only spamming attacks instead of putting the wanted amount of inputs at a given time, that wont work later in the game. They never taking a step back to reposition. As well as it took them like 3 or 4 tries of the colliseum before putting items on his menu.... at least its funny to watch them struggle so much. Hope they get better But now i'm invested to see their growth. Cant wait to hell at the screen during my watch of the series xD.
@MrMilesTV 12 күн бұрын
You’ll be yelling the whole playthrough haha
@orangemushroomslayer 14 күн бұрын
If you use blizzard on the stove that the trickmaster goes to to light his candles on. He will never use his fire moves because the stove isnt lit.
@MrMilesTV 12 күн бұрын
I found out about this trick only recently in a tiktok haha
@94hourzzz66 15 күн бұрын
Miles, you gotta block more man! Learning patterns and blocking is the easiest way to beat bosses
@MrMilesTV 15 күн бұрын
We don’t block on this channel :) haha
@94hourzzz66 15 күн бұрын
@@MrMilesTV fair enough 😂
@Ellhaim 16 күн бұрын
My strat for the golem twins is to immediately hit them with ice 2/water 2. They'll copy water tech, which does FAR less damage than anything else they could do. Low enough to heal through while still damaging them. Just remember to ALWAYS end with an ice 2/water 2 move right after using something more damaging. They can still Iron Orb, but none of that massive single target damage stuff.
@MrMilesTV 12 күн бұрын
Oh awesome tip!
@Ellhaim 16 күн бұрын
Giga Gaia really is a gatekeeper boss. A hint that you need to be THIS strong and smart before you get into the next section of game. Brutal spike in difficulty, but satisfying to finally take down.
@MrMilesTV 12 күн бұрын
Yeah I started to see that ramp up in future episodes. It’s been a fun challenge :)
@Ellhaim 17 күн бұрын
Having beaten the game at least 16 times I can truthfully say I do not wander around lost. But I liked this episode! You're doing what I do in my plays. As soon as I can open magic locks, I start opening magic locks. Just maybe ask a friend about the chests with a choice to leave the items inside. Game doesn't hold your hand on it, but it's a fun little trick.
@MrMilesTV 12 күн бұрын
Yeah I figured that out, but some chests aren’t in the same spot in the future so yeah definitely doesn’t work on all chests
@Lyceaos 17 күн бұрын
all the art for the sprites and the animate cutscenes is amazing, hard ot to when the artist on all that was akira toriyama, the artist of dragon ball series
@MrMilesTV 12 күн бұрын
Yeah! So sad to hear of his passing :(
@Lyceaos 11 күн бұрын
@@MrMilesTV i know right? probably kills any momentum for a remake, true sequal, or id always hoped it would get a full on anime adaptation of the story
@Ellhaim 17 күн бұрын
Having Marle instead of Robo makes that Magus fight so much harder. Robo having his own party heal is great in that fight. Glad to see you enjoying this classic!
@MrMilesTV 12 күн бұрын
It’s been soo good and fun to play and I love all the little personality quirks it has
@thecowardlytimelord5322 19 күн бұрын
You could have stolen some admittedly not so great equipment from Slash Ozzie and Flea during the fight against all three Slasher 2 sword for Chrono, Ozzie Pants highest defensive helmet in the game but casts confuse on the wearer, and Flea vest which is actually an accessory that increases magic defense by 12 points, also you missed a secret room in Ozzie's fort with Magus's best weapon and armor it's south of the far exit of the room with chest with the guillotine above it.
@Loner098 19 күн бұрын
Doesn't the Flea Bustier/Flea Vest eventually get outclassed by some other gear?
@thecowardlytimelord5322 19 күн бұрын
@Loner098 it's an accessory and not armor so no the Flea vest is the best magic resistance accessory.
@Loner098 18 күн бұрын
@@thecowardlytimelord5322 Oops. I guess I mistook it for an armor.
@thecowardlytimelord5322 18 күн бұрын
@@Loner098 I believe in Chrono Cross the Flea Vest is armor
@MrMilesTV 18 күн бұрын
Oh so I can go back and grab the magus stuff still?
@Loner098 19 күн бұрын
@MrMilesTV It looks like we have a bit more to explain here with how you're a bit lost now: 5:38 Rapid-fire Fist (also called Uzzi Punch in SNES/PS1 versions) is basically Robo's most powerful single physical attack. 5:43 And now, Lucca has obtained her most powerful magic skill and the most powerful fire attack in the game. 6:42 The Crisis Arm is a... interesting weapon for Robo. It states that the last digit of HP determines, which is somewhat accurate but also sort of isn't. You see, it's mainly the digit in the *ones* place, so if Robo's current HP digit in the ones place is 9, that's basically the maximum amount of damage it can do. 17:58 You're almost on the nose with "charging" the sealed chests. It's just that you can only charge it in 600 AD. To charge up a sealed chest, go to 600 AD, interact with one, and then select "No" when asked. Then, go to 1000 AD to where that same sealed chest is now, and open it to see your results. Once you've obtained said results, you can go back to 600 AD and pick up that weaker armor for someone else to equip, effectively giving two prizes for the price of one. 18:38 The only "difference" is that there simply is none. The Ruby Armor just resists fire damage by 50%, while the Red Vest outright absorbs half of the fire damage you would've normally taken. 26:17 For this Spiced Jerky, make sure you buy another one, as it's gonna be important for the Sun Temple and Sun Shrine side-quest(s). 27:38 This line is, unfortunately, a downgrade to most people, as King Guardia XXXIII would instead berate Marle for that Spiced Jerky by saying that he has high cholesterol. 30:30 By "restoring the forest" you'll have to go see that woman named Fiona in 600 AD, who is thinking of turning the desert north of Porre into a forest since you spoke to that Zeal Plant Woman in 12000 BC. 35:51 The ghost of Cyrus here has 2000 HP, but it is completely invincible no matter how hard you try. Frog will eventually recognize the voice of the ghost to be that of Cyrus, which is presumably a hint to get the players to go to 600 AD to solve this case. 42:28 It seems the floor tiles in 1000 AD are destroyed. Maybe the Carpenter in Choras could fix this, but the 1000 AD Carpenter doesn't seem interested in doing so... 44:39 Flea, now called Diva Flea (also called Flea Plus) this time around, still isn't anything special other than having about 2500 HP. 46:12 I like how the game scratches the battle theme record to show us how much of a stupid failure Ozzie is. However, I can't help but feel like Ozzie is a bit forced as a comedic villain. I think Dalton is unironically better at that role than he is. 46:20 Also, I think it's time I mention the translation names of Magus' generals. In the English version here, Ozzie, Flea, and Slasher's names come from various musicians known as John Michael "Ozzy" Osbourne, Michael Balzary from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Saul "Slash" Hudson, respectively. In the Japanese translation, Ozzie is called Vinegar, which is why the joke of "Vinegar's in a pickle" lands SO much better in Japanese, Flea is called Mayonne, which is a pun on Mayonaise, and Slash is just called Soyasu, a pun on Soy Sauce. 47:08 Slash, now known as Super Slash, also hasn't really changed much since you last fought him other than the fact he has 2500 HP. 48:32 Also, there is a hidden secret in this room in particular that this game never really hints you at, so just try interacting with/walking into the walls until it appears. 48:54 The "gear" they just told you about are also things that you can steal from them if you have Ayla in the party. The Flea Bustier in particular was called the Flea Vest in the SNES/PS1 translation since this type of gear is literally a bra, which reflects the cross-dressing personality of Flea that was seemingly not appropriate at the time. 49:00 This fight can be a bit challenging if you aren't careful, as Ozzie, Flea, and Slash will counterattack if you use AoE skills with Delta Force. They are clearly way stronger this time around, with both Flea and Slash having 4000 HP while Ozzie, now called Ozzie The Great/Great Ozzie has 6000 HP, but is the least dangerous of the three. 54:36 I often wonder if this cat is also Crono's cat, lol. 1:06:16 Hmm... It seems that you may need to speak to that Zeal Plant Woman again in 12000 BC again, as there should've been another area in this location that should appear. 1:10:14 Since there's no Magic Cave area in 1000 AD, you don't have to worry much about this sealed chest in particular giving you the item because you can't power up accessories like this one. 1:15:03 Unfortunately, Taban has already given you all the gear for Lucca, so there's nothing much you can do in Lucca's House now. 1:32:36 To get past this Nu, you can try to walk (not run) to his side until he eventually walks away or wait a very specific amount of time so THEN it walks offscreen. 1:39:43 Since you defeated Magus' remaining generals at Ozzie's Fort in 600 AD, the monsters in Medina Village are much more friendly with humans now and they charge WAY less money now, so you check to see what you could buy in their shops without it being so overpriced. On the topic of the Sealed Chests again, I'm afraid you failed to do the trick correctly. Since you picked opened the Sealed Chest in 1000 AD before interacting with the Sealed Chest in 600, it is permanently gone and can not be upgraded. But since you grabbed the gear in 1000 AD before grabbing them in 600 AD, you still have a chance to grab the items in 600 AD, giving you two pieces of gear instead of one. Once again, don't be ashamed to use a guide since these side-quest are very difficult to figure out, considering the game doesn't indicate to the player how exactly to do the side-quests.
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
I actually read this comment a while back and thought I had responded SO SORRY! Thank you for all your tips, the ones I remember I try to use in the next episodes :)
@thecowardlytimelord5322 19 күн бұрын
So you can't do anymore at the castle in the present until you find the rainbow shell in the past, there's also another use for the jerky, the heroes grave is a quest in the past where you must repair the tomb with tools from the present talk to carpenters in both time periods to start it.
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
figured this out yesterday ;)
@mightymanatee5342 19 күн бұрын
I didn't even know it was possible to put the monitors to sleep lol
@Loner098 18 күн бұрын
That's a common casual strategy. I'll bet you didn't even know that Azala can be put to sleep during the Black Tyranno fight.
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
I'm a pretty filthy casual if you haven't guessed by now haha
@MrMilesTV 19 күн бұрын
Thanks for checking out episode 16! Sorry for the lack of premiere, this ep had some YT processing trouble so took longer than usual to finish uploading :)
@justaguy2182 21 күн бұрын
Who’s the most powerful entity in the Kingdom Hearts universe? A dog man who is smarter than he looks, or rage duck?
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
the friends we met along the way.. obvi.. dog man is the smartest out of all of them though.. pretty sure he's MoM
@chilledlikeice 24 күн бұрын
I'm really enjoying watching this series. Thank you for being so engaging
@MrMilesTV 21 күн бұрын
Thank you so very much!! Glad you’re enjoying it!
@Loner098 26 күн бұрын
@MrMilesTV We got a bit more to unpack here, so let's begin 2:59 You might have noticed that Ayla's Boulder Toss didn't work on this Lavos Spawn. The way Boulder Toss is supposed to work is that it deals 3.3 times the amount of damage from the attack command to the enemy cast (according to the Chrono Trigger wiki fandom). However, it will fail/miss when used on very heavy enemies, flying enemies, enemies fixed to a specific place in the battlefield, or just specific enemies in general. 21:27 This line from Lucca just feels really insensitive because you have to remember that Crono is Lucca's *childhood friend.* When Crono volunteered to throw himself into danger to go save Marle, Lucca was okay with it because she chose to go help him out as well. When Crono was wrongfully accused of kidnapping and then locked up for executo, Lucca showed up to help him escape. I think this line should've just said, "Darn! Was there really nothing that we could do? Did Magus lie to us?" This new line I've thought of for Lucca doesn't make her sound as insensitive or detract from her friendship with Crono. 22:40 If you have Magus in the party, you could speak to Schala to see what he has to even say. 24:06 If you have Marle out of the party but keep Lucca in the party, the latter also hugs Crono. However, instead of Marle's theme (Crono & Marle - A Distant Promise), for Lucca, Frog, and Robo, the theme "The Day The World Was Revived" plays instead (you know, the theme in where Doan and the party think about hope in 2300 AD). 24:34 Even with Crono's revival and this supposedly touching scene between his allies, I still felt nothing. I was just glad to have my ace back. 26:37 Just like Gaspar says, you can speak to some of your party members at the End of Time who can give you hints on where to go for their individual side-quests. All the side-quests he mentioned are part of the main game. If you need a refresher on what side-quests are left, just speak to Gaspar again, and don't be ashamed to use a guide because it's not too easy to remember all of them at once. Since your time machine, the Epoch/TARDi, is now capable of flight, every side-quest should be available now. 27:11 Well, playing without the main character in RPGs isn't really something all that common either now, is it? But yeah, that's also what I like about this game. You can effectively forge any party you want once Crono gets removed. 29:08 The forest you are most likely referring to lies somewhere within 600 AD. 34:33 This triple tech is only available for Frog, Robo, or Ayla have equipped the Silver Gemstone (also known as Silver Rock in the SNES/PS version) if the following conditions are met: *Frog learned Aerial Strike *Robo learned Robo Tackle *Ayla learned Tail Spin 37:49 Tail Spin only works if enemies are in close proximity to Ayla. I forgot to mention that it deals Non-Elemental damage to enemies near Ayla. The power of Tail Spin is also dependent on Ayla's Magic stat. 49:34 It looks like you managed to obtain a Mop from the Nu. The Mop, as its name suggests, is a mop and is literally a joke weapon for Crono, as it only has 1 attack power. 52:53 I mean, the Ruby Armor *clearly* has higher defense AND resists *some* fire damage, but it seems your stubborness allows you to push through with this one. And yeah, it's not better than the Ruby Vest since THAT armor allows you to outright absorb fire damage, but the Ruby Armor is still quite manageable. 53:02 Ah, that's right. It seems that there was one other NPC in this hut that would tell you each individual piece of gear you could craft with the petals, fangs, horns, and feathers, but now that we've progressed further through the story, they are now. 54:13 This is the Sun Temple that had crashed in 12000 BC when Lavos woke up and sent the Kingdom of Zeal back down to earth. As you can tell, it is now an island that resides in 2300 AD. The Sun Shrine, meanwhile, still resides in every single time period (except for 1999 AD since the game forces you into a fight with Lavos there). 55:17 Also, if you ever feel a bit lost while on the overworld, you can open the map by pressing "L" or "R" on the controller for the SNES, but since this is the Steam version of Chrono Trigger, you just have to press whatever buttons you binded "L" or "R" to. 55:48 And it looks like you managed to stumble upon the area for Robo's side-quest without the hint. 56:58 To start off the Geno Dome, we're introduced to new enemies that are just recolors of the robots you fought when you first arrived in 2300 AD with a gauntlet. Deverminator EXs have 1024 HP and can be charmed for an Elixir and then again for a Shield Sphere. They're not too bad, of course. 57:59 Version 4.0 (also called Proto 4.0 in the SNES/PS version) is also mostly unremarkable but can be charmed for a Barrier Sphere instead. 1:02:39 Laser Guards have 400 HP, 100 defense, and 30 magic defense. They only fight with lasers while the only trick up their sleeve is using a self-destruct attack on the entire party if not taken out quickly enough. 1:05:32 As for this level in particular, it can be very confusing to understand as it is one large puzzle to figure out with this location forcing Robo at the front of the party. 1:08:54 + 1:09:45 And this is why Luminaire is the most powerful light skill in the game. 1:14:48 It seems that the robots capture humans who still worked in the Geno Dome and then proceeded to turn them into shiny blue capsules. Perhaps they are trying to process people into food for Lavos' children until they don't have anything left to eat. 1:30:25 Atropos XR's attacks are pretty much similar to that of Robo. She has 6000 HP and just finishes the fight with a finishing self-destruct attack that can make you lose if you don't have enough HP to survive. As a fun amount of trivia, Atropos is the name of the oldest of the Three Fate Sisters in Greek Mythology. It was Atropos who chose the mechanism of death and ended the life of each mortal by cutting their thread with her "abhorred shears"; Atropine is a medication used to treat heart problems; XR is Rx backward, the symbol for pharmaceuticals; and "Atrophy" is a word used to describe auto-deterioration. All of this hints that Atropos XR and Robo suffered an ill fate, where love and death were the fulcra. Meanwhile, renowned for his mischievous intelligence, Prometheus, the Greek titan of fire, stole fire from Zeus and provided it to early humans. Prometheus is often blamed in ancient sources for his pivotal role in history. Likely, Robo was given this extra name to explicate his role as a time-traveler and his outright defiance of Mother Brain for sympathizing with the humans. 1:33:26 If you were to have Lucca in the party, she would've run over to fix Atropos RX, but alas. 1:33:56 This is a purely a permanent stat upgrade that is very easy to confuse with an accessory, so I don't blame you for looking into your equipment there as I'm sure a lot of people did. :< 1:37:11 Yet another tough fight, as Mother Brain has 5000 HP with Displays healing her for 1000 HP. The Displays themselves only have 1 HP, so they are easy to destroy. However, once they are destroyed, Mother Brain starts using more powerful techs against the group. Her Laser Spin attack gets more powerful every time she uses it. What's worse is that she can also use status effects such as lock and confusion to hinder your ability to attack her effectively (hope you had Panaceas and/or anti-status gear equipped). Since it's dangerous to get rid of all 3 Displays immediately, you can try leaving one of them still active while also using powerful single-target techs against Mother Brain. But you can also use status effects against the Displays like sleep to prevent them from healing. This prevents them from healing Mother Brain and leaves it unable to attack the party. From there, attack as hard as you can until she is defeated. If you manage to steal from the Mother Brain, you can obtain a Blue Plate while stealing from the Displays reward you Elixirs.
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
I pretty much just use Luminaire now exclusively for Miles/Crono haha. I love that added context you gave for Robo, as always thank you for your tips and insight!
@rjenyawd 26 күн бұрын
We're an open world game now, friend! Lets go do some character quests!!!!
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
It's been so fun and one of my favorite parts of the game!
@thecowardlytimelord5322 26 күн бұрын
Yeah the ribbon just automatically adds stats to Robo and if you do new game + it stacks but by that point Robo's magic defense and speed would probably be maxed out anyway.
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
wait this has NG+??
@thecowardlytimelord5322 2 күн бұрын
@MrMilesTV yep one of the earliest cases of new game plus, I'm pretty sure.
@Lyceaos 26 күн бұрын
well the artist for this game was akira toriyama of dragon ball series
@MrMilesTV 2 күн бұрын
I know!! and so sad to hear of his passing.
@Lyceaos 2 күн бұрын
@@MrMilesTV word, so makes me worry about the potntial future of a remake of this game. yeah we just got the dragon quest remakes but been hearing some potentially worrying things that im still trying to varify
@JohnStardust 27 күн бұрын
Really enjoying your "blind" play. Its cool to see the awesome reactions to this amazing story! Ps, i love the voices for all the characters. :)
@MrMilesTV 27 күн бұрын
Aww thank you so much! Glad you’re enjoying it! And I try on the voices haha not the best but I at least try to have some variety.
@SMG0763 27 күн бұрын
Roxas Was My Favorite Character.
@MrMilesTV 27 күн бұрын
Might be my favorite as well!
@SMG0763 27 күн бұрын
Yeah Everything Will Be Fine